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Effect of resistance exercise in cardiac and skeletal muscle of Wistar rats submitted to paradoxical sleep deprivation

Grant number: 13/00152-5
Support Opportunities:Regular Research Grants
Duration: May 01, 2013 - April 30, 2015
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physical Education
Principal Investigator:Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes
Grantee:Hanna Karen Moreira Antunes
Host Institution: Instituto de Saúde e Sociedade (ISS). Universidade Federal de São Paulo (UNIFESP). Campus Baixada Santista. Santos , SP, Brazil
Associated researchers:Kil Sun Lee ; Marco Túlio de Mello


The Sleep is an important factor for the maintenance of health, acting in processes of restoration and conservation of energy, memory consolidation, protection of organic and physiological functioning of the immune system, and cardiovascular health. However, animal models suggest that alterations caused by sleep restriction/ deprivation are associated with significant losses in specific hormonal axis, like as a increase in corticosterone, sympathetic activity, thyroid hormones and decreases of testosterone, GH, IGF-1. This set of changes essentially establishes a catabolic environment that can cause a series of physiological damage that can be perceived both in skeletal muscle tissue and in cardiac tissue. In muscle tissue, this catabolic environment may promote the process of muscle atrophy. Already in the cardiac tissue, some of these changes may be related to changes in the route of an important intracellular messenger, Ca2 +, thereby interfering with activities such as contractility, metabolism, transport, transcription and secretion. Among the strategies used to minimize this condition, the practice of physical exercise, has been establish. Particularly resistance exercise, has gained attention because of the important physiological adaptations resulting from this activity, highlighting the metabolic and hormonal changes of intracellular events beyond themselves, which alone or integrated may account for increases in strength, the cross-sectional area and increasing or maintaining muscle protein synthesis and physiological cardiac hypertrophy (concentric). Considering the potential effect of resistive exercise on skeletal muscle and heart, the main of this study is to evaluate the effects of resistance training on skeletal and cardiac muscle of rats submitted to paradoxical sleep deprivation for 96 hours (PSP96). Thus, will be used male Wistar rats, which will be submitted to a protocol of high intensity resistance training for 8 weeks, followed by a protocol of paradoxical sleep deprivation for 96 hours by the method of modified multiple platforms. After these procedures the animals will be euthanized, blood, gastrocnemius muscle and cardiac muscle are removed for histological and biochemical analyzes. For evaluation of anabolic and catabolic hormone responses will be measured levels of testosterone, IGF-1, Corticosterone and thyroid hormones. Histological analysis of skeletal muscle and cardiac muscle will be done with hematoxylin and eosin (HE) and ATPase (skeletal muscle) to identify the cross-sectional area of the fiber and the diameter of cardiac myocytes and identification of skeletal muscle fiber type. Biochemical analysis will be performed by Western Blotting of proteins keys of synthesis pathways and protein degradation, like as AKT, mTOR, p70s6K1, FOXO, MuRF1 and myostatin and proteins involved in the calcium pathway, PLB and SERCA2 and their active forms. The basal metabolism and cardiac functional assessment will be conducted for the purpose of completion of the study. The study has the approval of the Ethics Committee of the Universidade Federal de São Paulo / Hospital São Paulo, No. 0764/10. (AU)

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Scientific publications (10)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DE CAMPOS GIAMPA, SARA QUAGLIA; LEE, KIL SUN; DE MELO, CAMILA MARIA; SOUZA, HELTON DE SA; DATTILO, MURILO; MINALI, PAULO ALEXANDRE; SANTOS PRADO, PEDRO HENRIQUE; TUFIK, SERGIO; DE MELLO, MARCO TULIO; et al. Negative Energy Balance Induced by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Causes Multicompartmental Changes in Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, . (13/00152-5, 11/15962-7, 98/14303-3)
DE CAMPOS GIAMPA, SARA QUAGLIA; MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DE MELLO, MARCO TULIO; SOUZA, HELTON DE SA; TUFIK, SERGIO; LEE, KIL SUN; KOIKE, MARCIA KIYOMI; DOS SANTOS, ALEXANDRA ALBERTA; ANTONIO, EDNEI LUIZ; SERRA, ANDREY JORGE; et al. Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Causes Cardiac Dysfunction and the Impairment Is Attenuated by Resistance Training. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 11, . (13/00152-5)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN; LEE, KIL SUN; PHILLIPS, STUART M.; DE CAMPOS GIAMPA, SARA QUAGLIA; SOUZA, HELTON DE SA; DATTILO, MURILO; MEDEIROS, ALESSANDRA; DE MORAES, WILSON MAX; TUFIK, SERGIO; et al. Resistance training minimizes catabolic effects induced by sleep deprivation in rats. APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY NUTRITION AND METABOLISM, v. 40, n. 11, p. 1143-1150, . (13/00152-5, 11/15962-7, 98/14303-3)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DATTILO, MURILO; LEE, KIL SUN; DE MELLO, MARCO TULIO; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN. Effects Of Sleep Deprivation And Sleep Recovery On Muscular Igf-1 And Muscle Regeneration. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, v. 49, n. 5, p. 1-pg., . (13/00152-5, 98/14303-3, 11/15962-7)
PEREIRA, GABRIELA CRUZ; NETO, MARCOS MONICO; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN; LEE, KIL SUN; MELLO DA LUZ, MARCIO HENRIQUE. Anesthesia can alter the levels of corticosterone and the phosphorylation of signaling molecules. BMC RESEARCH NOTES, v. 14, n. 1, . (17/10404-2, 13/00152-5, 11/15962-7, 16/04297-6)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DE CAMPOS GIAMPA, SARA QUAGLIA; LEE, KIL SUN; DE MELO, CAMILA MARIA; SOUZA, HELTON DE SA; DATTILO, MURILO; MINALI, PAULO ALEXANDRE; SANTOS PRADO, PEDRO HENRIQUE; TUFIK, SERGIO; DE MELLO, MARCO TULIO; et al. Negative Energy Balance Induced by Paradoxical Sleep Deprivation Causes Multicompartmental Changes in Adipose Tissue and Skeletal Muscle. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENDOCRINOLOGY, v. 2015, p. 6-pg., . (13/00152-5, 98/14303-3, 11/15962-7)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; DATTILO, MURILO; RIBEIRO, DANIEL ARAKI; LEE, KIL SUN; DE MELLO, MARCO TULIO; TUFIK, SERGIO; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN. REM sleep deprivation impairs muscle regeneration in rats. GROWTH FACTORS, v. 35, n. 1, p. 12-18, . (13/00152-5, 09/11056-1, 11/15962-7, 98/14303-3)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; MOREIRA ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN; THOMATIELI DOS SANTOS, RONALDO VAGNER; D'ALMEIDA, VANIA; LINO DE SOUZA, ALTAY ALVES; AZEREDO BITTENCOURT, LIA RITA; TUFIK, SERGIO. Physical activity as a moderator for obstructive sleep apnoea and cardiometabolic risk in the EPISONO study. European Respiratory Journal, v. 52, n. 4, . (13/00152-5, 98/14303-3)
SARA QUAGLIA DE CAMPOS GIAMPÁ; MARCOS MÔNICO-NETO; HELTON DE SÁ SOUZA; MARCO TÚLIO DE MELLO; SERGIO TUFIK; LESLIE ANDREWS PORTES; ANDREY JORGE SERRA; PAULO JOSÉ FERREIRA TUCCI; HANNA KAREN MOREIRA ANTUNES. Efeito do Treinamento Resistido na Contratilidade Miocárdica In Vitro após a Privação de Sono. International Journal of Cardiovascular Sciences, v. 30, n. 1, p. 20-31, . (13/00152-5, 11/15962-7)
MONICO-NETO, MARCOS; LEE, KIL SUN; DA LUZ, MARCIO HENRIQUE MELLO; PINO, JESSICA MONTEIRO VOLEJNIK; RIBEIRO, DANIEL ARAKI; CARDOSO, CAROLINE MARGONATO; LE SUEUR-MALUF, LUCIANA; TUFIK, SERGIO; ANTUNES, HANNA KAREN MOREIRA. Histopathological changes and oxidative damage in type I and type II muscle fibers in rats undergoing paradoxical sleep deprivation. CELLULAR SIGNALLING, v. 81, . (13/00152-5, 18/15921-8)

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