Research Grants 16/50438-0 - Ciências da nutrição e do esporte, Suplementação alimentar - BV FAPESP
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Nutritional suplementation and exercise to optimize exercise performance: focus on individual responses and a step towards personalized sports nutrition

Grant number: 16/50438-0
Support Opportunities:Research Grants - Young Investigators Grants
Field of knowledge:Health Sciences - Physical Education
Agreement: Newton Fund, with FAPESP as a partner institution in Brazil
Principal Investigator:Bryan Saunders
Grantee:Bryan Saunders
Host Institution: Faculdade de Medicina (FM). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Associated research grant(s):21/06836-0 - Placebo in sports and exercise: prevalence, conditioning and open-placebo, AP.JP2
18/13124-3 - Placebo effects: from health to sport, AV.EXT
Associated scholarship(s):20/12036-3 - The influence of the CYP1A2 polymorphism on the physiological responses and performance following acute supplementation with caffeine, BP.DD
20/02391-0 - Effect of habitual caffeine consumption on individual responses to acute caffeine supplementation, BP.IC
19/20614-0 - Influence of MCT1 and MCT4 polymorphism on blood responses associated to performance against a 1 km time trial cycling test in recreational athletes, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 19/06140-5 - Acute effects of b-alanine intake on regulatory mechanisms of muscle carnosine content, BP.MS
18/01594-5 - Blood and muscle responses to sodium bicarbonate supplementation and subsequent exercise performance, BP.MS
17/15314-1 - The influence of the CYP1A2 polymorphism on the physiological responses and performance following acute supplementation with caffeine, BP.MS
17/24841-5 - Sodium bicarbonate supplementation on 1-km cycling time-trial performance, BP.IC
17/04973-4 - Nutritional supplementation and exercise to optimise exercise performance: focus on individual responses and a step towards personalized sports nutrition, BP.JP - associated scholarships


Ergogenic aids are nutritional supplements predominantly directed towards enhancing exercise capacity and performance, although they may else provide health related benefits. Sodium bicarbonate, caffeine and β-alanine have become essential training additions for elite, professional and recreational athletes alike and their efficacy in improving exercise capacity and performance is supported by substantial research. Nonetheless, variability in responses has led to recent suggestion that supplementation may not be beneficial to all individuals. lt is of interest to determine the sources of inter- and intra-individual variations and whether resulting information can be used to optimize dosing strategies for exercise performance. Study 1 will evaluate the consistency in responses to sodium bicarbonate supplementation, revealing whether we can viably individualise the timing of ingestion according to the individual. In study 2 we will determine whether enteric capsules can optimize the dose response to sodium bicarbonate supplementation, and alleviate some of the associated side-effects. Study 3 will elucidate the consistency in exercise responses to supplementation with sodium bicarbonate, while study 4 will determine whether changes in muscle transporter activity are related to the changes in circulating bicarbonate. Study 5 will determine the time course blood responses following caffeine ingestion between individuals with different phenotypes for caffeine metabolism, while study 6 will determine the role of phenotype upon the efficacy of caffeine for exercise. Study 7 will determine the acute metabolic responses to β-alanine supplementation pre and post 4 weeks of supplementation, while study 8 will determine whether an acute bout of training also influences these same metabolic responses. We believe that the results obtained in this comprehensive project will have significant and long-lasting impacts on the understanding of acute metabolic responses to supplementation and exercise, and will play a fundamental part in the optimization of supplementation for athletic populations, as well as directing future work in the area. (AU)

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Scientific publications (58)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
PERIM, PEDRO; GOBBI, NATHAN; DUARTE, BRENO; FARIAS DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA; COSTA, LUIZ AUGUSTO RIANI; SALE, CRAIG; GUALANO, BRUNO; DOLAN, EIMEAR; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Beta-alanine did not improve high-intensity performance throughout simulated road cycling. European Journal of Sport Science, . (19/07497-4, 17/13552-2, 18/01594-5, 19/06140-5, 16/17391-0, 16/50438-0, 19/05616-6)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; SAITO, TIEMI; KLOSTERHOFF, RAFAEL; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; BARRETO, GABRIEL; PERIM, PEDRO; PINTO, ANA JESSICA; LIMA, FERNANDA; DE SAPINTO, ANA LUCIA; GUALANO, BRUNO. ``I put it in my head that the supplement would help me{''}: Open-placebo improves exercise performance in female cyclists. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 9, . (15/26937-4, 18/01594-5, 17/04973-4, 17/15314-1, 16/50438-0)
DOLAN, EIMEAR; SWINTON, PAUL A.; PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; HEMINGWAY, BENEDICT STEPHENS; MAZZOLANI, BRUNA; SMAIRA, FABIANA INFANTE; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME G.; GUALANO, BRUNO. A Systematic Risk Assessment and Meta-Analysis on the Use of Oral beta-Alanine Supplementation. ADVANCES IN NUTRITION, v. 10, n. 3, p. 452-463, . (13/14746-4, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 17/09635-0, 14/11948-8, 13/04806-0, 15/11328-2)
ESTEVES, GABRIEL PERRI; SWINTON, PAUL; SALE, CRAIG; JAMES, RUTH M.; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; GUALANO, BRUNO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; DOLAN, EIMEAR. Individual Participant Data Meta-Analysis Provides No Evidence of Intervention Response Variation in Individuals Supplementing With Beta-Alanine. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 31, n. 4, p. 305-313, . (19/05616-6, 20/07860-9, 19/25032-9, 16/50438-0, 19/26899-6)
DE AMORIM ROCHA, PEDRO LUCAS; CALDEIRA LIMA, ANNA LUISA; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GONCALVES REIS, CAIO EDUARDO. Development of a Caffeine Content Table for Foods, Drinks, Medications and Supplements Typically Consumed by the Brazilian Population. NUTRIENTS, v. 14, n. 20, p. 14-pg., . (16/50438-0, 21/06836-0)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; VIRGILE, ADAM; ELLIOTT-SALE, KIRSTY JAYNE; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI; SWINTON, PAUL A.; DOLAN, EIMEAR; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; SALE, CRAIG; GUALANO, BRUNO. Infographic. A systematic review and meta-analysis of the effect of beta-alanine supplementation on exercise capacity and performance. BRITISH JOURNAL OF SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 54, n. 15, p. 2-pg., . (17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 15/11328-2, 14/11948-8)
NADERI, ALIREZA; GOBBI, NATHAN; ALI, AJMOL; BERJISIAN, ERFAN; HAMIDVAND, AMIN; FORBES, SCOTT C.; KOOZEHCHIAN, MAJID S.; KARAYIGIT, RACI; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Carbohydrates and Endurance Exercise: A Narrative Review of a Food First Approach. NUTRIENTS, v. 15, n. 6, p. 19-pg., . (21/06836-0, 16/50438-0, 19/07497-4)
NEWBURY, JOSH W.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GOUGH, LEWIS A.. Evening Caffeine Did Not Improve 100-m Swimming Time Trials Performed 60 Min Post-Ingestion or the Next Morning After Sleep. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 32, n. 6, p. 9-pg., . (21/06836-0, 16/50438-0)
CARVALHO, ARTHUR; DUARTE, BRENO; ELLIOTT-SALE, KIRSTY JAYNE; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Directions for Future Studies to Determine Dietary Nitrate Efficacy in Female Athletes. TRANSLATIONAL JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN COLLEGE OF SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 8, n. 4, p. 3-pg., . (21/06836-0, 21/13799-3, 16/50438-0, 19/06140-5)
GUIMARAES, RODRIGO DOS SANTOS; DE MORAIS JUNIOR, ALCIDES CORREA; SCHINCAGLIA, RAQUEL MACHADO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; PIMENTEL, GUSTAVO DUARTE; MOTA, JOAO FELIPE. Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation Does Not Improve Running Anaerobic Sprint Test Performance in Semiprofessional Adolescent Soccer Players. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 30, n. 5, p. 330-337, . (16/50438-0, 17/04973-4)
CARVALHO, ARTHUR; MARTICORENA, FELIPE MIGUEL; GRECCO, BEATRIZ HELENA; BARRETO, GABRIEL; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Can I Have My Coffee and Drink It? A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis to Determine Whether Habitual Caffeine Consumption Affects the Ergogenic Effect of Caffeine. SPORTS MEDICINE, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (20/12036-3, 21/05847-8, 20/02391-0, 16/50438-0, 19/20614-0, 21/06836-0)
PEACOCK, J.; SPARKS, S. A.; MIDDLEBROOK, I; HILTON, N. P.; TINNION, D.; LEACH, N.; SAUNDERS, B.; MCNAUGHTON, L. R.. Extraceullular buffer choice influences acid-base responses and gastrointestinal symptoms. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 29, n. 6, p. 12-pg., . (16/50438-0)
RIBEIRO, RAFAEL; DUARTE, BRENO; DA SILVA, ANDRE GUEDES; RAMOS, GUILHERME PASSOS; PICANCO, ANDREIA ROSSI; PENNA, EDUARDO MACEDO; COSWIG, VICTOR; BARBALHO, MATHEUS; GENTIL, PAULO; GUALANO, BRUNO; et al. Short-Duration Beta-Alanine Supplementation Did Not Prevent the Detrimental Effects of an Intense Preparatory Period on Exercise Capacity in Top-Level Female Footballers. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, v. 7, . (19/06140-5, 16/50438-0, 17/04973-4)
RIBEIRO, FELIPE; LONGOBARDI, IGOR; PERIM, PEDRO; DUARTE, BRENO; FERREIRA, PEDRO; GUALANO, BRUNO; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. iming of Creatine Supplementation around Exercise: A Real Concern. NUTRIENTS, v. 13, n. 8, . (19/06140-5, 16/50438-0, 18/19981-5)
MARTICORENA, FELIPE MIGUEL; CARVALHO, ARTHUR; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; DOLAN, EIMEAR; GUALANO, BRUNO; SWINTON, PAUL; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Nonplacebo Controls to Determine the Magnitude of Ergogenic Interventions: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, v. 53, n. 8, p. 1766-1777, . (19/26899-6, 16/50438-0, 19/20614-0)
KARAYIGIT, RACI; NADERI, ALIREZA; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; FORBES, SCOTT C.; COSO, JUAN DEL; BERJISIAN, ERFAN; YILDIRIM, ULAS CAN; SUZUKI, KATSUHIKO. Combined but Not Isolated Ingestion of Caffeine and Taurine Improves Wingate Sprint Performance in Female Team-Sport Athletes Habituated to Caffeine. SPORTS, v. 9, n. 12, . (16/50438-0)
PERIM, PEDRO; MARTICORENA, FELIPE MIGUEL; RIBEIRO, FELIPE; BARRETO, GABRIEL; GOBBI, NATHAN; KERKSICK, CHAD; DOLAN, EIMEAR; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Can the Skeletal Muscle Carnosine Response to Beta-Alanine Supplementation Be Optimized?. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, v. 6, . (18/01594-5, 17/15314-1, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 19/05616-6, 18/19981-5)
SWINTON, PAUL A.; HEMINGWAY, BEN STEPHENS; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GUALANO, BRUNO; DOLAN, EIMEAR. A Statistical Framework to Interpret Individual Response to Intervention : Paving the Way for Personalized Nutrition and Exercise Prescription. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, v. 5, . (13/14746-4, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 17/09635-0, 15/11328-2)
HEIBEL, ANDRE B.; PERIM, PEDRO H. L.; OLIVEIRA, LUANA F.; MCNAUGHTON, LARS R.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Time to Optimize Supplementation: Modifying Factors Influencing the Individual Responses to Extracellular Buffering Agents. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, v. 5, . (16/17391-0, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; FRANCHI, MARIANA; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; SILVA, VINICIUS DA EIRA; DA SILVA, RAFAEL PIRES; PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; RIANI COSTA, LUIZ AUGUSTO; SALE, CRAIG; HARRIS, ROGER CHARLES; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; et al. 24-Week beta-alanine ingestion does not affect muscle taurine or clinical blood parameters in healthy males. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF NUTRITION, v. 59, n. 1, p. 57-65, . (13/14746-4, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 12/13026-5, 14/11948-8, 13/04806-0, 15/22686-7)
DOLAN, EIMEAR; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; HARRIS, ROGER CHARLES; BICUDO, JOSE EDUARDO PEREIRA WILKEN; BISHOP, DAVID JOHN; SALE, CRAIG; GUALANO, BRUNO. Comparative physiology investigations support a role for histidine-containing dipeptides in intracellular acid base regulation of skeletal muscle. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, v. 234, p. 77-86, . (13/14746-4, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 17/09635-0, 15/11328-2)
JONES, REBECCA L.; STELLINGWERFF, TRENT; SWINTON, PAUL; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; SALE, CRAIG. Warm-Up Intensity Does Not Affect the Ergogenic Effect of Sodium Bicarbonate in Adult Men. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 31, n. 6, p. 482-489, . (19/25032-9, 14/11948-8, 16/50438-0)
DOLAN, EIMEAR; WARREN, DANIEL E.; HARRIS, ROGER C.; SALE, CRAIG; GUALANO, BRUNO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Skeletal muscle histidine-containing dipeptide contents are increased in freshwater turtles (C. picta bellii) with cold-acclimation. COMPARATIVE BIOCHEMISTRY AND PHYSIOLOGY A-MOLECULAR & INTEGRATIVE PHYSIOLOGY, v. 262, . (19/26899-6, 17/13552-2, 16/50438-0, 19/05616-6)
DOLAN, EIMEAR; SWINTON, PAUL A.; PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; HEMINGWAY, BENEDICT STEPHENS; MAZZOLANI, BRUNA; SMAIRA, FABIANA INFANTE; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME G.; GUALANO, BRUNO. A Systematic Risk Assessment and Meta-Analysis on the Use of Oral β-Alanine Supplementation. ADVANCES IN NUTRITION, v. 10, n. 3, p. 12-pg., . (13/04806-0, 17/09635-0, 13/14746-4, 16/50438-0, 14/11948-8, 17/04973-4, 15/11328-2)
MENDES, GUILHERME FALCAO; REIS, CAIO EDUARDO GONCALVES; NAKANO, EDUARDO YOSHIO; SPINELI, HIGOR; BARRETO, GABRIEL; NORONHA, NATALIA YUMI; WATANABE, LIGIA MORIGUCHI; NONINO, CARLA BARBOSA; DE ARAUJO, GUSTAVO GOMES; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; et al. Can the Brazilian Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaires Differentiate the CYP1A2 and ADORA2A Gene Polymorphisms?-An Exploratory Study with Brazilian Athletes. NUTRIENTS, v. 14, n. 16, p. 12-pg., . (18/24069-3, 20/12036-3, 21/06836-0, 16/50438-0, 20/08687-9)
DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; YAMAGUCHI, GUILHERME; SWINTON, PAUL; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI. Is Individualization of Sodium Bicarbonate Ingestion Based on Time to Peak Necessary?. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, v. 52, n. 8, p. 1801-1808, . (16/50438-0, 17/04973-4)
PEACOCK, J.; SPARKS, S. A.; MIDDLEBROOK, I; HILTON, N. P.; TINNION, D.; LEACH, N.; SAUNDERS, B.; MCNAUGHTON, L. R.. Extraceullular buffer choice influences acid-base responses and gastrointestinal symptoms. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE, . (16/50438-0)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; DOLAN, EIMEAR; DURKALEC-MICHALSKI, KRZYSZTOF; MCNAUGHTON, LARS; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI; SWINTON, PAUL ALAN. Sodium bicarbonate supplementation and the female athlete: A brief commentary with small scale systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, . (19/25032-9, 16/50438-0, 19/26899-6, 19/05616-6)
BERJISIAN, ERFAN; MCGAWLEY, KERRY; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; DOMINGUEZ, RAUL; KOOZEHCHIAN, MAJID S.; COUTINHO DE OLIVEIRA, CAIO VICTOR; RAFIEI, RAMIN; MIRAFTABI, HOSSEIN; SARSHIN, AMIR; NADERI, ALIREZA. Acute effects of beetroot juice and caffeine co-ingestion during a team-sport-specific intermittent exercise test in semi-professional soccer players: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled study. BMC SPORTS SCIENCE MEDICINE AND REHABILITATION, v. 14, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (16/50438-0)
MILIONI, FABIO; BONETTI DE POLI, RODRIGO ARAUJO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GUALANO, BRUNO; DA ROCHA, ALISSON L.; RAMOS DA SILVA, ADELINO SANCHEZ; GUERRERO MULLER, PAULO DE TARSO; ZAGATTO, ALESSANDRO MOURA. Effect of beta-alanine supplementation during high-intensity interval training on repeated sprint ability performance and neuromuscular fatigue. Journal of Applied Physiology, v. 127, n. 6, p. 1599-1610, . (16/11076-6, 16/50438-0, 16/17836-2, 16/02683-6)
BARRETO, G.; LOUREIRO, L. M. R.; REIS, C. E. G.; SAUNDERS, B.. Effects of caffeine chewing gum supplementation on exercise performance: A systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (17/15314-1, 16/50438-0)
OLIVEIRA-JUNIOR, GERSIEL; PINTO, RAFAELA S.; SHIRLEY, MEGHAN K.; LONGMAN, DANIEL P.; KOEHLER, KARSTEN; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; DOLAN, EIMEAR. The Skeletal Muscle Response to Energy Deficiency: A Life History Perspective. ADAPTIVE HUMAN BEHAVIOR AND PHYSIOLOGY, v. 8, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (19/05616-6, 19/26899-6, 20/07540-4, 16/50438-0)
CICCONETTI, FRANCO; SESTILI, PIERO; MADIAI, VALERIA; ALBERTINI, MARIA CRISTINA; CAMPANELLA, LUIGI; COPPARI, SOFIA; FRATERNALE, DANIELE; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; TEODORI, LAURA. Extracellular pH, osmolarity, temperature and humidity could discourage SARS-CoV-2 cell docking and propagation via intercellular signaling pathways. PeerJ, v. 9, . (16/50438-0)
FIGUEIREDO, NAYRA; QUEIROZ, MARCELA; FELICIO, FERNANDA P.; FERREIRA, JESSICA; GEROSA-NETO, JOSE; MOTA, JO AO F.; DA SILVA, CHRISTIELLY R.; GHEDINI, PAULO C.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; PIMENTEL, GUSTAVO D.. Acute caffeine mouth rinsing does not improve 10-km running performance in CYP1A2 C-allele carriers. CLINICAL NUTRITION ESPEN, v. 42, p. 93-97, . (16/50438-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; DOLAN, EIMEAR; SWINTON, PAUL A.; DURKALEC-MICHALSKI, KRZYSZTOF; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME G.; MCNAUGHTON, LARS R.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. xtracellular Buffering Supplements to Improve Exercise Capacity and Performance: A Comprehensive Systematic Review and Meta-analysi. SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 52, n. 3, . (19/25032-9, 19/26899-6, 16/50438-0)
SILVA DE SOUZA, RICARDO AUGUSTO; DA SILVA, ANDRE GUEDES; DE SOUZA, MAGDA FERREIRA; FERREIRA SOUZA, LILIANA KATARYNE; ROSCHEL, HAMILTON; DA SILVA, SANDRO FERNANDES; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. A Systematic Review of CrossFit (R) Workouts and Dietary and Supplementation Interventions to Guide Nutritional Strategies and Future Research in CrossFit (R). INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 31, n. 2, p. 187-205, . (16/50438-0, 19/22249-7)
DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI. Is Bypassing the Stomach a Means to Optimize Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation? A Case Study With a Postbariatric Surgery Individual. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORT NUTRITION AND EXERCISE METABOLISM, v. 28, n. 6, p. 660-663, . (14/11948-8, 16/50438-0)
DOLAN, E.; SAUNDERS, B.; DANTAS, W. S.; MURAI, I. H.; ROSCHEL, H.; ARTIOLI, G. G.; HARRIS, R.; BICUDO, J. E. P. W.; SALE, C.; GUALANO, B.. A Comparative Study of Hummingbirds and Chickens Provides Mechanistic Insight on the Histidine Containing Dipeptide Role in Skeletal Muscle Metabolism. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 8, . (13/14746-4, 16/10993-5, 17/09635-0, 15/11328-2, 16/50438-0, 17/04973-4)
PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; NEMEZIO, KLEINER MARCIO; PINTO, ANA JESSICA; FRANCHI, MARIANA; ANDRADE, ISABEL; RIANI, LUIZ AUGUSTO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; SALE, CRAIG; HARRIS, ROGER CHARLES; GUALANO, BRUNO; et al. High-Intensity Interval Training Augments Muscle Carnosine in the Absence of Dietary Beta-alanine Intake. MEDICINE AND SCIENCE IN SPORTS AND EXERCISE, v. 50, n. 11, p. 2242-2252, . (14/11948-8, 13/04806-0, 13/14746-4, 16/50438-0)
SAITO, TIEMI; BARRETO, GABRIEL; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GUALANO, BRUNO. Is Open-Label Placebo a New Ergogenic Aid? A Commentary on Existing Studies and Guidelines for Future Research. SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 50, n. 7, . (17/15314-1, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0)
BASSINELLO, DIOGO; PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; DOLAN, EIMEAR; LIXANDRAO, MANOEL; CAJUEIRO, MONIQUE; DE CAPITANI, MARIANA; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; SALE, CRAIG; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME G.; GUALANO, BRUNO; et al. Beta-alanine supplementation improves isometric, but not isotonic or isokinetic strength endurance in recreationally strength-trained young men. Amino Acids, v. 51, n. 1, p. 27-37, . (13/14746-4, 17/04973-4, 16/50438-0, 16/10993-5, 15/23072-2, 13/04806-0, 15/11328-2)
DA SILVA, RAFAEL PIRES; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; KRATZ, CAROLINE DE ANDRADE; PAINELLI, VITOR DE SALLES; SILVA, VINICIUS DA EIRA; BOUZAS MARINS, JOAO CARLOS; FRANCHINI, EMERSON; GUALANO, BRUNO; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI. Effects of -alanine and sodium bicarbonate supplementation on the estimated energy system contribution during high-intensity intermittent exercise. Amino Acids, v. 51, n. 1, p. 83-96, . (13/14746-4, 16/50438-0, 12/13026-5, 14/11948-8, 13/04806-0)
GRGIC, JOZO; PEDISIC, ZELJKO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME G.; SCHOENFELD, BRAD J.; MCKENNA, MICHAEL J.; BISHOP, DAVID J.; KREIDER, RICHARD B.; STOUT, JEFFREY R.; KALMAN, DOUGLAS S.; et al. International Society of Sports Nutrition position stand: sodium bicarbonate and exercise performance. JOURNAL OF THE INTERNATIONAL SOCIETY OF SPORTS NUTRITION, v. 18, n. 1, . (16/50438-0)
GRGIC, JOZO; RODRIGUEZ, RAMON F.; GAROFOLINI, ALESSANDRO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; BISHOP, DAVID J.; SCHOENFELD, BRAD J.; PEDISIC, ZELJKO. Effects of Sodium Bicarbonate Supplementation on Muscular Strength and Endurance: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. SPORTS MEDICINE, v. 50, n. 7, . (17/04973-4, 16/50438-0)
BARRETO, GABRIEL; GRECCO, BEATRIZ; MEROLA, PIETRO; GONCALVES REIS, CAIO EDUARDO; GUALANO, BRUNO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Novel insights on caffeine supplementation, CYP1A2 genotype, physiological responses and exercise performance. EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSIOLOGY, v. 121, n. 3, . (17/15314-1, 17/13552-2, 20/02391-0, 16/50438-0)
BARRETO, GABRIEL; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; SAITO, TIEMI; KLOSTERHOFF, RAFAEL; PERIM, PEDRO; DOLAN, EIMEAR; PEREIRA, ROSA MARIA R.; CAMPOS-FERRAZ, PATRICIA; LIMA, FERNANDA R.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Reduced Endurance Capacity and Suboptimal Energy Availability in Top-Level Female Cyclists. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SPORTS PHYSIOLOGY AND PERFORMANCE, v. 16, n. 8, p. 1194-1203, . (18/01594-5, 17/15314-1, 16/50438-0, 19/05616-6, 19/26899-6)
SCHWARTZ, JULIANO; OH, PAUL; TAKITO, MONICA Y.; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; DOLAN, EIMEAR; FRANCHINI, EMERSON; RHODES, RYAN E.; BREDIN, SHANNON S. D.; COELHO, JOSYE P.; DOS SANTOS, PEDRO; et al. Translation, Cultural Adaptation, and Reproducibility of the Physical Activity Readiness Questionnaire for Everyone (PAR-Q+): The Brazilian Portuguese Version. FRONTIERS IN CARDIOVASCULAR MEDICINE, v. 8, . (19/26899-6, 16/50438-0, 19/05616-6)
PERIM, PEDRO; GOBBI, NATHAN; DUARTE, BRENO; FARIAS DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA; COSTA, LUIZ AUGUSTO RIANI; SALE, CRAIG; GUALANO, BRUNO; DOLAN, EIMEAR; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. Beta-alanine did not improve high-intensity performance throughout simulated road cycling. European Journal of Sport Science, v. 22, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (16/50438-0, 19/07497-4, 19/05616-6, 19/06140-5, 18/01594-5, 17/13552-2, 16/17391-0)
DANTAS, MATHEUS; BARBOZA-NETO, RUI; GUARDIEIRO, NATALIA MENDES; DE SA PINTO, ANA LUCIA; GUALANO, BRUNO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN. A cloth facemask increased ratings of perceived exertion and reduced affect, without affecting sprint or muscular performance. RESEARCH IN SPORTS MEDICINE, . (16/50438-0)
MARTICORENA, FELIPE MIGUEL; BARRETO, GABRIEL CASTANHO; GUARDIEIRO, NATALIA MENDES; ESTEVES, GABRIEL PERRI; OLIVEIRA, TAMIRES NUNES; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; PINTO, ANA LUCIA DE SA; RIANI, LUIZ; PRADO, DANILO MENDES; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; et al. Performing moderate to severe activity is safe and tolerable for healthy youth while wearing a cloth facemask. PLoS One, v. 18, n. 3, p. 11-pg., . (21/05847-8, 16/50438-0, 20/12036-3, 17/13552-2, 20/07860-9, 20/04368-6)
GUARDIEIRO, NATALIA MENDES; BARRETO, GABRIEL; MARTICORENA, FELIPE MIGUEL; OLIVEIRA, TAMIRES NUNES; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; PINTO, ANA LUCIA DE SA; DO PRADO, DANILO MARCELO LEITE; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GUALANO, BRUNO. A Cloth Facemask Causes No Major Respiratory or Cardiovascular Perturbations During Moderate to Heavy Exercise. JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL ACTIVITY & HEALTH, v. 20, n. 1, p. 10-pg., . (21/05847-8, 16/50438-0, 20/12036-3, 17/13552-2, 21/06836-0, 20/04368-6)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; DOLAN, EIMEAR; DURKALEC-MICHALSKI, KRZYSZTOF; MCNAUGHTON, LARS; ARTIOLI, GUILHERME GIANNINI; SWINTON, PAUL ALAN. Sodium bicarbonate supplementation and the female athlete: A brief commentary with small scale systematic review and meta-analysis. European Journal of Sport Science, v. 22, n. 5, p. 10-pg., . (19/25032-9, 16/50438-0, 19/26899-6, 19/05616-6)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; MCNAUGHTON, LARS R.; SIEGLER, JASON. Editorial: Nutritional Buffering Strategies to Improve Exercise Capacity and Performance. FRONTIERS IN NUTRITION, v. 8, p. 2-pg., . (16/50438-0)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; SAITO, TIEMI; KLOSTERHOFF, RAFAEL; DE OLIVEIRA, LUANA FARIAS; BARRETO, GABRIEL; PERIM, PEDRO; PINTO, ANA JESSICA; LIMA, FERNANDA; DE SAPINTO, ANA LUCIA; GUALANO, BRUNO. "I put it in my head that the supplement would help me": Open-placebo improves exercise performance in female cyclists. PLoS One, v. 14, n. 9, p. 16-pg., . (17/15314-1, 16/50438-0, 15/26937-4, 17/04973-4, 18/01594-5)
MENDES, GUILHERME FALCAO; REIS, CAIO EDUARDO GONCALVES; NAKANO, EDUARDO YOSHIO; DA COSTA, TERESA HELENA MACEDO; SAUNDERS, BRYAN; ZANDONADI, RENATA PUPPIN. Translation and Validation of the Caffeine Expectancy Questionnaire in Brazil (CaffEQ-BR). NUTRIENTS, v. 12, n. 8, p. 19-pg., . (16/50438-0)
SAUNDERS, BRYAN; GOBBI, NATHAN. Location location location: muscle glycogen content and endurance exercise. JOURNAL OF PHYSIOLOGY-LONDON, v. 599, n. 1, p. 3-pg., . (19/07497-4, 16/50438-0)

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