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ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research: a regional center for theoretical physics

Grant number: 16/01343-7
Support Opportunities:Special Projects
Duration: December 01, 2016 - November 30, 2022
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Physics - Elementary Particle Physics and Fields
Principal Investigator:Nathan Jacob Berkovits
Grantee:Nathan Jacob Berkovits
Host Institution: Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de São Paulo. São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Rogério Rosenfeld
Associated researchers:Alexandre Reily Rocha ; Aline Ramires Neves de Oliveira ; Andrey Yuryevich Mikhaylov ; Diego Trancanelli ; Eduardo Pontón ; Elisabete Maria de Gouveia Dal Pino ; Fabio Iocco ; Farinaldo da Silva Queiroz ; Gastão Inácio Krein ; Gustavo Alberto Burdman ; Hilda Alicia Gomez ; Horatiu Stefan Nastase ; Luis Raul Weber Abramo ; Marcos Vinicius Borges Teixeira Lima ; Marcus Aloizio Martinez de Aguiar ; Mario Leandro Aolita ; Oscar José Pinto Eboli ; Paulo Inácio de Knegt López de Prado ; Pedro Gil Martins Vieira ; Rafael Alejandro Porto Pereira ; Ricardo D'Elia Matheus ; Riccardo Sturani ; Roberto André Kraenkel ; Rodrigo Nemmen da Silva ; Sadhan Kumar Adhikari ; Sergio Ferraz Novaes ; Victor de Oliveira Rivelles
Associated grant(s):19/01521-0 - Expanding the energy landscape ideas from protein to chromatin, AV.EXT
18/23342-8 - Gravitational waves versus collider imprints of new physics, AV.EXT
19/13101-6 - LHC and non-LHC dark matter searches in the effective field theory approach, AV.EXT
18/04436-1 - Non-linear waves, Wind-Wave interactions and pattern formation in nearshore region, AV.EXT
17/50402-9 - Novel approaches to strongly coupled field theories, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):22/06847-4 - How the Interaction between Global Warming and Symbiont-Mediated Coral Adaptability can lead to Critical Transitions across different Coral Reefs in the world?, BP.DR
22/04105-0 - Relating the different superstring formalisms, BP.DR
22/05236-1 - Twistors in super-Yang-Mills and AdS_5xS5, BP.DD
+ associated scholarships 22/05769-0 - Automatation and control of activities and technical support for visitors, BP.TT
22/04444-0 - Recording and online storage of ICTP-SAIFR seminars, BP.TT
22/00869-6 - Superstring scattering amplitudes, BP.MS
21/04251-4 - Sympatric speciation through assortativity: the role of neutral and mating trairs, BP.MS
22/00174-8 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
21/10139-2 - Pattern formation in active matter and biology: bacterial mixtures and vegetation, BP.PD
21/10290-2 - Studying non-linear perturbations in alternative cosmological models, BP.PD
21/11469-6 - Scientific Diffusion of Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP)and of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), BP.JC
21/13513-2 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
20/14489-5 - Twistors in Super-Yang-Mills and AdS5xS5, BP.MS
21/03654-8 - Scientific Dissemination of Theoretical Physics Activities of ICTP-SAIFR and IFT-UNESP, BP.JC
20/15902-3 - Twistor strings and AdS-CFT, BP.DD
20/13115-4 - Correlations in many-body systems from the perspective of DFT, QIT and RG, BP.PD
20/04751-4 - Pattern formation in coral reefs, BP.PD
20/10183-9 - Scattering amplitudes in AdS5 × S5, BP.DD
19/24355-9 - Do initial amounts of adaptive intraspecific variation matter for the persistence of populations in fragmented landscapes?, BP.MS
20/03756-2 - Testing fundamental Physics with large cosmological surveys, BP.DD
19/24068-0 - Generalized Kuramoto oscillators with external forces, BP.MS
20/00531-0 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
20/00511-9 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
20/00516-0 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
20/01217-7 - Scientific diffusion of Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) and of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), BP.JC
20/01036-2 - ICTP-SAIFR project for high school, BP.EP
19/21227-0 - Movement strategies and population dynamics in heterogeneous environments, BP.PD
19/07286-3 - Modern Methods for Scattering Amplitudes in Field (Gauge Theories and Gravity) and String Theory, BP.PD
19/14061-8 - Vertice operators in AdS5XS5, BP.MS
19/10260-6 - Scientific diffusion of Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) and of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), BP.JC
19/12167-3 - Topological Gauge theories and integrable models, BP.DR
19/12699-5 - Study of the power spectrum super sample covariance with lognormal simulations, BP.IC
19/08852-2 - Machine learning techniques applied to cosmological problems, BP.PD
19/04881-8 - Cosmology with large photometric and spectroscopic galaxy surveys, BP.PD
18/26512-1 - Biological dynamics on networks, BP.MS
18/26656-3 - AdS5 x S5 amplitude calculation using super space, BP.MS
18/17643-5 - Light-quark meson description with Schwinger-Dyson equations of quantum chromodynamics, BP.PD
18/24037-4 - Reaction-diffusion equations in Population Biology: persistence and Invasibility conditions, BP.DR
18/23984-0 - Population dynamics in highly fragmented regions, BP.MS
18/25180-5 - The S-matrix bootstrap, BP.DR
17/26770-8 - Mathematical models in Population Biology from time-series: applications to Epidemiology and Ecology, BP.DR
18/10788-8 - Amplitudes calculation using twistors, BP.MS
18/09896-0 - Recording and online storage of ICTP-SAIFR seminars, BP.TT
18/07834-8 - The twistor superstring, BP.DD
18/04208-9 - Quantum measurement simulability and applications to Bell nonlocality, BP.PD
18/02338-2 - Scientific diffusion of Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) and of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics-South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), BP.JC
17/19765-8 - See-saw Mechanism in Composite Higgs Models, BP.PD
17/05549-1 - Restriction of cosmological parameters using large-scale structure data, BP.PD
17/05770-0 - Exploring electroweak symmetry breaking and the nature of dark matter, BP.PD
17/11903-2 - Population dynamics in heterogeneous domains, BP.MS
17/11341-4 - Studies in superstring theory, BP.MS
17/02303-1 - Nonperturbative Bootstrap and the S-matrix, BP.PD
17/00344-2 - Approaching complex networks for time series analysis, BP.PD
16/24997-2 - Bistability and hysteresis in ecological and epidemiological models, BP.MS
16/26080-9 - Scientific diffusion of Instituto de Física Teórica (IFT) of Universidade Estadual Paulista Júlio de Mesquita Filho (UNESP) and of the International Centre for Theoretical Physics - South American Institute for Fundamental Research (ICTP-SAIFR), BP.JC
16/16824-0 - 10-dimensional Twistors and superstring amplitudes, BP.DR
16/25619-1 - Integrability in Gauge theories, BP.PD
16/26288-9 - Dark matter in galaxies: from Astrophysics to Fundamental Physics, BP.PD
15/14796-7 - Correlation functions in conformal field theories, BP.PD
15/11985-3 - Evolution of cooperation among different species, BP.PD
14/21477-2 - Particle physics at the TeV scale and beyond: models and interpretations, BP.PD
14/13272-1 - Finite time synchronization of chaotic systems and applications, BP.PD - associated scholarships


Throughout the world, institutes for theoretical physics are an important tool for developing high-quality fundamental research. The International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP), in collaboration with the State University of São Paulo (UNESP), created in 2011 the ICTP South American Institute for Fundamental Research located in the IFT-UNESP building in the city of São Paulo. The new institute is recognized by UNESCO as a regional center in theoretical physics for the South American continent and organizes schools and workshops for graduate students and researchers. In addition to the Director, Deputy Director and secretarial staff, the Center has five permanent research professor positions and a large number of postdoctors and visitors. (AU)

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Scientific publications (322)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; FERREIRA, C. P.; GOERTZ, FLORIAN; GUZZO, M. M.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SANTOS, A. C. O.. Lepton flavor violation induced by dark matter. Physical Review D, v. 97, n. 7, . (16/01343-7)
DUTRA, MAIRA; LINDNER, MANFRED; PROFUMO, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. MeV dark matter complementarity and the dark photon portal. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 3, . (16/01343-7)
SUZUKI, RYO. Refined counting of necklaces in one-loop N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 6, . (16/25619-1, 16/01343-7, 15/04030-7, 11/11973-4)
PRUDENZIATI, ANDREA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Replica trick and string winding. Physical Review D, v. 96, n. 2, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 15/17885-0)
PORTO, RAFAEL A.; ROTHSTEIN, IRA Z.. Apparent ambiguities in the post-Newtonian expansion for binary systems. Physical Review D, v. 96, n. 2, . (14/10748-5, 16/01343-7, 14/25212-3)
PADMANABHAN, PRAMOD; REY, SOO-JONG; TEIXEIRA, DANIEL; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Supersymmetric many-body systems from partial symmetries - integrability, localization and scrambling. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 5, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 15/17885-0)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; CAMPOS, MIGUEL D.; LINDNER, MANFRED; MASIERO, ANTONIO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Dark sequential Z ` portal: Collider and direct detection experiments. Physical Review D, v. 97, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIER, ANDREA L.; HUANG, YU-TIN; LI, ZHIZHONG; WEN, CONGKAO. On the exactness of soft theorems. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
COOKE, MICHAEL; DEKEL, AMIT; DRUKKER, NADAV; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO; VESCOVI, EDOARDO. Deformations of the circular Wilson loop and spectral (in)dependence. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (15/17885-0, 17/50435-4, 16/01343-7, 14/18634-9, 16/09266-1)
PROFUMO, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SILK, JOSEPH; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Searching for secluded dark matter with HESS, Fermi-LAT, and Planck. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 3, . (16/01343-7)
FORNENGO, NICOLAO; MASIERO, ANTONIO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; YAGUNA, CARLOS E.. On the role of neutrinos telescopes in the search for Dark Matter annihilations in the Sun. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 11, . (16/01343-7)
NEGRELLI, CAROLINA; BENITO, MARIA; LANDAU, SUSANA; IOCCO, FABIO; KRAISELBURD, LUCILA. Testing modified gravity theory in the Milky Way. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 10, . (16/01343-7, 14/11070-2)
GEORGOUDIS, ALESSANDRO; GONCALVES, VASCO; PEREIRA, RAUL. Konishi OPE coefficient at the five loop order. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 11, . (15/14796-7, 16/01343-7)
CORDOVA, LUCIA; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Adding flavour to the S-matrix bootstrap. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
BERNARDO, HELIUDSON; COSTA, RENATO; NASTASE, HORATIU; WELTMAN, AMANDA. Conformal inflation with chameleon coupling. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 4, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; HEECK, JULIAN; HEIZMANN, FLORIAN; MERTENS, SUSANNE; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; SLEZAK, MARTIN; VALERIUS, KATHRIN. Tritium beta decay with additional emission of new light bosons. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. A TT-like deformation of the Skyrme model and the Heisenberg model of nucleon-nucleon scattering. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 5, . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7, 19/13231-7)
CACHAZO, FREDDY; ROJAS, JAIRO M.. Notes on biadjoint amplitudes, Trop G(3,7) and X(3,7) scattering equations. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Dual S-matrix bootstrap. Part I. 2D theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 11, . (16/01343-7)
MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; LOPEZ, CRISTOBAL; VAZQUEZ, FEDERICO. Species exclusion and coexistence in a noisy voter model with a competition-colonization tradeoff. Physical Review E, v. 103, n. 3, . (19/24433-0, 19/05523-8, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; GUILLEN, MAX; MASON, LIONEL. Supertwistor description of ambitwistor strings. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 18/10159-0)
BERCINI, CARLOS; FABRI, MATHEUS; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. S-matrix bootstrap: Supersymmetry, Z(2), and Z(4) symmetry. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 4, . (18/25180-5, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU. Causal faster-than-light travel from a localized second time coordinate. Physical Review D, v. 100, n. 4, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; CASALI, EDUARDO; GUILLEN, MAX; MASON, LIONEL. Notes on the D=11 pure spinor superparticle. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (14/18634-9, 15/23732-2, 16/01343-7, 18/10159-0)
MURUGAN, JEFF; NASTASE, HORATIU. One-dimensional bosonization and the SYK model. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. S-matrix bootstrap for effective field theories: massless pions. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 6, . (16/01343-7, 19/24277-8)
ROSSINE, FERNANDO W.; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; SGRO, ALLYSON E.; GREGOR, THOMAS; TARNITA, CORINA E.. Eco-evolutionary significance of ``loners{''}. PLOS BIOLOGY, v. 18, n. 3, . (16/01343-7, 19/24433-0)
ALEJO, LUIS; GOULART, PRIESLEI; NASTASE, HORATIU. S-duality, entropy function and transport in AdS(4)/CMT3. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 9, . (14/18634-9, 17/19046-1, 16/01343-7)
KUMAR, PRAYUSH; BLACKMAN, JONATHAN; FIELD, SCOTT E.; SCHEEL, MARK; GALLEY, CHAD R.; BOYLE, MICHAEL; KIDDER, LAWRENCE E.; PFEIFFER, HARALD P.; SZILAGYI, BELA; TEUKOLSKY, SAUL A.. Constraining the parameters of GW150914 and GW170104 with numerical relativity surrogates. Physical Review D, v. 99, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
ARCADI, G.; PROFUMO, S.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; SIQUEIRA, C.. Right-handed neutrino dark matter, neutrino masses, and non-standard cosmology in a 2HDM. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
MELNIKOV, DMITRY; RODRIGUES FILHO, CORNELIO. Pseudoscalar glueballs in the Klebanov-Strassler theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
BUDZIK, KASIA; RAPCAK, MIROSLAV; ROJAS, JAIRO M.. Conformal defects from string field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Search for semi-annihilating dark matter with Fermi-LAT, HESS, Planck, and the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU. Holographic cosmology solutions of problems with pre-inflationary cosmology. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (19/13231-7, 16/01343-7, 19/21281-4)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Multiring, stripe, and superlattice solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate. Physical Review A, v. 103, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SKENDERIS, KOSTAS. Holography for the very early universe and the classic puzzles of hot big bang cosmology. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 2, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. Sketching a proof of the Maldacena conjecture at small radius. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 6, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. Half-BPS vertex operators of the AdS(5) x S-5 superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 7, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; YPANAQUE, LUIS ALBERTO. Topological amplitude computations using the pure spinor formalism. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
DE JESUS, A. S.; KOVALENKO, S.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; SIQUEIRA, C.; SINHA, K.. Vectorlike leptons and inert scalar triplet: Lepton flavor violation, g-2, and collider searches. Physical Review D, v. 102, n. 3, . (16/01343-7)
FONG, CHEE SHENG; MINAKATA, HISAKAZU; NUNOKAWA, HIROSHI. Non-unitary evolution of neutrinos in matter and the leptonic unitarity test. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 2, . (16/01343-7, 14/19164-6, 12/10995-7)
ROCHA, V, JORGE; SENTARELLI, RAPHAEL. Scanning the parameter space of collapsing rotating thin shells. Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 35, n. 12, . (16/01343-7, 13/09357-9)
DALMAZI, DENIS; DOS SANTOS, A. L. R.; GHOSH, SUBIR; MENDONCA, E. L.. Weyl and transverse diffeomorphism invariant spin-2 models in D=2+1. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, v. 77, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 11/11973-4)
ECHEVERRIA, CARLOS; HERRERA, JOSE L.; ALVAREZ-LLAMOZA, ORLANDO; MORALES, MIGUEL; TUCCI, KAY. Damping and clustering into crowded environment of catalytic chemical oscillators. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 517, p. 297-306, . (17/00344-2, 16/01343-7)
PRINCEPE, DEBORA; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Modeling Mito-nuclear Compatibility and Its Role in Species Identification. Systematic Biology, v. 70, n. 1, p. 133-144, . (18/11187-8, 16/01343-7, 19/20271-5)
BENAKLI, KARIM; BERKOVITS, NATHAN; DANIEL, CASSIANO A.; LIZE, MATHEUS. Higher-spin states of the superstring in an electromagnetic background. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (19/17805-8, 20/10183-9, 19/24277-8, 16/01343-7, 19/21281-4, 16/16824-0)
FLAVIA MARIA DARCIE MARQUITTI; RENATO MENDES COUTINHO; LEONARDO SOUTO FERREIRA; MARCELO EDUARDO BORGES; TATIANA PINEDA PORTELLA; RAFAEL LOPES PAIXÃO DA SILVA; OTAVIO CANTON; SILAS POLONI; CAROLINE FRANCO; VERÔNICA COELHO; et al. O Brasil perante as novas variantes de SARS-CoV-2: emergências e desafios em saúde pública. Revista Brasileira de Epidemiologia, v. 24, . (17/26770-8, 18/24037-4, 19/26310-2, 16/01343-7, 18/26512-1)
MAITY, TARAK NATH; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Detecting bosonic dark matter with neutron stars. Physical Review D, v. 104, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
MARQUITTI, FLAVIA MARIA DARCIE; FERNANDES, LUCAS D.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS ALOIZIO MARTINEZ. Allopatry increases the balance of phylogenetic trees during radiation under neutral speciation. ECOGRAPHY, v. 43, n. 10, . (16/01343-7, 19/20271-5, 15/11985-3)
GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Solitons in a Spin-Orbit-Coupled Spin-1 Bose-Einstein Condensate. Brazilian Journal of Physics, v. 51, n. 2, SI, p. 298-307, . (16/01343-7)
DIAZ, HENRY; CASTILLO-RUIZ, E.; RAVINEZ, O. PEREYRA; PLEITEZ, V. Explicit parity violation inSU(2)(L)circle times SU(2)(R)circle times U(1)(B-L) models. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, v. 48, n. 8, . (14/19164-6, 16/01343-7)
HERRERA-DIESTRA, JOSE L.; MEYERS, LAUREN ANCEL. Local risk perception enhances epidemic control. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 12, . (17/00344-2, 16/01343-7)
MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; FLEMING, CHRISTEN H.; SEPPELT, RALF; FAGAN, WILLIAM F.; CALABRESE, JUSTIN M.. How range residency and long-range perception change encounter rates. Journal of Theoretical Biology, v. 498, . (16/01343-7, 19/24433-0)
YOUNG-S, LUIS E.; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Supersolid-like square- and honeycomb-lattice crystallization of droplets in a dipolar condensate. HYSICAL REVIEW, v. 105, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (16/01343-7)
VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Near-Infrared Optical Response and Carrier Dynamics for High Photoconversion in Tellurene. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 14, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
COGOLLO, D.; MATHEUS, RICARDO D.; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Type I plus II seesaw in a Two Higgs Doublet Model. Physics Letters B, v. 797, . (13/01907-0, 16/01343-7)
GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, SADHAN K.. Limitation of the Lee-Huang-Yang interaction in forming a self-bound state in Bose-Einstein condensates. ANNALS OF PHYSICS, v. 409, . (16/01343-7)
DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA. Doubly charged scalar at the High-Luminosity and High-Energy LHC. International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 34, n. 27, . (16/01343-7)
ZAWADZKI, K.; SKELT, A. H.; D'AMICO, I. Approximating quantum thermodynamic properties using DFT. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 34, n. 27, p. 18-pg., . (20/13115-4, 16/01343-7)
MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; TARNITA, CORINA E.; BONACHELA, JUAN A.. Spatial patterns in ecological systems: from microbial colonies to landscapes. EMERGING TOPICS IN LIFE SCIENCES, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (19/05523-8, 19/24433-0, 16/01343-7)
FRANCO, GABRIELLA DANTAS; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA MARIA DARCIE; FERNANDES, LUCAS D.; BRAHA, DAN; AGUIAR, MARCUS ALOIZIO MARTINEZ DE. Shannon information criterion for low-high diversity transition in Moran and voter models. Physical Review E, v. 104, n. 2, . (20/13957-5, 16/01343-7, 19/20271-5)
DUDAL, DAVID; MATUSALEM, FILIPE; MIZHER, ANA JULIA; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; VILLAVICENCIO, CRISTIAN. Half-integer anomalous currents in 2D materials from a QFT viewpoint. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (17/02317-2, 20/06896-0, 16/01343-7, 16/12705-7)
FERREIRA, MANOEL M.; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; KOVALENKO, SERGEY; PINHEIRO, PAULO R. D.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Lepton flavor violation and collider searches in a type I plus II seesaw model. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, v. 79, n. 11, . (16/01343-7)
DE SOUZA MELO, BRUNO MAX; DA SILVA, LUIS G. G. V. DIAS; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; LEWENKOPF, CAIO. Quantitative comparison of Anderson impurity solvers applied to transport in quantum dots. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 32, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 16/18495-4, 17/02317-2)
OLIVEIRA, JR., ANTONIO B.; LIN, XINGCHENG; KULKARNI, PRAKASH; ONUCHIC, JOSE N.; ROY, SUSMITA; LEITE, VITOR B. P.. Exploring Energy Landscapes of Intrinsically Disordered Proteins: Insights into Functional Mechanisms. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL THEORY AND COMPUTATION, v. 17, n. 5, p. 3178-3187, . (16/01343-7, 19/22540-3, 18/18668-1)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. Manifest spacetime supersymmetry and the superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 10, . (19/24277-8, 19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
ALMEIDA, GABRIEL LUZ; FOFFA, STEFANO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Gravitational multipole renormalization. Physical Review D, v. 104, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
MEGIAS, EUGENIO. Anomalous transport from equilibrium partition functions. NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS PROCEEDINGS, v. 324, p. 4-pg., . (16/01343-7)
HUANG, GUO-YUAN; JANA, SUDIP; DE JESUS, ALVARO S.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER. Search for leptophilic dark matter at the LHeC. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, v. 50, n. 6, p. 11-pg., . (21/14335-0, 16/01343-7)
BARIONI, ANA ELISA D.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Ott-Antonsen ansatz for the D-dimensional Kuramoto model: A constructive approach. Chaos, v. 31, n. 11, . (16/01343-7, 19/20271-5, 19/24068-0)
YOUNG-S, LUIS E.; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Deep inelastic collision of two-dimensional anisotropic dipolar condensate solitons. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 106, . (16/01343-7)
NGUEFOUE, VENCESLAS; NJOUGOUO, THIERRY; LOUODOP, PATRICK; FOTSIN, HILAIRE; CERDEIRA, HILDA A.. Network of mobile systems: mutual influence of oscillators and agents. European Physical Journal-Special Topics, . (16/01343-7)
FRANCO, CAROLINE; FERREIRA, LEONARDO SOUTO; SUDBRACK, VITOR; BORGES, MARCELO EDUARDO; POLONI, SILAS; PRADO, PAULO INACIO; WHITE, LISA J.; AGUAS, RICARDO; KRAENKEL, ROBERTO ANDRE; COUTINHO, RENATO MENDES. Percolation across households in mechanistic models of non-pharmaceutical interventions in SARS-CoV-2 disease dynamics. EPIDEMICS, v. 39, p. 8-pg., . (17/26770-8, 18/24037-4, 19/26310-2, 18/23984-0, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; JULIATTO, VILSON FABRICIO; PORTUGAL, ULISSES M.. Instanton solutions in open superstring field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 9, p. 22-pg., . (19/21281-4, 19/24277-8, 20/15902-3, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. T(T)over-bar deformations and the pp-wave correspondence. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 108, n. 2, p. 21-pg., . (19/21281-4, 19/13231-7, 16/01343-7)
FOFFA, STEFANO; MASTROLIA, PIERPAOLO; STURANI, RICCARDO; STURM, CHRISTIAN. Effective field theory approach to the gravitational two-body dynamics at fourth post-Newtonian order and quintic in the Newton constant. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 95, n. 10, p. 13-pg., . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
PORTO, RAFAEL A.. Lamb shift and the gravitational binding energy for binary black holes. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 96, n. 2, p. 12-pg., . (14/25212-3, 16/01343-7, 14/10748-5)
PROFUMO, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Has AMS-02 observed two-component dark matter?. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS G-NUCLEAR AND PARTICLE PHYSICS, v. 48, n. 1, . (15/15897-1, 16/01343-7)
MCCLURE, JOSHUA P.; BOLTERSDORF, JONATHAN; BAKER, DAVID R.; FARINHA, THOMAS G.; DZURICKY, NICHOLAS; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; LEITE, MARINA S.. Structure-Property-Performance Relationship of Ultrathin Pd-Au Alloy Catalyst Layers for Low-Temperature Ethanol Oxidation in Alkaline Media. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 11, n. 28, p. 24919-24932, . (16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; CAMPOS, MIGUEL D.; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. A two Higgs doublet model for dark matter and neutrino masses. Physics Letters B, v. 795, p. 319-326, . (16/01343-7)
DRUKKER, NADAV; TENSER, MARCIA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Notes on hyperloops in N=4 Chern-Simons-matter theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 7, . (16/01343-7, 15/17885-0, 17/50435-4)
BAUTISTA, CARLOS; DE LIMA, LEONARDO; MATHEUS, RICARDO D'ELIA; PONTON, EDUARDO; FERNANDES DO PRADO, LEONIDAS A.; SAVOY-NAVARRO, AURORE. Probing the top-Higgs sector with composite Higgs models at present and future hadron colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 3, . (13/01907-0, 15/26624-6, 18/11505-0, 16/01343-7)
BARMAN, BASABENDU; GHOSH, PURUSOTTAM; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SAHA, ABHIJIT KUMAR. Scalar multiplet dark matter in a fast expanding Universe: Resurrection of the desert region. Physical Review D, v. 104, n. 1, . (16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
HUANG, GUO-YUAN; JANA, SUDIP; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER. robing the R-K({*}) anomaly at a muon collide. Physical Review D, v. 105, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; NEWMAN, ERICA A.; PIRES, MATHIAS M.; YEAKE, JUSTIN D.; BOETTIGER, CARL; BURKLE, LAURA A.; GRAVEL, DOMINIQUE; GUIMARAES JR, PAULO R.; O'DONNELL, JAMES L.; POISOT, TIMOTHEE; et al. Revealing biases in the sampling of ecological interaction networks. PeerJ, v. 7, . (16/01343-7, 16/06054-3)
ADHIKARI, SADHAN K.. Phase-separated symmetry-breaking vortex-lattice in a binary Bose-Einstein condensate. PHYSICA E-LOW-DIMENSIONAL SYSTEMS & NANOSTRUCTURES, v. 115, . (16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; DE JESUS, ALVARO S.; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. A 2HDM for the g-2 and dark matter. Nuclear Physics B, v. 982, p. 16-pg., . (21/01089-1, 16/01343-7)
ALCANIZ, J. S.; NETO, J. P.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; DA SILVA, D. R.; SILVA, R.. The Hubble constant troubled by dark matter in non-standard cosmologies. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (16/01343-7, 21/14335-0)
LINDNER, MANFRED; MAMBRINI, YANN; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. XENON1T anomaly: A light Z ' from a Two Higgs Doublet Model. Physics Letters B, v. 811, p. 6-pg., . (16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
VASQUEZ, ANDRES; DEGRANDE, CELINE; TONERO, ALBERTO; ROSENFELD, ROGERIO. New physics in double Higgs production at future e(+)e(-) colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 5, p. 16-pg., . (16/01343-7)
CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; DELLE ROSE, LUIGI; MORETTI, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Collider bounds on 2-Higgs doublet models with U(1)(X) gauge symmetries. Physics Letters B, v. 793, p. 150-160, . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Bootstrapping QCD Using Pion Scattering Amplitudes. Physical Review Letters, v. 122, n. 24, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. Lagrangian Formulation, Generalizations and Quantization of Null Maxwell's Knots. FORTSCHRITTE DER PHYSIK-PROGRESS OF PHYSICS, v. 66, n. 8-9, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALVES, DANIEL W. F.; HOYOS, CARLOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. Knotted solutions, from electromagnetism to fluid dynamics. International Journal of Modern Physics A, v. 32, n. 33, . (16/01343-7, 14/18634-9)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; HEECK, JULIAN; HEIZMANN, FLORIAN; MERTENS, SUSANNE; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; SLEZAK, MARTIN; VALERIUS, KATHRIN. Tritium beta decay with additional emission of new light bosons. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 27-pg., . (16/01343-7)
YOUNG-S, LUIS E.; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Effect of quartic-quintic beyond-mean-field interactions on a self-bound dipolar droplet. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 115, p. 11-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BERCINI, CARLOS; GONCALVES, VASCO; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. The Wilson loop - large spin OPE dictionary. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 7, p. 33-pg., . (19/24277-8, 16/01343-7, 18/25180-5)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Search for semi-annihilating dark matter with Fermi-LAT, HESS, Planck, and the Cherenkov Telescope Array. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 4, p. 17-pg., . (16/01343-7)
CABAL, CIRO; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; DE CASTRO, AURORA; VALLADARES, FERNANDO; PACALA, STEPHEN W.. Future paths for the `exploitative segregation of plant roots' model. PLANT SIGNALING & BEHAVIOR, v. 16, n. 5, . (19/24433-0, 19/05523-8, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; PORTUGAL, ULISSES M.. The monopole problem in holographic cosmology. Physics Letters B, v. 815, . (18/22008-7, 19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
SIMO, GAEL R.; LOUODOP, PATRICK; GHOSH, DIBAKAR; NJOUGOUO, THIERRY; TCHITNGA, ROBERT; CERDEIRA, HILDA A.. Traveling chimera patterns in a two-dimensional neuronal network. Physics Letters A, v. 409, . (16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. D=5 holomorphic Chern-Simons and the pure spinor superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 18-pg., . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7, 21/14335-0, 19/24277-8)
DONG, P. V.; HUONG, D. T.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VALLE, JOSE W. F.; VAQUERA-ARAUJO, C. A.. The dark side of flipped trinification. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 4, p. 31-pg., . (16/01343-7)
FOFFA, STEFANO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Conservative dynamics of binary systems to fourth post-Newtonian order in the EFT approach. I. Regularized Lagrangian. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 2, p. 16-pg., . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
COUTINHO, RENATO MENDES; DARCIE MARQUITTI, FLAVIA MARIA; FERREIRA, LEONARDO SOUTO; BORGES, MARCELO EDUARDO; PAIXAO DA SILVA, RAFAEL LOPES; CANTON, OTAVIO; PORTELLA, TATIANA P.; POLONI, SILAS; FRANCO, CAROLINE; PLUCINSKI, MATEUSZ M.; et al. Model-based estimation of transmissibility and reinfection of SARS-CoV-2 P.1 variant. COMMUNICATIONS MEDICINE, v. 1, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (18/26512-1, 19/26310-2, 17/26770-8, 16/01343-7, 18/24037-4)
LINS, ALINE NASCIMENTO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Effects of short-distance modifications to general relativity in spinning binary systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 103, n. 8, p. 23-pg., . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. S-matrix bootstrap for effective field theories: massless pions. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 6, p. 26-pg., . (19/24277-8, 16/01343-7)
ALMEIDA, GABRIEL LUZ; FOFFA, STEFANO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Tail contributions to gravitational conservative dynamics. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 104, n. 12, p. 8-pg., . (16/01343-7)
MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; CABAL, CIRO; CALABRESE, JUSTIN M.; HERNANDEZ-GARCIA, EMILIO; TARNITA, CORINA E.; LOPEZ, CRISTOBAL; BONACHELA, JUAN A.. Integrating theory and experiments to link local mechanisms and ecosystem-level consequences of vegetation patterns in drylands. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 166, p. 13-pg., . (19/05523-8, 19/24433-0, 16/01343-7)
FABRI, MATHEUS. Hexagonalization in AdS3 x S3 x T4: Mirror corrections. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 106, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (16/01343-7, 19/12167-3)
BUDZIK, KASIA; RAPCAK, MIROSLAV; ROJAS, JAIRO M.. Conformal defects from string field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 36-pg., . (16/01343-7)
PRINCEPE, DEBORA; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; PLOTKIN, JOSHUA B.. Mito-nuclear selection induces a trade-off between species ecological dominance and evolutionary lifespan. NATURE ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION, v. 6, n. 12, p. 13-pg., . (19/24449-3, 18/11187-8, 16/01343-7, 19/20271-5)
OLIVUCCI, ENRICO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Null Polygons in Conformal Gauge Theory. Physical Review Letters, v. 129, n. 22, p. 7-pg., . (16/01343-7)
LANERI, KARINA; CABELLA, BRENNO; PRADO, PAULO INACIO; COUTINHO, RENATO MENDES; KRAENKEL, ROBERTO ANDRE PRIME. Climate drivers of malaria at its southern fringe in the Americas. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 7, . (14/23497-0, 16/01343-7)
D'BASTIANI, ELVIRA; PRINCEPE, DEBORA; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; BOEGER, WALTER A.; CAMPIAO, KARLA M.; ARAUJO, SABRINA B. L.. Effect of Host-Switching on the Ecological and Evolutionary Patterns of Parasites. Systematic Biology, v. 72, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (19/24449-3, 21/14335-0, 16/01343-7, 18/11187-8)
THORNTON, STEPHEN J.; LIARTE, DANILO B.; ABBAMONTE, PETER; SETHNA, JAMES P.; CHOWDHURY, DEBANJAN. Jamming and unusual charge density fluctuations of strange metals. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 14, n. 1, p. 6-pg., . (21/14285-3, 16/01343-7)
DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Generalized frustration in the multidimensional Kuramoto model. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 107, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (21/14335-0, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; CHANDIA, OSVALDO; GOMIDE, JOAO; MARTINS, LUCAS N. S.. B-RNS-GSS heterotic string in curved backgrounds. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 30-pg., . (22/04105-0, 21/09003-9, 19/14061-8, 19/21281-4, 19/24277-8, 21/14335-0, 16/01343-7, 18/07834-8)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Dual S-matrix bootstrap. Part I. 2D theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 11, p. 36-pg., . (16/01343-7)
MELNIKOV, DMITRY; RODRIGUES FILHO, CORNELIO. Pseudoscalar glueballs in the Klebanov-Strassler theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 46-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ITSIOS, GEORGIOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; NUNEZ, CARLOS; SFETSOS, KONSTANTINOS; ZACARIAS, SALOMON. Penrose limits of Abelian and non-Abelian T-duals of AdS(5) x S-5 and their field theory duals. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 52-pg., . (16/08972-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALMEIDA, GABRIEL LUZ; FOFFA, STEFANO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Gravitational radiation contributions to the two-body scattering angle. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 107, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (22/06350-2, 16/01343-7)
GOMES-FILHO, MARCIO S.; TORRES, ALBERTO; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; PEDROZA, LUANA S.. Size and Quality of Quantum Mechanical Data Set for Training Neural Network Force Fields for Liquid Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 127, n. 6, p. 7-pg., . (17/10292-0, 20/09011-9, 16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
PHUNG VAN DONG; HUONG, D. T.; CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VALLE, JOSE W. F.. Asymmetric dark matter, inflation, and leptogenesis from B-L symmetry breaking. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 99, n. 5, p. 17-pg., . (16/01343-7)
KUMAR, PRAYUSH; BLACKMAN, JONATHAN; FIELD, SCOTT E.; SCHEEL, MARK; GALLEY, CHAD R.; BOYLE, MICHAEL; KIDDER, LAWRENCE E.; PFEIFFER, HARALD P.; SZILAGYI, BELA; TEUKOLSKY, SAUL A.. Constraining the parameters of GW150914 and GW170104 with numerical relativity surrogates. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 99, n. 12, p. 22-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BULDU, JAVIER M.; BUSQUETS, JAVIER; MARTINEZ, JOHANN H.; HERRERA-DIESTRA, JOSE L.; ECHEGOYEN, IGNACIO; GALEANO, JAVIER; LUQUE, JORDI. Using Network Science to Analyse Football Passing Networks: Dynamics, Space, Time, and the Multilayer Nature of the Game. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v. 9, p. 5-pg., . (17/00344-2, 16/01343-7)
MURUGAN, JEFF; NASTASE, HORATIU. One-dimensional bosonization and the SYK model. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 18-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALEJO, LUIS; GOULART, PRIESLEI; NASTASE, HORATIU. S-duality, entropy function and transport in AdS(4)/CMT3. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 9, p. 37-pg., . (17/19046-1, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
FICHET, SYLVAIN; MEGIAS, EUGENIO; QUIROS, MARIANO. Continuum effective field theories, gravity, and holography. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 107, n. 9, p. 27-pg., . (18/11721-4, 16/01343-7, 14/21477-2)
LIARTE, DANILO B.; THORNTON, STEPHEN J.; SCHWEN, ERIC; COHEN, ITAI; CHOWDHURY, DEBANJAN; SETHNA, JAMES P.. Universal scaling for disordered viscoelastic matter near the onset of rigidity. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 106, n. 5, p. 7-pg., . (21/14285-3, 16/01343-7)
MARTINEZ, J. H.; HERRERA-DIESTRA, J. L.; CHAVEZ, M.. Detection of time reversibility in time series by ordinal patterns analysis. Chaos, v. 28, n. 12, . (17/00344-2, 16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.; SALASNICH, L.. Vortex lattice in the crossover of a Bose gas from weak coupling to unitarity. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 8, . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. A self-bound matter-wave boson-fermion quantum ball. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 15, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0)
ALVES, DANIEL W. F.; HOYOS, CARLOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. Knotted solutions for linear and nonlinear theories: Electromagnetism and fluid dynamics. Physics Letters B, v. 773, p. 412-416, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Explaining the AMS positron excess via right-handed neutrinos. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 7, p. 9-pg., . (16/01343-7)
SEPULVEDA, DIEGO GARCIA; GUILLEN, MAX. A pure spinor twistor description of the D=10 superparticle. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 23-pg., . (16/01343-7)
HERRERA-DIESTRA, J. L.; ECHEGOYEN, I; MARTINEZ, J. H.; GARRIDO, D.; BUSQUETS, J.; SEIRUL IO, F.; BULDU, J. M.. Pitch networks reveal organizational and spatial patterns of Guardiola's FC Barcelona. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 138, p. 9-pg., . (17/05770-0, 16/01343-7)
FONG, CHEE SHENG; MINAKATA, HISAKAZU; NUNOKAWA, HIROSHI. Non-unitary evolution of neutrinos in matter and the leptonic unitarity test. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 52-pg., . (16/01343-7, 14/19164-6, 12/10995-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; GUILLEN, MAX; MASON, LIONEL. Supertwistor description of ambitwistor strings. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 20-pg., . (14/18634-9, 18/10159-0, 16/01343-7)
MUKIM, S.; AMORIM, F. P.; ROCHA, A. R.; MUNIZ, R. B.; LEWENKOPF, C.; FERREIRA, M. S.. Disorder information from conductance: A quantum inverse problem. PHYSICAL REVIEW B, v. 102, n. 7, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7, 17/10292-0)
MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; LOPEZ, CRISTOBAL; VAZQUEZ, FEDERICO. Species exclusion and coexistence in a noisy voter model with a competition-colonization tradeoff. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 103, n. 3, p. 13-pg., . (19/05523-8, 19/24433-0, 16/01343-7)
PADMANABHAN, PRAMOD; REY, SOO-JONG; TEIXEIRA, DANIEL; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Supersymmetric many-body systems from partial symmetries - integrability, localization and scrambling. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 5, p. 40-pg., . (15/17885-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
SUZUKI, RYO. Refined counting of necklaces in one-loop N=4 SYM. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 6, p. 33-pg., . (15/04030-7, 11/11973-4, 16/01343-7, 16/25619-1)
PRUDENZIATI, ANDREA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Replica trick and string winding. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 96, n. 2, p. 5-pg., . (15/17885-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BENITEZ, HECTOR A.; RIVELLES, VICTOR O.. Yang-Baxter deformations of the AdS(5) x S-5 pure spinor superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 2, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
GABAI, BARAK; MAZAC, DALIMIL; SHIEBER, ANDREI; VIEIRA, PEDRO; ZHOU, YEHAO. No particle production in two dimensions: recursion relations and multi-Regge limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 2, . (16/01343-7)
PRETI, MICHELANGELO; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO; VESCOVI, EDOARDO. Quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 10, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 15/17885-0, 16/09266-1)
PORTO, RAFAEL A.. Lamb shift and the gravitational binding energy for binary black holes. Physical Review D, v. 96, n. 2, . (14/10748-5, 16/01343-7, 14/25212-3)
DONG, PHUNG VAN; HUONG, D. T.; CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VALLE, JOSE W. F.. Asymmetric dark matter, inflation, and leptogenesis from B-L symmetry breaking. Physical Review D, v. 99, n. 5, . (16/01343-7)
PONTON, EDUARDO; BAI, YANG; JAIN, BITHIKA. Electroweak symmetric dark matter balls. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 17/05770-0)
GUERINI, LEONARDO; QUINTINO, MARCO TULIO; AOLITA, LEANDRO. Distributed sampling, quantum communication witnesses, and measurement incompatibility. Physical Review A, v. 100, n. 4, . (16/01343-7, 18/04208-9)
CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; MAMBRINI, YANN; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. XENON1T takes a razor to a dark E-6-inspired model. Physics Letters B, v. 786, p. 337-341, . (16/01343-7)
DONG, P. V.; HUONG, D. T.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VALLE, JOSE W. F.; VAQUERA-ARAUJO, C. A.. The dark side of flipped trinification. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
ARAUJO, THIAGO; ITSIOS, GEORGIOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; COLGAIN, EOIN O.. Penrose limits and spin chains in the GJV/CS-SYM duality. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 16/08972-0)
OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, ANTONIO B.; CONTESSOTO, VINICIUS G.; MELLO, MATHEUS F.; ONUCHIC, JOSE N.. A Scalable Computational Approach for Simulating Complexes of Multiple Chromosomes. Journal of Molecular Biology, v. 433, n. 6, SI, . (16/13998-8, 16/01343-7, 17/09662-7)
MUKIM, S.; AMORIM, F. P.; ROCHA, A. R.; MUNIZ, R. B.; LEWENKOPF, C.; FERREIRA, M. S.. Disorder information from conductance: A quantum inverse problem. Physical Review B, v. 102, n. 7, . (17/10292-0, 17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
BELYAEV, ALEXANDER S.; FLACKE, THOMAS; JAIN, BITHIKA; SCHAEFERS, PATRICK B.. LHC dark matter signals from vector resonances and top partners. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 3, . (16/01343-7, 17/05770-0)
VASQUEZ, ANDRES; DEGRANDE, CELINE; TONERO, ALBERTO; ROSENFELD, ROGERIO. New physics in double Higgs production at future e(+)e(-) colliders. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 5, . (16/01343-7)
ALVES, ALEXANDRE; EBOLI, OSCAR J. P.; DI CORTONA, GIOVANNI GRILLI; MOREIRA, ROBERTO R.. Indirect and monojet constraints on scalar leptoquarks. Physical Review D, v. 99, n. 9, . (16/17041-0, 16/01343-7, 13/26511-1)
FOFFA, STEFANO; MASTROLIA, PIERPAOLO; STURANI, RICCARDO; STURM, CHRISTIAN. Effective field theory approach to the gravitational two-body dynamics at fourth post-Newtonian order and quintic in the Newton constant. Physical Review D, v. 95, n. 10, . (16/01343-7, 12/14132-3)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; LIZE, MATHEUS. Field theory actions for ambitwistor string and superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 9, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 16/16824-0)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; HUGLE, THOMAS; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. The dark L-mu-L-tau rises via kinetic mixing. Physics Letters B, v. 784, p. 151-158, . (16/01343-7)
JAIN, BITHIKA; LEE, SEUNG J.; SON, MINHO. Validity of the effective potential and the precision of Higgs field self-couplings. Physical Review D, v. 98, n. 7, . (16/01343-7, 17/05770-0)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; LINDER, MANFRED; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; VOGL, STEFAN. Pseudoscalar mediators: a WIMP model at the neutrino floor. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 3, . (16/01343-7)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; YAGUNA, CARLOS E.. Gamma-ray lines may reveal the CP nature of the dark matter particle. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
AVILA, DANIEL; FERNANDEZ, DANIEL; PATINO, LEONARDO; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Thermodynamics of anisotropic branes. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 11, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 15/17885-0)
GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Three-dimensional vortex-bright solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate. Physical Review A, v. 97, n. 1, . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0)
ITSIOS, GEORGIOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; NUNEZ, CARLOS; SFETSOS, KONSTANTINOS; ZACARIAS, SALOMON. Penrose limits of Abelian and non-Abelian T-duals of AdS(5) x S-5 and their field theory duals. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7, 16/08972-0)
LINDNER, MANFRED; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; XU, XUN-JIE. Neutrino-electron scattering: general constraints on Z' and dark photon models. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 5, . (16/01343-7)
BERCINI, CARLOS; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Supersymmetric integrable theories without particle production. Physical Review D, v. 97, n. 10, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
LINS, ALINE NASCIMENTO; STURANI, RICCARDO. Effects of short-distance modifications to general relativity in spinning binary systems. Physical Review D, v. 103, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
CORDOVA, LUCIA; HE, YIFEI; KRUCZENSKI, MARTIN; VIEIRA, PEDRO. The O(N) S-matrix monolith. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
DOS SANTOS, M. A. F.; DORNELAS, V; COLOMBO, E. H.; ANTENEODO, C.. Critical patch size reduction by heterogeneous diffusion. Physical Review E, v. 102, n. 4, . (20/04751-4, 16/01343-7)
DE MELO, TESSIO B.; KOVALENKO, SERGEY; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, C.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. Rare kaon decay to missing energy: Implications of the NA62 result for a Z ` model. Physical Review D, v. 103, n. 11, . (20/00320-9, 16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Explaining the AMS positron excess via right-handed neutrinos. Physical Review D, v. 101, n. 7, . (16/01343-7)
SEPULVEDA, DIEGO GARCIA; GUILLEN, MAX. A pure spinor twistor description of the D=10 superparticle. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
LINDNER, MANFRED; MAMBRINI, YANN; DE MELO, TESSIO B.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. XENON1T anomaly: A light Z ` from a Two Higgs Doublet Model. Physics Letters B, v. 811, . (16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
APRILE, FRANCESCO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Large p explorations. From SUGRA to big STRINGS in Mellin space. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
ALEJO, LUIS; NASTASE, HORATIU. Particle-vortex duality and theta terms in AdS/CMT applications. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 8, . (17/19046-1, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALVES, ALEXANDRE; GHOSH, TATHAGATA; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Dark and bright signatures of di-Higgs boson production. Physical Review D, v. 100, n. 3, . (16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Improved effective-range expansions for small and large values of scattering length. European Journal of Physics, v. 39, n. 5, . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0)
COSTA, CAROLINA L. N.; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; IVAN PEREZ, S.; SCHNEIDER, DAVID M.; RAMOS, MARLON F.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Registering the evolutionary history in individual-based models of speciation. PHYSICA A-STATISTICAL MECHANICS AND ITS APPLICATIONS, v. 510, p. 1-14, . (16/01343-7, 15/11985-3, 16/06054-3)
COSTA, CAROLINA L. N.; LEMOS-COSTA, PAULA; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; FERNANDES, LUCAS D.; RAMOS, MARLON F.; SCHNEIDER, DAVID M.; MARTINS, AYANA B.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Signatures of Microevolutionary Processes in Phylogenetic Patterns. Systematic Biology, v. 68, n. 1, p. 131-144, . (15/11985-3, 15/26989-4, 16/06054-3, 16/01343-7, 14/10470-7)
DE SOUZA, FABIO A. L.; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; PRASONGKIT, JARIYANEE; SCOPEL, WANDERLA L.; SCHEICHER, RALPH H.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Topological line defects in graphene for applications in gas sensing. Carbon, v. 129, p. 803-808, . (16/01343-7, 15/26862-4)
GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Self-trapped quantum balls in binary Bose-Einstein condensates. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS B-ATOMIC MOLECULAR AND OPTICAL PHYSICS, v. 52, n. 5, . (16/01343-7)
ROCHA, C. G.; ROCHA, A. R.; VENEZUELA, P.; GARCIA, J. H.; FERREIRA, M. S.. Finite-size correction scheme for supercell calculations in Dirac-point two-dimensional materials. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 8, . (16/01343-7, 15/26862-4)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Phase-separated vortex-lattice in a rotating binary Bose-Einstein condensate. COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION, v. 71, p. 212-219, . (16/01343-7)
PRASONGKIT, JARIYANEE; MARTINS, ERNANE DE FREITAS; DE SOUZA, FABIO A. L.; SCOPEL, WANDERLA L.; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; AMORNKITBAMRUNG, VITTAYA; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; SCHEICHER, RALPH H.. Topological Line Defects Around Graphene Nanopores for DNA Sequencing. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 13, p. 7094-7099, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; NUNEZ, CARLOS. Deriving three-dimensional bosonization and the duality web. Physics Letters B, v. 776, p. 145-149, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BANDYOPADHYAY, PRIYOTOSH; CHUN, EUNG JIN; MANDAL, RUSA; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Scrutinizing right-handed neutrino portal dark matter with Yukawa effect. Physics Letters B, v. 788, p. 530-534, . (16/01343-7)
MARQUIONI, VITOR M.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Quantifying the effects of quarantine using an IBM SEIR model on scalefree networks. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 138, . (19/13341-7, 16/01343-7)
VILONE, DANIELE; REALPE-GOMEZ, JOHN; ANDRIGHETTO, GIULIA. Evolutionary advantages of turning points in human cooperative behaviour. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 2, . (16/01343-7)
YEAKEL, JUSTIN D.; PIRES, MATHIAS M.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; O'DONNELL, JAMES L.; GUIMARAES, JR., PAULO R.; GRAVEL, DOMINIQUE; GROSS, THILO. Diverse interactions and ecosystem engineering can stabilize community assembly. NATURE COMMUNICATIONS, v. 11, n. 1, . (19/20271-5, 16/01343-7, 18/14809-0)
KRAYER, LISA J.; PALM, KEVIN J.; GONG, CHEN; TORRES, ALBERTO; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.; LEITE, MARINA S.; MUNDAY, JEREMY N.. Enhanced near-Infrared Photoresponse from Nanoscale Ag-Au Alloyed Films. ACS PHOTONICS, v. 7, n. 7, p. 1689-1698, . (18/12545-5, 17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
MOREIRA, MARIA G.; ANDRADE-OLIVEIRA, FELIPE; FANG, XIAO; HUANG, HUNG-JIN; KRAUSE, ELISABETH; MIRANDA, VIVIAN; ROSENFELD, ROGERIO; SIMONOVIC, MARKO. Mitigating baryonic effects with a theoretical error covariance. Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, v. 507, n. 4, p. 5592-5601, . (16/01343-7)
CANELLA, G. A.; ZAWADZKI, K.; FRANCA, V. V.. Effects of temperature and magnetization on the Mott-Anderson physics in one-dimensional disordered systems. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 12, n. 1, p. 6-pg., . (19/15560-8, 16/01343-7, 20/13115-4, 21/06744-8)
NASTASE, HORATIU; BARBOSA, MARCELO R.. Penrose limit of MNa solution and spin chains in three-dimensional field theories. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 5, p. 20-pg., . (19/21281-4, 19/13231-7, 16/01343-7)
AGRESTI, IRIS; PODERINI, DAVIDE; GUERINI, LEONARDO; MANCUSI, MICHELE; CARVACHO, GONZALO; AOLITA, LEANDRO; CAVALCANTI, DANIEL; CHAVES, RAFAEL; SCIARRINO, FABIO. Experimental device-independent certified randomness generation with an instrumental causal structure. COMMUNICATIONS PHYSICS, v. 3, n. 1, . (16/01343-7, 18/04208-9)
DOS SANTOS, M. A. F.; DORNELAS, V; COLOMBO, E. H.; ANTENEODO, C.. Critical patch size reduction by heterogeneous diffusion. PHYSICAL REVIEW E, v. 102, n. 4, p. 7-pg., . (16/01343-7, 20/04751-4)
NASTASE, HORATIU. Holographic cosmology solutions of problems with pre-inflationary cosmology. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 61-pg., . (19/21281-4, 19/13231-7, 16/01343-7)
APRILE, FRANCESCO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Large p explorations. From SUGRA to big STRINGS in Mellin space. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 46-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Multiring, stripe, and superlattice solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate. HYSICAL REVIEW, v. 103, n. 1, p. 6-pg., . (16/01343-7)
MARTINS, ERNANE DE FREITAS; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO; SCHEICHER, RALPH HENDRIK; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY. The role of water on the electronic transport in graphene nanogap devices designed for DNA sequencing. Carbon, v. 158, p. 314-319, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
BARGHEER, TILL; CAETANO, JOAO; FLEURY, THIAGO; KOMATSU, SHOTA; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Handling Handles: Nonplanar Integrability in N=4 Supersymmetric Yang-Mills Theory. Physical Review Letters, v. 121, n. 23, . (16/01343-7)
SIMO, GAEL R.; NJOUGOUO, THIERRY; ARISTIDES, R. P.; LOUODOP, PATRICK; TCHITNGA, ROBERT; CERDEIRA, HILDA A.. Chimera states in a neuronal network under the action of an electric field. Physical Review E, v. 103, n. 6, . (16/01343-7)
SOARES DE SOUZA, JOSIEL MENDONCA; STURANI, RICCARDO. Cosmological model selection from standard siren detections by third-generation gravitational wave observatories. PHYSICS OF THE DARK UNIVERSE, v. 32, . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; ROJAS, FRANCISCO; RUBIO, CARLOS. Celestial IR divergences in general most-subleading-color gluon and gravity amplitudes. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 1, . (19/13231-7, 16/01343-7, 19/21281-4)
KAUR, PARDEEP; GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. upersolid-like solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled spin-2 condensat. Physical Review A, v. 105, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
PAULO PINHEIRO, JOAO; PIRES, C. A. DE S.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. onfronting the inverse seesaw mechanism with the recent muon g-2 resul. Physics Letters B, v. 823, . (15/15897-1, 16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; PAULO NETO, JACINTO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. oads for right-handed neutrino dark matter: Fast expansion, standard freeze-out, and early matter dominatio. HYSICAL REVIEW, v. 105, n. 3, . (20/00320-9, 16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
DE FREITAS MARTINS, ERNANE; PINOTTI, LUIS FRANCISCO; CASTRO SILVA, CECILIA DE CARVALHO; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY. Addressing the Theoretical and Experimental Aspects of Low-Dimensional-Materials-Based FET Immunosensors: A Review. CHEMOSENSORS, v. 9, n. 7, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
MIKHAILOV, ANDREI; ZAVALETA, DENNIS. Normal form of nilpotent vector field near the tip of the pure spinor cone. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 7, . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
BARIONI, ANA ELISA D.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Complexity reduction in the 3D Kuramoto model. CHAOS SOLITONS & FRACTALS, v. 149, . (19/24068-0, 16/01343-7, 19/20271-5)
MARQUIONI, VITOR M.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.. Modeling neutral viral mutations in the spread of SARS-CoV-2 epidemics. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 7, . (16/01343-7, 19/13341-7, 19/20271-5)
GEORGOUDIS, ALESSANDRO; GONCALVES, VASCO; PANZER, ERIK; PEREIRA, RAUL; SMIRNOV, V, ALEXANDER; SMIRNOV, VLADIMIR A.. Glue-and-cut at five loops. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 9, . (15/14796-7, 16/01343-7)
MACIEL, GABRIEL ANDREGUETTO; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO. Enhanced species coexistence in Lotka-Volterra competition models due to nonlocal interactions. Journal of Theoretical Biology, v. 530, . (16/01343-7, 19/21227-0, 19/24433-0, 19/05523-8)
DUTRA, MAIRA; OLIVEIRA, VINICIUS; PIRES, C. A. DE S.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. A model for mixed warm and hot right-handed neutrino dark matter. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 10, . (16/01343-7)
TORRES, ALBERTO; PEDROZA, LUANA S.; FERNANDEZ-SERRA, MARIVI; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Using Neural Network Force Fields to Ascertain the Quality of Ab Initio Simulations of Liquid Water. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 125, n. 38, p. 10772-10778, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7, 17/10292-0)
ROJAS, WUDMIR Y.; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Ab initio modelling of spin relaxation lengths in disordered graphene nanoribbons. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 21, n. 47, p. 26027-26032, . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
COLOMBO, EDUARDO H.; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; LOPEZ, CRISTOBAL; HERNANDEZ-GARCIA, EMILIO. Spatial eco-evolutionary feedbacks mediate coexistence in prey-predator systems. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 9, . (16/01343-7, 19/24433-0)
ALCANIZ, JAILSON; BERNAL, NICOLAS; MASIERO, ANTONIO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Light dark matter: Acommon solution to the lithium and H-0 problems. Physics Letters B, v. 812, . (16/01343-7)
MIRO, JOAN ELIAS; GUERRIERI, ANDREA L.; HEBBAR, ADITYA; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Flux Tube S-Matrix Bootstrap. Physical Review Letters, v. 123, n. 22, . (16/01343-7)
OLIVUCCI, ENRICO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Stampedes I: fishnet OPE and octagon Bootstrap with nonzero bridges. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 7, p. 34-pg., . (19/24277-8, 16/01343-7)
SOUTO FERREIRA, LEONARDO; CANTON, OTAVIO; DA SILVA, RAFAEL LOPES PAIXAO; POLONI, SILAS; SUDBRACK, VITOR; BORGES, MARCELO EDUARDO; FRANCO, CAROLINE; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA MARIA DARCIE; DE MORAES, JOSE CASSIO; VERAS, MARIA AMELIA DE SOUSA MASCENA; et al. Assessing the best time interval between doses in a two-dose vaccination regimen to reduce the number of deaths in an ongoing epidemic of SARS-CoV-2. PLOS COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, v. 18, n. 3, p. 15-pg., . (17/26770-8, 18/24037-4, 16/01343-7, 18/26512-1, 18/23984-0, 19/26310-2)
HUANG, GUO-YUAN; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER. Gauged L-mu - L-tau at a muon collider. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 103, n. 9, p. 10-pg., . (16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
DUTRA, MAIRA; LINDNER, MANFRED; PROFUMO, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. MeV dark matter complementarity and the dark photon portal. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 3, p. 23-pg., . (16/01343-7)
DE JESUS, ALVARO S.; KOVALENKO, SERGEY; PIRES, C. A. DE S.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. Dead or alive? Implications of the muon anomalous magnetic moment for 3-3-1 models. Physics Letters B, v. 809, . (16/01343-7)
PEREZ, A.; AMORIM, RODRIGO G.; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Nanogap-based all-electronic DNA sequencing devices using MoS2 monolayers. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 46, p. 27053-27059, . (16/01343-7, 17/02317-2)
CABAL, CIRO; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; AGUILAR, AURORA DE CASTRO; VALLADARES, FERNANDO; PACALA, STEPHEN W.. The exploitative segregation of plant roots. Science, v. 370, n. 6521, p. 1197+, . (19/05523-8, 19/24433-0, 16/01343-7)
NJOUGOUO, THIERRY; CAMARGO, VICTOR; LOUODOP, PATRICK; FERREIRA, FERNANDO FAGUNDES; TALLA, PIERRE K.; CERDEIRA, HILDA A.. Dynamics of multilayer networks with amplification. Chaos, v. 30, n. 12, . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Where Is String Theory in the Space of Scattering Amplitudes?. Physical Review Letters, v. 127, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
ANDERSEN, LIONEL; RAMIRES, ALINE; WANG, ZHIWEI; LORENZ, THOMAS; ANDO, YOICHI. Generalized Anderson's theorem for superconductors derived from topological insulators. SCIENCE ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 9, . (16/01343-7, 18/18287-8)
HERRERA-DIESTRA, JOSE L.; BULDU, JAVIER M.; CHAVEZ, MARIO; MARTINEZ, JOHANN H.. Using symbolic networks to analyse dynamical properties of disease outbreaks. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ROYAL SOCIETY A-MATHEMATICAL PHYSICAL AND ENGINEERING SC, v. 476, n. 2236, . (16/01343-7, 17/05770-0)
CAVALCANTI, ARTHUR G.; MELNIKOV, DMITRY; SILVA, MADSON R. O.. Studies of boundary entropy in AdS/BCFT. Classical and Quantum Gravity, v. 37, n. 10, . (16/01343-7)
ALVES, ALEXANDRE; GHOSH, TATHAGATA; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Dark and bright signatures of di-Higgs boson production. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 3, p. 12-pg., . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU. Solution of the cosmological constant problem within holographic cosmology. Physics Letters B, v. 801, . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Symmetry-breaking vortex-lattice of a binary superfluid in a rotating bucket. Physics Letters A, v. 384, n. 4, . (16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Vortex-lattice formation in a spin-orbit coupled rotating spin-1 condensate. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, n. 6, . (16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Vortex-lattice in a uniform Bose-Einstein condensate in a box trap. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 31, n. 27, . (16/01343-7)
KUMAR, RAMAVARMARAJA KISHOR; LONCAR, VLADIMIR; MURUGANANDAM, PAULSAMY; ADHIKARI, SADHAN K.; BALAZ, ANTUN. C and Fortran OpenMP programs for rotating Bose-Einstein condensates. COMPUTER PHYSICS COMMUNICATIONS, v. 240, p. 74-82, . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0, 14/01668-8)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Stable controllable giant vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate. LASER PHYSICS LETTERS, v. 16, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)
RAMOS, MARLON; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; BRAHA, DAN. Opinion Dynamics on Networks under Correlated Disordered External Perturbations. Journal of Statistical Physics, v. 173, n. 1, p. 54-76, . (16/01343-7)
APRILE, FRANCESCO; HESLOP, PAUL. Superconformal Blocks in Diverse Dimensions and BC Symmetric Functions. Communications in Mathematical Physics, v. 402, n. 2, p. 107-pg., . (19/24277-8, 16/01343-7, 20/16337-8)
AMORIM, FELIPPE P.; TORRES, ALBERTO; VILLEGAS, CESAR E. P.; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE R.. Gate voltage enhances the thermoelectric transport of quantum dots in graphene nanoribbons. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 227, p. 6-pg., . (17/02317-2, 16/01343-7)
VELDHUIS, MICHIEL P.; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; DEBLAUWE, VINCENT; DAKOS, VASILIS. Remotely-sensed slowing down in spatially patterned dryland ecosystems. ECOGRAPHY, v. 2022, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (16/01343-7, 19/05523-8)
KAUR, PARDEEP; GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Supersolid-like solitons in two-dimensional nonmagnetic spin-orbit coupled spin-1 and spin-2 condensates. Physics Letters A, v. 455, p. 7-pg., . (16/01343-7)
PROFUMO, STEFANO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SILK, JOSEPH; SIQUEIRA, CLARISSA. Searching for secluded dark matter with HESS, Fermi-LAT, and Planck. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 3, p. 27-pg., . (16/01343-7)
WIERSEMA, ROELAND; GUERINI, LEONARDO; CARRASQUILLA, JUAN FELIPE; AOLITA, LEANDRO. Circuit connectivity boosts by quantum-classical-quantum interfaces. PHYSICAL REVIEW RESEARCH, v. 4, n. 4, p. 14-pg., . (18/04208-9, 16/01343-7)
GUERINI, LEONARDO; BARAVIERA, ALEXANDRE. Birkhoff-von Neumann's theorem, doubly normalized tensors, and joint measurability. LINEAR & MULTILINEAR ALGEBRA, v. N/A, p. 14-pg., . (18/04208-9, 16/01343-7)
QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; YAGUNA, CARLOS E.. Gamma-ray lines may reveal the CP nature of the dark matter particle. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (16/01343-7)
MARTINS, ERNANE DE FREITAS; SCHEICHER, RALPH HENDRIK; ROCHA, ALEXANDRE REILY; FELICIANO, GUSTAVO TROIANO. A multiscale approach for electronic transport simulation of carbon nanostructures in aqueous solvent. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 24, n. 39, p. 9-pg., . (16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SKENDERIS, KOSTAS. Holography for the very early universe and the classic puzzles of hot big bang cosmology. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 2, p. 7-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; LINDER, MANFRED; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; VOGL, STEFAN. Pseudoscalar mediators: a WIMP model at the neutrino floor. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 3, p. 28-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; FERREIRA, C. P.; GOERTZ, FLORIAN; GUZZO, M. M.; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SANTOS, A. C. O.. Lepton flavor violation induced by dark matter. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; HUGLE, THOMAS; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. The dark Lμ-Lτ rises via kinetic mixing. Physics Letters B, v. 784, p. 8-pg., . (16/01343-7)
CAMARGO, DANIEL A.; MAMBRINI, YANN; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. XENON1T takes a razor to a dark E6-inspired model. Physics Letters B, v. 786, p. 5-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; CASALI, EDUARDO; GUILLEN, MAX; MASON, LIONEL. Notes on the D=11 pure spinor superparticle. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 14-pg., . (14/18634-9, 18/10159-0, 16/01343-7, 15/23732-2)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; LINDNER, MANFRED; MARTINS, JESSICA; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. New physics probes: Atomic parity violation, polarized electron scattering and neutrino-nucleus coherent scattering. Nuclear Physics B, v. 959, p. 17-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ARCADI, G.; PROFUMO, S.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; SIQUEIRA, C.. Right-handed neutrino dark matter, neutrino masses, and non-standard cosmology in a 2HDM. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 25-pg., . (16/01343-7)
DE MELO, TESSIO B.; KOVALENKO, SERGEY; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; SIQUEIRA, C.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. Rare kaon decay to missing energy: Implications of the NA62 result for a Z ' model. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 103, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (20/00320-9, 16/01343-7, 15/15897-1)
BERCINI, CARLOS; GONCALVES, VASCO; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Spinning hexagons. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 9, p. 38-pg., . (19/24277-8, 16/01343-7, 18/25180-5)
BERNARDES, VINICIUS; MIKHAILOV, ANDREI; VIANA, EGGON. Derived brackets in bosonic string sigma-model. Nuclear Physics B, v. 982, p. 21-pg., . (16/01343-7)
HERNANDEZ, A. E. CARCAMO; KOVALENKO, SERGEY; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; VILLAMIZAR, YOXARA S.. An extended 3-3-1 model with radiative linear seesaw mechanism. Physics Letters B, v. 829, p. 8-pg., . (16/01343-7, 21/01089-1)
DRUKKER, NADAV; KONG, ZIWEN; PROBST, MALTE; TENSER, MARCIA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Conformal and non-conformal hyperloop deformations of the 1/2 BPS circle. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 39-pg., . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
PRINCEPE, DEBORA; CZARNOBAI, SIMONE; PRADELLA, THIAGO M.; CAETANO, RODRIGO A.; MARQUITTI, FLAVIA M. D.; DE AGUIAR, MARCUS A. M.; ARAUJO, SABRINA B. L.. Diversity patterns and speciation processes in a two-island system with continuous migration. Evolution, v. 76, n. 10, p. 12-pg., . (19/20271-5, 18/11187-8, 16/01343-7, 19/24449-3)
PORTO, RAFAEL A.; ROTHSTEIN, IRA Z.. Apparent ambiguities in the post-Newtonian expansion for binary systems. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 96, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (14/25212-3, 16/01343-7, 14/10748-5)
MAHMOUD, M. S.; MEDHAT, M.; CERDEIRA, HILDA A.; EL-NASHAR, HASSAN F.. Exact Solution of Four-Coupled Nonidentical Kuramoto Oscillators at a Full Phase Locked State. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIFURCATION AND CHAOS, v. 33, n. 01, p. 13-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BELYAEV, ALEXANDER S.; FLACKE, THOMAS; JAIN, BITHIKA; SCHAEFERS, PATRICK B.. LHC dark matter signals from vector resonances and top partners. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 98, n. 3, p. 20-pg., . (16/01343-7, 17/05770-0)
GUERRIERI, ANDREA; MURALI, HARISH; PENEDONES, JOAO; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Where is M-theory in the space of scattering amplitudes?. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 6, p. 32-pg., . (16/01343-7)
JANA, INDRAJIT; MONTORSI, FILIPPO; PADMANABHAN, PRAMOD; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Topological quantum computation on supersymmetric spin chains. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 45-pg., . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. A T(T)over-bar-like deformation of the Skyrme model and the Heisenberg model of nucleon-nucleon scattering. Journal of High Energy Physics, n. 5, . (19/21281-4, 19/13231-7, 16/01343-7)
ADHIKARI, S. K.. Supersolid-like states in a two-dimensional trapped spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 33, n. 26, . (16/01343-7)
PORTELLA, TATIANA P.; KRAENKEL, ROBERTO A.. Spatial-temporal pattern of cutaneous leishmaniasis in Brazil. INFECTIOUS DISEASES OF POVERTY, v. 10, n. 1, . (16/01343-7)
OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, ANTONIO B.; CONTESSOTO, VINICIUS G.; MELLO, MATHEUS F.; ONUCHIC, JOSE N.. A Scalable Computational Approach for Simulating Complexes of Multiple Chromosomes. Journal of Molecular Biology, v. 433, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (16/13998-8, 17/09662-7, 16/01343-7)
CASTIGLIONI, LUIGI; PENATI, SILVIA; TENSER, MARCIA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Wilson loops and defect RG flows in ABJM. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 6, p. 40-pg., . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
ALVES, A.; DUARTE, L.; KOVALENKO, S.; OVIEDO-TORRES, Y. M.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; VILLAMIZAR, Y. S.. Constraining 3-3-1 models at the LHC and future hadron colliders. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 106, n. 5, p. 12-pg., . (16/01343-7, 21/01089-1)
ROSSINE, FERNANDO W.; MARTINEZ-GARCIA, RICARDO; SGRO, ALLYSON E.; GREGOR, THOMAS; TARNITA, CORINA E.. Eco-evolutionary significance of "loners". PLOS BIOLOGY, v. 18, n. 3, p. 27-pg., . (19/24433-0, 16/01343-7)
CORDOVA, LUCIA; HE, YIFEI; KRUCZENSKI, MARTIN; VIEIRA, PEDRO. The O(N) S-matrix monolith. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 4, p. 35-pg., . (16/01343-7)
CACHAZO, FREDDY; ROJAS, JAIRO M.. Notes on biadjoint amplitudes, Trop G(3,7) and X(3,7) scattering equations. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 4, p. 14-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; YPANAQUE, LUIS ALBERTO. Topological amplitude computations using the pure spinor formalism. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 32-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
DE JESUS, A. S.; KOVALENKO, S.; QUEIROZ, F. S.; SIQUEIRA, C.; SINHA, K.. Vectorlike leptons and inert scalar triplet: Lepton flavor violation, g-2, and collider searches. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 102, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (16/01343-7)
CASTIGLIONI, LUIGI; PENATI, SILVIA; TENSER, MARCIA; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Interpolating Wilson loops and enriched RG flows. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 46-pg., . (19/21281-4, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU; SONNENSCHEIN, JACOB. Charged soliton of the three-dimensional CS plus BI Abelian gauge theory. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 107, n. 12, p. 21-pg., . (19/21281-4, 19/13231-7, 16/01343-7)
ARCADI, GIORGIO; CAMPOS, MIGUEL D.; LINDNER, MANFRED; MASIERO, ANTONIO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.. Dark sequential Z ' portal: Collider and direct detection experiments. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BENITEZ, HECTOR A.; RIVELLES, VICTOR O.. Yang-Baxter deformations of the AdS(5) x S-5 pure spinor superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 23-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
GABAI, BARAK; MAZAC, DALIMIL; SHIEBER, ANDREI; VIEIRA, PEDRO; ZHOU, YEHAO. No particle production in two dimensions: recursion relations and multi-Regge limit. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 2, p. 20-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BERNARDO, HELIUDSON; COSTA, RENATO; NASTASE, HORATIU; WELTMAN, AMANDA. Conformal inflation with chameleon coupling. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 4, p. 29-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALVES, ALEXANDRE; EBOLI, OSCAR J. P.; DI CORTONA, GIOVANNI GRILLI; MOREIRA, ROBERTO R.. Indirect and monojet constraints on scalar leptoquarks. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 99, n. 9, p. 9-pg., . (16/17041-0, 13/26511-1, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. Sketching a proof of the Maldacena conjecture at small radius. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 6, p. 15-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN. Half-BPS vertex operators of the AdS(5) x S-5 superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
CORDOVA, LUCIA; VIEIRA, PEDRO. Adding flavour to the S-matrix bootstrap. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 36-pg., . (16/01343-7)
JAIN, BITHIKA; LEE, SEUNG J.; SON, MINHO. Validity of the effective potential and the precision of Higgs field self-couplings. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 98, n. 7, p. 17-pg., . (17/05770-0, 16/01343-7)
GAUTAM, SANDEEP; ADHIKARI, S. K.. Three-dimensional vortex-bright solitons in a spin-orbit-coupled spin-1 condensate. HYSICAL REVIEW, v. 97, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (16/01343-7, 12/00451-0)
NEGRELLI, CAROLINA; BENITO, MARIA; LANDAU, SUSANA; IOCCO, FABIO; KRAISELBURD, LUCILA. Testing modified gravity theory in the Milky Way. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 98, n. 10, p. 6-pg., . (14/11070-2, 16/01343-7)
GEORGOUDIS, ALESSANDRO; GONCALVES, VASCO; PEREIRA, RAUL. Konishi OPE coefficient at the five loop order. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 11, p. 14-pg., . (15/14796-7, 16/01343-7)
AVILA, DANIEL; FERNANDEZ, DANIEL; PATINO, LEONARDO; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Thermodynamics of anisotropic branes. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 11, p. 26-pg., . (15/17885-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ALEJO, LUIS; NASTASE, HORATIU. Particle-vortex duality and theta terms in AdS/CMT applications. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 8, p. 37-pg., . (17/19046-1, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
NASTASE, HORATIU. Causal faster-than-light travel from a localized second time coordinate. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 100, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
GUERINI, LEONARDO; QUINTINO, MARCO TULIO; AOLITA, LEANDRO. Distributed sampling, quantum communication witnesses, and measurement incompatibility. HYSICAL REVIEW, v. 100, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (16/01343-7, 18/04208-9)
BERCINI, CARLOS; FABRI, MATHEUS; HOMRICH, ALEXANDRE; VIEIRA, PEDRO. S-matrix bootstrap: Supersymmetry, Z(2), and Z(4) symmetry. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 101, n. 4, p. 11-pg., . (18/25180-5, 16/01343-7)
PRETI, MICHELANGELO; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO; VESCOVI, EDOARDO. Quark-antiquark potential in defect conformal field theory. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 10, p. 27-pg., . (15/17885-0, 16/09266-1, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
FORNENGO, NICOLAO; MASIERO, ANTONIO; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; YAGUNA, CARLOS E.. On the role of neutrinos telescopes in the search for Dark Matter annihilations in the Sun. Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics, v. N/A, n. 11, p. 20-pg., . (16/01343-7)
GUERRIER, ANDREA L.; HUANG, YU-TIN; LI, ZHIZHONG; WEN, CONGKAO. On the exactness of soft theorems. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 35-pg., . (16/01343-7)
ARAUJO, THIAGO; ITSIOS, GEORGIOS; NASTASE, HORATIU; COLGAIN, EOIN O.. Penrose limits and spin chains in the GJV/CS-SYM duality. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 12, p. 45-pg., . (16/08972-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
COOKE, MICHAEL; DEKEL, AMIT; DRUKKER, NADAV; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO; VESCOVI, EDOARDO. Deformations of the circular Wilson loop and spectral (in)dependence. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 1, p. 25-pg., . (17/50435-4, 16/01343-7, 16/09266-1, 14/18634-9, 15/17885-0)
PONTON, EDUARDO; BAI, YANG; JAIN, BITHIKA. Electroweak symmetric dark matter balls. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 9, p. 47-pg., . (17/05770-0, 16/01343-7)
LINDNER, MANFRED; QUEIROZ, FARINALDO S.; RODEJOHANN, WERNER; XU, XUN-JIE. Neutrino-electron scattering: general constraints on Z' and dark photon models. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 5, p. 29-pg., . (16/01343-7)
BERCINI, CARLOS; TRANCANELLI, DIEGO. Supersymmetric integrable theories without particle production. PHYSICAL REVIEW D, v. 97, n. 10, p. 7-pg., . (14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
BERKOVITS, NATHAN; LIZE, MATHEUS. Field theory actions for ambitwistor string and superstring. Journal of High Energy Physics, v. N/A, n. 9, p. 16-pg., . (16/16824-0, 14/18634-9, 16/01343-7)
ADDAZI, ANDREA; KETOV, V, SERGEI; KHLOPOV, MAXIM YU. Gravitino and Polonyi production in supergravity. EUROPEAN PHYSICAL JOURNAL C, v. 78, n. 8, . (16/01343-7)

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