Signaling pathways and the potential anticarcinoge... - BV FAPESP
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Signaling pathways and the potential anticarcinogenic effect of native Brazilian fruits on breast cancer

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Reguengo, Livia Mateus ; do Nascimento, Roberto de Paula ; Machado, Ana Paula da Fonseca ; Marostica Junior, Mario Roberto
Total Authors: 4
Document type: Journal article
Source: Food Research International; v. 155, p. 13-pg., 2022-05-01.

Breast cancer (BC) is the type of cancer with the highest incidence and mortality rates in women worldwide. Despite its well-established risk factors, BC is following an epidemiological pattern, similar to obesity and other western pandemics, associated to demographic and environmental factors. Food and specific bioactive com-pounds have been evidenced as key factors in BC status attenuation. Native Brazilian fruits and derived products are rich sources of bioactive compounds, which exert valuable antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and anticancer effects. Therefore, the aim of this review is to evidence the potential of Brazilian fruits in BC by revealing some of the mechanisms underlaying the anticancer effects of their respective bioactive compounds. The interventions investigated here generally show promising evidence, reducing tumor growth or cancer cell viability, and regulating the cell cycle. Native Brazilian fruits, such as acai, cocoa, guarana, passionfruit, and pineapple have been associated with the regulation of BC-related molecular biomarkers. (AU)

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