Research Grants 10/17804-7 - Materiais compósitos, Polímeros (materiais) - BV FAPESP
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Polymeric composites

Grant number: 10/17804-7
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Engineering - Materials and Metallurgical Engineering - Nonmetallic Materials
Principal Investigator:Maria Isabel Felisberti
Grantee:Maria Isabel Felisberti
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual de Campinas (UNICAMP). Campinas , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Marco-Aurelio de Paoli ; Maria do Carmo Gonçalves
Associated researchers:Adriana Cristina Motta ; Eliana Aparecida de Rezende Duek ; Márcia Aparecida da Silva Spinacé ; Marcia Maria Favaro Ferrarezi
Associated research grant(s):16/17672-0 - Multi-user equipment approved in grant 2010/17804-7: universal testing machine, AP.EMU
Associated scholarship(s):16/22724-9 - Synthesis and characterization of polinaphthalimides copolymers and their reduced graphene oxide composites, BP.DD
16/01754-7 - Synthesis and properties of polynaphthalimides copolymers, BP.MS
14/14232-3 - Hydrogels based on polymethacrylates of glucose and fructose, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 13/21757-2 - Polymeric coatings based on polycarbonate-melamine system, BP.DR
13/04011-7 - Hydrogels based on responsive segmented polyurethanes, BP.IC
13/10046-8 - Preparation and characterization of cellulose Acetate/Cellulose Nanocrystal nanocomposites, BP.MS
12/22593-0 - Biofunctionalization of PLDLA scaffolds immobilized with RGD peptide and bone morphogenetic protein BMP-2, BP.DR
13/09277-5 - Synthesis of amphiphilic block copolymers based on poly(sucrose methacrylate), BP.MS
12/24821-0 - Biocompatible composites based on amphiphilic copolymers and hydroxyapatite, BP.DD
13/04217-4 - Hydrogels based on amphiphilic copolymers of sucrose methacrylate and N-isopropylacrylamide, BP.IC
12/11284-7 - Eucalyptus lignin as stabilizer for PP and HDPE in environmental aging, BP.IC
11/15257-1 - Biocompatible composites based on amphiphilic copolymers and hydroxyapatite, BP.MS
11/09479-1 - Multicomponent segmented polyurethanes, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The scientific and technological development of the modern society depends on materials with specific properties for a defined function and application. Composites are a class of materials whose properties can be designed in order to achieve high performance required for different applications. This project aims the study and development of polymeric composites with a wide spectrum of applications. For instance, polymeric composites with structural properties, biocompatible and biodegradable composites would be focused. As strategy to achieve this objective new polymers and fillers will be synthesized as well as commercial polymers and fillers will be used as supplied or chemically modified for a defined purpose. The development of this project compromises important research areas, such as Synthesis and Chemical Modification of Polymers, Characterization, Polymer Processing, Composites Development and Evaluation of Performance. Therefore, this project presents an essentially interdisciplinary character. (AU)

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Scientific publications (70)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
TRINCA, RAFAEL BERGAMO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Segmented polyurethanes based on poly(L-lactide), poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(trimethylene carbonate): Physico-chemical properties and morphology. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, v. 62, n. SI, p. 77-86, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0, 11/09479-1)
FONSECA, LUCAS POLO; TRINCA, RAFAEL BERGAMO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Thermo-responsive polyurethane hydrogels based on poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(caprolactone): Physico-chemical and mechanical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 25, . (10/17804-7, 11/09479-1)
DE FARIAS, MARCELO ALEXANDRE; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Synthesis and applications of polystyrene-block-poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) copolymers. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 26, n. 1, p. 1-10, . (08/57867-8, 10/17804-7)
DE MORAIS, JAQUELINE ALBANO; GADIOLI, RENAN; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO. Curaua fiber reinforced high-density polyethylene composites: effect of impact modifier and fiber loading. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 26, n. 2, p. 115-122, . (10/17804-7)
GADIOLI, RENAN; WALDMAN, WALTER RUGGERI; DE PAOLI, MARCO AURELIO. Lignin as a green primary antioxidant for polypropylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 45, SI, . (10/17804-7)
SCALIONI, LUCAS V.; GUTIERREZ, MIGUEL C.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Green composites of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and curaua fibers: Morphology and physical, thermal, and mechanical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 14, . (15/25406-5, 10/17804-7)
MARTINS, LILIAN S.; DOS SANTOS, RONALDO GONCALVES; SILVA SPINACE, MARCIA A.. Properties of Cellulose Nanofibers Extracted from Eucalyptus and their Emulsifying Role in the Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsions. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
GERMINIANI, LUIZ G. L.; DA SILVA, LAURA C. E.; PLIVELIC, TOMAS S.; GONCALVES, MARIA C.. Poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/cellulose nanocrystal nanocomposite mechanical reinforcement and morphology: the role of nanocrystal pre-dispersion. Journal of Materials Science, v. 54, n. 1, p. 414-426, . (10/17804-7, 17/50274-0, 16/02414-5)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; DE FARIAS, MARCELO A.; PORTUGAL, RODRIGO V.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Amphiphilic polylactide-poly(ethylene oxide)-poly(propylene oxide) block copolymers: Self-assembly behavior and cell affinity. JOURNAL OF POLYMER SCIENCE PART A-POLYMER CHEMISTRY, v. 56, n. 19, p. 2203-2213, . (10/17804-7, 12/24821-0, 15/25406-5)
MARTINS, LILIAN S.; DOS SANTOS, RONALDO GONCALVES; SILVA SPINACE, MARCIA A.. roperties of Cellulose Nanofibers Extracted from Eucalyptus and their Emulsifying Role in the Oil-in-Water Pickering Emulsion. WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORIZATION, v. 13, n. 1, SI, p. 689-705, . (11/00156-5, 10/17804-7)
PRADO, KAREN S.; GONZALES, DANIELLE; SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.. Recycling of viscose yarn waste through one-step extraction of nanocellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 136, p. 729-737, . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
PRADO, KAREN S.; SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.. Isolation and characterization of cellulose nanocrystals from pineapple crown waste and their potential uses. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 122, p. 410-416, . (11/00156-5, 10/17804-7)
ANDRADE, PATRICIA FERNANDA; DE FARIA, ANDREIA FONSECA; OLIVEIRA, SILVANA RUELLA; ZEZZI ARRUDA, MARCO AURELIO; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Improved antibacterial activity of nanofiltration polysulfone membranes modified with silver nanoparticles. WATER RESEARCH, v. 81, p. 333-342, . (10/17804-7)
COCCO, DANIEL ROTELLA; DE CARVALHO, FABIANA PIRES; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Structures and morphologies of in situ polymerized blends of PMMA and ASA. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 130, n. 1, p. 654-664, . (10/17804-7)
ARAUJO, J. R.; ADAMO, C. B.; COSTA E SILVA, M. V.; DE PAOLI, M. -A.. Antistatic-reinforced biocomposites of polyamide-6 and polyaniline-coated curaua fibers prepared on a pilot plant scale. Polymer Composites, v. 34, n. 7, p. 1081-1090, . (10/17804-7)
BRANDAO, LARISSA REIS; PAGOTTO YOSHIDA, INEZ VALERIA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Preparation and characterization of cellulose acetate/polysiloxane composites. Cellulose, v. 20, n. 6, p. 2791-2802, . (10/17804-7)
ARAUJO, J. R.; ADAMO, C. B.; DE ROBERTIS, E.; KUZNETSOV, A. YU; ARCHANJO, B. S.; FRAGNEAUD, B.; ACHETE, C. A.; DE PAOLI, M-A.. Crystallinity, oxidation states and morphology of polyaniline coated curaua fibers in polyamide-6 composites. COMPOSITES SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY, v. 88, p. 106-112, . (10/17804-7, 10/17871-6)
ANDRADE, PATRICIA FERNANDA; DE FARIA, ANDREIA FONSECA; DA SILVA, DOUGLAS SOARES; BONACIN, JULIANO ALVES; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Structural and morphological investigations of beta-cyclodextrin-coated silver nanoparticles. COLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES, v. 118, p. 289-297, . (10/17804-7, 08/57867-8)
ZANATA, DANIELA DE MORAIS; BATTIROLA, LILIANE CRISTINA; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Chemically cross-linked aerogels based on cellulose nanocrystals and polysilsesquioxane. Cellulose, v. 25, n. 12, p. 7225-7238, . (16/02414-5, 10/17804-7)
FRANCO, MARCOS FERNADO; GADIOLI, RENAN; DE PAOLI, MARCO AURELIO. Presence of iron in polymers extruded with corrosive contaminants or abrasive fillers. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 29, n. 2, . (10/17804-7)
FERNANDES, FELIPE CICARONI; GADIOLI, RENAN; YASSITEPE, EMRE; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO. Polyamide-6 Composites Reinforced With Cellulose Fibers and Fabricated by Extrusion: Effect of Fiber Bleaching on Mechanical Properties and Stability. Polymer Composites, v. 38, n. 2, p. 299-308, . (10/17804-7, 13/05798-0)
RUFINO, THIAGO DO CARMO; BREITKREITZ, MARCIA CRISTINA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Telechelic Poly(bisphenol A carbonate) Synthesis by Glycolysis: A Response Surface Methodology Approach. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, v. 56, n. 14, p. 3983-3992, . (10/17804-7, 13/21757-2, 15/25406-5)
RUFINO, THIAGO DO CARMO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Confined PEO crystallisation in immiscible PEO/PLLA blends. RSC ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 37, p. 30937-30950, . (10/17804-7)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; CORTEZ TORNELLO, PABLO R.; ABRAHAM, GUSTAVO A.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Amphiphilic electrospun scaffolds of PLLA-PEO-PPO block copolymers: preparation, characterization and drug-release behaviour. RSC ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 1, p. 161-172, . (10/17804-7, 15/25406-5, 12/24821-0)
DE FARIAS, MARCELO ALEXANDRE; GONCALVES, MARIA DO CARMO. Synthesis and applications of polystyrene-block-poly(N-vinyl-2-pyrrolidone) copolymers. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 26, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (10/17804-7, 08/57867-8)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; FASCE, LAURA A.; DA SILVA, LAURA C. E.; GONCALVES, MARIA C.; FRONTINI, PATRICIA M.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on a PLLA-b-PEO-b-PLLA triblock copolymer and nanohydroxyapatite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 44, p. 12-pg., . (10/17804-7, 12/24821-0)
GADIOLI, RENAN; WALDMAN, WALTER RUGGERI; DE PAOLI, MARCO AURELIO. Lignin as a green primary antioxidant for polypropylene. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 45, p. 7-pg., . (10/17804-7)
GADIOLI, RENAN; MORAIS, JAQUELINE A.; WALDMAN, WALTER R.; DE PAOLI, MARCO-A.. The role of lignin in polypropylene composites with semi-bleached cellulose fibers: Mechanical properties and its activity as antioxidant. Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 108, p. 12-pg., . (10/17804-7)
DA CONCEICAO, THIAGO FERREIRA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. The Influence of Rigid and Flexible Monomers on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Polyimides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 131, n. 24, p. 10-pg., . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0, 10/18268-1)
LIMA DE MENEZES, RAFAEL NATAL; RODRIGUES CAMILO, ANA PAULA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Thermoresponsive hydrogels based on sucrose 1-O '-methacrylate and N-isopropylacrylamide: Synthesis, properties, and applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 44, p. 15-pg., . (13/04217-4, 10/17804-7, 15/25406-5)
LIMA DE MENEZES, RAFAEL NATAL; RODRIGUES CAMILO, ANA PAULA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Thermoresponsive hydrogels based on sucrose 1-O `-methacrylate and N-isopropylacrylamide: Synthesis, properties, and applications. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 44, . (10/17804-7, 13/04217-4, 15/25406-5)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; MAS, BRUNA A.; DUEK, ELIANA A. R.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Amphiphilic multiblock copolymers of PLLA, PEO and PPO blocks: Synthesis, properties and cell affinity. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, v. 68, n. SI, p. 618-629, . (10/17804-7, 12/24821-0)
DO PRADO, KAREN DE SOUZA; DA SILVA SPINACE, MARCIA APARECIDA. Characterization of Fibers from Pineapple's Crown, Rice Husks and Cotton Textile Residues. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 18, n. 3, p. 530-537, . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; FASCE, LAURA A.; DA SILVA, LAURA C. E.; GONCALVES, MARIA C.; FRONTINI, PATRICIA M.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Thermal and mechanical properties of nanocomposites based on a PLLA-b-PEO-b-PLLA triblock copolymer and nanohydroxyapatite. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 44, . (10/17804-7, 12/24821-0)
DA CONCEICAO, THIAGO FERREIRA; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. The Influence of Rigid and Flexible Monomers on the Physical-Chemical Properties of Polyimides. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 131, n. 24, SI, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0, 10/18268-1)
GADIOLI, RENAN; MORAIS, JAQUELINE A.; WALDMAN, WALTER R.; DE PAOLI, MARCO-A.. The role of lignin in polypropylene composites with semi-bleached cellulose fibers: Mechanical properties and its activity as antioxidant. Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 108, n. SI, p. 23-34, . (10/17804-7)
NACAS, AMANDA M.; SILVA, ROBERTO L.; DE PAOLI, MARCO A.; SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.. Polypropylene composite reinforced with fibrillated curaua fiber and using maleic anhydride as coupling agent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 25, . (11/00156-5, 10/17804-7)
GUTIERREZ, MIGUEL CHAVEZ; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Biocomposites based on cellulose acetate and short curaua fibers: Effect of plasticizers and chemical treatments of the fibers. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, v. 43, n. 8, p. 1338-1346, . (10/17804-7)
ARAUJO, J. R.; ADAMO, C. B.; DE PAOLI, MARCO-A.. Conductive composites of polyamide-6 with polyaniline coated vegetal fiber. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 174, n. 1, p. 425-431, . (10/17804-7, 10/17871-6)
GUTIERREZ, MIGUEL CHAVEZ; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Cellulose acetate and short curaua fibers biocomposites prepared by large scale processing: Reinforcing and thermal insulating properties. INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS, v. 52, p. 363-372, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0)
ALEXANDRINO, EVANDRO M.; DA CONCEICAO, THIAGO F.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Improvement of Processing and Mechanical Properties of Polyetherimide by Antiplasticization with Resorcinol Bis(diphenyl phosphate). Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 131, n. 16, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0, 10/03383-0, 10/18268-1)
RODRIGUES CAMILO, ANA PAULA; DE ALMEIDA, PAULA; PETZHOLD, CESAR LIBERATO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Thermal degradation of poly(alkyl methacrylate) synthesized via ATRP using 2,2,2-tribromoethanol as initiator. Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 158, p. 1-13, . (10/17804-7, 16/03394-8, 15/25406-5, 13/09277-5)
GUILHEN, AUGUSTO; GADIOLI, RENAN; FERNANDES, FELIPE C.; WALDMAN, WALTER R.; PAOLI, MARCO AURELIO DE. High-density green polyethylene biocomposite reinforced with cellulose fibers and using lignin as antioxidant. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 35, . (10/17804-7)
TRINCA, RAFAEL BERGAMO; ABRAHAM, GUSTAVO A.; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Electrospun nanofibrous scaffolds of segmented polyurethanes based on PEG, PLLA and PTMC blocks: Physico-chemical properties and morphology. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 56, p. 511-517, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0, 11/09479-1)
DE ALMEIDA, PAULA; DIAS LOIOLA, LIVIA MESQUITA; PETZHOLD, CESAR LIBERATO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Sucrose Methacrylate-Based Amphiphilic Block Copolymers. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 218, n. 4, . (10/17804-7, 16/03394-8, 15/25406-5, 13/09277-5, 12/24821-0)
FONSECA, LUCAS POLO; TRINCA, RAFAEL B.; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Amphiphilic polyurethane hydrogels as smart carriers for acidic hydrophobic drugs. International Journal of Pharmaceutics, v. 546, n. 1-2, p. 106-114, . (10/17804-7, 15/25406-5)
DO LAGO, GUILHERME LOPES; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. pH and thermo-responsive hybrid hydrogels based on PNIPAAM and keratin. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, v. 125, . (10/17804-7, 15/25406-5)
BATTIROLA, LILIANE C.; ZANATA, DANIELA M.; GONCALVES, MARIA C.. Improvement of cellulose acetate dimensional stability by chemical crosslinking with cellulose nanocrystals. COMPOSITES PART A-APPLIED SCIENCE AND MANUFACTURING, v. 113, p. 105-113, . (10/17804-7, 16/02414-5)
BARBARA MANO; JOYCE R ARAÚJO; MARCO-A. DE PAOLI; WALTER R. WALDMAN; MÁRCIA A. SPINACE. Mechanical properties, morphology and thermal degradation of a biocomposite of polypropylene and curaua fibers: coupling agent effect. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 23, n. 2, p. 161-168, . (10/17804-7)
PAULO A. SANTOS; MARINA N. OLIVEIRA; MARCO-AURELIO DE PAOLI; VANESSA G. FREITAS; DERVAL S. ROSA. Avaliação do efeito pró-oxidante no PP, em blendas com PHB. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 23, n. 3, p. 432-439, . (10/17804-7)
ARAUJO, JOYCE R.; ADAMO, CRISTINA B.; ROCHA, WERICKSON F. C.; COSTA E SILVA, MARCOS V.; CAROZO, VITOR; CALIL, VANESSA L.; DE PAOLI, MARCO-A. Elastomer Composite Based on EPDM Reinforced with Polyaniline Coated Curaua Fibers Prepared by Mechanical Mixing. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 131, n. 7, . (10/17804-7, 10/17871-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, HEITOR F. N.; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Amphiphilic copolymers of sucrose methacrylate and acrylic monomers: Bio-based materials from renewable resource. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 94, n. 1, p. 317-322, . (10/17804-7, 10/02098-0)
PERIN, GIOVANNI BORTOLONI; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Enzymatic synthesis and structural characterization of methacryloyl-D-fructose- and methacryloyl-D-glucose-based monomers and poly(methacryloyl-D-fructose)-based hydrogels. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 93, n. 6, p. 1694-1704, . (10/17804-7, 14/14232-3)
SANTOS, TALITA A.; SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.. Sandwich panel biocomposite of thermoplastic corn starch and bacterial cellulose. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 167, p. 358-368, . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
SCALIONI, LUCAS V.; GUTIERREZ, MIGUEL C.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Green composites of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) and curaua fibers: Morphology and physical, thermal, and mechanical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 14, p. 13-pg., . (10/17804-7, 15/25406-5)
NACAS, AMANDA M.; SILVA, ROBERTO L.; DE PAOLI, MARCO A.; SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.. Polypropylene composite reinforced with fibrillated curaua fiber and using maleic anhydride as coupling agent. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 134, n. 25, p. 8-pg., . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
LOIOLA, LIVIA M. D.; MAS, BRUNA A.; DUEK, ELIANA A. R.; FELISBERTI, MARIA I.. Amphiphilic multiblock copolymers of PLLA, PEO and PPO blocks: Synthesis, properties and cell affinity. EUROPEAN POLYMER JOURNAL, v. 68, p. 12-pg., . (10/17804-7, 12/24821-0)
DO PRADO, KAREN DE SOUZA; DA SILVA SPINACE, MARCIA APARECIDA. Characterization of Fibers from Pineapple's Crown, Rice Husks and Cotton Textile Residues. MATERIALS RESEARCH-IBERO-AMERICAN JOURNAL OF MATERIALS, v. 18, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
FONSECA, LUCAS POLO; TRINCA, RAFAEL BERGAMO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Thermo-responsive polyurethane hydrogels based on poly(ethylene glycol) and poly(caprolactone): Physico-chemical and mechanical properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 133, n. 25, p. 10-pg., . (11/09479-1, 10/17804-7)
DE MORAIS, JAQUELINE ALBANO; GADIOLI, RENAN; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO. Curaua fiber reinforced high-density polyethylene composites: effect of impact modifier and fiber loading. POLIMEROS-CIENCIA E TECNOLOGIA, v. 26, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (10/17804-7)
MARQUES MARCILLI, RAPHAEL HENRIQUE; PETZHOLD, CESAR LIBERATO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Triblock Copolymers Based on Sucrose Methacrylate and Methyl Methacrylate: RAFT Polymerization and Self-Assembly. MACROMOLECULAR CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS, v. 221, n. 10, . (10/17804-7, 16/03394-8, 15/25406-5)
UMEMURA, RODRIGO T.; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Plasticization of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate) with triethyl citrate: Thermal and mechanical properties, morphology, and kinetics of crystallization. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 138, n. 10, . (15/25406-5, 10/17804-7)
PERIN, GIOVANNI BORTOLONI; FONSECA, LUCAS POLO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Macroporous hydrogels based on carbohydrates monomethacrylates and dimethacrylates: singular properties from carbohydrate-based crosslinkers. JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY, v. 94, n. 6, p. 1913-1924, . (10/17804-7, 14/14232-3, 15/25406-5)
DOS SANTOS, BRUNO HENRIQUE; DO PRADO, KAREN DE SOUZA; JACINTO, ASAPH ARMANDO; DA SILVA SPINACE, MARCIA APARECIDA. Influence of Sugarcane Bagasse Fiber Size on Biodegradable Composites of Thermoplastic Starch. JOURNAL OF RENEWABLE MATERIALS, v. 6, n. 2, p. 176-182, . (10/17804-7, 11/00156-5)
MARQUES MARCILLI, RAPHAEL HENRIQUE; RODRIGUES CAMILO, ANA PAULA; PETZHOLD, CESAR LIBERATO; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Amphiphilic diblock copolymers based on sucrose methacrylate: RAFT polymerization and self-assembly. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 266, p. 628-639, . (10/17804-7, 16/03394-8, 15/25406-5)
SPINACE, MARCIA A. S.; DE PAOLI, MARCO-AURELIO. Biocomposite of a multilayer film scrap and curaua fibers: Preparation and environmental degradation. JOURNAL OF THERMOPLASTIC COMPOSITE MATERIALS, v. 30, n. 2, p. 225-240, . (11/00156-5, 10/17804-7)
FERRAO, VICTOR; BORTOLONI PERIN, GIOVANNI; FELISBERTI, MARIA ISABEL. Green composites of poly(3-hydroxybutyrate-co-3-hydroxyvalerate) and sugarcane bagasse fibers plasticized with triethyl citrate: Thermal, mechanical and morphological properties. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 139, n. 33, p. 14-pg., . (10/17804-7, 15/25406-5)

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