Research Grants 18/21934-5 - Aprendizado computacional, Biologia computacional - BV FAPESP
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Network statistics: theory, methods, and applications

Grant number: 18/21934-5
Support Opportunities:Research Projects - Thematic Grants
Field of knowledge:Physical Sciences and Mathematics - Computer Science - Computing Methodologies and Techniques
Principal Investigator:André Fujita
Grantee:André Fujita
Host Institution: Instituto de Matemática e Estatística (IME). Universidade de São Paulo (USP). São Paulo , SP, Brazil
Pesquisadores principais:
Helder Takashi Imoto Nakaya ; João Ricardo Sato
Associated researchers: Abner Cardoso Rodrigues Neto ; Alexandre Alarcon Steiner ; Alexandre Galvão Patriota ; Andrea Parolin Jackowski ; Ariel Mariano Silber ; Carlos Alberto Moreira Filho ; Carlos Eduardo Ferreira ; Claudinei Eduardo Biazoli Junior ; Cristina Gomes Fernandes ; Daniel Yasumasa Takahashi ; David Corrêa Martins Junior ; Elisa Harumi Kozasa ; Fabricio Martins Lopes ; Itamar de Souza Santos ; Joana Bisol Balardin ; João Paulo Papa ; José Carlos Farias Alves Filho ; Mari Cleide Sogayar ; Patricia Severino ; Rodrigo Affonseca Bressan ; Ronaldo Fumio Hashimoto ; Silvia Yumi Bando Takahara ; Thiago Mattar Cunha
Associated research grant(s):19/22845-9 - Computational approaches with the objective to explore intra and cross-species interactions and their role in all domains of life, AP.R SPRINT
Associated scholarship(s):23/13418-5 - Inferences on intersubject brain networks coupling in children during cooperative task: a near-infrared spectroscopy study, BP.TT
23/12217-6 - Short distance channels relevance in developmental functional near-infrared spectroscopy: a functional network evaluation, BP.TT
21/10289-4 - Implementation of efficient algorithms for network statistics, BP.IC
+ associated scholarships 20/13595-6 - Analysis of cognitive, behavioral and structural neuroimaging evidences for the extreme male brain theory of autism, BP.MS
19/26284-1 - Building a biological knowledge graph via Wikidata with a focus on the Human Cell Atlas, BP.DR
20/02415-7 - StatGraph 2.0 and Massive Open Online Course (MOOC), BP.PD
19/17907-5 - Inferences on interbrain networks using functional near-infrared spectroscopy: investigating child-adult interactions, BP.DD
19/16418-0 - Comprehensive meta-analysis of gene networks associated to human viral infections, BP.DD
19/14879-0 - Investigating neural correlates of reading writing in children: an fNIRS study, BP.IC
19/12098-1 - Analysis of functional magnetic resonance imaging data of patients diagnosed with Schizophrenia, BP.IC - associated scholarships


The importance of statistics in natural sciences is unquestionable. Statistics is essential to analyze data appropriately and to reach reliable conclusions. However, little is known about formal statistical methods on graphs and their theoretical properties even with an increasing number of reports on the analysis of real world networks (e.g. functional brain networks, protein-protein interaction networks, and social interaction networks). Networks are usually analyzed using computational algorithms based on graph theory, such as calculation of centrality measures (relative importance of vertices and edges) or identification of structural patterns (motifs). The main drawback of this approach is the fact that real world networks present intrinsic fluctuations (random noise) that are not taken into account by these "classical" algorithms. Therefore, methods with statistical perspective may aid and complement these analyses. The main goals of this proposal is the development of both theory and computational statistics methods and apply them to real world data, such as networks from molecular biology, neuroimaging, and cardiac data. The development of this project will be essential to obtain novel insights, solidify the cooperation among PIs, and improve the research quality of all involved groups. In the long term, we will consolidate the field of Network Statistics, form groups of highly qualified researchers, and ultimately build a Center for Network Statistics in Brazil. This center will develop novel theoretical frameworks, methodological tools and also apply the latter to solve health sciences problems. (AU)

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Scientific publications (85)
(References retrieved automatically from Web of Science and SciELO through information on FAPESP grants and their corresponding numbers as mentioned in the publications by the authors)
MARCOS ANTÔNIO MACÊDO; JOÃO RICARDO SATO; RODRIGO A. BRESSAN; PEDRO MARIO PAN. Adolescent depression and resting-state fMRI brain networks: a scoping review of longitudinal studies. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, . (14/50917-0, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
BRANDAO, W. N.; DE OLIVEIRA, M. G.; ANDREONI, R. T.; NAKAYA, H.; FARIAS, A. S.; PERON, J. P. S.. Neuroinflammation at single cell level: What is new?. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, . (13/08216-2, 18/21934-5, 17/50137-3, 17/26170-0, 12/19278-6, 17/22504-1, 17/21363-5, 18/14933-2, 19/06372-3)
MARCOS ANTÔNIO MACÊDO; JOÃO RICARDO SATO; RODRIGO A. BRESSAN; PEDRO MARIO PAN. Adolescent depression and resting-state fMRI brain networks: a scoping review of longitudinal studies. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 44, n. 4, p. 420-433, . (18/21934-5, 14/50917-0, 18/04654-9)
DOS SANTOS, PEDRO MACHADO NERY; MENDES, SERGIO LEONARDO; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI; GADELHA, ARY; SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHAO; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES CONSTANTINO; ROHDE, LUIS AUGUSTO; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Assessing atypical brain functional connectivity development: An approach based on generative adversarial networks. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 16, p. 12-pg., . (22/07782-3, 18/04654-9, 20/04119-6, 14/50917-0, 21/05332-8, 18/21934-5)
AL-SHARADQAH, ALI A.; PATRIOTA, ALEXANDRE G.. On estimating the boundaries of a uniform distribution under additive measurement errors. JOURNAL OF STATISTICAL COMPUTATION AND SIMULATION, v. 92, n. 10, p. 29-pg., . (18/21934-5)
BRUIN, WILLEM B.; TAYLOR, LUKE; THOMAS, RAJAT M.; SHOCK, JONATHAN P.; ZHUTOVSKY, PAUL; ABE, YOSHINARI; ALONSO, PINO; AMEIS, STEPHANIE H.; ANTICEVIC, ALAN; ARNOLD, PAUL D.; et al. Structural neuroimaging biomarkers for obsessive-compulsive disorder in the ENIGMA-OCD consortium: medication matters. TRANSLATIONAL PSYCHIATRY, v. 10, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (11/21357-9, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
BRANDAO, W. N.; DE OLIVEIRA, M. G.; ANDREONI, R. T.; NAKAYA, H.; FARIAS, A. S.; PERON, J. P. S.. Neuroinflammation at single cell level: What is new?. Journal of Leukocyte Biology, v. 108, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (17/22504-1, 13/08216-2, 18/14933-2, 19/06372-3, 17/21363-5, 17/26170-0, 12/19278-6, 17/50137-3, 18/21934-5)
OKU, AMANDA YUMI AMBRIOLA; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Predicting Student Performance Using Machine Learning in fNIRS Data. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 15, . (19/17907-5, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
REBELLO, KEILA; MOURA, LUCIANA M.; XAVIER, GABRIELA; SPINDOLA, LETICIA M.; CARVALHO, CAROLINA MUNIZ; HOEXTER, MARCELO QUEIROZ; GADELHA, ARY; PICON, FELIPE; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; ZUGMAN, ANDRE; et al. Association between spontaneous activity of the default mode network hubs and leukocyte telomere length in late childhood and early adolescence. JOURNAL OF PSYCHOSOMATIC RESEARCH, v. 127, . (13/08531-5, 18/21934-5, 14/50917-0, 14/07280-1, 18/04654-9)
HEINZE, RAFAEL ALVES; VANZELLA, PATRICIA; ZIMEO MORAIS, GUILHERME AUGUSTO; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Hand motor learning in a musical context and prefrontal cortex hemodynamic response: a functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS) study. COGNITIVE PROCESSING, v. 20, n. 4, p. 507-513, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
VATTIMO, EDOARDO F. Q.; BARROS, VIVIAN B.; REQUENA, GUARACI; SATO, JOAO R.; FATORI, DANIEL; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES C.; SHAVITT, ROSELI G.; HOEXTER, MARCELO Q.; BATISTUZZO, MARCELO C.. Caudate volume differences among treatment responders, non-responders and controls in children with obsessive-compulsive disorder. EUROPEAN CHILD & ADOLESCENT PSYCHIATRY, v. 28, n. 12, p. 1607-1617, . (13/08531-5, 18/21934-5, 18/04654-9, 14/50917-0, 09/09949-8)
SIQUEIRA, RODRIGO A. DE O.; STEFANES, MARCO A.; ROZANTE, LUIZ C. S.; MARTINS-JR, DAVID C.; DE SOUZA, JORGE E. S.; ARAUJO, ELOI; GERVASI, O; MURGANTE, B; MISRA, S; GARAU, C; et al. Multi-GPU Approach for Large-Scale Multiple Sequence Alignment. COMPUTATIONAL SCIENCE AND ITS APPLICATIONS, ICCSA 2021, PT I, v. 12949, p. 16-pg., . (18/21934-5, 18/18560-6)
JANZEN, THENILLE BRAUN; DE OLIVEIRA, BRUNA; FERREIRA, GIULIA VENTORIM; SATO, JOAO R.; FEITOSA-SANTANA, CLAUDIA; VANZELLA, PATRICIA. The effect of background music on the aesthetic experience of a visual artwork in a naturalistic environment. PSYCHOLOGY OF MUSIC, v. N/A, p. 17-pg., . (18/21934-5)
GUZMAN, GROVER E. CASTRO; FUJITA, ANDRE. Convolution-based linear discriminant analysis for functional data classification. INFORMATION SCIENCES, v. 581, p. 469-478, . (18/17996-5, 18/21934-5, 20/01479-1)
DA SILVA FERREIRA BARRETO, CANDIDA; ZIMEO MORAIS, GUILHERME AUGUSTO; VANZELLA, PATRICIA; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Combining the intersubject correlation analysis and the multivariate distance matrix regression to evaluate associations between fNIRS signals and behavioral data from ecological experiments. Experimental Brain Research, v. 238, n. 10, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
BAECKER, LEA; DAFFLON, JESSICA; DA COSTA, PEDRO F.; GARCIA-DIAS, RAFAEL; VIEIRA, SANDRA; SCARPAZZA, CRISTINA; CALHOUN, VINCE D.; SATO, JOAO R.; MECHELLI, ANDREA; PINAYA, WALTER H. L.. Brain age prediction: A comparison between machine learning models using region- and voxel-based morphometric data. Human Brain Mapping, v. 42, n. 8, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
PASSOS, LEANDRO APARECIDO S.; JODAS, DANILO S.; RIBEIRO, LUIZ C. F.; AKIO, MARCO; DE SOUZA, ANDRE NUNES; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. Handling imbalanced datasets through Optimum-Path Forest. KNOWLEDGE-BASED SYSTEMS, v. 242, p. 13-pg., . (18/21934-5, 14/12236-1, 20/12101-0, 19/18287-0, 19/07665-4, 17/02286-0, 13/07375-0)
NOGUEIRA, MATEUS G.; SILVESTRIN, MATEUS; BARRETO, CANDIDA S. F.; SATO, JOAO RICARDO; MESQUITA, RICKSON C.; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI; BAPTISTA, ABRAHAO F.. Differences in brain activity between fast and slow responses on psychomotor vigilance task: an fNIRS study. BRAIN IMAGING AND BEHAVIOR, v. N/A, p. 12-pg., . (16/24951-2, 18/21934-5)
RIBEIRO, ADELE HELENA; VIDAL, MACIEL CALEBE; SATO, JOAO RICARDO; FUJITA, ANDRE. Granger Causality among Graphs and Application to Functional Brain Connectivity in Autism Spectrum Disorder. Entropy, v. 23, n. 9, . (18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
IWASHITA, ADRIANA SAYURI; RODRIGUES, DOUGLAS; GASTALDELLO, DANILO SINKITI; DE SOUZA, ANDRE NUNES; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. An incremental Optimum-Path Forest classifier and its application to non-technical losses identification. COMPUTERS & ELECTRICAL ENGINEERING, v. 95, . (14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 18/21934-5, 17/02286-0, 13/07375-0)
TOVAR, CARLOS R. P.; MARTINS-, DAVID C., JR.; ROZANTE, LUIZ C. S.; ARAUJO, ELOI; IEEE COMP SOC. A Method for Computing Attractor Fields in Coupled Boolean Networks. 2022 IEEE 22ND INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON BIOINFORMATICS AND BIOENGINEERING (BIBE 2022), v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (18/18560-6, 18/21934-5)
MENDES, SERGIO LEONARDO; LOPEZ PINAYA, WALTER HUGO; PAN, PEDRO; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Estimating Gender and Age from Brain Structural MRI of Children and Adolescents: A 3D Convolutional Neural Network Multitask Learning Model. COMPUTATIONAL INTELLIGENCE AND NEUROSCIENCE, v. 2021, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
ARIAS-CARRASCO, RAUL; GIDDALURU, JEEVAN; CARDOZO, LUCAS E.; MARTINS, FELIPE; MARACAJA-COUTINHO, VINICIUS; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. OUTBREAK: a user-friendly georeferencing online tool for disease surveillance. Biological Research, v. 54, n. 1, . (18/14933-2, 13/08216-2, 19/16419-7, 18/21934-5, 17/50137-3)
GARCIA-DIAS, RAFAEL; SCARPAZZA, CRISTINA; BAECKER, LEA; VIEIRA, SANDRA; PINAYA, WALTER H. L.; CORVIN, AIDEN; REDOLFI, ALBERTO; NELSON, BARNABY; CRESPO-FACORRO, BENEDICTO; MCDONALD, COLM; et al. Neuroharmony: A new tool for harmonizing volumetric MRI data from unseen scanners. NeuroImage, v. 220, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
GONZALEZ-DIAS, PATRICIA; LEE, EVA K.; SORGI, SARA; DE LIMA, DIOGENES S.; URBANSKI, ALYSSON H.; SILVEIRA, EDUARDO LV; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. Methods for predicting vaccine immunogenicity and reactogenicity. HUMAN VACCINES & IMMUNOTHERAPEUTICS, v. 16, n. 2, . (13/08216-2, 18/21934-5, 18/14933-2)
SATO, JOAO RICARDO; BIAZOLI JR, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO; MOURA, LUCIANA MONTEIRO; CROSSLEY, NICOLAS; ZUGMAN, ANDRE; PICON, FELIPE ALMEIDA; HOEXTER, MARCELO QUEIROZ; AMARO JR, EDSON; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES CONSTANTINO; ROHDE, LUIS AUGUSTO; et al. Association Between Fractional Amplitude of Low-Frequency Spontaneous Fluctuation and Degree Centrality in Children and Adolescents. BRAIN CONNECTIVITY, v. 9, n. 5, p. 379-387, . (16/04983-7, 13/08531-5, 18/21934-5, 14/50917-0, 18/04654-9)
JARDIM, VINICIUS CARVALHO; SANTOS, SUZANA DE SIQUEIRA; FUJITA, ANDRE; BUCKERIDGE, MARCOS SILVEIRA. BioNetStat: A Tool for Biological Networks Differential Analysis. FRONTIERS IN GENETICS, v. 10, . (14/50884-5, 18/21934-5, 16/13422-9, 15/21162-4, 08/57908-6)
DE SOUZA, RENATO WILLIAM R.; DE OLIVEIRA, JOAO VITOR CHAVES; PASSOS, JR., LEANDRO A.; DING, WEIPING; PAPA, JOAO P.; DE ALBUQUERQUE, VICTOR HUGO C.. A Novel Approach for Optimum-Path Forest Classification Using Fuzzy Logic. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON FUZZY SYSTEMS, v. 28, n. 12, p. 3076-3086, . (13/07375-0, 17/25908-6, 18/21934-5, 16/19403-6, 14/12236-1)
PIRES, RAFAEL G.; SANTOS, DANIEL S.; SOUZA, GUSTAVO B.; LEVADA, ALEXANDRE L. M.; PAPA, JOAO PAULO; TETKO, IV; KURKOVA, V; KARPOV, P; THEIS, F. A Sparse Filtering-Based Approach for Non-blind Deep Image Denoising. ARTIFICIAL NEURAL NETWORKS AND MACHINE LEARNING - ICANN 2019: WORKSHOP AND SPECIAL SESSIONS, v. 11731, p. 12-pg., . (14/16250-9, 14/12236-1, 16/19403-6, 18/21934-5)
LUSCHER-DIAS, THOMAZ; SIQUEIRA DALMOLIN, RODRIGO JULIANI; AMARAL, PAULO DE PAIVA; ALVES, TIAGO LUBIANA; SCHUCH, VIVIANE; FRANCO, GLORIA REGINA; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. The evolution of knowledge on genes associated with human diseases. ISCIENCE, v. 25, n. 1, p. 22-pg., . (18/14933-2, 18/21934-5)
CUNHA, MATEUS TRINCONI; DE SOUZA BORGES, ANA PAULA; JARDIM, VINICIUS CARVALHO; FUJITA, ANDRE; DE CASTRO JR, GILBERTO. Predicting survival in metastatic non-small cell lung cancer patients with poor ECOG-PS: A single-arm prospective study. CANCER MEDICINE, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (15/22814-5, 16/20187-6, 18/21934-5, 19/03615-2)
SOARES JR, RAIMUNDO DA SILVA; OKU, AMANDA YUMI AMBRIOLA; BARRETO, CANDIDA S. F.; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Applying functional near-infrared spectroscopy and eye-tracking in a naturalistic educational environment to investigate physiological aspects that underlie the cognitive effort of children during mental rotation tests. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 16, p. 14-pg., . (18/21934-5, 19/17907-5, 18/04654-9)
GUZMAN, GROVER E. C.; STADLER, PETER F.; FUJITA, ANDRE. Efficient eigenvalue counts for tree-like networks. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, v. 10, n. 5, p. 15-pg., . (20/08343-8, 19/22845-9, 18/21934-5)
SATO, JOAO RICARDO; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO; ZUGMAN, ANDRE; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; ARANTES BUENO, ANA PAULA; MOURA, LUCIANA MONTEIRO; GADELHA, ARY; PICON, FELIPE ALMEIDA; AMARO JR, EDSON; SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHAO; et al. Long-term stability of the cortical volumetric profile and the functional human connectome throughout childhood and adolescence. European Journal of Neuroscience, v. 54, n. 6, . (18/21934-5, 16/19376-9, 13/08531-5, 14/50917-0, 18/04654-9)
FERNANDO ANDRADE; ASUKA NAKATA; NORIKO GOTOH; ANDRÉ FUJITA. Large miRNA survival analysis reveals a prognostic four-biomarker signature for triple negative breast cancer. GENETICS AND MOLECULAR BIOLOGY, v. 43, n. 1, . (18/21934-5, 15/01587-0, 16/13422-9)
TRAMBAIOLLI, LUCAS R.; TOSSATO, JULIANA; CRAVO, ANDRE M.; BIAZOLI, JR., CLAUDINEI E.; SATO, JOAO R.. Subject-independent decoding of affective states using functional near-infrared spectroscopy. PLoS One, v. 16, n. 1, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9, 15/17406-5, 17/05225-1)
PINTO, BRUNA G. G.; OLIVEIRA, ANTONIO E. R.; SINGH, YOUVIKA; JIMENEZ, LEANDRO; GONCALVES, ANDRE N. A.; OGAVA, RODRIGO L. T.; CREIGHTON, RACHEL; SCHATZMANN PERON, JEAN PIERRE; NAKAYA, I, HELDER. ACE2 Expression Is Increased in the Lungs of Patients With Comorbidities Associated With Severe COVID-19. Journal of Infectious Diseases, v. 222, n. 4, p. 556-563, . (12/19278-6, 18/14933-2, 18/21934-5, 13/08216-2, 17/50137-3)
AQUIME GONCALVES, ANDRE NICOLAU; MASO, VANESSA ESCOLANO; SANTOS DE CASTRO, ICARO MAIA; VASCONCELOS, AMANDA PEREIRA; TOMIO OGAVA, RODRIGO LUIZ; NAKAYA, HELDER, I. High-Throughput Transcriptome Analysis for Investigating Host-Pathogen Interactions. JOVE-JOURNAL OF VISUALIZED EXPERIMENTS, v. N/A, n. 181, p. 22-pg., . (18/14933-2, 13/08216-2, 19/13880-5, 19/16418-0, 19/27146-1, 12/19278-6, 20/05284-0, 17/50137-3, 18/21934-5)
SOARES JR, RAIMUNDO DA SILVA; LUKASOVA, KATERINA; CARTHERY-GOULART, MARIA TERESA; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Student's Perspective and Teachers' Metacognition: Applications of Eye-Tracking in Education and Scientific Research in Schools. FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY, v. 12, . (19/25795-2, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
SATO, JOAO RICARDO; PEREIRA, TIAGO DUARTE; MARTINS, CLARICE MARIA DE LUCENA; BEZERRA, THAYNA ALVES; QUEIROZ, MARIA EDUARDA; COSTA, LARISSA PEREIRA; ANDRADE, SUELLEN MARINHO; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO. A Novel Exploratory Graph-Based Analytical Tool for Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy in Naturalistic Experiments: An Illustrative Application in Typically Developing Children. BRAIN SCIENCES, v. 13, n. 6, p. 9-pg., . (18/04654-9, 19/27250-3, 18/21934-5, 21/05332-8)
GUZMAN, GROVER E. C.; FUJITA, ANDRE. A fast algorithm to approximate the spectral density of locally tree-like networks with assortativity. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, v. 11, n. 2, p. 15-pg., . (19/22845-9, 18/21934-5)
SOARES JR, RAIMUNDO DA SILVA; BARRETO, CANDIDA; SATO, JOAO R.. Perspectives in eye-tracking technology for applications in education. SOUTH AFRICAN JOURNAL OF CHILDHOOD EDUCATION, v. 13, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
SANTOS, MARCUS VINICIUS C.; FELTRIN, ARTHUR S. S.; COSTA-AMARAL, ISABELE C. C.; TEIXEIRA, LILIANE R. R.; PERINI, JAMILA A. A.; MARTINS JR, DAVID C. C.; LARENTIS, ARIANE L. L.. Network Analysis of Biomarkers Associated with Occupational Exposure to Benzene and Malathion. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR SCIENCES, v. 24, n. 11, p. 18-pg., . (18/18560-6, 18/21934-5)
SALVATORE, FELIPE DE SOUZA; FINGER, MARCELO; HIRATA JR, ROBERTO; PATRIOTA, ALEXANDRE G.. A resampling-based method to evaluate NLI models. NATURAL LANGUAGE ENGINEERING, v. N/A, p. 28-pg., . (15/24485-9, 14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 15/21880-4, 18/21934-5, 15/22308-2)
MORETTI, EDUARDO H.; RODRIGUES, ABNER C.; MARQUES, BRUNO V.; TOTOLA, LEONARDO T.; FERREIRA, CAROLINE B.; BRITO, CAMILA F.; MATOS, CAROLINE M.; DA SILVA, FILIPE A.; SANTOS, ROBSON A. S.; LOPES, LUCIANA B.; et al. Autoregulation of blood flow drives early hypotension in a rat model of systemic inflammation induced by bacterial lipopolysaccharide. PNAS NEXUS, v. 2, n. 2, p. 13-pg., . (18/13877-1, 20/00631-4, 18/03418-0, 20/09399-7, 15/23376-1, 18/21934-5)
JODAS, DANILO SAMUEL; PASSOS, LEANDRO APARECIDO; ADEEL, AHSAN; PAPA, JOAO PAULO; IEEE. PL-kNN: A Parameterless Nearest Neighbors Classifier. 2022 29TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, SIGNALS AND IMAGE PROCESSING (IWSSIP), v. N/A, p. 4-pg., . (14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 17/02286-0, 19/18287-0, 18/21934-5)
QUEIROZ DE PAIVA, JOSELISA PERES; MAGALHAES, SAMIR CAMARA; MOURA, LUCIANA MONTEIRO; SATO, JOAO RICARDO; AMARO JR, EDSON; STERR, ANNETTE; SCHLAFFKE, LARA; ECKELI, ALAN LUIZ; PRADO, GILMAR FERNANDES; CONFORTO, ADRIANA BASTOS. Sensorimotor white matter projections and disease severity in primary Restless Legs Syndrome/Willis-Ekbom disease: a multimodal DTI analysis. Sleep Medicine, v. 73, p. 11-pg., . (18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
PERON, J. P. S.; NAKAYA, H., I; SCHLINDWEIN, M. A. M.; GONCALVES, M. V. M.. COVID-19 Pandemic and Dysbiosis: Can the Ivermectin Hysteria Lead to an Increase of Autoimmune Neuroinflammatory Diseases?. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN IMMUNOLOGY, v. 40, n. 6, p. 6-pg., . (17/22504-1, 19/06372-3, 13/08216-2, 17/21363-5, 18/14933-2, 18/21934-5, 12/19278-6)
AGUIAR, RENATO S.; POHL, FABIO; MORAIS, GUILHERME L.; NOGUEIRA, FABIO C. S.; DE CARVALHO, JOSEANE B.; GUIDA, LETICIA; ARGE, LUIS W. P.; MELO, ADRIANA; MOREIRA, MARIA E. L.; CUNHA, DANIELA P.; et al. Molecular alterations in the extracellular matrix in the brains of newborns with congenital Zika syndrome. SCIENCE SIGNALING, v. 13, n. 635, p. 13-pg., . (13/08216-2, 17/50137-3, 18/14933-2, 18/21934-5, 12/19278-6)
AGUIAR, RENATO S.; POHL, FABIO; MORAIS, GUILHERME L.; NOGUEIRA, FABIO C. S.; DE CARVALHO, JOSEANE B.; GUIDA, LETICIA; ARGE, LUIS W. P.; MELO, ADRIANA; MOREIRA, MARIA E. L.; CUNHA, DANIELA P.; et al. Molecular alterations in the extracellular matrix in the brains of newborns with congenital Zika syndrome. Science Signaling, v. 13, n. 635, . (13/08216-2, 12/19278-6, 18/21934-5, 17/50137-3, 18/14933-2)
PERON, J. P. S.; NAKAYA, I, H.; SCHLINDWEIN, M. A. M.; GONCALVES, M. V. M.. COVID-19 Pandemic and Dysbiosis: Can the Ivermectin Hysteria Lead to an Increase of Autoimmune Neuroinflammatory Diseases?. CRITICAL REVIEWS IN IMMUNOLOGY, v. 40, n. 6, SI, p. 537-542, . (17/22504-1, 18/14933-2, 12/19278-6, 13/08216-2, 18/21934-5, 19/06372-3, 17/21363-5)
PINAYA, WALTER H. L.; SCARPAZZA, CRISTINA; GARCIA-DIAS, RAFAEL; VIEIRA, SANDRA; BAECKER, LEA; DA COSTA, PEDRO F.; REDOLFI, ALBERTO; FRISONI, GIOVANNI B.; PIEVANI, MICHELA; CALHOUN, VINCE D.; et al. sing normative modelling to detect disease progression in mild cognitive impairment and Alzheimer's disease in a cross-sectional multi-cohort stud. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
WANG, JAQUELINE YU TING; WHITTLE, MARTIN R.; PUGA, RENATO DAVID; YAMBARTSEV, ANATOLY; FUJITA, ANDRE; NAKAYA, HELDER I.. Noninvasive prenatal paternity determination using microhaplotypes: a pilot study. BMC MEDICAL GENOMICS, v. 13, n. 1, . (12/19278-6, 18/21934-5)
CREIGHTON, RACHEL; SCHUCH, VIVIANE; URBANSKI, ALYSSON H.; GIDDALURU, JEEVAN; COSTA-MARTINS, ANDRE G.; NAKAYA, I, HELDER. Network vaccinology. SEMINARS IN IMMUNOLOGY, v. 50, . (18/14933-2, 17/27131-9, 13/08216-2, 18/21934-5)
RODER, MATEUS; PASSOS, LEANDRO APARECIDO; DE ROSA, GUSTAVO H.; DE ALBUQUERQUE, VICTOR HUGO C.; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. Reinforcing learning in Deep Belief Networks through nature-inspired optimization. APPLIED SOFT COMPUTING, v. 108, . (19/07825-1, 18/21934-5, 17/25908-6, 19/07665-4, 19/02205-5, 13/07375-0, 14/12236-1)
AMBRIOLA OKU, AMANDA YUMI; ZIMEO MORAIS, GUILHERME AUGUSTO; ARANTES BUENO, ANA PAULA; FUJITA, ANDRE; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Potential Confounders in the Analysis of Brazilian Adolescent's Health: A Combination of Machine Learning and Graph Theory. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, v. 17, n. 1, . (19/17907-5, 18/21934-5, 16/19376-9, 18/04654-9)
SATO, JOAO RICARDO; BIAZOLI JUNIOR, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO; MEDEIROS DE ARAUJO, ELIDIANNE LAYANNE; RODRIGUES, JULIA DE SOUZA; ANDRADE, SUELLEN MARINHO. A guide for the use of fNIRS in microcephaly associated to congenital Zika virus infection. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (18/04654-9, 18/21934-5, 20/13425-3)
SUGI AFONSO, LUIS CLAUDIO; RODRIGUES, DOUGLAS; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. Nature-inspired optimum-path forest. EVOLUTIONARY INTELLIGENCE, . (17/25908-6, 18/21934-5, 14/12236-1, 13/07375-0, 19/07665-4)
BUENO, A. P. A.; SATO, J. R.; HORNBERGER, M.. Eye tracking - The overlooked method to measure cognition in neurodegeneration?. Neuropsychologia, v. 133, . (18/21934-5, 17/23020-8, 16/19376-9, 18/04654-9)
RODRIGUES, PAULA G.; STEFANO FILHO, CARLOS A.; TAKAHATA, ANDRE K.; SUYAMA, RICARDO; ATTUX, ROMIS; CASTELLANO, GABRIELA; SATO, JOAO R.; NASUTO, SLAWOMIR J.; SORIANO, DIOGO C.; BENITO, RM; et al. Can Dynamic Functional Connectivity Be Used to Distinguish Between Resting-State and Motor Imagery in EEG-BCIs?. COMPLEX NETWORKS & THEIR APPLICATIONS X, VOL 2, v. 1016, p. 12-pg., . (19/09512-0, 18/21934-5, 13/07559-3)
RIBEIRO, LUIZ C. F.; DE ROSA, GUSTAVO H.; RODRIGUES, DOUGLAS; PAPA, JOAO P.. Convolutional neural networks ensembles through single-iteration optimization. SOFT COMPUTING, v. 26, n. 8, p. 12-pg., . (14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 13/07375-0, 17/25908-6, 19/02205-5, 18/21934-5)
PASSOS, LEANDRO A.; PAPA, JOAO PAULO; HUSSAIN, AMIR; ADEEL, AHSAN. Canonical cortical graph neural networks and its application for speech enhancement in audio-visual hearing aids. Neurocomputing, v. 527, p. 8-pg., . (14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 13/07375-0, 17/02286-0, 19/18287-0, 18/21934-5)
SATO, JOAO RICARDO; BIAZOLI, CLAUDINEI EDUARDO; BUENO, ANA PAULA ARANTES; CAYE, ARTHUR; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; SANTORO, MARCOS; HONORATO-MAUER, JESSICA; SALUM, GIOVANNI ABRAHAO; HOEXTER, MARCELO QUEIROZ; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA; et al. Polygenic risk score for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder and brain functional networks segregation in a community-based sample. GENES BRAIN AND BEHAVIOR, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (18/04654-9, 16/13737-0, 13/08531-5, 21/05332-8, 16/04983-7, 18/21934-5)
SANTOS, SUZANA DE SIQUEIRA; FUJITA, ANDRE; MATIAS, CATHERINE. Spectral density of random graphs: convergence properties and application in model fitting. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, v. 9, n. 6, p. 27-pg., . (18/21934-5, 19/22845-9, 17/12074-0, 20/08343-8, 15/21162-4)
TRAMBAIOLLI, LUCAS R. R.; CASSANI, RAYMUNDO; BIAZOLI JR, CLAUDINEI E. E.; CRAVO, ANDRE M.; SATO, JOAO R.; FALK, TIAGO H. H.. Multimodal resting-state connectivity predicts affective neurofeedback performance. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 16, p. 12-pg., . (18/04654-9, 15/17406-5, 18/21934-5)
IVANOV, ILIYAN; BOEDHOE, PREMIKA S. W.; ABE, YOSHINARI; ALONSO, PINO; AMEIS, STEPHANIE H.; ARNOLD, PAUL D.; BALACHANDER, SRINIVAS; BAKER, JUSTIN T.; BANAJ, NERISA; BARGALLO, NURIA; et al. Associations of medication with subcortical morphology across the lifespan in OCD: Results from the international ENIGMA Consortium. Journal of Affective Disorders, v. 318, p. 13-pg., . (11/21357-9, 18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)
FUJITA, ANDRE; LIRA, EDUARDO SILVA; SANTOS, SUZANA DE SIQUEIRA; BANDO, SILVIA YUMI; SOARES, GABRIELA ELEUTERIO; TAKAHASHI, DANIEL YASUMASA. A semi-parametric statistical test to compare complex networks. JOURNAL OF COMPLEX NETWORKS, v. 8, n. 2, . (18/17996-5, 18/21934-5, 15/21162-4, 15/01587-0)
REBELLO, KEILA; MOURA, LUCIANA MONTEIRO; ARANTES BUENO, ANA PAULA; PICON, FELIPE ALMEIDA; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; GADELHA, ARY; MIGUEL, EURIPEDES CONSTATINO; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA; ROHDE, LUIS AUGUSTO; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Associations between Family Functioning and Maternal Behavior on Default Mode Network Connectivity in School-Age Children. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH, v. 19, n. 10, p. 10-pg., . (21/05332-8, 18/04654-9, 14/50917-0, 16/19376-9, 18/21934-5)
GUZMAN, GROVER E. C.; STADLER, PETER F.; FUJITA, ANDRE. Efficient Laplacian spectral density computations for networks with arbitrary degree distributions. NETWORK SCIENCE, v. 9, n. 3, p. 312-327, . (18/21934-5)
BARRETO, CANDIDA; BRUNERI, GUILHERME DE ALBUQUERQUE; BROCKINGTON, GUILHERME; AYAZ, HASAN; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. A New Statistical Approach for fNIRS Hyperscanning to Predict Brain Activity of Preschoolers' Using Teacher's. FRONTIERS IN HUMAN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 15, . (18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
RELVAS, CARLOS E. M.; NAKATA, ASUKA; CHEN, GUOAN; BEER, DAVID G.; GOTOH, NORIKO; FUJITA, ANDRE. A model-based clustering algorithm with covariates adjustment and its application to lung cancer stratification. JOURNAL OF BIOINFORMATICS AND COMPUTATIONAL BIOLOGY, v. 21, n. 04, p. 26-pg., . (18/21934-5, 18/17996-5)
MENDES, SERGIO LEONARDO; PINAYA, WALTER HUGO LOPEZ; PAN, PEDRO MARIO; JACKOWSKI, ANDREA PAROLIN; BRESSAN, RODRIGO AFFONSECA; SATO, JOAO RICARDO. Generalizability of 3D CNN models for age estimation in diverse youth populations using structural MRI. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 13, n. 1, p. 12-pg., . (18/04654-9, 22/07782-3, 18/21934-5, 21/05332-8)
AYAZ, HASAN; BAKER, WESLEY B.; BLANEY, GILES; BOAS, DAVID A.; BORTFELD, HEATHER; BRADY, KENNETH; BRAKE, JOSHUA; BRIGADOI, SABRINA; BUCKLEY, ERIN M.; CARP, STEFAN A.; et al. Optical imaging and spectroscopy for the study of the human brain: status report. NEUROPHOTONICS, v. 9, p. 65-pg., . (18/04654-9, 19/21962-1, 16/22990-0, 13/07559-3, 21/05332-8, 18/21934-5)
KESWANI, DISHA; MARSZALEK, MIKOLAJ; WICIK, ZOFIA; EYILETEN, CEREN; NOWAK, ANNA; SIMOES, SERGIO; MARTINS, DAVID; KLOS, KRZYSZTOF; WLODARCZYK, WOJCIECH; ASSINGER, ALICE; et al. Changes of ACE-2 related-miR-200b-3p expression over time are a predictive factor of long hospitalization for COVID-19: in silico, machine learning and validation analysis. Journal of Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, v. 385, p. 2-pg., . (18/18560-6, 18/21934-5)
LUSCHER-DIAS, THOMAZ; CONCEICAO, IZABELA MAMEDE; SCHUCH, VIVIANE; MARACAJA-COUTINHO, VINICIUS; AMARAL, PAULO P.; NAKAYA, HELDER I.; HON, CC. Long non-coding RNAs associated with infection and vaccine-induced immunity. NON-CODING GENOME, v. 65, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (18/14933-2, 13/08216-2, 20/04836-0, 17/27131-9, 18/21934-5)
JODAS, DANILO SAMUEL; PASSOS, LEANDRO APARECIDO; ADEEL, AHSAN; PAPA, JOAO PAULO. PL-kNN: A Python-based implementation of a parameterless k-Nearest Neighbors classifier. SOFTWARE IMPACTS, v. 15, p. 3-pg., . (14/12236-1, 19/07665-4, 13/07375-0, 17/02286-0, 19/18287-0, 18/21934-5)
TRAMBAIOLLI, LUCAS R.; DEAN, PHILIP J. A.; CRAVO, ANDRE M.; STERR, ANNETTE; SATO, JOAO R.; IEEE. Current brain activity is a predictor of longitudinal motor imagery performance. 2020 IEEE INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON SYSTEMS, MAN, AND CYBERNETICS (SMC), v. N/A, p. 6-pg., . (15/17406-5, 18/21934-5, 18/04654-9, 13/10952-9)
EYILETEN, CEREN; WICIK, ZOFIA; SIMOES, SERGIO N.; MARTINS-JR, DAVID C.; KLOS, KRZYSZTOF; WLODARCZYK, WOJCIECH; ASSINGER, ALICE; SOLDACKI, DARIUSZ; CHCIALOWSKI, ANDRZEJ; SILLER-MATULA, JOLANTA M.; et al. Thrombosis-related circulating miR-16-5p is associated with disease severity in patients hospitalised for COVID-19. RNA BIOLOGY, v. 19, n. 1, p. 17-pg., . (18/18560-6, 18/21934-5)
RAMOS, TAIANE COELHO; MOURAO-MIRANDA, JANAINA; FUJITA, ANDRE. Spectral density-based clustering algorithms for complex networks. FRONTIERS IN NEUROSCIENCE, v. 17, p. 14-pg., . (20/08343-8, 18/21934-5, 19/22845-9)
FERNANDA ROHRSETZER; JOANA BISOL BALARDIN; FELIPE PICON; JOÃO RICARDO SATO; LUCAS BATTEL; ANNA VIDUANI; PEDRO HENRIQUE MANFRO; LEEHYUN YOON; BRANDON A. KOHRT; HELEN L. FISHER; et al. A magnetic resonance imaging-based morphometric and structural covariance network study of Brazilian adolescents stratified by depression risk. Revista Brasileira de Psiquiatria, v. 45, n. 4, p. 318-326, . (21/05332-8, 18/21934-5, 18/04654-9)
PRISCILA BENITEZ; CAMILA DOMENICONI; AMANDA YUMI AMBRIOLA OKU; RAIMUNDO DA SILVA SOARES JUNIOR; FERNANDA YUMI RIBEIRO MORI; LINCOLN SASSAKI; THAINÁ LETÍCIA DOURADO MOURA; THARINY OLIVEIRA; LIZBETH CONTI DE CARVALHO OLIVEIRA; GIOVANA DA SILVA; et al. Análise da Viabilidade de Uso do FNIRS em Atividades Educacionais com Crianças e Jovens com Deficiência Intelectual e Autismo. Rev. bras. educ. espec., v. 29, . (19/25795-2, 08/57705-8, 20/04777-3, 18/21934-5, 21/05332-8)
DO NASCIMENTO, DIEGO CARVALHO; SANTOS DA SILVA, JOSE ROBERTO; ARA, ANDERSON; SATO, JOAO RICARDO; COSTA, LILIA. Hyperscanning fNIRS data analysis using multiregression dynamic models: an illustration in a violin duo. FRONTIERS IN COMPUTATIONAL NEUROSCIENCE, v. 17, p. 13-pg., . (18/04654-9, 18/21934-5)

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