Research Grants 08/10449-7 - Eletroanalítica, Efluentes - BV FAPESP
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Assessment of occurrence, toxicity/genotoxicity and degradation processes of dyes in effluents and surface water

Grant number: 08/10449-7
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Chemistry - Analytical Chemistry
Principal Investigator:Maria Valnice Boldrin
Grantee:Maria Valnice Boldrin
Host Institution: Instituto de Química (IQ). Universidade Estadual Paulista (UNESP). Campus de Araraquara. Araraquara , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro
Associated researchers:Daisy Maria Favero Salvadori ; Danielle Palma de Oliveira ; Gisela de Aragão Umbuzeiro ; Hideko Yamanaka ; Maria Del Pilar Taboada Sotomayor ; Maysa Furlan ; Raquel Fernandes Pupo Nogueira
Associated research grant(s):13/50028-9 - Environmental risk assessment of disperse red 1 dye in Brazilian rivers, AP.R
Associated scholarship(s):14/13644-6 - Development of chromatographic analytical methods for determination of dyes in textile effluent samples, BP.PD
14/07009-6 - Development of biomimetic optodes using molecularly imprinted polymers for sensitive and selective measures of environmental importance dyes, BP.IC
14/03679-7 - Degradation of hair dyes and salon wastewater by photoelectrocatalysis with modified TiO2 nanotube electrodes and combination with ozonation, BP.DD
+ associated scholarships 13/25343-8 - Simultaneous Oxidation of Organic Compounds in Wastewater Petroleum and Reduction of Dissolved CO2 by Photoelectrocatalysis, BP.DR
13/06172-8 - Evaluation of the mutagenic potential of textile dyes using the micronucleus assay, BP.MS
13/24340-5 - Development and validation of method for determining of dye acid black 210 by LC-ESI-MS/MS in wastewater of tanning and evaluation of genotoxicity, BP.IC
13/09317-7 - Assessment of the ecogenotoxicologic risk of using textile dyes., BP.DR
12/13344-7 - Occurrence, genotoxicity and ecotoxicological risk of dyes in the aquatic environment., BP.DR
12/18357-0 - Study of photoeletrocatalytic degradation of cosmetic dyes with TiO2 nanotube electrodes undoped and doped Sb2S3, BP.DD
12/09512-1 - Parhyale hawaiensis as an alternative specie in toxicity tests with marine organisms, BP.IC
12/09863-9 - Evaluation of the effects of disperse red 1 and disperse red 13 dyes on the regeneration of Hydra attenuata, BP.IC
12/01253-7 - Glutathione S-transferase contribution in the Disperse Red 1 dye activation in Daphnia similis, BP.IC
11/15277-2 - Development of impedimetric immunosensor for detection of disperse Red 1 dye, BP.MS
12/02725-0 - Study of the photoelectrocatalytic reduction of CO2 using TiO2, TiO2/Pt electrode nanotubes, and Cu/CuO electrodes, BP.MS
11/21606-9 - Synthesis and characterization of Ti/TiO2-Pt and Ti/TiO2/WO3 photoanodes for application in the degradation of VAT dyes by photoelectro-Fenton process, BP.PD
11/16056-0 - Assessment of the photochemical degradation of a food dye and of the removal of textile dyes from cotton fabric promoted by artificial sweat, using chromatographic techniques., BP.MS
11/17552-0 - Detection and quantification of environmental important dyes using biomimetic sensors based on fiber optics and molecularly imprinted polymers, BP.DR
11/01755-0 - Toxicogenetics evaluation of the food colorings erythrosine and yellow quinoline and their products: electrochemical analysis and expressions of TP53 and COX-2 genes in liver cells, BP.PD
11/01717-0 - Verification of the bioaccumulation of copper in the structure of the dye turquoise 15 in Daphnia similis and evaluation of mutagenicity and genotoxicity of this dye and reactive blue 4, BP.MS
10/12991-3 - Characterization of the ecotoxicity of textile dyes and its byproducts after advanced oxidative treatments, BP.MS
10/13874-0 - Influence of the structure of azo dyes on the degradation kinetics using photo-Fenton and zero valent iron processes and on toxicity, BP.MS
10/14033-0 - Evaluation of the toxicity of dyes with a marine organism - Nitocra sp., BP.MS
10/17719-0 - Synthesis and application of molecular imprinting biomimetic polymers (MIPs) to extraction, detection and quantification of triphenylmethane dyes in different samples, BP.IC
10/01487-2 - Toxicogenetic and ecotoxicological assessment of textile dyes, BP.DR - associated scholarships


The aim of the present work is to collect diagnoses about the contamination level of industrial effluents and surface water receiving wastewater containing azo dyes, as well as to evaluate the toxic and/or mutagenic potentiality of some dyes and derivatives. These data can contribute to understanding transportation, bioaccumulation, persistence and biotransformation processes occurring in the environment or in the human metabolism. The overall of strategies to reach these objectives are: i) to optimize analytical methodologies to promote pre-concentration, detection and quantification of azo dye and sub-products in effluents and surface water, loam and sediment receiving rejects from textile industry, leather industry, food industry and hair dyeing ii) to mimetize biotransformations reactions and degradation processes occurring from irregular discharge of dye by electrochemical techniques, modified electrodes by DNA and polyaminoacids and biological assays; iii) to evaluate induction of damage to the genetic material and preliminary alterations of the immunology system promoted by dyes of azo type and water containing rejects from textile industry, leather industry, food industry and hair dyeing; iv) to optimize degradation methods of several classes of dyes bearing azo groups as chromophore by advanced oxidative methods, as photo-fenton and photoelectrocatalysis under artificial irradiation and solar light and to develop more efficient reactors to the treatment of effluent at industrial scale; v) to contribute with the guidelines and legislation for dye effluents. The researchers groups involved in this project have being worked together for long time and couple multidisciplinary area based on frontiers of biological and chemical sciences important to the advance of this branch of knowledge. (AU)

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Scientific publications (75)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
GUARALDO, T. T.; GONCALES, V. R.; SILVA, B. F.; DE TORRESI, S. I. C.; ZANONI, M. V. B.. Hydrogen production and simultaneous photoelectrocatalytic pollutant oxidation using a TiO2/WO3 nanostructured photoanode under visible light irradiation. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, v. 765, p. 188-196, . (08/10449-7, 09/17346-1)
CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; LUCCHIARI, NATLIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Bubble annular photoeletrocatalytic reactor with TiO2 nanotubes arrays applied in the textile wastewater. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 3, n. 2, p. 1177-1184, . (08/10449-7)
CORREA, GLAUCIA TINOCO; TANAKA, AURO ATSUCHI; ISABEL PIVIDORI, MARIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Use of a composite electrode modified with magnetic particles for electroanalysis of azo dye removed from dyed hair strands. Journal of Electroanalytical Chemistry, v. 782, p. 26-31, . (08/10449-7, 13/21542-6)
DOS SANTOS, MARCELA COLOMBO; DA SILVA, WESLEY SANTIAGO; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; CERRI, MARCEL OTAVIO; DE ARRUDA RIBEIRO, MARCELO PERENCIN; BICAS, JULIANO LEMOS. Comparison of Two Methods for Counting Molds in Fermentations Using the Production of Bikaverin byFusarium oxysporumCCT7620 as a Model. Current Microbiology, . (08/10449-7)
BESSEGATO, GUILHERME G.; DE ALMEIDA, LUCIO C.; FERREIRA, SERGIO L. C.; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Experimental design as a tool for parameter optimization of photoelectrocatalytic degradation of a textile dye. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 7, n. 4, . (08/10449-7, 11/21606-9, 14/50945-4, 15/18109-4, 12/18357-0, 14/03679-7)
DE SOUZA, JOAO CARLOS; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; MORALES, DANIEL ALEXANDRE; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Assessment of p-aminophenol oxidation by simulating the process of hair dyeing and occurrence in hair salon wastewater and drinking water from treatment plant. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, v. 387, . (14/50945-4, 15/18109-4, 15/12998-1, 08/10449-7)
ROCHA, CAROLINA G.; FERREIRA, ANTONIO A. P.; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO. Label-free impedimetric immunosensor for detection of the textile azo dye Disperse Red 1 in treated water. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 236, p. 52-59, . (08/10449-7, 11/15277-2)
ZOCOLO, GUILHERME JULIAO; DOS SANTOS, GLAUCO PILON; VENDEMIATTI, JOSIANE; VACCHI, FRANCINE INFORCATO; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Using SPE-LC-ESI-MS/MS Analysis to Assess Disperse Dyes in Environmental Water Samples. Journal of Chromatographic Science, v. 53, n. 8, p. 1257-1264, . (08/10449-7)
YU, TSAI HSIN; DAFRE, ALCIR LUIZ; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGO; FRANCISCON, ELISANGELA. CYP-dependent induction of glutathione S-transferase in Daphnia similis exposed to a disperse azo dye. ECOTOXICOLOGY, v. 24, n. 1, p. 232-237, . (08/10449-7, 10/13003-0, 12/01253-7)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; SILVA, BIANCA F.; ZANONI, MARIA V. B.. Using ionic liquid combined with HPLC-DAD to analyze semi-permanent hair dyes in commercial formulations. ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 7, n. 3, p. 1115-1122, . (08/10449-7)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; ARAUJO, ANGELA REGINA; RAJESHWAR, KRISHNAN; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Photoelectrochemical reduction of CO2 on Cu/Cu2O films: Product distribution and pH effects. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 264, p. 302-309, . (12/02725-0, 08/10449-7)
PEREIRA, GABRIEL F.; SILVA, BIANCA F.; OLIVEIRA, REGINA V.; COLEDAM, DOUGLAS A. C.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C.; BOCCHI, NERILSO; BIAGGIO, SONIA R.. Comparative electrochemical degradation of the herbicide tebuthiuron using a flow cell with a boron-doped diamond anode and identifying degradation intermediates. Electrochimica Acta, v. 247, p. 860-870, . (08/10449-7)
LEITE, LAIS DA SILVA; MASELLI, BIANCA DE SOUZA; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO; PUPO NOGUEIRA, RAQUEL F.. Monitoring ecotoxicity of disperse red 1 dye during photo-Fenton degradation. Chemosphere, v. 148, p. 511-517, . (08/10449-7)
FOGUEL, MARCOS V.; TON, XUAN-ANH; ZANONI, MARIA V. B.; SOTOMAYOR, MARIA DEL PILAR T.; HAUPT, KARSTEN; BUI, BERNADETTE TSE SUM. A molecularly imprinted polymer-based evanescent wave fiber optic sensor for the detection of basic red 9 dye. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 218, p. 222-228, . (08/10449-7, 11/17552-0, 13/02576-7)
ULIANA, CAROLINA V.; GARBELLINI, GUSTAVO S.; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO. Electrochemical reduction of disperse orange 1 textile dye at a boron-doped diamond electrode. Journal of Applied Electrochemistry, v. 42, n. 5, p. 297-304, . (09/08161-8, 08/08990-1, 08/10449-7)
BRUGNERA, MICHELLE FERNANDA; BUNDALIAN, JR., REYNALDO; LAUBE, TAMARA; JULIAN, ESTHER; LUQUIN, MARINA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; PIVIDORI, MARIA ISABEL. Magneto-actuated immunoassay for the detection of Mycobacterium fortuitum in hemodialysis water. Talanta, v. 153, p. 38-44, . (08/10449-7)
FABIANA A. SAYÃO; LUCIANA NUÑEZ; MARIA V. B. ZANONI. Efficient photoelectrochemical reduction of nitrite to ammonium and nitrogen containing gaseous species using Ti/TiO2 nanotube electrodes. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 25, n. 7, p. 1153-1160, . (08/10449-7)
ULIANA, CAROLINA VENTURINI; GARBELLINI, GUSTAVO STOPPA; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO. Electrochemical investigations on the capacity of flavonoids to protect DNA against damage caused by textile disperse dyes. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 192, p. 188-195, . (09/08161-8, 08/08990-1, 08/10449-7)
ULIANA, CAROLINA VENTURINI; GARBELLINI, GUSTAVO STOPPA; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO. Evaluation of the interactions of DNA with the textile dyes Disperse Orange 1 and Disperse Red 1 and their electrolysis products using an electrochemical biosensor. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 178, p. 627-635, . (09/08161-8, 08/08990-1, 08/10449-7)
VACCHI, FRANCINE INFORCATO; ALBUQUERQUE, ANJAINA FERNANDES; VENDEMIATTI, JOSIANE APARECIDA; MORALES, DANIEL ALEXANDRE; ORMOND, ALEXANDRA B.; FREEMAN, HAROLD S.; ZOCOLO, GUILHERME JULIAO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA. Chlorine disinfection of dye wastewater: Implications for a commercial azo dye mixture. Science of The Total Environment, v. 442, p. 302-309, . (09/12739-5, 08/10449-7)
DE CASTRO VIANA PEREIRA, ELAINE RENATA; BESSEGATO, GUILHERME GARCIA; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Determination of Quercetin by a Siloxane-Polyester/Poly-L-Lysine Nanocomposite Modified Glassy Carbon Electrode. Analytical Letters, v. 49, n. 9, p. 1398-1411, . (12/18357-0, 08/10449-7)
UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.; SZYMCZYK, MALGORZATA; LI, MIN; CHEN, YUFEI; VENDEMIATTI, JOSIANE A. S.; DE ALBUQUERQUE, ANJAINA F.; DOS SANTOS, AMANDA; MASELLI, BIANCA DE S.; KUMMROW, FABIO; VINUEZA, NELSON R.; et al. Purification and characterization of three commercial phenylazoaniline disperse dyes. COLORATION TECHNOLOGY, v. 133, n. 6, p. 513-518, . (08/10449-7)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; DA SILVA, BIANCA F.; OLIVEIRA, REGINA V.; MEIRELES, GABRIELA; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA; DE CASTRO, ALEXANDRE A.; RAMALHO, TEODORICO C.; ZANONI, MARIA V. B.. Identification of biotransformation products of disperse dyes with rat liver microsomes by LC-MS/MS and theoretical studies with DNA: Structure-mutagenicity relationship using Salmonella/microsome assay. Science of The Total Environment, v. 613, p. 1093-1103, . (14/50945-4, 15/18109-4, 08/10449-7)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; HUDARI, FELIPE FANTINATO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Photoelectrocatalytic performance of nanostructured p-n junction NtTiO2/NsCuO electrode in the selective conversion of CO2 to methanol at low bias potentials. JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, v. 24, p. 8-pg., . (08/10449-7, 13/25343-8)
DOS SANTOS, MARCELA COLOMBO; DA SILVA, WESLEY SANTIAGO; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; CERRI, MARCEL OTAVIO; DE ARRUDA RIBEIRO, MARCELO PERENCIN; BICAS, JULIANO LEMOS. Comparison of Two Methods for Counting Molds in Fermentations Using the Production of Bikaverin byFusarium oxysporumCCT7620 as a Model. Current Microbiology, v. 77, n. 11, p. 9-pg., . (08/10449-7)
DOS SANTOS, AMANDA; VANNUCI-SILVA, MONIZZE; VENDEMIATTI, JOSIANE A. DE SOUZA; ARTAL, MARIANA COLETTY; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO. Measuring concentrations of a dye in the hemolymph of a marine amphipod: Development of a protocol for exposure assessment. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 175, p. 5-pg., . (13/26301-7, 14/08829-7, 08/10449-7)
CORREA, GLAUCIA TINOCO; TANAKA, AURO ATSUCHI; ISABEL PIVIDORI, MARIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Use of a composite electrode modified with magnetic particles for electroanalysis of azo dye removed from dyed hair strands. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 782, p. 6-pg., . (08/10449-7, 13/21542-6)
CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; LUCCHIARI, NATLIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Bubble annular photoeletrocatalytic reactor with TiO2 nanotubes arrays applied in the textile wastewater. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 3, n. 2, p. 8-pg., . (08/10449-7)
ROCHA, OTAVIO PELEGRINO; CESILA, CIBELE APARECIDA; CHRISTOVAM, ELISA MARIA; DE MORAES BARROS, SILVIA BERLANGA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA. Ecotoxicological risk assessment of the "Acid Black 210" dye. Toxicology, v. 376, p. 7-pg., . (08/10449-7, 13/09317-7, 13/06172-8, 13/24340-5)
GUARALDO, THAIS T.; ZANONI, THALITA B.; DE TORRESI, SUSANA I. C.; GONCALES, VINICIUS R.; ZOCOLO, GUILHERME J.; OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE P.; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE B.. On the application of nanostructured electrodes prepared by Ti/TiO2/WO3 "template": A case study of removing toxicity of indigo using visible irradiation. Chemosphere, v. 91, n. 5, p. 8-pg., . (08/10449-7)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; DA SILVA, BIANCA F.; DE CASTRO, ALEXANDRE A.; RAMALHO, TEODORICO C.; ISABEL PIVIDORI, MARIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Biotransformation of disperse dyes using nitroreductase immobilized on magnetic particles modified with tosyl group: Identification of products by LC-MS-MS and theoretical studies conducted with DNA. Environmental Pollution, v. 242, n. A, p. 863-871, . (08/10449-7, 15/18109-4)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; HUDARI, FELIPE FANTINATO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Photoelectrocatalytic performance of nanostructured p-n junction NtTiO(2)/NsCuO electrode in the selective conversion of CO2 to methanol at low bias potentials. JOURNAL OF CO2 UTILIZATION, v. 24, p. 81-88, . (08/10449-7, 13/25343-8)
CARNEIRO, JUSSARA F.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; SILVA, BIANCA F.; SILVA, ADILSON J.; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C.. Comparing the electrochemical degradation of the fluoroquinolone antibiotics norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin using distinct electrolytes and a BDD anode: evolution of main oxidation byproducts and toxicity. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 8, n. 6, . (08/10449-7)
ROCHA, OTAVIO PELEGRINO; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA. Investigation of a Brazilian tannery effluent by means of zebra fish (Danio rerio) embryo acute toxicity (FET) test. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES, v. 80, n. 19-21, SI, p. 1078-1085, . (13/09317-7, 08/10449-7)
ROCHA, OTAVIO PELEGRINO; CESILA, CIBELE APARECIDA; CHRISTOVAM, ELISA MARIA; DE MORAES BARROS, SILVIA BERLANGA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA. Ecotoxicological risk assessment of the ``Acid Black 210{''} dye. Toxicology, v. 376, n. SI, p. 113-119, . (13/09317-7, 13/24340-5, 08/10449-7, 13/06172-8)
BESSEGATO, GUILHERME GARCIA; CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Enhanced photoelectrocatalytic degradation of an acid dye with boron-doped TiO2 nanotube anodes. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 240, n. A, p. 100-106, . (08/10449-7)
GUARALDO, THAIS T.; ZANONI, THALITA B.; DE TORRESI, SUSANA I. C.; GONCALES, VINICIUS R.; ZOCOLO, GUILHERME J.; OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE P.; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE B.. On the application of nanostructured electrodes prepared by Ti/TiO2/WO3 ``template{''}: A case study of removing toxicity of indigo using visible irradiation. Chemosphere, v. 91, n. 5, p. 586-593, . (08/10449-7)
CARVALHO, A. C. S.; ZANGARO, G. A. C.; FERNANDES, R. P.; EKAWA, B.; NASCIMENTO, A. L. C. S.; SILVA, B. F.; ASHTON, G. P.; PARKES, G. M. B.; IONASHIRO, M.; CAIRES, F. J.. Lornoxicam drug-A new study of thermal degradation under oxidative and pyrolysis conditions using the thermoanalytical techniques, DRX and LC-MS/MS. Thermochimica Acta, v. 680, . (18/24378-6, 17/14936-9, 08/10449-7, 13/09022-7)
ERBA POMPEI, CAROLINE MOCO; CAMPOS, LUIZA CINTRA; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; FOGO, JOSE CARLOS; VIEIRA, ENY MARIA. Occurrence of PPCPs in a Brazilian water reservoir and their removal efficiency by ecological filtration. Chemosphere, v. 226, p. 210-219, . (11/21666-1, 12/21981-7, 08/10449-7)
BIROLLI, WILLIAN GARCIA; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; RODRIGUES-FILHO, EDSON. Biodegradation of the fungicide Pyraclostrobin by bacteria from orange cultivation plots. Science of The Total Environment, v. 746, . (16/09690-8, 08/10449-7, 17/19721-0)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; DA SILVA, BIANCA F.; ZANONI, MARIA V. B.. Assessment of semi-permanent hair dyes in wash water from beauty salons by liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry-selected reaction monitoring (LC-MS/MS-SRM). ANALYTICAL METHODS, v. 12, n. 44, p. 5415-5423, . (08/10449-7, 15/18109-4)
SANCHEZ-MONTES, ISAAC; FUZER NETO, JOSE R.; SILVA, BIANCA F.; SILVA, ADILSON J.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C.. Evolution of the antibacterial activity and oxidation intermediates during the electrochemical degradation of norfloxacin in a flow cell with a PTFE-doped beta-PbO2 anode: Critical comparison to a BDD anode. Electrochimica Acta, v. 284, p. 260-270, . (14/11597-0, 12/13587-7, 08/10449-7)
COLEDAM, DOUGLAS A. C.; SANCHEZ-MONTES, ISAAC; SILVA, BIANCA F.; AQUINO, JOSE M.. On the performance of HOCl/Fe2+, HOCl/Fe2+/UVA, and HOCl/UVC processes using in situ electrogenerated active chlorine to mineralize the herbicide picloram. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 227, p. 170-177, . (08/10449-7)
DOS SANTOS, AMANDA; TENORIO BOTELHO, MARINA; VANNUCI-SILVA, MONIZZE; COLETTY ARTAL, MARIANA; VACCHI, FRANCINE I.; RAMPAZZO MAGALHAES, GABRIEL; GOMES, VICENTE; BURDICK HENRY, THEODORE; DE ARAGAO UMBUZEIRO, GISELA. The amphipod Parhyale hawaiensis as a promising model in ecotoxicology. Chemosphere, v. 307, p. 8-pg., . (13/26301-7, 08/10449-7, 15/24758-5, 12/09512-1, 14/08829-7, 17/22010-9, 17/16168-9)
VACCHI, FRANCINE INFORCATO; DE SOUZA VENDEMIATTI, JOSIANE APARECIDA; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO. Quantifying the contribution of dyes to the mutagenicity of waters under the influence of textile activities. Science of The Total Environment, v. 601, p. 230-236, . (08/10449-7, 12/13344-7)
FERNANDES, FABIO HENRIQUE; BUSTOS-OBREGON, EDUARDO; FAVERO SALVADORI, DAISY MARIA. Disperse Red 1 (textile dye) induces cytotoxic and genotoxic effects in mouse germ cells. REPRODUCTIVE TOXICOLOGY, v. 53, p. 75-81, . (08/10449-7)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; DA SILVA, ALEXANDER ALVES; CAVALHEIRO, ALBERTO JOSE; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Evaluation of the Parameters Affecting the Photoelectrocatalytic Reduction of CO2 to CH3OH at Cu/Cu2O Electrode. International Journal of Electrochemical Science, v. 9, n. 11, p. 5961-5973, . (12/02725-0, 08/10449-7)
DE LUNA, LUIS A. V.; DA SILVA, THIAGO H. G.; PUPO NOGUEIRA, RAQUEL F.; KUMMROW, FABIO; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA A.. Aquatic toxicity of dyes before and after photo-Fenton treatment. JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS, v. 276, p. 332-338, . (10/13874-0, 08/10449-7, 10/12991-3)
DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. On the application of Ti/TiO2/CuO n-p junction semiconductor: A case study of electrolyte, temperature and potential influence on CO2 reduction. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 318, p. 264-271, . (08/10449-7, 13/25343-8)
FOGUEL, MARCOS VINICIUS; BELLO PEDRO, NATACHA THAISA; WONG, ADEMAR; KHAN, SABIR; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; TABOADA SOTOMAYOR, MARIA DEL PILAR. Synthesis and evaluation of a molecularly imprinted polymer for selective adsorption and quantification of Acid Green 16 textile dye in water samples. Talanta, v. 170, p. 244-251, . (14/07009-6, 08/10449-7, 11/17552-0, 14/25264-3)
HUAYHUAS-CHIPANA, BRYAN C.; GOMERO, JUAN C. M.; SOTOMAYOR, MARIA D. P. T.. Nanostructured screen-printed electrodes modified with self-assembled monolayers for determination of metronidazole in different matrices. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 25, n. 9, p. 1737-1745, . (08/10449-7)
ZANONI, THALITA B.; DE PAULA, ELOISA SILVA; ZOCOLO, GUILHERME JULIAO; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE B.; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA. Identification of Sudan III-(deoxy)-guanosine adducts formed in situ in a reaction with no catalyst. TOXICOLOGICAL AND ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMISTRY, v. 95, n. 9, p. 1506-1517, . (08/10449-7)
BESSEGATO, GUILHERME GARCIA; CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Combination of photoelectrocatalysis and ozonation: A novel and powerful approach applied in Acid Yellow 1 mineralization. APPLIED CATALYSIS B-ENVIRONMENTAL, v. 180, p. 161-168, . (14/03679-7, 08/10449-7)
ZANONI, THALITA B.; HUDARI, FELIPE; MUNNIA, ARMELLE; PELUSO, MARCO; GODSCHALK, ROGER W.; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE B.; DEN HARTOG, GERTJAN J. M.; BAST, AALT; BARROS, SILVIA B. M.; MARIA-ENGLER, SILVYA S.; et al. The oxidation of p-phenylenediamine, an ingredient used for permanent hair dyeing purposes, leads to the formation of hydroxyl radicals: Oxidative stress and DNA damage in human immortalized keratinocytes. Toxicology Letters, v. 239, n. 3, p. 194-204, . (08/10449-7, 10/07116-6, 12/05961-6)
FRAGA, LUCIANO EVANGELISTA; GUARALDO, THAIS TASSO; DE ARAUJO SOUZA, BARBARA CAMILA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Semi-permanent hair dyes degradation at W/WO3 photoanode under controlled current density assisted by visible light. JOURNAL OF ADVANCED OXIDATION TECHNOLOGIES, v. 20, n. 2, . (08/10449-7, 08/09943-7)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; DA SILVA, BIANCA F.; DIAS, ELISANGELA FRANCISCON G.; DE CASTRO, ALEXANDRE A.; RAMALHO, TEODORICO C.; ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE BOLDRIN. Influence of auxochrome group in disperse dyes bearing azo groups as chromophore center in the biotransformation and molecular docking prediction by reductase enzyme: Implications and assessment for environmental toxicity of xenobiotics. ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY, v. 160, p. 114-126, . (15/18109-4, 08/10449-7)
COLEDAM, DOUGLAS A. C.; PUPO, MARILIA M. S.; SILVA, BIANCA F.; SILVA, ADILSON J.; EGUILUZ, KATLIN I. B.; SALAZAR-BANDA, GIANCARLO R.; AQUINO, JOSE M.. Electrochemical mineralization of cephalexin using a conductive diamond anode: A mechanistic and toxicity investigation. Chemosphere, v. 168, p. 638-647, . (08/10449-7)
FABRAO, RODRIGO MONTEIRO; DE BRITO, JULIANA FERREIRA; DA SILVA, JOSE LUIZ; STRADIOTTO, NELSON RAMOS; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Appraisal of photoelectrocatalytic oxidation of glucose and production of high value chemicals on nanotube Ti/TiO2 electrode. Electrochimica Acta, v. 222, p. 123-132, . (08/10449-7, 15/18109-4)
FRANCISCON, ELISANGELA; MENDONCA, DANILO; SEBER, SAMILE; MORALES, DANIEL ALEXANDRE; ZOCOLO, GUILHERME JULIAO; ZANONI, MARIAVALNICE BOLDRIN; GROSSMAN, MATTHEW JAMES; DURRANT, LUCIA REGINA; FREEMAN, HAROLD S.; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA ARAGAO. Potential of a bacterial consortium to degrade azo dye Disperse Red 1 in a pilot scale anaerobic-aerobic reactor. Process Biochemistry, v. 50, n. 5, p. 816-825, . (09/12739-5, 08/10449-7)
FERNANDES, FABIO HENRIQUE; UMBUZEIRO, GISELA DE ARAGAO; FAVERO SALVADORI, DAISY MARIA. Genotoxicity of textile dye CI Disperse Blue 291 in mouse bone marrow. MUTATION RESEARCH-GENETIC TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL MUTAGENESIS, v. 837, p. 48-51, . (14/50945-4, 08/10449-7)
BESSEGATO, GUILHERME GARCIA; CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Enhanced photoabsorption properties of composites of Ti/TiO2 nanotubes decorated by Sb2S3 and improvement of degradation of hair dye. JOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY A-CHEMISTRY, v. 276, p. 96-103, . (08/10449-7, 12/18357-0)
ULIANA, CAROLINA V.; GARBELLINI, GUSTAVO S.; YAMANAKA, HIDEKO. Spectrophotometric evaluation of the behavior of disperse red 1 dye in aqueous media and its interaction with calf thymus ds-DNA. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 23, n. 8, p. 1469-1475, . (08/10449-7, 08/08990-1, 09/08161-8)
RICARDO A. G. DE OLIVEIRA; THALITA B. ZANONI; GUILHERME G. BESSEGATO; DANIELLE P. OLIVEIRA; GISELA A. UMBUZEIRO; MARIA VALNICE B. ZANONI. A química e toxicidade dos corantes de cabelo. Química Nova, v. 37, n. 6, p. 1037-1046, . (08/10449-7)
BIROLLI, WILLIAN GARCIA; DA SILVA, BIANCA FERREIRA; RODRIGUES FILHO, EDSON. Biodegradation of the pyrethroid cypermethrin by bacterial consortia collected from orange crops. Environmental Research, v. 215, p. 15-pg., . (16/09690-8, 17/19721-0, 08/10449-7)
FRANCO, JEFFERSON HONORIO; DA SILVA, BIANCA F.; DE CASTRO, ALEXANDRE A.; RAMALHO, TEODORICO C.; ISABEL PIVIDORI, MARIA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Biotransformation of disperse dyes using nitroreductase immobilized on magnetic particles modified with tosyl group: Identification of products by LC-MS-MS and theoretical studies conducted with DNA. Environmental Pollution, v. 242, p. 9-pg., . (08/10449-7, 15/18109-4)
BESSEGATO, GUILHERME GARCIA; CARDOSO, JULIANO CARVALHO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE. Enhanced photoelectrocatalytic degradation of an acid dye with boron-doped TiO2 nanotube anodes. CATALYSIS TODAY, v. 240, p. 7-pg., . (08/10449-7)
SANCHEZ-MONTES, ISAAC; WACHTER, NAIHARA; SILVA, BIANCA F.; AQUINO, JOSE M.. Comparison of UVC-based advanced oxidation processes in the mineralization of bisphenol A: Identi fication of oxidation by products and toxicity evaluation. CHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL, v. 386, . (08/10449-7, 19/07943-4)
ROCHA, OTAVIO PELEGRINO; DE OLIVEIRA, DANIELLE PALMA. Investigation of a Brazilian tannery effluent by means of zebra fish (Danio rerio) embryo acute toxicity (FET) test. JOURNAL OF TOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL HEALTH-PART A-CURRENT ISSUES, v. 80, n. 19-21, p. 8-pg., . (08/10449-7, 13/09317-7)
FOGUEL, MARCOS VINICIUS; BELLO PEDRO, NATACHA THAISA; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; TABOADA SOTOMAYOR, MARIA DEL PILAR; TURNER, A; TANG, A. Molecularly imprinted polymer (MIP): a promising recognition system for development of optical sensor for textile dyes. BIOSENSORS 2016, v. 27, p. 2-pg., . (14/25264-3, 08/10449-7, 14/07009-6, 11/17552-0)
GUARALDO, T. T.; GONCALES, V. R.; SILVA, B. F.; DE TORRESI, S. I. C.; ZANONI, M. V. B.. Hydrogen production and simultaneous photoelectrocatalytic pollutant oxidation using a TiO2/WO3 nanostructured photoanode under visible light irradiation. JOURNAL OF ELECTROANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 765, p. 9-pg., . (08/10449-7, 09/17346-1)
MEIRELES, G.; DORTA, D. J.; OLIVEIRA, D. P.. Chlorine substitution reduce the mutagenic potential of textile dye Disperse Red 73. Toxicology Letters, v. 259, p. 3-pg., . (08/10449-7)
CARNEIRO, JUSSARA F.; AQUINO, JOSE M.; SILVA, BIANCA F.; SILVA, ADILSON J.; ROCHA-FILHO, ROMEU C.. Comparing the electrochemical degradation of the fluoroquinolone antibiotics norfloxacin and ciprofloxacin using distinct electrolytes and a BDD anode: evolution of main oxidation byproducts and toxicity. JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, v. 8, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (08/10449-7)

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