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Environmental governance of macrometropolis paulista in face of climate variability

Grant number: 15/03804-9
Support Opportunities:Research Program on Global Climate Change - Thematic Grants
Duration: June 01, 2017 - May 31, 2023
Field of knowledge:Interdisciplinary Subjects
Principal Investigator:Pedro Roberto Jacobi
Grantee:Pedro Roberto Jacobi
Host Institution: Instituto de Energia e Ambiente (IEE). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Alexander Turra ; Celio Bermann ; Edmilson Dias de Freitas ; Klaus Frey ; Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli ; Silvia Helena Zanirato
Associated researchers:Alexander Turra ; Alexandre Do Nascimento Souza ; Alexandre Toshiro Igari ; Aline Sbizera Martinez ; Amauri Pollachi ; Ana Paula Barretto ; Ana Paula Fracalanza ; Arthur Mendonça Quinhones Siqueira ; Beatriz Milz ; Bruna Fatiche Pavani ; Camila Jorge Haddad ; Celio Bermann ; Claudia Regina dos Santos ; Denise de La Corte Bacci Toledo ; Douglas Wittmann ; Edmilson Dias de Freitas ; Evandro Mateus Moretto ; Flávia Mendes de Almeida Collaço ; Gina Rizpah Besen ; Graziana Donata Punzi de Siqueira ; Guilherme Pedroso ; Humberto Prates da Fonseca Alves ; Igor Matheus Santana Chaves ; Jeroen Johannes Klink ; João Marcos Mott Pavanelli ; João Tadeu Alves dos Santos ; José Alberto Quintanilha ; Jucilene Galvão ; Juliana Cassano Cibim ; Kátia Canil ; Klaus Frey ; Leandra Regina Gonçalves Torres ; Leandro Belini ; Leandro Luiz Giatti ; Letícia Stevanato Rodrigues ; Lidiane Alonso Paixão dos Anjos ; Luciana Rodrigues Fagnoni Costa Travassos ; Marcelo Aversa ; Mariana Abrantes Giannotti ; Mariana Gutierres Arteiro da Paz ; Mariana Nunes de Moura Souza ; Marianne Karin Biben Frederick ; Patricia Fernanda Do Pinho ; Paula Ciminelli Ramalho ; Paulo Antonio de Almeida Sinisgalli ; Pedro Henrique Campello Torres ; Pedro Luiz Côrtes ; Raiana Schirmer Soares ; Rayssa Saidel Cortez ; Renata de Souza Leão Martins ; Renata Ferraz de Toledo ; Roberta de Assis Maia ; Roberta Moraes Curan ; Robson da Silva Moreno ; Rodolfo Baêsso Moura ; Rodrigo Constante Martins ; Ronaldo Adriano Christofoletti ; Ruth Cristina Ferreira Ramos ; Samia Nascimento Sulaiman ; Sandra Irene Momm Schult ; Sidnei Raimundo ; Silvana Audra Cutolo ; Silvana Maria Zioni ; Silvia Helena Zanirato ; Solange Alves Duarte dos Santos ; Solange S. Silva Sánchez ; Tatiana Gomes Rotondaro ; Tercio Ambrizzi ; Vanessa Lucena Empinotti ; Vânia Maria Nunes dos Santos ; Walter Manoel Mendes Filho ; Wilson Cabral de Sousa Junior
Associated grant(s):19/23559-0 - COPPLANNING: community-based planning and participation for low carbon transition: a global South-North comparative study centring traditional and first nations communities, AP.R SPRINT
19/08606-1 - Improving social and environmental adaptation to rapid environmental change and governance of the coastal zone: addressing the science and policy gap in the ecosystem services field in Brazil and Australia (ECOSCIPOL), AP.R SPRINT
19/23467-8 - An institutional interplay perspective to multi-level environmental governance: the case of offshore oil governance in Gulf of Mexico and Santos Basin (OFFOCEANS), AP.R SPRINT
+ associated grants 19/06536-6 - Knowledge and capacity building in the field of planning and governance for metropolitan regions in a context of socioenvironmental challenges and climate change, AP.R SPRINT
18/07702-4 - Governance practices in solid waste management in the macrometropolis of São Paulo, AV.EXT
17/50385-7 - The knowledge of power: environmental education and the public understanding of energy, AP.R SPRINT - associated grants
Associated scholarship(s):21/09660-0 - Contemporary theories and the circulation of ideas in planning - the emergence of the soft spaces approach: a case study in the Metropolitan Region of Sorocaba within the macrometropolis of São Paulo, BP.DR
22/05020-9 - Vulnerability and energy poverty: research practices in European countries and their replicability in Brazil, BE.PQ
22/09064-0 - Poverty and energy vulnerability: survey of data and systematization of information regarding the evaluation of multidimensional poverty and energy in the Community of Vila Nova Esperança, SP, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 22/09520-6 - Environmental governance of macrometropolis paulista in face of climate variability, BP.IC
22/09375-6 - Data collection and analysis using the MAXQDA 2020 software, BP.TT
21/10951-9 - Fishing Marine Litter: diagnosis of marine litter collected by artisanal fisheries in Bertioga-SP, BP.MS
21/12862-3 - Cartography of environmental sanitation governance in the São Paulo macrometropolis, BP.TT
21/12004-7 - Investigation and analysis of environmental sanitation governance, BP.IC
21/04484-9 - Scientific dissemination of Governança Ambiental da Macrometrópole Paulista face à Variabilidade Climática (MacroAmb), BP.JC
21/02561-6 - Green gentrification: contribution to a debate in the field of urban planning, BP.IC
21/05293-2 - Investigação e análise da governança em saneamento ambiental, BP.IC
20/10236-5 - Urban interventions in valley bottoms: an analysis of socio-technical transition in the Tamanduateí River basin, BP.MS
21/02379-3 - Vulnerability indicators of small cities in the São Paulo macro-metropolis in view of climatic variability: a look at small cities, BP.IC
20/15855-5 - Platform for sustainability indicators of selective collection and waste pickers' organizations in the macrometrópole paulista, BP.IC
20/16396-4 - Fuzzy boundaries and soft spaces in the São Paulo Macrometropolis, BP.IC
21/00701-5 - Transformative social learning: sustainable practices in the São Paulo macro metropolis, BP.IC
20/15340-5 - Metropolitan governance and its expansions: reflections on the city-region of macrometropolis paulista, BP.DD
20/15671-1 - Data collection and analysis using the MAXQDA 2020 software, BP.TT
20/15039-3 - Governance of environmental sanitation in the São Paulo Macrometropolis, BP.TT
19/22940-1 - Ecosystem services potentials in the urban-rural gradient of the macrometropolis of São Paulo: a multidimensional theoretical-methodological approach, BP.DR
19/22193-1 - Storytellers of Tietê River, BP.IC
20/01134-4 - Spatialization and data collection at the Macrometropole Paulista level and case studies, BP.TT
19/12804-3 - Participatory research reconnecting diversity: knowledge democracy as a pathway for sustainability and health, BE.PQ
19/18462-7 - Trajectory and praxis of environmental planning in the paulista macrometropolis and climate change: a case study on the environmental zoning instrument, BP.DR
19/12015-9 - Evaluation of simulations of climate models on Southeastern Brazil and future changes in a global warming scenario, BP.PD
18/22036-0 - Evaluating the potential of different benthic indicators to assess sandy beach ecological integrity: subsides for management and monitoring practices, BP.PD
19/09768-5 - Data collection and spatialization at the level of the São Paulo macrometropolis and case studies, BP.TT
19/11408-7 - Spatialization of governance arrangements in sanitation of the São Paulo macrometropolis, BP.IC
18/26772-3 - Sandy beach pollution: pollutants distribution and levels on benthic biodiversity, BP.DR
19/02074-8 - The revitalization of rivers in global cities: challenges for São Paulo and international experiences., BP.PD
18/23771-6 - Active transparency in the management of water resources in the São Paulo macrometropolis using the INTRAG method, BP.DR
17/22067-0 - The environmental and economic impacts of waste electrical and electronic equipment (WEEE) processing in urban Global South urban: a comparative analysis between São Paulo Macrometropole (Brazil) and Greater Accra Region (Ghana), BP.PD
18/13238-9 - Does beach management considers ecosystem services and their vulnerability to climate changes?, BP.MS
18/17626-3 - The Energy Issue in the Macrometropolis of Sao Paulo, BP.PD
18/12245-1 - Planning in conditions of rapid socio-environmental change: a theoretical-methodological framework for comparative analysis, BE.PQ
18/09713-3 - Scientific dissemination of the thematic project Environmental Governance of São Paulo Macrometropolis in Face of Climatic Variability, BP.JC
18/06685-9 - New means of scientific cooperation for innovation in the Socio-environmental Governance of the Macrometropole Paulista, BP.PD
18/09272-7 - Territorialities, spatialities and innovation in environmental governance: construction of spatial database, BP.TT
18/09902-0 - Territorialities, spatiality and innovation in environmental governance - phase based conceptual and normative: topics in governance of energy planning in the macrometropolis of São Paulo, BP.IC
18/05099-9 - Fish communities of sandy beach surf zones: unraveling the myths, exploring different methodologies and providing knowledge for management strategies, BP.DR
18/10305-7 - Territories: transparency and data collection project, BP.IC
18/00462-8 - Opportunities and weakeness of integrated coastal management on the São Paulo coast in the context of macro-metropolis governance, BP.PD
18/06353-6 - Social and environmental indicators in the Paulista macrometropole, BP.IC
18/05968-7 - Survey of data from the macrometropole Paulista, BP.IC
18/02464-8 - Spatialization and data collection at the Macrometropole paulista level and case studies, BP.TT
17/21797-5 - Beach management trends in Brazil: targeting social-ecological resilience, BP.PD
17/17071-9 - Preserving sandy beaches: biodiversity, goods and services, and impacts on a neglected ecosystem, BP.PD
16/11947-7 - Coastal hardening: knowledge status, impacts and future projections, BP.PD - associated scholarships


In a context strongly marked due to climate changes and uncertainty, and with strong tendencies of alterations in the dynamics of the hydric regime, it is pressing to advance in the knowledge and innovation associated to the adoption of flexible measures of adaptive management of water and the implementation of practices of socio-environmental governance in an integrated and interdependent perspective. Facing the evidences of global warming and the consequences of climate variability, new challenges are set to approach the theme of socio-environmental governance, namely of water and related themes, in a scale that transcends the metropolitan region of São Paulo, whose more known denomination is Macrometropolis Paulista. This project has as its main goal, therefore, to analyze in an interdisciplinary perspective, through 5 subprojects in the context of the Macrometropolis Paulista, the set of processes that should be part of an agenda of action and integration of the different interfaces of environmental governance associated to water. It aims, therefore to understand and analyze the impacts of wide processes of environmental degradation and growth of macrometropolitan vulnerability and propose initiatives and actions that should compose an agenda of articulation and integration of the different interfaces of environmental governance in a context of climate change. (AU)

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Scientific publications (101)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MARENGO, JOSE A.; ALVES, LINCOLN M.; AMBRIZZI, TERCIO; YOUNG, ANDREA; BARRETO, NAURINETE J. C.; RAMOS, ANDREA M.. Trends in extreme rainfall and hydrogeometeorological disasters in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo: a review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1472, n. 1, SI, . (14/50848-9, 15/03804-9, 15/50122-0)
ESMAEILI, YASMINA SHAH; CHECON, HELIO H.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Parasitism by isopods in sandy beach fish assemblages: role of urbanization and environmental characteristics. Hydrobiologia, v. 848, n. 20, . (18/22036-0, 18/19776-2, 15/03804-9, 17/17071-9)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; YOKOYAMA, LEONARDO Q.; TARDELLI, DANIEL T.; CHECON, HELIO H.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Spatial patterns of the gastropod Olivella minuta reveal the importance of tide-dominated beaches and the subtidal zone for sandy beach populations. REGIONAL STUDIES IN MARINE SCIENCE, v. 39, . (17/17071-9, 18/22036-0, 09/15893-5, 09/17585-6, 15/03804-9)
ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH A. B.; UVO, CINTIA B. A.; MARTINS, JORGE A. B.; MACHADO, CAROLYNE B. D.; FREITAS, EDMILSON D.. Land Use and Cover Changes versus climate shift: Who is the main player in river discharge? A case study in the Upper Paran acute accent a River Basin. Journal of Environmental Management, v. 309, p. 12-pg., . (15/03804-9)
DE SOUZA, DANIELE TUBINO; CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE. reening and Just Cities: Elements for Fostering a South-North Dialogue Based on a Systematic Literature Revie. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, v. 3, . (18/06685-9, 15/03804-9)
DOMINGUES CAETANO, PAULO MANTEY; SANTA BARBARA PEREIRA, HELIA MARIA; RIBEIRO FIGUEIREDO, LARA CAVALCANTI; SEPE, PATRICIA MARRA; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ. he City of Sao Paulo's Environmental Quota: A Policy to Embrace Urban Environmental Services and Green Infrastructure Inequalities in the Global Sout. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, v. 3, . (15/03804-9)
MORENO, ROBSON DA SILVA; GALVAO CESAR BRAGA, DIEGO RAFAEL; XAVIER, LUIS FELIPE. ocio-Ecological Conflicts in a Global South Metropolis: Opportunities and Threats of a Potential Greenway in the Sao Paulo Metropolitan Regio. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, v. 3, . (15/03804-9, 18/06685-9, 19/05644-0)
GONCALVES, LEANDRA R.; GERHARDINGER, LEOPOLDO C.; POLETTE, MARCUS; TURRA, ALEXANDER. An Endless Endeavor: The Evolution and Challenges of Multi-Level Coastal Governance in the Global South. SUSTAINABILITY, v. 13, n. 18, . (18/00462-8, 16/26158-8, 19/04481-0, 15/03804-9)
AMARAL, MATEUS HENRIQUE; BENITES-LAZARO, LIRA LUZ; SINISGALLI, PAULO ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA; ALVES, HUMBERTO PRATES DA FONSECA; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ. Environmental injustices on green and blue infrastructure: Urban nexus in a macrometropolitan territory. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 289, . (15/03804-9, 19/24479-0, 17/17796-3)
LEANDRO LUIZ GIATTI; RICARDO AGUM RIBEIRO; ALESSANDRA FERREIRA DALES NAVA; JUTTA GUTBERLET. Emerging complexities and rising omission: Contrasts among socio-ecological contexts of infectious diseases, research and policy in Brazil. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v. 44, n. 1, . (19/12804-3, 15/03804-9)
SANDRA MOMM; LUCIANA TRAVASSOS; PAULA RAMALHO; SILVANA ZIONI. Permanência e transição no planejamento e a crise hídrica na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. EURE-REVISTA LATINOAMERICANA DE ESTUDIOS URBANO REGIONALES, v. 47, n. 140, p. 199-219, . (15/03804-9)
MARCELO AVERSA; VANESSA ELIAS DE OLIVEIRA. Governança metropolitana e política de saneamento: trajetórias dependentes na Grande São Paulo. Cadernos Metrópole, v. 23, n. 52, p. 1085-1108, . (15/03804-9)
VANESSA LUCENA EMPINOTTI; NATALIA DIAS TADEU; MARIA CHRISTINA FRAGKOU; PAULO ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA SINISGALLI. Desafios de governança da água: conceito de territórios hidrossociais e arranjos institucionais. Estudos avançados, v. 35, n. 102, p. 177-192, . (15/03804-9)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; CHECON, HELIO H.; ESMAEILI, YASMINA SHAH; DEFEO, OMAR; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Evaluation of the effects of urbanization and environmental features on sandy beach macrobenthos highlights the importance of submerged zones. Marine Pollution Bulletin, v. 182, p. 12-pg., . (18/19776-2, 18/22036-0, 15/03804-9, 17/17071-9)
CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; ESMAEILI, YASMINA SHAH; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; MALINCONICO, NICOLE; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Locally developed models improve the accuracy of remotely assessed metrics as a rapid tool to classify sandy beach morphodynamics. PeerJ, v. 10, p. 26-pg., . (17/17071-9, 15/03804-9, 18/22036-0, 18/19776-2)
MARENGO, JOSE A.; CAMARINHA, PEDRO I.; ALVES, LINCOLN M.; DINIZ, FABIO; BETTS, RICHARD A.. Extreme Rainfall and Hydro-Geo-Meteorological Disaster Risk in 1.5, 2.0, and 4.0?C Global Warming Scenarios: An Analysis for Brazil. FRONTIERS IN CLIMATE, v. 3, p. 17-pg., . (15/03804-9, 17/09659-6, 15/50122-0, 14/50848-9)
LAURINO, IVAN RODRIGO ABRAO; LIMA, TAMIRIS PEREIRA; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Effects of natural and anthropogenic storm-stranded debris in upper-beach arthropods: Is wrack a prey hotspot for birds?. Science of The Total Environment, v. 857, p. 11-pg., . (18/19776-2, 15/03804-9)
BENDER, ANDREIA; FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; TOLEDO MACHADO, LUIZ AUGUSTO. The impact of future urban scenarios on a severe weather case in the metropolitan area of Sao Paulo. Climatic Change, v. 156, n. 4, p. 471-488, . (15/03804-9, 15/14497-0)
DE ALMEIDA COLLACO, FLAVIA MENDES; RODRIGUES TEIXEIRA, ANA CAROLINA; MACHADO, PEDRO GERBER; BORGES, RAQUEL ROCHA; FELIPE BRITO, THIAGO LUIS; MOUETTE, DOMINIQUE. Road Freight Transport Literature and the Achievements of the Sustainable Development Goals-A Systematic Review. SUSTAINABILITY, v. 14, n. 6, p. 18-pg., . (19/09242-3, 15/03804-9, 14/50279-4)
CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; PANTE SOUZA, DANIELE TUBINO; EMPINOTTI, VANESSA LUCENA; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Green gentrification and contemporary capitalist production of space: notes from Brazil. CAHIERS DES AMERIQUES LATINES, v. 97, p. 27-pg., . (18/06685-9, 15/03804-9)
ANDREA LAMPIS; CÉLIO BERMANN. Narrativas de Política Pública e Governança da Energia Distribuída no Brasil. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 25, . (15/03804-9, 18/17626-3)
HELIO HERMINIO CHECON; LUCIANA YOKOYAMA XAVIER; LEANDRA REGINA GONÇALVES; CAUÊ D CARRILHO; ANELISE GOMES DA SILVA. Beach market: what have we been computing in Brazil?. Ocean and Coastal Research, v. 69, . (15/03804-9, 18/22036-0, 18/19776-2, 17/21797-5, 18/00462-8)
ESMAEILI, YASMINA SHAH; CORTE, GUILHERME NASCIMENTO; CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; CRUZ GOMES, TAUANE RAISSA; LEFCHECK, JONATHAN S.; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, A. CECILIA; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Comprehensive assessment of shallow surf zone fish biodiversity requires a combination of sampling methods. MARINE ECOLOGY-PROGRESS SERIES, v. 667, p. 131-144, . (18/19776-2, 15/03804-9, 17/17071-9, 18/22036-0)
GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ; RIBEIRO, RICARDO AGUM; DALES NAVA, ALESSANDRA FERREIRA; GUTBERLET, JUTTA. Emerging complexities and rising omission: Contrasts among socio-ecological contexts of infectious diseases, research and policy in Brazil. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v. 44, n. 1, 1, . (15/03804-9, 19/12804-3)
ANDREA LAMPIS; JOÃO MARCOS MOTT PAVANELLI; ANA LÍA DEL VALLE GUERRERO; CÉLIO BERMANN. Possibilidades e limites da transição energética: uma análise à luz da ciência pós-normal. Estudos avançados, v. 35, n. 103, p. 183-200, . (15/03804-9, 18/17626-3)
LEANDRO L. GIATTI; JUTTA GUTBERLET; RENATA FERRAZ DE TOLEDO; FRANCISCO NILSON PAIVA DOS SANTOS. Pesquisa participativa reconectando diversidade: democracia de saberes para a sustentabilidade. Estudos avançados, v. 35, n. 103, p. 237-254, . (19/12804-3, 15/03804-9)
LIRA LUZ BENITES LAZARO; LAIS FORTI THOMAZ. A Participação de stakeholders na formulação da política brasileira de biocombustíveis (RenovaBio). Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 24, . (19/24479-0, 15/03804-9, 17/17796-3)
ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH ADIB; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; MARTINS, JORGE ALBERTO; MACHADO, CAROLYNE BUENO; UVO, CINTIA BERTACCHI. ydrologic response to large-scale land use and cover changes in the Upper Parana River Basin between 1985 and 201. Regional Environmental Change, v. 21, n. 4, . (15/03804-9)
TRAVASSOS, LUCIANA; MOMM, SANDRA. Urban River Interventions in Sao Paulo Municipality (Brazil): The Challenge of Ensuring Justice in Sociotechnical Transitions. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, v. 3, p. 16-pg., . (18/12245-1, 15/03804-9)
TRIMBLE, MICAELA; OLIVIER, TOMAS; ANJOS, LIDIANE A. P.; TADEU, NATALIA DIAS; GIORDANO, GABRIEL; MAC DONNELL, LARA; LAURA, ROSANA; SALVADORES, FRANCO; SANTANA-CHAVES, IGOR MATHEUS; TORRES, PEDRO H. C.; et al. How do basin committees deal with water crises? Reflections for adaptive water governance from South America. Ecology and Society, v. 27, n. 2, p. 14-pg., . (15/03804-9, 18/06685-9)
DEUSDARA-LEAL, KARINNE; MOHOR, GUILHERME SAMPROGNA; CUARTAS, LUZ ADRIANA; SELUCHI, MARCELO E.; MARENGO, JOSE A.; ZHANG, RONG; BROEDEL, ELISANGELA; AMORE, DIOGO DE JESUS; ALVALA, REGINA C. S.; CUNHA, ANA PAULA M. A.; et al. Trends and Climate Elasticity of Streamflow in South-Eastern Brazil Basins. WATER, v. 14, n. 14, p. 25-pg., . (15/03804-9, 14/50848-9, 15/50122-0)
LEANDRA R. GONÇALVES; DG WEBSTER; ORAN YOUNG; MARCUS POLETTE; ALEXANDER TURRA. Amazônia azul brasileira ameaçada: por que o derramamento de óleo continuou por tanto tempo?. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, . (15/03804-9, 19/04481-0, 18/00462-8)
FLÁVIA MENDES DE ALMEIDA COLLAÇO; RAIANA SCHIRMER SOARES; JOÃO MARCOS MOTT PAVANELLI; LIRA LUZ BENITES-LAZARO; GUILHERME MASSIGNAN BEREJUK; ANDREA LAMPIS; CÉLIO BERMANN. Identificação do Sistema Energético da Macrometrópole Paulista: primeiro passo para atuação local em Mudanças Climáticas. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, . (19/24479-0, 15/03804-9, 18/17626-3, 17/17796-3)
RUTH FERREIRA RAMOS; KLAUS FREY; ALDENÍSIO MORAES CORREIA; LIDIANE ALONSO PAIXÃO DOS ANJOS; ANA LIA LEONEL. Saneamento ambiental na Macrometrópole Paulista: perspectivas para uma governança multinível. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, . (19/06536-6, 15/03804-9, 19/18462-7)
GONCALVES, LEANDRA R.; FIDELMAN, PEDRO; TURRA, ALEXANDER; YOUNG, ORAN. The Dynamics of Multiscale Institutional Complexes: the Case of the Sao Paulo Macrometropolitan Region. Environmental Management, v. 67, n. 1, . (18/00462-8, 15/03804-9, 19/04481-0)
IBARRA-ESPINOSA, SERGIO; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; ROPKINS, KARL; DOMINICI, FRANCESCA; REHBEIN, AMANDA. Negative-Binomial and quasi-poisson regressions between COVID-19, mobility and environment in Sao Paulo, Brazil. Environmental Research, v. 204, n. D, . (15/03804-9, 21/07136-1)
CORREA, MARINA RIBEIRO; XAVIER, LUCIANA YOKOYAMA; HOLZKAMPER, EIKE; DE ANDRADE, MARIANA MARTINS; TURRA, ALEXANDER; GLASER, MARION. Shifting Shores and Shoring Shifts-How Can Beach Managers Lead Transformative Change? A Study on Challenges and Opportunities for Ecosystem-Based Management. HUMAN ECOLOGY REVIEW, v. 26, n. 2, p. 59-84, . (17/21797-5, 15/03804-9, 18/13238-9, 19/13851-5, 19/13898-1)
LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ; DE OLIVEIRA, JOSE ANTONIO PUPPIM. Water-energy-food nexus approach at the core of businesses-How businesses in the bioenergy sector in Brazil are responding to integrated challenges?. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 303, . (17/50425-9, 15/03804-9, 17/17796-3)
ZIMMERMANN, KARSTEN; LEONEL, ANA LIA; KONTOPP, MARCIO A.. Metropolitan governance in the context of dynamic urbanization: the case of Brazil. FRONTIERS IN POLITICAL SCIENCE, v. 5, p. 13-pg., . (19/06536-6, 22/01660-3, 19/18462-7, 20/15340-5, 15/03804-9)
MACHADO, CAROLYNE B.; CAMPOS, THAMIRIS L. O. B.; ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH A.; MARTINS, JORGE A.; GRIMM, ALICE M.; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON D.. Extreme Rainfall Events in the Macrometropolis of Sao Paulo: Trends and Connection with Climate Oscillations. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, v. 60, n. 5, p. 15-pg., . (15/03804-9, 19/12015-9)
CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; LEONEL, ANA LIA; DE ARAUJO, GABRIEL PIRES; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Is the Brazilian National Climate Change Adaptation Plan Addressing Inequality? Climate and Environmental Justice in a Global South Perspective. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, v. 13, n. 2, p. 5-pg., . (19/18462-7, 18/06685-9, 18/02464-8, 15/03804-9, 19/05644-0)
CHECON, HELIO H.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; ESMAEILI, YASMINA SHAH; MUNIZ, PABLO; TURRA, ALEXANDER. The efficacy of benthic indices to evaluate the ecological quality and urbanization effects on sandy beach ecosystems. Science of The Total Environment, v. 856, p. 11-pg., . (18/19776-2, 18/05099-9, 18/22036-0, 17/17071-9, 15/03804-9)
TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE CAMPELLO; DE SOUZA, DANIELE TUBINO PANTE; MOMM, SANDRA; TRAVASSOS, LUCIANA; PICARELLI, SOPHIA B. N.; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; MORENO, ROBSON DA SILVA. Just cities and nature-based solutions in the Global South: A diagnostic approach to move beyond panaceas in Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & POLICY, v. 143, p. 11-pg., . (18/12245-1, 15/03804-9, 19/06536-6, 18/06685-9)
LAZARO, L. L. B.; ABRAM, S.; GIATTI, L. L.; SINISGALLI, P.; JACOBI, P. R.. Assessing water scarcity narratives in Brazil-Challenges for urban governance. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, v. 47, p. 18-pg., . (17/17796-3, 15/03804-9, 21/07399-2)
MARENGO, JOSE A.; ALVES, LINCOLN M.; AMBRIZZI, TERCIO; YOUNG, ANDREA; BARRETO, NAURINETE J. C.; RAMOS, ANDREA M.. Trends in extreme rainfall and hydrogeometeorological disasters in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo: a review. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, v. 1472, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (15/50122-0, 15/03804-9, 14/50848-9)
MARENGO, JOSE A.; AMBRIZZI, TERCIO; ALVES, LINCOLN M.; BARRETO, NAURINETE J. C.; SIMOES REBOITA, MICHELLE; RAMOS, ANDREA M.. Changing Trends in Rainfall Extremes in the Metropolitan Area of Sao Paulo: Causes and Impacts. FRONTIERS IN CLIMATE, v. 2, p. 13-pg., . (15/03804-9, 17/09659-6, 15/50122-0, 14/50848-9)
DE ANDRADE SILVA, ANGELA MARCIA; BENITES LAZARO, LIRA LUZ; SILVEIRA ANDRADE, JOSE CELIO; RODRIGUES PRADO, ANGELICA FABIOLA; VENTURA, ANDREA CARDOSO; CAMPELO, ADRIANA; TRIDELLO, VALENTINA. Examining the Urban Resilience Strategy of Salvador, Bahia, Brazil: A Comparative Assessment of Predominant Sectors Within the Resilient Cities Network. JOURNAL OF URBAN PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT, v. 148, n. 2, p. 11-pg., . (17/17796-3, 15/03804-9)
SANTOS, ELIANE BARBOSA; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH ADIB; FUJITA, THAIS; RUDKE, ANDERSON PAULO; MARTINS, LEILA DROPRINCHINSKI; FERREIRA DE SOUZA, RODRIGO AUGUSTO; MARTINS, JORGE ALBERTO. Spatio-temporal variability of wet and drought events in the Parana River basin-Brazil and its association with the El Nino-Southern oscillation phenomenon. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, . (15/03804-9)
MACHADO, CAROLYNE B.; CAMPOS, THAMIRIS L. O. B.; ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH A.; MARTINS, JORGE A.; GRIMM, ALICE M.; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON D.. xtreme Rainfall Events in the Macrometropolis of Sao Paulo: Trends and Connection with Climate Oscillation. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, v. 60, n. 5, p. 661-675, . (19/12015-9, 15/03804-9)
CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; LEONEL, ANA LIA; DE ARAUJO, GABRIEL PIRES; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Is the Brazilian National Climate Change Adaptation Plan Addressing Inequality? Climate and Environmental Justice in a Global South Perspective. ENVIRONMENTAL JUSTICE, . (19/18462-7, 19/05644-0, 18/02464-8, 15/03804-9, 18/06685-9)
FONSECA, ELIZE MASSARD DA; NATTRASS, NICOLI; LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; BASTOS, FRANCISCO INACIO. Political discourse, denialism and leadership failure in Brazil's response to COVID-19. GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, . (17/17796-3, 15/03804-9)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; YOKOYAMA, LEONARDO Q.; CHECON, HELIO H.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the sandy beach gastropod Olivella minuta. Invertebrate Biology, . (17/17071-9, 09/17585-6, 09/15893-5, 15/03804-9)
CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; GONCALVES, DEMERVAL APARECIDO; MENDES DE ALMEIDA COLLACO, FLAVIA; LOPES DOS SANTOS, KAUE; CANIL, KATIA; CABRAL DE SOUSA JUNIOR, WILSON; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Vulnerability of the Sao Paulo Macro Metropolis to Droughts and Natural Disasters: Local to Regional Climate Risk Assessments and Policy Responses. SUSTAINABILITY, v. 13, n. 1, . (15/03804-9, 19/11987-7, 19/05644-0, 17/22067-0, 18/06685-9)
LAZARO, L. L. B.; SOARES, R. S.; BERMANN, C.; COLLACO, F. M. A.; GIATTI, L. L.; ABRAM, S.. Energy transition in Brazil: Is there a role for multilevel governance in a centralized energy regime?. ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, v. 85, . (15/03804-9, 17/17796-3)
FLÁVIA MENDES DE ALMEIDA COLLAÇO; CÉLIO BERMANN. Potencialidades do Planejamento Energético Local na redução da desigualdade na cidade de São Paulo. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 24, . (15/03804-9, 14/50279-4)
LUCIANA R. F. C. TRAVASSOS; RENATA M. P. MOREIRA; RAYSSA SAIDEL CORTEZ. O VÍRUS, A DOENÇA E A DESIGUALDADE. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, . (18/05968-7, 15/03804-9)
WILSON CABRAL DE SOUSA JÚNIOR; DEMERVAL APARECIDO GONÇALVES; DAFNE BRITO CRUZ. COVID-19: desigualdades locais/regionais e impactos sobre a infraestrutura crítica de saúde no Brasil. Ambiente & Sociedade, v. 23, . (15/03804-9)
EMPINOTTI, VANESSA LUCENA; BUDDS, JESSICA; JEPSON, WENDY; MILLINGTON, NATE; FERRARA, LUCIANA NICOLAU; GEERE, JO-ANNE; GRANDISOLI, EDSON; ARTEIRO DA PAZ, MARIANA GUTIERRES; PUGA, BRUNO PEREGRINA; ALVES, ESTELA MACEDO; et al. Advancing urban water security: The urbanization of water-society relations and entry-points for political engagement. WATER INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 6, SI, . (19/02074-8, 18/17626-3, 15/03804-9, 19/13233-0, 18/03355-8, 18/50088-5)
DOS SANTOS, KAUE LOPES; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Alignments between e-waste legislation and the Sustainable Development Goals: the United Kingdom, Brazil, and Ghana case studies. GEO-GEOGRAPHY AND ENVIRONMENT, v. 9, n. 1, p. 16-pg., . (19/11987-7, 15/03804-9)
JEPSON, WENDY; WUTICH, AMBER; EMPINOTTI, VANESSA LUCENA; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Water insecurity and the state: failure, disconnection and autonomy INTRODUCTION. WATER INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 6, p. 4-pg., . (15/03804-9)
PEDRO HENRIQUE CAMPELLO TORRES; RUTH FERREIRA RAMOS; AMAURI POLLACHI. A macrometropolização em São Paulo: reterritorialização, reescalonamento e a cidade-região. Cadernos Metrópole, v. 22, n. 47, p. 103-122, . (19/05644-0, 15/03804-9, 18/06685-9)
CAMPELLO TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE; CORTES, PEDRO LUIZ; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO. Governing complexity and environmental justice: lessons from the water crisis in Metropolitan Sao Paulo (2013-2015). DESENVOLVIMENTO E MEIO AMBIENTE, v. 53, p. 61-77, . (19/05644-0, 15/03804-9, 18/06685-9)
GONCALVES, LEANDRA R.; OLIVEIRA, MAYARA; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Assessing the Complexity of Social-Ecological Systems: Taking Stock of the Cross-Scale Dependence. SUSTAINABILITY, v. 12, n. 15, . (18/00462-8, 15/03804-9, 19/04481-0)
MARENGO, JOSE A.; CUNHA, ANA P.; CUARTAS, LUZ ADRIANA; DEUSDARA LEAL, KARINNE R.; BROEDEL, ELISANGELA; SELUCHI, MARCELO E.; MICHELIN, CAMILA MIRANDA; DE PRAGA BAIAO, CHEILA FLAVIA; ANGULO, ELEAZAR CHUCHON; ALMEIDA, ELTON K.; et al. Extreme Drought in the Brazilian Pantanal in 2019-2020: Characterization, Causes, and Impacts. FRONTIERS IN WATER, v. 3, . (14/50848-9, 15/03804-9, 15/50122-0)
SANTOS, ELIANE BARBOSA; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH ADIB; FUJITA, THAIS; RUDKE, ANDERSON PAULO; MARTINS, LEILA DROPRINCHINSKI; FERREIRA DE SOUZA, RODRIGO AUGUSTO; MARTINS, JORGE ALBERTO. patio-temporal variability of wet and drought events in the Parana River basin-Brazil and its association with the El Nino-Southern oscillation phenomeno. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY, v. 41, n. 10, p. 4879-4897, . (15/03804-9)
FONSECA, ELIZE MASSARD DA; NATTRASS, NICOLI; LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; BASTOS, FRANCISCO INACIO. Political discourse, denialism and leadership failure in Brazil's response to COVID-19. GLOBAL PUBLIC HEALTH, v. 16, n. 8-9, SI, p. 1251-1266, . (15/03804-9, 17/17796-3)
SHAH ESMAEILI, YASMINA; N. CORTE, GUILHERME; CHECON, HELIO H.; G. BILATTO, CARLA; LEFCHECK, JONATHAN S.; ZACAGNINI AMARAL, ANTONIA CECILIA; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Revealing the drivers of taxonomic and functional diversity of nearshore fish assemblages: Implications for conservation priorities. DIVERSITY AND DISTRIBUTIONS, . (17/17071-9, 18/19776-2, 18/22036-0, 15/03804-9)
CAMILA BERTOLETTI CARPENEDO; TÉRCIO AMBRIZZI. Anticiclone Subtropical do Atlântico Sul Associado ao Modo Anular Sul e Impactos Climáticos no Brasil. Revista Brasileira de Meteorologia, v. 35, n. 4, p. 605-613, . (14/50848-9, 15/03804-9, 15/50122-0)
BENITES LAZARO, LIRA LUZ; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ; BERMANN, CELIO; GIAROLLA, ANGELICA; OMETTO, JEAN. Policy and governance dynamics in the water-energy-food-land nexus of biofuels: Proposing a qualitative analysis model. RENEWABLE & SUSTAINABLE ENERGY REVIEWS, v. 149, . (19/24479-0, 17/22269-2, 17/17796-3, 15/03804-9)
DUNN, ROBERT J. H.; ALEXANDER, V, LISA; DONAT, MARKUS G.; ZHANG, XUEBIN; BADOR, MARGOT; HEROLD, NICHOLAS; LIPPMANN, TANYA; ALLAN, ROB; AGUILAR, ENRIC; BARRY, ABDOUL AZIZ; et al. Development of an Updated Global Land In Situ-Based Data Set of Temperature and Precipitation Extremes: HadEX3. JOURNAL OF GEOPHYSICAL RESEARCH-ATMOSPHERES, v. 125, n. 16, . (14/50848-9, 15/03804-9)
ABRAO LAURINO, IVAN RODRIGO; CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; CORTE, GUILHERME NASCIMENTO; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Flooding affects vertical displacement of intertidal macrofauna: A proxy for the potential impacts of environmental changes on sandy beaches. ESTUARINE COASTAL AND SHELF SCIENCE, v. 245, . (17/17071-9, 15/03804-9, 18/19776-2, 18/22036-0)
CHECON, HELIO HERMINIO; XAVIER, LUCIANA YOKOYAMA; GONCALVES, LEANDRA REGINA; CARRILHO, CAUE D.; DA SILVA, ANELISE GOMES. each market: what have we been computing in Brazil. Ocean and Coastal Research, v. 69, n. 1, . (18/22036-0, 17/21797-5, 18/00462-8, 15/03804-9, 18/19776-2)
IBARRA-ESPINOSA, SERGIO; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; ANDRADE, MARIA DE FATIMA; LANDULFO, EDUARDO. ffects of Evaporative Emissions Control Measurements on Ozone Concentrations in Brazi. TMOSPHER, v. 13, n. 1, . (21/07136-1, 17/17047-0, 16/18438-0, 15/03804-9)
BENITES-LAZARO, L. L.; GIATTI, L. L.; SOUSA JUNIOR, W. C.; GIAROLLA, A.. Land-water-food nexus of biofuels: Discourse and policy debates in Brazil. ENVIRONMENTAL DEVELOPMENT, v. 33, . (15/03804-9, 17/17796-3)
ABOU RAFEE, SAMEH A.; FREITAS, EDMILSON D.; MARTINS, JORGE A.; MARTINS, LEILA D.; DOMINGUES, LEONARDO M.; NASCIMENTO, JANAINA M. P.; MACHADO, CAROLYNE B.; SANTOS, ELIANE B.; RUDKE, ANDERSON P.; FUJITA, THAIS; et al. Spatial Trends of Extreme Precipitation Events in the Parana River Basin. Journal of Applied Meteorology and Climatology, v. 59, n. 3, p. 443-454, . (15/03804-9)
KÁTIA CANIL; ANDREA LAMPIS; KAUÊ LOPES DOS SANTOS. Vulnerabilidade e a construção social do risco: uma contribuição para o planejamento na macrometrópole paulista. Cadernos Metrópole, v. 22, n. 48, p. 397-416, . (15/03804-9, 17/22067-0, 18/17626-3)
DE ALMEIDA COLLACO, FLAVIA MENDES; DIAS, LUIS PEREIRA; SIMOES, SOFIA G.; PUKSEC, TOMISLAV; SEIXAS, JULIA; BERMANN, CELIO. What if Sao Paulo (Brazil) would like to become a renewable and endogenous energy-based megacity?. RENEWABLE ENERGY, v. 138, p. 416-433, . (15/03804-9)
TORRES, PEDRO HENRIQUE CAMPELLO; JACOBI, PEDRO ROBERTO; MOMM, SANDRA; LEONEL, ANA LIA. Data and knowledge matters: Urban adaptation planning in Sao Paulo, Brazil. URBAN CLIMATE, v. 36, . (18/06685-9, 15/03804-9, 19/06536-6, 18/02464-8, 19/18462-7, 18/12245-1)
LAURINO, IVAN R. A.; CHECON, HELIO H.; CORTE, GUILHERME N.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Does coastal armoring affect biodiversity and its functional composition on beaches?. MARINE ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH, v. 181, p. 13-pg., . (18/19776-2, 18/22036-0, 15/03804-9, 17/17071-9)
IBARRA-ESPINOSA, SERGIO; REHBEIN, AMANDA; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS; MARTINS, LEILA; ANDRADE, MARIA DE FATIMA; LANDULFO, EDUARDO. Changes in a Bottom-Up Vehicular Emissions Inventory and Its Impact on Air Pollution During COVID-19 Lockdown in Sao Paulo, Brazil. FRONTIERS IN SUSTAINABLE CITIES, v. 4, p. 12-pg., . (15/03804-9, 21/07136-1, 16/18438-0, 16/10557-0, 21/07992-5)
OTTONELLI, JANAINA; LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; ANDRADE, JOSE CELIO SILVEIRA; ABRAM, SIMONE. Do solar photovoltaic clean development mechanism projects contribute to sustainable development in Latin America? Prospects for the Paris Agreement. ENERGY POLICY, v. 174, p. 11-pg., . (17/17796-3, 15/03804-9)
EMPINOTTI, VANESSA LUCENA; SULAIMAN, SAMIA NASCIMENTO; SINISGALLI, PAULO ANTONIO DE ALMEIDA. Towards intersectoriality: the foundations for environmental territorial governance at the Sao Paulo Macrometropolis. DESENVOLVIMENTO E MEIO AMBIENTE, v. 61, p. 17-pg., . (15/03804-9)
CAMPOS, THAMIRIS B.; SAPUCCI, LUIZ F.; EICHHOLZ, CRISTIANO; MACHADO, LUIZ A. T.; ADAMS, DAVID K.. The Sensitivityof GPS Precipitable Water Vapor Jumps to Intense Precipitation Associated with Tropical Organized Convective Systems. ATMOSPHERE, v. 14, n. 2, p. 18-pg., . (09/15235-8, 15/14497-0, 15/03804-9, 19/12015-9)
PAVANELLI, JOAO MARCOS MOTT; SANG, ERIKA, V; DE OLIVEIRA, CAMILA ESPEZIO; CAMPOS, FELIPE DOS REIS; LAZARO, LIRA LUZ BENITES; EDOMAH, NORBERT; IGARI, ALEXANDRE TOSHIRO. An institutional framework for energy transitions: Lessons from the Nigerian electricity industry history. ENERGY RESEARCH & SOCIAL SCIENCE, v. 97, p. 15-pg., . (15/03804-9)
URBINATTI, ALBERTO MATENHAUER; DALLA FONTANA, MICHELE; STIRLING, ANDY; GIATTI, LEANDRO LUIZ. 'Opening up' the governance of water-energy-food nexus: Towards a science-policy-society interface based on hybridity and humility. Science of The Total Environment, v. 744, p. 10-pg., . (16/25375-5, 19/12804-3, 18/21362-1, 18/12155-2, 15/03804-9)
CORTE, GUILHERME N.; YOKOYAMA, LEONARDO Q.; CHECON, HELIO H.; TURRA, ALEXANDER. Spatial and temporal variation in the diet of the sandy beach gastropod Olivella minuta. NVERTEBRATE BIOLOG, v. 138, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (17/17071-9, 15/03804-9, 09/17585-6, 09/15893-5)
DE SANTO, E. M.; ASGEIRSDOTTIR, A.; BARROS-PLATIAU, A.; BIERMANN, F.; DRYZEK, J.; GONCALVES, L. R.; KIM, R. E.; MENDENHALL, E.; MITCHELL, R.; NYMAN, E.; et al. Protecting biodiversity in areas beyond national jurisdiction: An earth system governance perspective. EARTH SYSTEM GOVERNANCE, v. 2, p. 7-pg., . (15/03804-9, 18/00462-8)
IBARRA-ESPINOSA, SERGIO; MENDES DA SILVA, GYRLENE APARECIDA; REHBEIN, AMANDA; VARA-VELA, ANGEL; DE FREITAS, EDMILSON DIAS. Atmospheric effects of air pollution during dry and wet periods in Sao Paulo. ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE-ATMOSPHERES, v. 2, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (16/10557-0, 21/07992-5, 16/18438-0, 21/07136-1, 15/03804-9)
DE ALMEIDA COLLACO, FLAVIA MENDES; SIMOES, SOFIA G.; DIAS, LUIS PEREIRA; DUIC, NEVEN; SEIXAS, JULIA; BERMANN, CELIO. The dawn of urban energy planning - Synergies between energy and urban planning for Sao Paulo (Brazil) megacity. JOURNAL OF CLEANER PRODUCTION, v. 215, p. 458-479, . (15/03804-9)

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