Auxílio à pesquisa 13/07793-6 - Crescimento de cristais, Cristalização - BV FAPESP
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CEPIV - Centro de Ensino, Pesquisa e Inovação em Vidros

Processo: 13/07793-6
Modalidade de apoio:Auxílio à Pesquisa - Centros de Pesquisa, Inovação e Difusão - CEPIDs
Área do conhecimento:Engenharias - Engenharia de Materiais e Metalúrgica - Materiais Não-metálicos
Pesquisador responsável:Edgar Dutra Zanotto
Beneficiário:Edgar Dutra Zanotto
Instituição Sede: Centro de Ciências Exatas e de Tecnologia (CCET). Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR). São Carlos , SP, Brasil
Pesquisadores principais:
( Atuais )
Ana Candida Martins Rodrigues ; Eduardo Bellini Ferreira ; Hellmut Eckert ; José Fabián Schneider ; José Pedro Rino ; Marcelo Nalin ; Oscar Peitl Filho ; Paulo Sergio Pizani
Pesquisadores principais:
( Anteriores )
Andrea Simone Stucchi de Camargo Alvarez Bernardez
Pesquisadores associados:Ana Candida Martins Rodrigues ; Ana Cláudia Kasseboehmer ; Andrea Simone Stucchi de Camargo Alvarez Bernardez ; Claudio José Magon ; Jose Pedro Donoso Gonzalez ; José Pedro Rino ; Luiz Henrique Ferreira ; Marcello Rubens Barsi Andreeta ; Marcos de Oliveira Junior ; Oscar Peitl Filho ; Paulo Sergio Pizani ; Valmor Roberto Mastelaro
Auxílio(s) vinculado(s):24/16031-7 - Análise dos processos de nucleação e crescimento de cristais em líquidos vitrificáveis super-resfriados e vidros, AV.EXT
23/14866-1 - Reaproveitamento de garrafas de vidro na construção de muros de taipa como solução sustentável para mitigar o déficit habitacional no Brasil, AP.R SPRINT
22/16752-0 - Modificando propriedades magneto-ópticas de vidros usando a técnica de poling térmico, AV.EXT
+ mais auxílios vinculados 23/01625-6 - Desenvolvimento de novas metodologias para fabricação de fibras ópticas a partir de vidros exóticos, AP.R
22/14232-0 - Titânio e nióbio: dois elementos importantes, mas enigmáticos na ciência do vidro, AP.R SPRINT
22/00757-3 - Simulações numéricas do efeito de relaxamento na nucleação de cristais em líquidos e vidros formadores de vidro super-resfriados, AV.EXT
21/11194-7 - EMU - concedido no processo 2013/07793-6: Microscópio Eletrônico de Varredura de Bancada com acessório EDS, AP.EMU
20/07946-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07793-6: Equipamento Espectrômetro de Infravermelho (FTIR), AP.EMU
19/12885-3 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07793-6: espectrômetro de ressonância magnética nuclear em estado sólido, AP.EMU
19/02396-5 - Simulações numéricas do efeito da composição e do relaxamento na nucleação de cristais em líquidos formadores de vidro super-resfriados, AV.EXT
17/26803-3 - Reconstrução de materiais lignocelulósicos em líquidos iônicos para a preparação de novos materiais híbridos porosos (MHPs) para a desinfecção de água, AV.EXT
17/02953-6 - Estudos estruturais de vidros fosfatos iônicos, dopados com metais de transição para aplicação elétrica e de óptica não linear, AV.EXT
16/11650-4 - Efeitos da taxa de aquecimento na nucleação de cristais em vidros: do laboratório a prática, AV.EXT
16/04779-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07793-6: equipamento de Difração de Raios X com acessórios para pequenas áreas, AP.EMU
16/04788-0 - EMU concedido no processo 2013/07793-6: equipamento espectrômetro de raios-X fluorescente, modelo ZSX Primus II, AP.EMU
15/18182-3 - Preparação in situ de nano-híbrido de TiO2-grafeno e sua aplicação em células solares de perovskita e sensibilizadas por corantes, AV.EXT
15/08434-5 - Vidros fluoroindatos e telúritos dopados com íons terras raras e nanopartículas metálicas para melhor eficiência de células solares por redução e conversão ascendente de energia solar, AV.EXT
15/01848-9 - Cristalização próxima a TG de vidros líquidos super-resfriados, AV.EXT
14/20865-9 - Síntese e propriedades de vitrocerâmicas contendo fase espinélio nanométrica para aplicações em sistemas de proteção e fotônicas, AV.EXT - menos auxílios vinculados
Bolsa(s) vinculada(s):24/16255-2 - Envelhecimento físico e densificação de vidros: cinética e mecanismos de relaxação estrutural, BP.PD
24/02121-4 - Mudanças estruturais durante a retardação da sinterização devido à cristalização superficial no vidro bioativo F3., BP.PD
24/09884-3 - Amorfização de fosfatos de Li e Al através de métodos mecânicos, BP.MS
+ mais bolsas vinculadas 24/15058-9 - Efeito de nióbio como formador de rede em vidros de fosfato de lítio: Estrutura e propriedades físico-químicas, BP.IC
24/09454-9 - Divulgação da pesquisa científica no CeRTEV: a relação de podcasts e jornalismo científico, BP.JC
24/00630-9 - Os vidros, esses desconhecidos, BP.JC
24/09802-7 - Obtenção e condutividade elétrica de novos vidros condutores por íons lítio., BP.IC
24/00476-0 - Tecnologia e Divulgação Científica no Museu do Vidro do CeRTEV-UFSCar, BP.TT
24/00634-4 - Os vidro, esses desconhecidos., BP.JC
24/02488-5 - Cristalização ultra-rápida de vitrocerâmicas condutoras por íon sódio pela técnica Flash (Sinter) Crystallization, BP.IC
23/17069-5 - Papel Estrutural dos Óxidos de Metais de Transição em Vidros de Borato e Fosfato Estudado por Técnicas de Ressonância Magnética Dipolar de Núcleos Quadrupolares, BP.PD
23/14706-4 - Cristalização ultrarrápida de vitrocerâmicas dentá-rias assistida por campo elétrico, BP.IC
23/12658-2 - Obtenção de fibras magneto-ópticas à base de vidros boro-aluminatos contendo terras raras., BP.IC
23/16387-3 - Caracterização Estrutural de Vidros Borossilicatos Separados por Fases Usando RMN de Estado Sólido: Relação Com a Tenacidade à Fratura., BP.MS
22/13532-0 - Cristalização com sinterização concorrente ultrarrápida de vitrocerâmicas do sistema Li2O-Al2O3-SiO2 (LAS) com propriedades antimicrobianas produzidas em apenas uma etapa, BP.PD
23/09945-0 - Design guiado por Aprendizado de Máquina de novos vidros com boa capacidade de vitrificação e combinações de propriedades múltiplas., BP.IC
23/00115-4 - Aspectos estruturais de vidros magnéticos, BP.DR
22/15867-9 - Desenvolvimento de novos vidros de alta dureza guiado por Machine Learning, BP.IC
22/06574-8 - Relaxação estrutural de um vidro de catedral medieval, BP.IC
22/05837-5 - Dinâmica de crescimento de cristais em líquidos super-resfriados sondada por dinâmica molecular, BP.PD
22/11377-7 - Efeito da Fração Cristalizada no Processo de Troca Iônica em Vitrocerâmicas de Dissilicato de Lítio, BP.IC
22/05132-1 - Preparação e caracterização de vidros fosfatos de íons alcalinos e alcalinos terrosos, BP.IC
22/00965-5 - Tecnologia e Divulgação Científica no Museu do Vidro do CeRTEv-UFSCar, BP.TT
21/14878-4 - Desenvolvimento de soluções sustentáveis para mitigar a colisão de pássaros em vidros, BP.IC
22/01937-5 - Incorporação do nióbio em vidros fotônicos: novas relações estruturais/funções descobertas por técnicas avançadas de ressonância magnética, BP.DR
21/13981-6 - Vidros e vitrocerâmicas luminescentes para aplicações em sensores na região do infravermelho médio, BP.IC
21/14705-2 - Escrita direta a laser em vidros fluorofosfatos codopados com terras raras e prata para produção de dispositivos ópticos não lineares, BP.DR
20/08934-6 - Tratamento térmico superficial em vidros óxidos por meio de radiação laser: correlação entre velocidade de varredura e habilidade de formação de vidros, BP.IC
21/03374-5 - Relaxação estrutural de vidros e sua influência em outros processos dinâmicos, BP.DR
21/12361-4 - Dispositivos detectores de radiação de alta energia baseados em compósitos vítreos cintiladores, BP.IC
21/12412-8 - Contribuição ao estudo de mecanismos da condução iônica em vidros, BP.DR
21/00632-3 - Investigação das células-tronco derivadas da medula óssea na regeneração óssea e osseointegração de implantes dentários: estudo in vitro e pré-clínico em coelhos, BP.DR
21/08871-7 - Incorporação do gálio em vidros bioativos: novas relações estruturais/funções descobertas por técnicas de RMN de estado sólido, BP.IC
21/06370-0 - Correlações entre composições, estrutura e propriedades em biovidros contendo boro, elucidado por ressonância magnética nuclear do estado sólido, BP.PD
21/06509-9 - Sinterização com cristalização concorrente de vitrocerâmicas condutoras iônicas via flash sintering, BP.PD
21/01170-3 - Nanossistemas luminescentes multifuncionais vítreos e cerâmicos para aplicações em termometria e oximetria, BP.DR
19/26399-3 - Elucidação de rearranjos estruturais durante o processo de relaxação e cristalização de materiais vítreos, BP.PD
20/01786-1 - Óptica não-linear e magneto-óptica em vidros e vitrocerâmicas contendo nióbio e tântalo, BP.PD
20/09915-5 - Produção de HQs científicas sobre vidros para veiculação na internet e mídias digitais, BP.JC
20/04976-6 - Análise pelo método dos elementos finitos posicional das tensões residuais em vidros de dissilicato de lítio parcialmente cristalizados, BP.DR
20/04233-3 - Sinterização e cristalização de vidros assistida por campo elétrico, BP.IC
19/16230-1 - Fotocatálise plasmônica em vidros óxidos contendo nanopartículas de AG, BP.MS
19/20978-1 - Cinéticas de relaxação e cristalização: uma tentativa de solucionar o Paradoxo de Kauzmann, BP.MS
19/21770-5 - Materiais luminescentes incorporados à vidros: novos compósitos para aplicações em iluminação de segurança e detectores de radiação, BP.PD
19/15108-8 - Relaxação estrutural de vidros metassilicato de chumbo e dissilicato de lítio, BP.MS
19/12588-9 - Biossensores ópticos para detecção rápida de bactérias patogênicas, BP.DR
19/19609-1 - Síntese e caracterização de diferentes famílias de vidros e vitro-cerâmicas (óxidos, fosfatos e fluoretos) com propriedades magnéticas, BP.PD
19/09499-4 - Investigação do paradoxo de Kauzmann nos líquidos formadores de vidro, BP.PD
19/16747-4 - Colagem de fitas cerâmicas e impressão 3D de barbotina vítrea, BP.IC
19/01223-0 - Estudo das propriedades ópticas e magnéticas de vidros óxidos de metais pesados e suas aplicações em impressão 3D, BE.PQ
19/12383-8 - Estudo de propriedades estruturais e vibracionais de materiais vítreos e vitrocerâmicos via espalhamento Raman em função da temperatura e de altas pressões hidrostáticas., BP.PD
19/12417-0 - Reforço de vitrocerâmicos do sistema LiO2-Al2O3-SiO2 por cristalização superficial, BP.IC
19/13742-1 - Estudo do efeito de fatores elétricos na sinterização e cristalização de vidros no sistema Li2O-SiO2, BP.MS
19/09601-3 - Correlação entre composição-estrutura-propriedades de biovidros contendo boro elucidada atráves de ressonância magnética nuclear no estado sólido, BP.PD
19/02672-2 - Desenvolvimento de técnicas espectroscópicas e computacionais para caracterização de vidros e vitro-cerâmicas por RMN e RPE, BP.TT
19/05429-1 - Programa Minuto Vítreo: divulgação científica no rádio, BP.JC
18/25490-4 - Cinética de relaxação estrutural abaixo da temperatura de transição vítrea, BP.IC
18/25043-8 - Análise da atividade antimicrobiana do biovidro F18 frente a Candida albicans, BP.IC
18/19812-9 - Estudo sistemático do processo de cristalização de vidros boro-tungstato de terras-raras, BP.IC
18/04113-8 - Síntese, Propriedades Ópticas e Aplicações de Vidros e Vitro-Cerâmicas com Nanopartículas Dispersas de Semicondutor ou Híbridas de Semicondutor-metal., BP.PD
18/03931-9 - Preparação de vidros e vitrocerâmicas de fluorofosfatos dopados com íons terras-raras para potencial uso como detectores de radiação., BP.PD
17/17800-0 - Estudo de correlações estrutura/propriedade em vidros e vitrocerâmicas para armazenamento de energia por técnicas de RMN de estado sólido, BP.PD
17/22188-2 - Incorporação de Sr em vidros fosfatos de Ca, BP.IC
17/21037-0 - Avaliação do efeito do cobre como dopante na bioatividade e no potencial angiogênico de vidros bioativos, BP.IC
17/08350-1 - Cristalização de líquidos super-resfriados através de simulações de dinâmica molecular, BP.PD
17/24531-6 - Preparação de vitrocerâmicas condutoras por íon sódio com estrutura NASICON contendo Sc, BP.IC
17/16765-7 - Condutividade iônica de vitrocerâmicas NASICON obtidas a partir de diferentes tratamentos térmicos, BP.IC
17/11868-2 - Correlação entre estrutura e propriedades ópticas de materiais vitrocerâmicos da série (Ax,A'1-x)O + SiO2 (A,A'= Pb,Ni,Co,Cr) submetidos a altas pressões hidrostáticas, BP.DD
17/12491-0 - Processos cinéticos em vidros e novas formulações vítreas via aprendizagem de máquina, BP.PD
17/06649-0 - Novos materiais óticos baseados em vidros e cerâmicas oxifluoretos dopados com terras-raras: estudos estruturais por ressonância paramagnética eletrônica., BP.PD
16/16900-9 - Preparação de fibras de vidros óxidos de metal pesado com propriedades ópticas e magneto-ópticas, BP.PD
16/18567-5 - Ordenamento estrutural pré-nucleação em vidros que nucleiam homogeneamente: BaO-2SiO2 e CaO-SiO2, BP.PD
16/24509-8 - Desenvolvimento e caracterização de vitrocerâmicas Enstatita via tratamento térmico controlado, BP.IC
16/18577-0 - Estudo da cinética de cristalização em vidros silicatos de (NiO)x.(PbO)1-x.(SiO2) e de suas propriedades estruturais e ópticas, BP.IC
16/15962-0 - Correlação entre estrutura e propriedades dinâmicas e ópticas de materiais da série (Ax, A'1-x)O + SiO2 (A, A' = Pb, Ni, Co, Fe, Cr): estudo por espalhamento Raman e simulações por dinâmica molecular, BP.PD
16/19353-9 - Otimização microestrutural de vitrocerâmicas do sistema LCGTP, BP.IC
16/16343-2 - Síntese e caracterização de vidros e vitrocerâmicas transparentes contendo íons terras raras, BP.PD
16/14165-0 - Cerâmicas meso/macroporosas para conversão catalítica de biomassa lignocelulósica em produtos químicos de interesse industrial, BP.PD
16/07706-4 - Materiais luminescentes nanocristalinos: novas concepções químicas para conversão de energia e sustentabilidade, BP.PD
15/17258-6 - Estudo por microscopia eletrônica de transmissão corrigida da nucleação e cristalização em materiais vítreos/amorfos: aspectos cinéticos e termodinâmicos., BE.PQ
16/03836-0 - Estudo da resistência à flexão de vitrocerâmicas de dissilicato de lítio para aplicação como prótese odontológica, BP.IC
15/24118-6 - Estudo de nanopartículas emissoras de luz (nanóforos conversores NIR-VIS) para aplicações biomédicas e biotecnológicas, BP.PD
15/13314-9 - Desenvolvimento e caracterização de vitrocerâmicos bioativos e tenazes, BP.PD
15/21573-4 - Cinéticas de relaxação estrutural e de tensões residuais bem abaixo da temperatura de transição vítrea, BP.IC
15/17223-8 - Desenvolvimento de Biocompósitos Contendo Fibras de Vidro Bioativas para Regeneração de Feridas Crônicas, BP.PD
15/20681-8 - Crescimento de cristais e relaxação estrutural em metassilicato de chumbo vítreo, BP.IC
15/10713-0 - Investigações de conversão ascendente e descendente de energia em vidros e vitrocerâmicas de telúritos dopados com íons terras raras, para aplicações em células solares, BP.PD
14/25483-7 - Estudo das propriedades ópticas de vidros contendo íons terras raras e nanopartículas metálicas, BP.IC
14/25805-4 - Nova metodologia de síntese de vidros e vitrocerâmicas com propriedades luminescentes, BP.IC
14/12627-0 - Cintiladores baseados em vidros silicatos para espectroscopia de raios gamma, BP.PD
14/14109-7 - Desenvolvimento e caracterização química e mecânica de vitrocerâmicas do sistema Li2O-SiO2, BP.IC
14/10202-2 - Avaliação do potencial antibacteriano de um vidro bioativo, BP.IC
14/11738-3 - Obtenção de vitrocerâmicas transparentes de elevadas propriedades mecânicas, BP.IC
13/24064-8 - Estudos estruturais e fotofísicos de vidros fosfato de tungstênio dopados com íons terras raras e nanopartículas metálicas, BP.PD
13/26045-0 - Análise da atividade antimicrobiana de biovidro incorporado com prata para aplicações médicas e odontológicas, BP.IC
14/01910-3 - Cristalização de vidros não estequiométricos do sistema L2S-B2S, BP.IC
13/23490-3 - Técnicas de ressonância magnética empregadas no estudo da correlação estrutura/propriedades em vidros e vitrocerâmicas fotônicos, BP.PD
13/24727-7 - Novos materiais ópticos baseados em Complexos Polinucleares de Clusters de Haleto de Cobre(I) imobilizados em matrizes hospedeiras sólidas, BP.PD
13/07059-0 - Scaffolds vitrocerâmicos bioativos aplicáveis à ortopedia e odontologia obtidos através de tecnologias tridimensionais, BP.PD
13/09234-4 - Estudo do fator de forma de partículas de vidros para sinterização através da cinética de cristalização determinada por calorimetria exploratória diferencial (DSC), BP.DR
13/00457-0 - Microestrutura e propriedades mecânicas de vitrocerâmicas do sistema CaO-MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 para proteção balística, BP.DR
13/05856-0 - Desenvolvimento de superfícies de titânio com atividade antibacteriana via aplicação de camada de um vidro bioativo., BP.PD
12/24802-6 - Estrutura e mecanismos de nucleação em vidros óxidos: Abordagem utilizando Ressonância Magnética Nuclear, BP.PD
11/22937-9 - Desenvolvimento e Caracterização de Tecidos Vítreos Flexíveis Altamente Bioativos, BP.DR - menos bolsas vinculadas
Assunto(s):Crescimento de cristais  Cristalização  Materiais cerâmicos  Vitrocerâmica 
Palavra(s)-Chave do Pesquisador:Crescimento de Cristais | Cristalização | nucleação | propriedades | vidro | Vitroceramico | Vidros e vitrocerâmicos
Publicação FAPESP:


Através da investigação de relações estrutura - nano & microestrutura - propriedades, utilizando simulações computacionais e métodos de caracterização estrutural, espectroscópica e funcional. Planejamos mapear o "genoma" de vidros e vitrocerâmicas e desenvolver novos materiais ativos e com aplicações promissoras. O principal núcleo de pesquisadores do Centro é composto por 13 professores da USP e UFSCar (ambas em São Carlos) especialistas em engenharia, química e física de materiais vítreos, cristalização e em uma ampla gama de técnicas de caracterização. Cerca de 50 estudantes de graduação, pós-graduação e pós-docs são orientados por eles, e uma extensa coligação de colaboradores compõe uma rede internacional. Iremos pesquisar e desenvolver vidros e vitrocerâmicos que apresentem funcionalidades e aplicações relevantes, tais como alta resistência mecânica e condutividade elétrica, atividade biológica, óptica ou catalítica, ou combinações destas propriedades. Um entendimento fundamental dessas propriedades será obtido baseado em informações sobre a organização estrutural desses materiais em diferentes escalas. Aplicaremos modernos métodos de NMR, EPR, EXAFS e espectroscopia vibracional para caracterizar estruturas atômicas locais e a médio alcance, bem como, a vasta gama de resoluções da microscopia óptica, eletrônica, XRD e microanálises para elucidar nano e microestruturas. E essa abrangente abordagem experimental será complementada por simulações por dinâmica molecular Com essa estratégia procuraremos um entendimento profundo da sinterização e cristalização de vidros em termos de mecanismos, termodinâmica e cinética de escoamento viscoso, assim como de nucleação e crescimento de cristais, permitindo-nos controlar esses processos através da seleção adequada de composições, métodos de conformação e protocolos de tratamentos térmicos. Os laboratórios participantes irão investigar conjuntamente uma série de importantes sistemas de referência, que são considerados particularmente promissores para aplicações como materiais de reforço estrutural (vitrocerâmicas dental e bio), materiais ópticos (vidros para laser), vidros para energia eletroquímica, dispositivos de armazenamento de energia e sistemas catalíticos. Esta rica agenda de pesquisa será equilibrada por contínuas atividades de educação e divulgação em diferentes níveis, bem como pelo desenvolvimento tecnológico e transferência de tecnologia em um moderno centro de educação, investigação e inovação (AU)

Matéria(s) publicada(s) na Agência FAPESP sobre o auxílio:
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Publicações científicas (470)
(Referências obtidas automaticamente do Web of Science e do SciELO, por meio da informação sobre o financiamento pela FAPESP e o número do processo correspondente, incluída na publicação pelos autores)
RAQUEL ALVES; LEANDRO P. RAVARO; AGNIESZKA PAWLICKA; MARIA MANUELA SILVA; ANDREA S. S. DE CAMARGO. Eco-Friendly Luminescent Hybrid Materials Based on EuIII and LiI Co-Doped Chitosan. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 26, n. 12, p. 2590-2597, . (13/24727-7, 13/07793-6)
FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.. Crystal nucleation in glass-forming liquids: Variation of the size of the ``structural units{''} with temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 447, p. 35-44, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; YEKTA, BIJAN EFTEKHARI; MARGHUSSIAN, VAHAK KASPARI; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Sol-gel synthesis, structure, sintering and properties of bioactive and inert nano-apatite-zirconia glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 9, A, p. 11024-11045, . (13/07793-6)
MAURO, JOHN C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Two Centuries of Glass Research: Historical Trends, Current Status, and Grand Challenges for the Future. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 5, n. 3, SI, p. 313-327, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Bibliometrics in glass and other sciences: A Plea for reason. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 8, n. 3, SI, p. 352-359, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
MELCHERS, S.; UESBECK, T.; WINTER, O.; ECKERT, H.; EDER, D.. Effect of Aluminum Ion Incorporation on the Bioactivity and Structure in Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses. Chemistry of Materials, v. 28, n. 10, p. 3254-3264, . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, LUCAS N.; DO NASCIMENTO, ERIBERTO O.; ANDREETA, MARCELLO R. B.; ANTONIO, PATRICIA L.; CALDAS, LINDA V. E.. Characterization of lithium diborate, sodium diborate and commercial soda-lime glass exposed to gamma radiation via linearity analyses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 155, n. SI, p. 133-137, . (08/57863-2, 14/12732-9, 13/07793-6)
CASTRO, TARCIO; JUBERA, VERONIQUE; FARES, HSSEN; PETIT, YANNICK; FARGUES, ALEXANDRE; CARDINAL, THIERRY; NALIN, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY. Photoluminescence of Ag+ and Agmn+ in co-doped Pr3+/Yb3+ fluorophosphate glasses: tuning visible emission and energy transfer to Pr3+/Yb3+ ions through excitation in different silver species. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 30, n. 18, SI, p. 16878-16885, . (18/09296-3, 13/07793-6, 16/16343-2)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO LUIZ; SILVA ALVES, PATRICIA FRANCIELI; MORAES, THAIS DA SILVA; CASEMIRO, LUCIANA ASSIRATI; DA SILVA, SIDNEY NICODEMOS; PEITL, OSCAR; GOMES MARTINS, CARLOS HENRIQUE; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Cation-doped bioactive ceramics: In vitro bioactivity and effect against bacteria of the oral cavity. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 7, A, p. 9231-9244, . (14/07483-0, 13/07793-6)
MONTEIRO, ANDREIA S.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA; CARCEL, CAROLE; GUTMANN, TORSTEN; BUNTKOWSKY, GERD; MAN, MICHEL WONG CHI; BARUD, HERNANE S.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.. Modification of Bacterial Cellulose Membrane with 1,4-Bis(triethoxysilyl)benzene: A Thorough Physical-Chemical Characterization Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 8, SI, p. 4498-4508, . (18/25512-8, 17/21005-1, 13/07793-6, 15/12908-2)
ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; PEREZ-DEL-REY, DANIEL; DREESSEN, CHRIS; ANGELES HERNANDEZ-FENOLLOSA, MA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; SESSOLO, MICHELE; BOIX, PABLO P.; BOLINK, HENK J.. Use of Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronze in Vacuum-Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells. ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, v. 8, n. 4, SI, . (13/07793-6, 18/05152-7)
MORGUETTO, GABRIEL FELIPE; BINS TSUNAKI, LUCAS ELY; SCHNEIDER, JOSE. Bonding of alkaline and alkaline earth cations in Na-Ca-Sr polyphosphate glasses. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 11, n. 1, SI, . (13/07793-6)
SOARES, VIVIANE OLIVEIRA; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES. Improvements on sintering and thermal expansion of lithium aluminum silicate glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 11, A, p. 17430-17436, . (13/07793-6)
REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; BARBOSA, ANNE J.; GHUSSN, LUCIANA; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; PRADO, MIGUEL O.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Sintering and rounding kinetics of irregular glass particles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 102, n. 2, SI, p. 845-854, . (13/07793-6)
JIUSTI, JEANINI; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Which glass stability parameters can assess the glass-forming ability of oxide systems?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, . (17/12491-0, 13/07793-6)
RAMIREZ ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA; RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; PEITL FILHO, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Further evidence against the alleged failure of the classical nucleation theory below the glass transition range. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; MANZANI, DANILO; CARVAJAL, EDUAR E.; PRANDO, GABRIELA AUGUSTA; DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; ANTONIO, SELMA G.; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; NALIN, MARCELO. Optical and EPR studies of zinc phosphate glasses containing Mn2+ ions. Journal of Materials Science, v. 55, n. 23, SI, . (18/16126-7, 16/10668-7, 13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
SCHNEIDER, J.; TSUCHIDA, J.; ECKERT, H.. Cation size effects in mixed-ion metaphosphate glasses: structural characterization by multinuclear solid state NMR spectroscopy. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 15, n. 34, p. 14328-14339, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ZHANG, LONG; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Medium-Range Order in Sol-Gel Prepared Al2O3-SiO2 Glasses: New Results from Solid-State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 118, n. 9, p. 4906-4917, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Anion Distribution in Superionic Ag3PO4-AgI Glasses Revealed by Dipolar Solid-State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 117, n. 47, p. 24746-24751, . (13/07793-6)
FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; CHINAGLIA, CLEVER R.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Non-stoichiometric crystallization of lithium metasilicate-calcium metasilicate glasses. Part 2-Effect of the residual liquid. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 379, p. 131-144, . (12/17417-9, 13/07793-6)
DESIMONE, DEBORAH; LI, WEI; ROETHER, JUDITH A.; SCHUBERT, DIRK W.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; BOCCACCINI, ALDO R.. Biosilicate (R)-gelatine bone scaffolds by the foam replica technique: development and characterization. SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY OF ADVANCED MATERIALS, v. 14, n. 4, . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; AITKEN, BRUCE; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structure of P2O5-SiO2 Pure Network Former Glasses Studied by Solid State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 34, p. 19807-19815, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
IGOA, FERNANDO; MARTINEZ, SEBASTIAN; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; CASTIGLIONI, JORGE; SUESCUN, LEOPOLDO; GONZALEZ-PLATAS, JAVIER; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; KREMER, CARLOS; TORRES, JULIA. Polymorphism and luminescence properties of heteropolynuclear metal-organic frameworks containing oxydiacetate as linker. CrystEngComm, v. 20, n. 34, p. 4942-4953, . (16/07706-4, 13/07793-6)
ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Host-guest luminescent materials based on highly emissive species loaded into versatile sol-gel hosts. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 47, n. 37, p. 12813-12826, . (16/17495-0, 13/24727-7, 16/07706-4, 13/07793-6, 18/05152-7)
LAMARCA, RAFAELA SILVA; DORLEDO DE FARIA, RICARDO ADRIANO; BOLDRIN ZANONI, MARIA VALNICE; NALIN, MARCELO; FEITOSA DE LIMA GOMES, PAULO CLAIRMONT; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES. Simple, fast and environmentally friendly method to determine ciprofloxacin in wastewater samples based on an impedimetric immunosensor. RSC ADVANCES, v. 10, n. 4, p. 1838-1847, . (18/22393-8, 15/22828-6, 13/07793-6)
FUNKE, LENA MARIE; JANKA, OLIVER; POETTGEN, RAINER; GLEBOV, LEONID; HANSEN, MICHAEL RYAN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Short- and Medium-Range Order in Photothermal Refractive Glass Revealed by Solid-State NMR Techniques. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 19, p. 12411-12422, . (13/07793-6)
HORA, DANIELA A.; SILVA, ARIOSVALDO J. S.; NASCIMENTO, PATRESIO A. M.; SAMPAIO, DAVID V.; MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; SILVA, RONALDO S.; REZENDE, MARCOS V. DOS S.. Effect of the amounts of Li+ additive on the luminescence properties of LiBaPO4:Eu phosphor. Optical Materials, v. 89, p. 329-333, . (16/18567-5, 16/15962-0, 13/07793-6)
CURCIO, ANA LAURA; MARTINEZ ESPINOSA, JOSE WALDO; PIZANI, PAULO SERGIO; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI. Effects of cadmium insertion in blue-excited photoluminescence of ZnO. Optical Materials, v. 89, p. 344-348, . (13/07793-6)
MONCKE, DORIS; JIUSTI, JEANINI; SILVA, LAIS DANTAS; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA. Long-term stability of laser-induced defects in (fluoride-)phosphate glasses doped with W, Mo, Ta, Nb and Zr ions. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 498, p. 401-414, . (17/02953-6, 13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; MAFUD, ANA C.; LI, ZHI; REINHEIMER, ERIC; SIMONE, CARLOS A.; MASCARENHAS, YVONNE P.; FORD, PETER C.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. New emissive mononuclear copper (I) complex: Structural and photophysical characterization focusing on solvatochromism, rigidochromism and oxygen sensing in mesoporous solid matrix. DYES AND PIGMENTS, v. 159, p. 464-470, . (16/17495-0, 13/07793-6, 13/24727-7)
ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; YURITSYN, NIKOLAY S.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.. The effect of heterogeneous structure of glass-forming liquids on crystal nucleation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 462, p. 32-40, . (13/07793-6)
GABBAI-ARMELIN, P. R.; SOUZA, M. T.; KIDO, H. W.; TIM, C. R.; BOSSINI, P. S.; FERNANDES, K. R.; MAGRI, A. M. P.; PARIZOTTO, N. A.; FERNANDES, K. P. S.; MESQUITA-FERRARI, R. A.; et al. Characterization and biocompatibility of a fibrous glassy scaffold. JOURNAL OF TISSUE ENGINEERING AND REGENERATIVE MEDICINE, v. 11, n. 4, p. 1141-1151, . (13/07793-6, 11/22937-9)
BENNDORF, CHRISTOPHER; DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MARCOS; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; STEGEMANN, FRANK; POETTGEN, RAINER; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Rare-earth solid-state NMR spectroscopy of intermetallic compounds: The case of the Lu-175 isotope. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 101, p. 63-67, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; RODRIGUES, LAIS; DA CUNHA, CRISTIANO RAMOS; GONCALVES, ROGERIA ROCHA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; CASSANJES, FABIA CASTRO; POIRIER, GAEL YVES. Rare-earth ion doped niobium germanate glasses and glass-ceramics for optical device applications. Journal of Luminescence, v. 213, p. 224-234, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ECKERT, HELLMUT. A new parameter for (normalized) evaluation of H-index: countries as a case study. SCIENTOMETRICS, v. 118, n. 3, p. 1065-1078, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
COSTA PRADO, SANDRA CRISTINA; RINO, JOSE PEDRO; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Successful test of the classical nucleation theory by molecular dynamic simulations of BaS. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 161, p. 99-106, . (13/07793-6)
SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; TANSAZ, SAMIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; BOCCACCINI, ALDO R.. Bioactive Glass Fiber-Reinforced PGS Matrix Composites for Cartilage Regeneration. MATERIALS, v. 10, n. 1, . (14/01726-8, 13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Bioactive and inert dental glass-ceramics. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, v. 105, n. 2, p. 619-639, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
ESQUINA TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON; APARECIDO FERRI, FABIO; SERGIO PIZANI, PAULO; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA; KUNDU, SWARUP; FABIAN SCHNEIDER, JOSE; DUTRA ZANOTTO, EDGAR. Ionic conductivity and mixed-ion effect in mixed alkali metaphosphate glasses. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 19, n. 9, p. 6594-6600, . (13/07793-6, 12/24802-6)
SINGH, SHIV PRAKASH; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; ORSOLINI, HELOISA DALTOSO; GOMES DE MATTOS, PAULO PARREIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ROCHERULLE, JEAN; BENARD-ROCHERULLE, PATRICIA; LEBULLENGER, RONAN. Crystallization pathways and some properties of lithium disilicate oxynitride glasses. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 43, n. 15, p. 12348-12356, . (13/09093-1, 13/07793-6)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO L.; COSTA, LAIZA C.; SCHIAVON, MARCO A.; DE CASTRO, DENISE T.; DOS REIS, ANDREA C.; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Bioglass(A (R)) and resulting crystalline materials synthesized via an acetic acid-assisted sol-gel route. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 83, n. 1, p. 165-173, . (13/07793-6)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO LUIZ; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. On the crystallization of gel-derived albite (NaAlSi3O8): the most stable oxide glass. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 80, n. 3, p. 619-625, . (13/07793-6)
GUPTA, PRABHAT K.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Role of dynamic heterogeneities in crystal nucleation kinetics in an oxide supercooled liquid. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 145, n. 21, . (13/07793-6, 15/01848-9)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; LEDEMI, YANNICK; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; JANKA, OLIVER; POETTGEN, RAINER; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Ultraviolet Upconversion Luminescence in a Highly Transparent Triply-Doped Gd3+-Tm3+-Yb3+ Fluoride-Phosphate Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 4, p. 2275-2284, . (15/22828-6, 13/07793-6)
CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; FERREIRA NASCIMENTO, MARCIO LUIS; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. The diffusion coefficient controlling crystal growth in a silicate glass-former. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 9, n. 3, p. 373-382, . (11/18941-0, 13/07793-6)
RODRIGUES, A. M.; SILVA, L. D.; ZHANG, R.; SOARES, V. O.. Structural effects on glass stability and crystallization. CrystEngComm, v. 20, n. 16, p. 2278-2283, . (13/07793-6)
ORIVES, JULIANE R.; VIALI, WESLEY R.; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA H.; AFONSO, CONRADO R. M.; CARVALHO, MARIA H.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; NALIN, MARCELO. Phosphate glasses via coacervation route containing CdFe2O4 nanoparticles: structural, optical and magnetic characterization. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 47, n. 16, p. 5771-5779, . (13/07793-6, 09/54082-2)
FARES, HSSEN; CASTRO, TARCIO; ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; NALIN, MARCELO. White light and multicolor emission tuning in Ag nanocluster doped fluorophosphate glasses. RSC ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 70, p. 44356-44365, . (16/16343-2, 13/07793-6)
DEUBENER, J.; MONTAZERIAN, M.; KRUEGER, S.; PEITL, O.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. Heating rate effects in time-dependent homogeneous nucleation in glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 474, p. 1-8, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6, 16/11650-4)
RAJESH, DAGUPATI; DOUSTI, M. REZA; AMJAD, RAJA J.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Enhancement of down- and upconversion intensities in Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped oxyfluoro tellurite glasses induced by Ag species and nanoparticles. Journal of Luminescence, v. 192, p. 250-255, . (15/10713-0, 13/07793-6)
RODRIGUES, A. M.; RINO, J. P.; PIZANI, P. S.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. Structural and dynamic properties of vitreous and crystalline barium disilicate: molecular dynamics simulation and Raman scattering experiments. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS, v. 49, n. 43, . (13/07793-6)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; CERRUTTI, BIANCA M.; SOUZA, MARINA T.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural characterization of boron-containing glassy and semi-crystalline Biosilicate (R) by multinuclear NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 505, p. 390-399, . (13/07793-6)
SUGII, MARI MIURA; DE SOUZA FERREIRA, FABIO AUGUSTO; MUELLER, KARMA COGO; NUNES LEITE LIMA, DEBORA ALVES; GROPPO, FRANCISCO CARLOS; IMASATO, HIDETAKE; RODRIGUES-FILHO, UBIRAJARA PEREIRA; BAGGIO AGUIAR, FLAVIO HENRIQUE. Physical, chemical and antimicrobial evaluation of a composite material containing quaternary ammonium salt for braces cementation. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 73, p. 340-346, . (13/15518-5, 13/07793-6)
REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Simple model for particle phase transformation kinetics. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 154, p. 228-236, . (13/07793-6)
ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.. The race within supercooled liquids-Relaxation versus crystallization. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 149, n. 2, . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
SOUZA, M. T.; CAMPANINI, L. A.; CHINAGLIA, C. R.; PEITL, O.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; SOUZA, C. W. O.. Broad-spectrum bactericidal activity of a new bioactive grafting material (F18) against clinically important bacterial strains. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ANTIMICROBIAL AGENTS, v. 50, n. 6, p. 730-733, . (13/07793-6)
JLASSI, I.; FARES, H.; ELHOUICHET, H.. Enhancement of spectroscopic and luminescence properties of Er3+ doped tellurite glasses by adding P2O5 for lasing materials. Journal of Luminescence, v. 194, p. 569-578, . (16/16343-2, 13/07793-6)
GONCALVES, TASSIA S.; MOREIRA SILVA, RAPHAELL J.; DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MARCOS; FERRARI, CYNTHIA R.; POIRIER, GAEEL Y.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Structure-property relations in new fluorophosphate glasses singly-and co-doped with Er3+ and Yb3+. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 157, p. 45-55, . (12/16297-0, 13/07793-6)
GALLO, LEONARDO SANT'ANA; MOSCA, TIAGO DE MARCHI; TEIDER, BRUNO HENRIQUE; POLYAKOVA, IRINA; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.. Effects of lithium oxide on the crystallization kinetics of Na2O center dot 2CaO center dot 3SiO(2) glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 408, p. 102-114, . (13/07793-6)
GABBAI-ARMELIN, P. R.; SOUZA, M. T.; KIDO, H. W.; TIM, C. R.; BOSSINI, P. S.; MAGRI, A. M. P.; FERNANDES, K. R.; PASTOR, F. A. C.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; PARIZOTTO, N. A.; et al. Effect of a new bioactive fibrous glassy scaffold on bone repair. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE, v. 26, n. 5, . (13/07793-6, 11/22937-9)
MORAES, SAMIRA N. S.; MORGADO, DANIELLA L.; NALIN, MARCELO. Application of Raman spectroscopy to industrial research: Determination of impurities in glass bottles. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 100, p. 57-63, . (13/07793-6)
SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; SCHICK, CHRISTOPH; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Crystallization of glass-forming liquids: Maxima of nucleation, growth, and overall crystallization rates. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 429, p. 24-32, . (13/07793-6)
SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; SCHICK, CHRISTOPH; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Crystallization in glass-forming liquids: Effects of decoupling of diffusion and viscosity on crystal growth. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 429, p. 45-53, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Applications of DQ-DRENAR for the structural analysis of phosphate glasses. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 72, p. 140-147, . (13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; CARVAJAL, EDUAR E.; DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; SILVA, MAURICIO A. P.; SANT'ANA, ANTONIO C.; FARES, HSSEN; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; NALIN, MARCELO. Structural and EPR studies of Cu(2+)ons in NaPO3 - Sb2O3 - CuO glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 503, p. 169-175, . (13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; RINO, JOSE P.. Diffusivity, Interfacial Free Energy, and Crystal Nucleation in a Supercooled Lennard-Jones Liquid. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 50, p. 28884-28894, . (13/07793-6, 17/08350-1)
LODI, T. A.; DANTAS, N. F.; GONCALVES, T. S.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.; PEDROCHI, F.; STEIMACHER, A.. Dy3+ doped calcium boroaluminate glasses and Blue Led for smart white light generation. Journal of Luminescence, v. 207, p. 378-385, . (13/07793-6)
SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; ZINN FONTES, GABRIEL BARROCO. Non-random bonding of mono/divalent cations in mixed phosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 470, p. 38-46, . (13/07793-6)
CASSAR, DANIEL R.; LANCELOTTI, RICARDO F.; NUERNBERG, RAFAEL; NASCIMENTO, MARCIO L. F.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; DIZ, LUIZA T.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Elemental and cooperative diffusion in a liquid, supercooled liquid and glass resolved. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 147, n. 1, . (15/20681-8, 13/07793-6)
FRANCO, D. F.; BARUD, H. S.; SANTAGNELI, S.; LAMARCA, R. S.; SANTOS, BRUNO F.; SILVA, M. A. P.; DE OLIVEIRA, L. F. C.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; NALIN, M.. Preparation and structural characterization of sodium polyphosphate coacervate as a precursor for optical materials. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 180, p. 114-121, . (13/07793-6)
MARTINEZ, SEBASTIAN; IGOA, FERNANDO; CARRERA, IGNACIO; SEOANE, GUSTAVO; VEIGA, NICOLAS; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; KREMER, CARLOS; TORRES, JULIA. A Zn(II) luminescent complex with a Schiff base ligand: solution, computational and solid state studies. Journal of Coordination Chemistry, v. 71, n. 6, p. 874-889, . (13/07793-6)
RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Crystal growth and viscous flow in barium disilicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 479, p. 55-61, . (13/07793-6)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; NIETO-MUNOZ, ADRIANA M.; ORTIZ-MOSQUERA, JAIRO F.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Glass-to-crystal transition in the NASICON glass-ceramic system Na1+xAlxM2-x(PO4)(3) (M = Ge, Ti). Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 489, p. 91-101, . (13/07793-6)
SCHROEDER, CORNELIA; CARLOS VILLAS-BOAS, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Monitoring crystallization in lithium silicate glass-ceramics using Li-7 -> Si-29 cross-polarization NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 405, p. 163-169, . (13/07793-6)
CANDIDO, L. M.; FAIS, L. M. G.; FERREIRA, E. B.; ANTONIO, S. G.; PINELLI, L. A. P.. Characterization of a Diamond Ground Y-TZP and Reversion of the Tetragonal to Monoclinic Transformation. Operative Dentistry, v. 42, n. 4, p. 407-417, . (15/04552-3, 13/07793-6)
ALMEIDA, FLAVIO P.; BOTELHO, MOEMA B. S.; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; KESSLER, ELIZAVETA; FERRARI, CYNTHIA R.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Mesoporous aluminosilicate glasses: Potential materials for dye removal from wastewater effluents. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 253, p. 406-413, . (13/07793-6)
FERRAZ, EMANUELA PRADO; FREITAS, GILEADE PEREIRA; CROVACE, MURILO CAMURI; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO TAMBASCO; BELOTI, MARCIO MATEUS; ROSA, ADALBERTO LUIZ. Bioactive-glass ceramic with two crystalline phases (BioS-2P) for bone tissue engineering. Biomedical Materials, v. 12, n. 4, . (13/07793-6, 12/23879-5, 12/23525-9)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Rare-earth doped fluoride phosphate glasses: structural foundations of their luminescence properties. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 19, n. 32, p. 21612-21624, . (15/22828-6, 13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
SERBENA, F. C.; MATHIAS, I.; FOERSTER, C. E.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. Crystallization toughening of a model glass-ceramic. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 86, p. 216-228, . (13/07793-6)
MARQUES, LEYLIANE E.; COSTA, ALBERTH M. C.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; CABRAL, ALUISIO A.. Influence of Particle Size on Nonisothermal Crystallization in a Lithium Disilicate Glass. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 98, n. 3, p. 774-780, . (13/07793-6)
MANZANI, D.; MONTESSO, M.; MATHIAS, C. F.; KRISHANAIAH, K. VENKATA; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; NALIN, M.. Visible up-conversion and near-infrared luminescence of Er3+/Yb3+ co-doped SbPO4-GeO2 glasses. Optical Materials, v. 57, p. 71-78, . (10/20776-5, 13/07793-6)
MANZANI, DANILO; GUALBERTO, TIAGO; ALMEIDA, JULIANA M. P.; MONTESSO, MURILO; MENDONCA, CLEBER R.; RIVERA, VICTOR A. G.; DE BONI, LEONARDO; NALIN, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.. Highly nonlinear Pb2P2O7-Nb2O5 glasses for optical fiber production. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 443, p. 82-90, . (10/20776-5, 11/21434-3, 13/07793-6, 11/12399-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; KNITSCH, ROBERT; SAJID, MUHAMMAD; STUTE, ANNIKA; ELMER, LISA-MARIA; KEHR, GERALD; ERKER, GERHARD; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; JESCHKE, GUNNAR; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Aminoxyl Radicals of B/P Frustrated Lewis Pairs: Refinement of the Spin-Hamiltonian Parameters by Field- and Temperature-Dependent Pulsed EPR Spectroscopy. PLoS One, v. 11, n. 6, . (13/23490-3, 13/07793-6, 15/04063-2)
REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ZANOTTOK, EDGAR D.. Determination of Crystal Growth Rates in Glasses Over a Temperature Range Using a Single DSC Run. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 99, n. 6, p. 2001-2008, . (13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; ALMEIDA, TIAGO. R.; ALBUQUERQUE, RODRIGO Q.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. The polynuclear complex Cu(4)I(4)py(4) loaded in mesoporous silica: photophysics, theoretical investigation, and highly sensitive oxygen sensing application. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 45, n. 44, p. 17652-17661, . (14/02071-5, 13/07793-6, 13/24727-7)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; MANZANI, DANILO; BARUD, HERNANE S.; ANTONIO, SELMA G.; DE OLIVEIRA, LUIZ F. C.; SILVA, MAURICIO A. P.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO. Structural investigation of nickel polyphosphate coacervate glass-ceramics. RSC ADVANCES, v. 6, n. 94, p. 91150-91156, . (13/07793-6)
DE QUEIROZ, T. B.; BOTELHO, M. B. S.; GONCALVES, T. S.; DOUSTI, M. REZA; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. New fluorophosphate glasses co-doped with Eu3+ and Tb3+ as candidates for generating tunable visible light. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 647, p. 315-321, . (13/07793-6)
MATTOS, R. I.; TAMBELLI, C. E.; RAPHAEL, E.; SILVA, I. D. A.; MAGON, C. J.; DONOSO, J. P.; PAWLICKA, A.. Proton mobility and copper coordination in polysaccharideand gelatin-based bioblends and polyblends. Cellulose, v. 21, n. 4, p. 2247-2259, . (13/07793-6)
MORAES, TIAGO BUENO; SANTOS, POLIANA MACEDO; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; COLNAGO, LUIZ ALBERTO. Suppression of spectral anomalies in SSFP-NMR signal by the Krylov Basis Diagonalization Method. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 243, p. 74-80, . (13/07793-6, 11/11160-3, 12/20247-8)
VAN HOUDT, CLAIRE I. A.; TIM, CARLA R.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; PEITL, OSCAR; ULRICH, DIETMAR J. O.; JANSEN, JOHN A.; PARIZOTTO, NIVALDO A.; RENNO, ANA C.; VAN DEN BEUCKEN, JEROEN J. J. P.. Bone regeneration and gene expression in bone defects under healthy and osteoporotic bone conditions using two commercially available bone graft substitutes. Biomedical Materials, v. 10, n. 3, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; YEKTA, BIJAN EFTEKHARI; MARGHUSSIAN, VAHAK KASPARI; BELLANI, CAROLINE FARIA; SIQUEIRA, RENATO LUIZ; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Bioactivity and cell proliferation in radiopaque gel-derived CaO-P2O5-SiO2-ZrO2 glass and glass-ceramic powders. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 55, p. 436-447, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Intermediate Role of Gallium in Oxidic Glasses: Solid State NMR Structural Studies of the Ga2O3-NaPO3 System. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 118, n. 28, p. 15386-15403, . (13/07793-6)
SCHMELZER, JURN W. P.; TROPIN, V, TIMUR; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Effects of Glass Transition and Structural Relaxation on Crystal Nucleation: Theoretical Description and Model Analysis. Entropy, v. 22, n. 10, . (13/07793-6, 19/02396-5)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Prolificacy and visibility versus reputation in the hard sciences. SCIENTOMETRICS, v. 123, n. 1, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
WUEBKER, ANNA-LENA; KOPPE, JONAS; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; KEWELOH, LUKAS; PLESCHKA, DAMIAN; UHL, WERNER; HANSEN, MICHAEL RYAN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance Techniques for the Structural Characterization of Geminal Alane-Phosphane Frustrated Lewis Pairs and Secondary Adducts. CHEMISTRY-A EUROPEAN JOURNAL, v. 27, n. 52, . (13/07793-6, 19/26399-3)
WILKINSON, COLLIN J.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; DECEANNE, V, ANTHONY; KIRCHNER, KATELYN A.; MCKENZIE, MATTHEW E.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; MAURO, JOHN C.. Energy landscape modeling of crystal nucleation. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 217, . (17/12491-0, 13/07793-6)
KINDLE, MICHAEL; KMIEC, STEVEN; SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES ALMEIDA; ECKERT, HELLMUT; MARTIN, STEVE W.; SONG, MIN-KYU; MCCLOY, JOHN S.. Structural properties of alumina-doped lithium borovanadate glasses and glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 521, . (13/07793-6, 17/17800-0)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; EVANGELISTA, RENATO OLIVEIRA; GONCALVES, ROGERIA ROCHA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; MANZANI, DANILO; NALIN, MARCELO; CASSANJES, FABIA CASTRO; POIRIER, GAEL YVES. Er3+-doped niobium alkali germanate glasses and glass-ceramics: NIR and visible luminescence properties. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 521, . (13/07793-6)
SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; SCHICK, CHRISTOPH; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Crystallization in glass-forming liquids: Effects of fragility and glass transition temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 428, p. 68-74, . (13/07793-6)
DELORENZO NARDI, RACHEL PRADO RUSSO; BRAZ, CELSO EDUARDO; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; ROCHA, LUCAS A.; CASSANJES, FABIA CASTRO; POIRIER, GAEL. Effect of lead fluoride incorporation on the structure and luminescence properties of tungsten sodium phosphate glasses. Optical Materials, v. 49, p. 249-254, . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; UESBECK, TOBIAS; GONCALVES, TASSIA S.; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; PIZANI, PAULO S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Network Structure and Rare-Earth Ion Local Environments in Fluoride Phosphate Photonic Glasses Studied by Solid-State NMR and Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 119, n. 43, p. 24574-24587, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
GUPTA, PRABHAT K.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. On the variation of the maximum crystal nucleation rate temperature with glass transition temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 442, p. 34-39, . (13/07793-6, 15/01848-9)
NETO, O. C. SILVA; LODI, T. A.; NETO, J. G. OLIVEIRA; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.; PEDROCHI, F.; STEIMACHER, A.. Tunable Luminescence of Ce3(+)-Doped Calcium Boroaluminate Glasses for Light Emitting Devices. JOURNAL OF ELECTRONIC MATERIALS, v. 50, n. 4, SI, p. 2378-2388, . (13/07793-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; DA CUNHA, CRISTIANO RAMOS; DE PIETRO, GABRIELE MATINATTI; MANZANI, DANILO; GONCALVES, ROGERIA ROCHA; BATISTA, GISLENE; CASSANJES, FABIA CASTRO; POIRIER, GAEL. Multicolor tunable and NIR broadband emission from rare-earth-codoped tantalum germanate glasses and nanostructured glass-ceramics. Journal of Luminescence, v. 239, . (20/01786-1, 17/11301-2, 18/16126-7, 13/07793-6, 20/05319-9)
CASSAR, R. DANIEL; MASTELINI, SAULO MARTIELLO; BOTARI, TIAGO; ALCOBACA, EDESIO; DE CARVALHO, C. P. L. F. ANDRE; ZANOTTO, D. EDGAR. Predicting and interpreting oxide glass properties by machine learning using large datasets. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 17, p. 23958-23972, . (18/14819-5, 13/07375-0, 17/12491-0, 13/07793-6, 18/07319-6)
ZALLOCCO, VINICIUS MARTINS; FREITAS, JHONYS MACHADO; BOCCHI, NERILSO; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA. Electrochemical stability of a NASICON solid electrolyte from the lithium aluminum germanium phosphate (LAGP) series. Solid State Ionics, v. 378, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6)
BARBOSA, TALITA, V; DERNOWSEK, JANAINA A.; TOBAR, RAUL J. R.; CASALI, BRUNA C.; FORTULAN, CARLOS A.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; SELISTRE-DE-ARAUJO, HELOISA S.; BRANCIFORTI, MARCIA C.. Fabrication, morphological, mechanical and biological performance of 3D printed poly(epsilon-caprolactone)/bioglass composite scaffolds for bone tissue engineering applications. Biomedical Materials, v. 17, n. 5, p. 14-pg., . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA BARUD, HELIDA GOMES; DA SILVA, ROBSON ROSA; BORGES, MARCO ANTONIO COSTA; CASTRO, GUILLERMO RAUL; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY JOSE LIMA; DA SILVA BARUD, HERNANE. Bacterial Nanocellulose in Dentistry: Perspectives and Challenges. Molecules, v. 26, n. 1, . (13/07793-6, 18/25512-8)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO FELIPE; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; NALIN, MARCELO; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Is the structural relaxation of glasses controlled by equilibrium shear viscosity?. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 104, n. 5, . (17/12491-0, 19/15108-8, 13/07793-6)
LOGRADO, MILLENA; ECKERT, HELLMUT; MURATA, TETSUYA; NAKANE, SHINGO; YAMAZAKI, HIROKI. Structure-property relations in crack-resistant alkaline-earth aluminoborosilicate glasses studied by solid state NMR. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 104, n. 5, . (13/07793-6)
FUENTEALBA, P.; OLEA, C.; AGUILAR-BOLADOS, H.; AUDEBRAND, N.; DE SANTANA, R. C.; DOERENKAMP, C.; ECKERT, H.; MAGON, C. J.; SPODINE, E.. Physical properties of new ordered bimetallic phases M0.25Cd0.75PS3 (M = Zn-II, Ni-II, Co-II, Mn-II). Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 22, n. 16, p. 8315-8324, . (17/06649-0, 13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Tough, strong, hard, and chemically durable enstatite-zirconia glass-ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 9, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
STONE-WEISS, NICHOLAS; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT; GOEL, ASHUTOSH. Composition-Structure-Solubility Relationships in Borosilicate Glasses: Toward a Rational Design of Bioactive Glasses with Controlled Dissolution Behavior. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 13, n. 27, p. 31495-31513, . (13/07793-6, 19/26399-3)
SANTOS, G. G.; CROVACE, M. C.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. New engineered stones: Development and characterization of mineral-glass composites. COMPOSITES PART B-ENGINEERING, v. 167, p. 556-565, . (13/07793-6)
VILLAS-BOAS, MARIANA O. C.; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; SOARES, VIVIANE O.; MATHIAS, IVAN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Residual stress effect on the fracture toughness of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 1, . (13/07793-6)
UGWUJA, CHIDINMA G.; ADELOWO, OLAWALE O.; OGUNLAJA, AEMERE; OMOROGIE, MARTINS O.; OLUKANNI, OLUMIDE D.; IKHIMIUKOR, ODION O.; IERMAK, IEVGENIIA; KOLAWOLE, GABRIEL A.; GUENTER, CHRISTINA; TAUBERT, ANDREAS; et al. Visible-Light-Mediated Photodynamic Water Disinfection @ Bimetallic-Doped Hybrid Clay Nanocomposites. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 11, n. 28, p. 25483-25494, . (17/26803-3, 13/07793-6)
ZHENG, QIUJU; ZHANG, YANFEI; MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; GULBITEN, OZGUR; MAURO, JOHN C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; YUE, YUANZHENG. Understanding Glass through Differential Scanning Calorimetry. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, v. 119, n. 13, p. 7848-7939, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
FERNANDES, ROGER G.; REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; TOBAR, RAUL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.. Simulation and experimental study of the particle size distribution and pore effect on the crystallization of glass powders. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 175, p. 130-139, . (13/09234-4, 13/07793-6)
CELEDON, SALVADOR; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; FUENTEALBA, MAURICIO; ARTIGAS, VANIA; BENAVENTE, EGLANTINA; GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO. Highly emissive host-guest based on nanoclay intercalated with an Eu3+ complex bearing a new Ru2+ organometallic ligand. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 42, n. 18, p. 15284-15294, . (13/07793-6)
MANZANI, DANILO; SILVA, IGOR D. A.; CHIESA, MARIO. Synthesis and structural characterization of a new SbPO4-GeO2 glass system. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 500, p. 133-140, . (13/07793-6)
CASSAR, DANIEL R.; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C. P. L. F.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Predicting glass transition temperatures using neural networks. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 159, p. 249-256, . (13/07375-0, 17/12491-0, 13/07793-6)
RODRIGUES, J. E.; FERRER, M. M.; CUNHA, T. R.; COSTA, R. C.; SAMBRANO, J. R.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; PIZANI, P. S.. First-principles calculations and Raman scattering evidence for local symmetry lowering in rhombohedral ilmenite: temperature- and pressure-dependent studies. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 30, n. 48, . (13/07296-2, 13/07793-6, 16/07476-9)
EVARISTO, L. L.; MOULTON, B. J. A.; PIZANI, P. S.; BUCHNER, S.. Effect of high pressure on the structure of barium disilicate glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 550, . (16/18567-5, 13/07793-6)
OLIVEIRA, VIVIANE DE CASSIA; SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; WATANABE, EVANDRO; CORACA-HUBER, DEBORA. Biofilm Formation and Expression of Virulence Genes of Microorganisms Grown in Contact with a New Bioactive Glass. PATHOGENS, v. 9, n. 11, . (18/17073-4, 13/07793-6)
ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural characterization of bioactive glasses by solid state NMR. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 88, n. 2, p. 263-295, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.. Curvature dependence of the surface tension and crystal nucleation in liquids. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 10, n. 1, p. 57-68, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Superstructural Units Involving Six-Coordinated Silicon in Sodium Phosphosilicate Glasses Detected by Solid-State NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 48, p. 27620-27630, . (13/07793-6)
SAINI, RAJAN; KAPOOR, SAURABH; NEUVILLE, DANIEL R.; YOUNGMAN, RANDALL E.; CERRUTTI, BIANCA M.; MCCLOY, JOHN S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; GOEL, ASHUTOSH. Correlating Sulfur Solubility with Short-to-Intermediate Range Ordering in the Structure of Borosilicate Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, . (13/07793-6)
ACOSTA-HUMANEZ, F.; MAGON, C. J.; MONTES-VIDES, LUIS; ALMANZA, O.. Structural, Optical and EPR Study of Zn1-xFexO Nanocrystals. JOURNAL OF LOW TEMPERATURE PHYSICS, v. 202, n. 1-2, p. 29-47, . (13/07793-6)
LOGRADO, MILLENA; ECKERT, HELLMUT; IKEDA, HIKARU; NAKANE, SHINGO; YAMAZAKI, HIROKI. ilica incorporation into sodium aluminum phosphate glasses: Structural characterization by Raman spectroscopy and multinuclear solid-state NM. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 579, . (13/07793-6)
FARIA, W. J.; GONCALVES, T. S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Near infrared optical thermometry in fluorophosphate glasses doped with Nd3+ and Nd3+/Yb3+. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 883, . (13/07793-6)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ZHENG, QIUJU; GADDAM, ANURAAG; ECKERT, HELLMUT; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Structural impact of niobium oxide on lithium silicate glasses: Results from advanced interaction-selective solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and Raman spectroscopy. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 255, p. 15-pg., . (19/26399-3, 13/07793-6, 21/06370-0)
GONCALVES, ISABELLA SALGADO; LIMA, LAIS RONCALHO; BERRETTA, ANDRESA APARECIDA; AMORIM, NATHALY ALCAZAR; PRATAVIEIRA, SEBASTIAO; CORREA, THAILA QUATRINI; RESENDE NOGUEIRA, FLAVIA APARECIDA; BARUD, HERNANE SILVA. Antimicrobial Formulation of a Bacterial Nanocellulose/Propolis-Containing Photosensitizer for Biomedical Applications. POLYMERS, v. 15, n. 4, p. 20-pg., . (13/07793-6, 17/16278-9, 18/25512-8, 09/54035-4)
RODRIGUES, KAMYLA C.; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; PASCUAL, MARIA J.; CABRAL, ALUISIO A.. Effect of the substitution of MgO with CaO on the structural and thermal properties of CaO-SrO-B2O3-SiO2 glass and glass-ceramics containing excess TiO2. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 49, n. 6, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; LEDEMI, YANNICK; CORRER, WAGNER; MORENCY, STEEVE; AFONSO, CONRADO R. M.; MESSADDEQ, SANDRA H.; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; NALIN, MARCELO. Magneto-optical borogermanate glasses and fibers containing Tb3+. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 11, n. 1, . (16/16900-9, 13/07793-6, 18/19272-4)
GALLO, LEONARDO SANT'ANA; CELARIE, FABRICE; BETTINI, JEFFERSON; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M. D.; ROUXEL, TANGUY; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Fracture toughness and hardness of transparent MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 7, p. 12-pg., . (14/03004-0, 13/07793-6)
FABRIS, DEBORA CRISTINA NIERO; MIGUEL, ENZO HENRIQUE; VARGAS, RAFAEL; CANTO, RODRIGO BRESCIANI; VILLAS-BOAS, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA CARLOS; PEITL, OSCAR; SGLAVO, VINCENZO M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Microstructure, residual stresses, and mechanical performance of surface crystallized translucent glass-ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 42, n. 11, p. 12-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/12417-0, 18/23081-0, 20/08077-6)
ZAITER, RAYAN; DUSSAUZE, MARC; NALIN, MARCELO; FARGIN, EVELYNE; ADAMIETZ, FREDERIC; DANTO, SYLVAIN; TOULEMONDE, OLIVIER; CARDINAL, THIERRY. Thermal and structural modification in transparent and magnetic gallogermanate glasses induced by Gd2O3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 912, p. 8-pg., . (19/01223-0, 13/07793-6)
GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; ALARCON, RAFAEL TURRA; MAGRI, RAQUEL; NORTH, MICHAEL; BANNACH, GILBERT. Development of renewable thermosetting polymers based on grape seed oil derivatives. Journal of Applied Polymer Science, v. 139, n. 41, p. 13-pg., . (18/03460-6, 13/07793-6, 21/02152-9)
SANTOS, GISELE G.; PEITL, OSCAR; KOIKE, AKIO; AKIBA, SHUSAKU; SAWAMURA, SHIGEKI; NAGANO, MIKIO; SAIJO, YOSHITAKA; HARAKO, SUSUMU; YOSHIDA, SATOSHI; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Residual stress versus microstructural effects on the strength and toughness of phase-separated PbO-B2O3-Al2O3 glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 106, n. 1, p. 17-pg., . (13/07793-6)
ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; PICHON, BENOIT P.; MERTZ, DAMIEN; SARTORI, KEVIN; BEGIN-COLIN, SYLVIE; VIALI, WESLEY RENATO; LIMA RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J.; NALIN, MARCELO. Phosphate glasses containing monodisperse Fe3-delta O4@SiO2 stellate nanoparticles obtained by melt-quenching process. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 8, p. 8-pg., . (19/19609-1, 13/07793-6)
LODI, THIAGO A.; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; JUNIOR, MARCOS DE OLIVEIRA; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA H.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S. DE. Preparation, characterization, and structural studies of new sodium gallium tungstate phosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 603, p. 9-pg., . (18/03931-9, 15/22828-6, 13/07793-6)
CAPELO, RENATO GRIGOLON; GERDES, JOSEF MAXIMILIAN; REHFUSS, ULRICH; SILVA, LAIS DANTAS; HANSEN, MICHAEL RYAN; VAN WUELLEN, LEO; ECKERT, HELLMUT; MANZANI, DANILO. Structural characterization of a new fluorophosphotellurite glass system. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 52, n. 8, p. 17-pg., . (13/07793-6)
FERRAZ SABINO, SIMONE DO ROCIO; CORDEIRO, BRUNO GABRIEL BATISTA; SILVA, LAIS DANTAS; PUKASIEWICZ, ANDERSON G. M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; SERBENA, FRANCISCO CARLOS. Microstructural and residual stress effects on toughening of stoichiometric BaO.2SiO2 glass-ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 42, n. 13, p. 16-pg., . (13/07793-6)
CAMPOS, JOAO V.; LAVAGNINI, ISABELA R.; ZALLOCCO, VINICIUS M.; JESUS, LILIAN M.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.. Ultrafast crystallization and sintering of Li1.3Al0.3Ti1.7(PO4)3 glass through flash sinter-crystallization. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (21/06509-9, 21/12412-8, 13/07793-6)
LOGRADO, MILLENA; YOUNGMAN, RANDALL E.; AITKEN, BRUCE G.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Network Modifier Effects in Multiple Network Former Glasses: NMR Results on the System 70 SiO2-7.5 P2O5-(22.5-x)Al2O3-xNa2O (0 ≤ x ≤ 17.5). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 127, n. 34, p. 16-pg., . (13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; ARAI, MARYLYN S.; MAIA, LAURO J. Q.; DOUSTI, M. REZA; DE OLIVEIRA SANTIAGO, PEDRO HENRIQUE; ELLENA, JAVIER; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Multifunctional Platform Based on a Copper(I) Complex and NaYF4:Tm3+,Yb3+Upconverting Nanoparticles Immobilized into a Polystyrene Matrix: Downshifting and Upconversion Oxygen Sensing. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. N/A, p. 11-pg., . (21/10066-5, 13/07793-6, 21/11531-3, 20/05627-5, 13/24727-7, 19/12588-9)
DA COSTA, R. C.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; CUNHA, T. R.; ESPINOSA, J. W. M.; PIZANI, P. S.. Raman scattering and phonon anharmonicity as a tool for assisting TiO2- based ceramics synthesis. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 43, n. 1, p. 5-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MENEGUIN, ANDREIA; PACHECO, GUILHERME; SILVA, JHONATAN MIGUEL; DE ARAUJO, FRANCISCA PEREIRA; SILVA-FILHO, EDSON CAVALCANTI; BERTOLINO, LUIZ CARLOS; BARUD, HERNANE DA SILVA. Nanocellulose/palygorskite biocomposite membranes for controlled release of metronidazole. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, v. 188, p. 689-695, . (13/07793-6, 19/19817-3, 18/25512-8)
BUCHNER, SILVIO; BALZARETTI, NAIRA MARIA; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; TSUCHIDA, JEFFERSON ESQUINA; KULBIEDA, FELIPE R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Structure and mechanical properties of pyrope (Mg3Al2Si3O12) glass: Effect of high pressure. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 13, n. 1, . (13/07793-6)
KIRCHNER, KATELYN A.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; ONO, MADOKA; KIM, SEONG H.; DOSS, KARAN; BEDKER, MIKKEL L.; SMEDSKJAER, MORTEN M.; KOHARA, SHINJI; TANG, LONGWEN; et al. Beyond the Average: Spatial and Temporal Fluctuations in Oxide Glass-Forming Systems. CHEMICAL REVIEWS, v. N/A, p. 67-pg., . (13/07793-6, 15/13314-9, 17/12491-0)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Compositional Optimization of Emission Properties for Rare-Earth Doped Fluoride Phosphate Glasses: Structural Investigations via NMR, EPR, and Optical Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 51, p. 31219-31231, . (17/06649-0, 18/03931-9, 13/07793-6, 18/24735-3)
JIUSTI, JEANINI; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ANDREETA, MARCELLO R. B.. Viscosity and liquidus-based predictor of glass-forming ability of oxide glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 2, . (17/12491-0, 13/07793-6)
DE BRITO, CAIQUE SERATI; ROSA, BARBARA L. T.; CHAVES, ANDREY; CAVALINI, CAMILA; RABAHI, CESAR R.; FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; NALIN, MARCELO; BARCELOS, INGRID D.; REITZENSTEIN, STEPHAN; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO. Probing the Nature of Single-Photon Emitters in a WSe2 Monolayer by Magneto-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy. Nano Letters, v. 24, n. 42, p. 7-pg., . (15/13771-0, 19/14017-9, 14/07375-2, 13/07793-6, 22/10340-2, 23/08276-7, 23/04832-2, 22/08329-0)
MERIZIO, LEONNAM GOTARDO; MACHADO, IAN POMPERMAYER; VASTAMAKI, ROOSA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE STUCCHI; LASTUSAARI, MIKA. Multifunctional persistent luminescent and photochromic hackmanite-based materials prepared by microwave-assisted solid-state synthesis. Optical Materials, v. 155, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/21770-5, 22/07667-0, 21/08111-2)
ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA RAMIREZ; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; BALDIN, JOAO MARCOS CONRADI; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Diffusion proxies reveal the dynamic process in supercooled and glassy lithium diborate. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 19, p. 8-pg., . (11/18941-0, 12/15411-3, 13/07793-6)
COHN, NICOLAS; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ZANOTTO, EDGAR; VON MARTTENS, ALFREDO; COVARRUBIAS, CRISTIAN. Novel Organic-Inorganic Nanocomposite Hybrids Based on Bioactive Glass Nanoparticles and Their Enhanced Osteoinductive Properties. BIOMOLECULES, v. 14, n. 4, p. 22-pg., . (19/26399-3, 13/07793-6)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO F.; PEREIRA, LUIZ; HESS, KAI-UWE; DINGWELL, DONALD B.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Flash-DSC provides valuable insights into glass relaxation and crystallization. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 646, p. 7-pg., . (21/03374-5, 13/07793-6)
CALIMAN, WILLIAN ROBERT; SENTANIN, FRANCIANI CASSIA; SABADINI, RODRIGO CESAR; DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; PAWLICKA, AGNIESZKA. Improved Conductivity in Gellan Gum and Montmorillonite Nanocomposites Electrolytes. Molecules, v. 27, n. 24, p. 19-pg., . (13/07793-6)
NOVAK, SARA; ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; NALIN, MARCELO; UNALAN, IREM; BOCCACCINI, ALDO R.; DE CAMARGO, EMERSON R.. Quaternary bioactive glass-derived powders presenting submicrometric particles and antimicrobial activity. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 20, p. 9-pg., . (19/19609-1, 13/07793-6, 13/07296-2)
MAGRI, RAQUEL; GAGLIERI, CAROLINE; ALARCON, RAFAEL TURRA; DOS SANTOS, GABRIEL IAGO; BANNACH, GILBERT. From Patauá Oil to Sustainable Polymers: Investigation of Epoxy/Anhydride Crosslink in Different Proportions. JOURNAL OF POLYMERS AND THE ENVIRONMENT, v. N/A, p. 16-pg., . (22/03489-0, 13/07793-6, 21/14879-0, 21/02152-9)
ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.. The effect of elastic stresses on the thermodynamic barrier for crystal nucleation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.. Crystal nucleation in glass-forming liquids: Variation of the size of the "structural units" with temperature. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 447, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. A guided walk through Larry Hench's monumental discoveries. Journal of Materials Science, v. 52, n. 15, p. 38-pg., . (13/07793-6, 15/13314-9)
SENK, M. V.; MATHIAS, I.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; SERBENA, F. C.. Crystallized fraction and crystal size effects on the strength and toughness of lithium disilicate glass-ceramics. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 43, n. 8, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO LUIZ; SILVA ALVES, PATRICIA FRANCIELI; MORAES, THAIS DA SILVA; CASEMIRO, LUCIANA ASSIRATI; DA SILVA, SIDNEY NICODEMOS; PEITL, OSCAR; GOMES MARTINS, CARLOS HENRIQUE; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Cation-doped bioactive ceramics: In vitro bioactivity and effect against bacteria of the oral cavity. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 45, n. 7, p. 14-pg., . (13/07793-6, 14/07483-0)
OISHI, J. C.; SOUZA, M. T.; MARTINELLI, A.; BUZINARI, T. C.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; RODRIGUES, G. J.. Influence of a melt derived bioactive glass (F18) over endothelial cells nitric oxide production. MATERIALS LETTERS-X, v. 3, p. 3-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MORGUETTO, GABRIEL FELIPE; BINS TSUNAKI, LUCAS ELY; SCHNEIDER, JOSE. Bonding of alkaline and alkaline earth cations in Na-Ca-Sr polyphosphate glasses. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 11, n. 1, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6)
DA SILVA, RITA MENDES; ZEIDLER, ANITA; BRADTMULLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT; FISCHER, HENRY E.; BENMORE, CHRIS J.; SALMON, PHILIP S.. Structure of amorphous materials in the NASICON system Na 1+x Ti2Si x P 3-x O-12. JOURNAL OF PHYSICS-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 35, n. 27, p. 9-pg., . (19/26399-3, 13/07793-6)
SHASMAL, NILANJANA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE STUCCHI; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA MARTINS. Effect of thermal treatment on ZnSe quantum dots and energy transfer in borosilicate glasses doped with ZnSe and Er3+/ZnSe. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 612, p. 11-pg., . (18/04113-8, 13/07793-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; ADAMITEZ, FREDERIC; POIRIER, GAEL YVES; CARDINAL, THIERRY; DUSSAUZE, MARC; NALIN, MARCELO. Nonlinear properties and structural rearrangements in thermally poled niobium germanate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 627, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/19609-1, 21/11494-0, 20/01786-1)
LOGRADO, MILLENA; GOMES, YARA HELLEN FIRMO; INOUE, TOMIKI; NAKANE, SHINGO; KATO, YOSHINARI; YAMAZAKI, HIROKI; YAMADA, AKIHIRO; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Densification of sodium and magnesium aluminosilicate glasses at ambient temperature: structural investigations by solid-state nuclear magnetic resonance and molecular dynamics simulations. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, v. 26, n. 43, p. 15-pg., . (23/16387-3, 13/07793-6)
BRADTMULLER, HENRIK; ZHENG, QIUJU; ECKERT, HELLMUT; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Quantitative structural characterization of LiNbO3-SiO2 glass-ceramics by multinuclear solid-state NMR. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 641, p. 11-pg., . (19/26399-3, 13/07793-6)
ZHANG, FENGCHAN; OITICICA, PEDRO RAMON ALMEIDA; ABAD-ARREDONDO, JAIME; ARAI, MARYLYN SETSUKO; OLIVEIRA JR, OSVALDO N.; JAQUE, DANIEL; DOMINGUEZ, ANTONIO I. FERNANDEZ; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE STUCCHI; HARO-GONZALEZ, PATRICIA. Brownian Motion Governs the Plasmonic Enhancement of Colloidal Upconverting Nanoparticles. Nano Letters, v. 24, n. 12, p. 8-pg., . (18/22214-6, 19/12588-9, 13/07793-6)
DA COSTA, P. F. G. M.; MERIZIO, L. G.; WOLFF, N.; TERRASCHKE, H.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Real-time monitoring of CdTe quantum dots growth in aqueous solution. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 14, n. 1, p. 11-pg., . (22/07667-0, 21/01170-3, 13/07793-6, 19/21770-5, 20/05627-5)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO F.; CUNHA, THIAGO R.; KURTOVIC, MARCELO A. C.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; SEN, SABYASACHI; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Physical aging of lithium disilicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 622, p. 8-pg., . (21/03374-5, 22/06574-8, 13/07793-6, 19/12383-8, 22/07679-8)
VALLERINI, BRUNA DE F.; SILVA, LAIS D.; VILLAS-BOAS, MARIANA DE O. C.; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; PINELLI, LIGIA A. P.. Microstructure and mechanical properties of an experimental lithium disilicate dental glass-ceramic. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 1, p. 9-pg., . (18/16295-3, 13/07793-6)
BASSO, PAOLA SOSA; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; FACCIO, RICARDO; OLIVERA, ALVARO; PEREIRA, HEINKEL BENTOS; ETTLIN, GUSTAVO MOURGLIA; CHIALANZA, MAURICIO RODRIGUEZ. Investigation of the structure and bioactivity of several borate glasses. RS ADVANCE, v. 9, n. 8, p. 7-pg., . (19/12885-3, 13/07793-6)
DE VASCONCELOS, D. A. A.; SOUZA, M. L.; SILVEIRA, I. S.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; CALDAS, L. V. E.. Ce-doped magnesium borate glass-ceramic for optically stimulated luminescence dosimetry. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 23, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6, 20/06268-9, 18/05982-0)
RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA RAMIREZ; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Recent crucial discoveries and perspectives on crystal nucleation in supercooled liquids and oxide glasses. PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 139, p. 56-pg., . (13/07793-6)
ALIAGA, JUAN; ALEGRIA, MATIAS; DONOSO, J. PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; SILVA, IGOR D. A.; LOZANO, HAROLD; MOLINS, ELIES; BENAVENTE, EGLANTINA; GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO. 2D/2D Heterojunctions of Layered TiO2 and (NH4)2V3O8 for Sunlight-Driven Methylene Blue Degradation. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 7, n. 3, p. 18-pg., . (13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. On thermodynamic and kinetic spinodals in supercooled liquids. Chemical Physics Letters, v. 836, p. 4-pg., . (22/05837-5, 13/07793-6)
RODRIGUES, LORENA R.; SANTOS, GISELE G.; ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA R.; KOIKE, AKIO; AKIBA, SHUSAKU; SAWAMURA, SHIGEKI; NAGANO, MIKIO; YOSHIDA, SATOSHI; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Balancing transparency with enhanced mechanical properties in MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 107, n. 12, p. 16-pg., . (13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Exploring ice Ic nucleation and structural relaxation in supercooled water. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 407, p. 12-pg., . (22/05837-5, 13/07793-6)
ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; MAURO, JOHN C.. Comment on "Glass Transition, Crystallization of Glass-Forming Melts, and Entropy" Entropy 2018, 20, 103.. Entropy, v. 20, n. 9, p. 6-pg., . (13/07793-6)
ALMEIDA SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES; NIETO-MUNOZ, ADRIANA M.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structure and lithium-ion mobility in Li1.5M0.5Ge1.5(PO4)(3) (M = Ga, Sc, Y) NASICON glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6)
JIUSTI, JEANINI; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Which glass stability parameters can assess the glass-forming ability of oxide systems?. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 11, n. 4, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
SOARES, VIVIANE OLIVEIRA; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES. Improvements on sintering and thermal expansion of lithium aluminum silicate glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6)
CROVACE, MURILO C.; SOUZA, MARINA T.; CHINAGLIA, CLEVER R.; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Biosilicate (R) - A multipurpose, highly bioactive glass-ceramic. In vitro, in vivo and clinical trials. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, p. 21-pg., . (13/07793-6)
FUNKE, LENA MARIE; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Charge Compensation in Sodium Borophosphate Glasses Studied by B-11{Na-23} and P-31{Na-23} Rotational Echo Double Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, n. 6, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
ALVES, R.; DONOSO, J. P.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; PAWLICKA, A.; SILVA, M. M.. Solid polymer electrolytes based on chitosan and europium triflate. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, p. 6-pg., . (13/19297-3, 13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; GURASHKIN, ALEXANDER L.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Exploring surface properties and premelting in crystals. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 160, n. 22, p. 12-pg., . (22/05837-5, 13/07793-6)
DE SOUZA, THALIA DELMONDES; SILVA, LAIS DANTAS; DE MEO, CARLOS EDUARDO; RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Mold material and dimension effects on the microstructural gradient in a glass-ceramic. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 19, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6)
PENA, R. B.; CUNHA, T. R.; GOMES, E. O.; SAMPAIO, D. V.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; ANDRES, J.; PIZANI, P. S.. Vibrational Raman modes of alamosite (PbSiO3): Combining density functional theory calculations and in situ temperature experiments. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 54, n. 12, p. 6-pg., . (13/07793-6, 17/11868-2, 19/12383-8, 16/15962-0, 21/13974-0)
HENRIQUE, FRANCIELE R.; PELOSI, ANDRE G.; ALMEIDA, JULIANA M. P.; FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; COCCA, LEANDRO H. Z.; H., J. L. CLABEL; NALIN, MARCELO; MASTELARO, V. R.; DE BONI, L.; MENDONCA, CLEBER R.. Nonlinear refraction in high terbium content borogermanate glass bulk and fiber. Optical Materials, v. 147, p. 6-pg., . (18/11283-7, 18/19272-4, 15/22392-3, 21/11484-5, 13/07793-6)
ALEGRIA, MATIAS; ALIAGA, JUAN; CORTES, PABLO; VILLARROEL, ROBERTO; BALLESTEROS, LUIS; DONOSO, J. PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO; BENAVENTE, EGLANTINA. Copper doped hybrid 2D ZnO-stearic acid nanocomposite for boosting photocatalytic degradation of organic pollutants under simulated solar light. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 21, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6)
ANDREETA, M. R. B.. Designing an all-laser processing and operating microheater conceptual device for medical applications. OPTICS AND LASERS IN ENGINEERING, v. 184, p. 8-pg., . (13/17071-8, 19/27628-6, 13/07793-6)
GONCALVES, JADERSON; DA SILVA, GUSTAVO; LIMA, LIANDRA; MORGADO, DANIELLA; NALIN, MARCELO; ARMAS, LUIS E. G.; VALSECCHI, CHIARA; MENEZES, JACSON W.. Production of Transparent Soda-Lime Glass from Rice Husk Containing Iron and Manganese Impurities. CERAMICS-SWITZERLAND, v. 3, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6)
WANG, TAO; DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL B.; ANDREETA, MARCELLO R. B.; WANG, HAOYUAN; JIA, ZHITAI; TAO, XUTANG. Oriented Crystal Growth of La0.557Li0.330TiO3 in Bulk Ceramics Induced by LaAlO3 Single-Crystal Fibers. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 21, n. 4, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6, 16/04788-0, 13/17071-8)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA MARTINS; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Network former mixing (NFM) effects in alkali germanotellurite glasses. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 873, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
REIS, RAPHAEL M. C. V.; BARBOSA, ANNE J.; GHUSSN, LUCIANA; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; PRADO, MIGUEL O.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Sintering and rounding kinetics of irregular glass particles. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 102, n. 2, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
BLANC, WILFRIED; CHOI, YONG GYU; ZHANG, XIANGHUA; NALIN, MARCELO; RICHARDSON, KATHLEEN A.; RIGHINI, GIANCARLO C.; FERRARI, MAURIZIO; JHA, ANIMESH; MASSERA, JONATHAN; JIANG, SHIBIN; et al. The past, present and future of photonic glasses: A review in homage to the United Nations International Year of glass 2022. PROGRESS IN MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 134, p. 70-pg., . (13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; RINO, JOSE P.. Crystal Nucleation Kinetics in Supercooled Germanium: MD Simulations versus Experimental Data. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 124, n. 36, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 17/08350-1)
MOHAMMADI, HESAMEDDIN; DA SILVA, RITA MENDES; ZEIDLER, ANITA; GAMMOND, LAWRENCE V. D.; GEHLHAAR, FLORIAN; DE OLIVEIRA JR, MARCOS; DAMASCENO, HUGO; ECKERT, HELLMUT; YOUNGMAN, RANDALL E. E.; AITKEN, BRUCE G. G.; et al. Structure of diopside, enstatite, and magnesium aluminosilicate glasses: A joint approach using neutron and x-ray diffraction and solid-state NMR. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 157, n. 21, p. 22-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; DOS SANTOS, SABRINA NICOLETI CARVALHO; NOLASCO, LUCAS KONAKA; MENDONCA, CLEBER RENATO; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; POIRIER, GAEL YVES; NALIN, MARCELO. Structural and luminescence characterization of europium-doped niobium germanate glasses and glass-ceramics: Novel insights from 93Nb solid-state NMR spectroscopy. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 14, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/26399-3, 20/01786-1)
MARQUES, DANIELLA MAIA; OLIVEIRA, VIVIANE DE CASSIA; SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; MARDEGAN ISSA, JOAO PAULO; WATANABE, EVANDRO. Biomaterials for orthopedics: anti-biofilm activity of a new bioactive glass coating on titanium implants. BIOFOULING, v. 36, n. 2, . (18/17073-4, 13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; FORD, PETER C.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Optical oxygen sensing by MPA-capped CdTe quantum dots immobilized in mesoporous silica. Microporous and Mesoporous Materials, v. 303, . (13/24727-7, 13/07793-6, 16/17495-0)
SILVA, D. C.; SAMPAIO, V, D.; SILVA, J. H. L.; RODRIGUES, A. M.; PENA, R. B.; MOULTON, B. J. A.; PIZANI, P. S.; RINO, J. P.; SILVA, R. S.. Synthesis of PbO center dot SiO2 glass by CO2 laser melting method. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 522, . (16/15962-0, 13/07793-6, 16/18567-5, 17/11868-2)
RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; MOREIRA, MARIO L.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; COSTA, RENILTON C.; RODRIGUES, ARIANO D.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; HUTTEL, Y.; ALONSO, JOSE A.; PECHARROMAN, CARLOS. Unveiling the infrared complex dielectric function of ilmenite CdTiO3. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 813, . (19/08928-9, 13/07296-2, 13/07793-6)
GUENE-GIRARD, S.; COURTOIS, J.; DUSSAUZE, M.; HEINTZ, J-M; FARGUES, A.; ROGER, J.; NALIN, M.; CARDINAL, T.; JUBERA, V. Comparison of structural and spectroscopic properties of Ho3+-doped niobate compounds. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 143, . (19/01223-0, 13/07793-6)
CALZAVARA, FLORIAN; ALLIX, MATHIEU; DUSSAUZE, MARC; JUBERA, VERONIQUE; NALIN, MARCELO; CARDINAL, THIERRY; FARGIN, EVELYNE. Glass forming regions, structure and properties of lanthanum barium germanate and gallate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 571, . (19/01223-0, 13/07793-6)
DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; CARVAJAL, EDUAR; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; FARIA, WALTER J. G. J.; PEDRO DONOSO, J.; GALVA GOBATO, Y.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Composition-Structure-Property Correlations in Rare-Earth-Doped Heavy Metal Oxyfluoride Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 123, n. 36, p. 22478-22490, . (17/06649-0, 13/07793-6)
RODRIGUEZ CHIALANZA, MAURICIO; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; KEUCHKERIAN, ROMINA; ROMERO, MARIANO; FACCIO, RICARDO; OLIVERA, ALVARO; BENTOS PEREIRA, HEINKEL. Structural analysis of oxyfluoride borate glass and BaF2 crystallization from phase separation. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 5, p. 3126-3137, . (13/07793-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; RAVARO, LEANDRO PIAGGI; STUCCHI DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE; MANZANI, DANILO; POIRIER, GAEL YVES. CdTe QD/Er3+-doped SiO2-Nb2O5 nanocomposites: Thermal, structural and photophysical properties. Optical Materials, v. 113, . (13/07793-6, 18/16126-7, 16/17495-0)
SOUZA, A. E.; ANTONIO, S. G.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; FRANCO, D. F.; GALEANI, G.; CARDINAL, T.; DUSSAUZE, M.; NALIN, M.. Heavy metal oxide glass-ceramics containing luminescent gallium-garnets single crystals for photonic applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 864, . (13/07793-6, 19/01223-0)
DE TOLEDO, T. A.; CUNHA, T. R.; DE FARIA, J. L. B.; BENTO, R. R. F.; PIZANI, P. S.. Low-temperature and high-pressure Raman scattering study of the molecular crystal 2-amino-5-ethyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 113, . (19/12383-8, 13/07793-6)
RINO, JOSE PEDRO; PRADO, SANDRA CRISTINA C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. The race between relaxation and nucleation in supercooled liquid and glassy BaS-A molecular dynamics study. COMPUTATIONAL MATERIALS SCIENCE, v. 192, . (13/07793-6)
NUERNBERG, RAFAEL B.; BASBUS, JUAN F.; LUX, KEVIN C.; SAINZ, MIGUEL P.; CUELLO, GABRIEL J.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; PIARRISTEGUY, ANDREA A.; RIBES, MICHEL; PRADEL, ANNIE. Correlation between Structural Features and Ionic Transport in Lithium-Ion Conducting Glass-Ceramics from the Li1+xCrxGeTi1-x(PO4)(3) System. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 126, n. 9, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MERIZIO, LEONNAM GOTARDO; LODI, THIAGO AUGUSTO; BONTURIM, EVERTON; STUCCHI DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE. Persistent luminescent phosphor-in-glass composites based on NaPO3-Ga2O3 glasses loaded with Sr2MgSi2O7:Eu2+,Dy3+. Optical Materials, v. 134, p. 10-pg., . (19/21770-5, 13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; FERNANDES, ROGER G.; FELIX, JORLANDIO F.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; AFONSO, CONRADO R. M.; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; MESSADDEQ, SANDRA H.; MORENCY, STEEVE; NALIN, MARCELO. Fundamental studies of magneto-optical borogermanate glasses and derived optical fibers containing Tb3+. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, v. 11, p. 312-327, . (18/19272-4, 13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
SILVA, LAIS D.; PUOSSO, FERNANDA C.; SOARES, VIVIANE O.; FILHO, OSCAR PEITL; SABINO, SIMONE DO R. F.; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Two-step sinter-crystallization of K2O-CaO-P2O5-SiO2 (45S5-K) bioactive glass. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 13, p. 18720-18731, . (13/07793-6)
SAMPAIO, V, DAVID; PENA, RAFAELLA B.; MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; REZENDE, V, MARCOS; SILVA, DEYVID DO C.; SILVA, RONALDO S.; DA CUNHA, THIAGO R.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; PIZANI, PAULO S.. Chromium in lead metasilicate glass: Solubility, valence, and local environment via multiple spectroscopy. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 1, p. 173-178, . (16/18567-5, 16/15962-0, 17/11868-2, 13/07793-6, 19/12383-8)
MAIA, LANA S.; ZANINI, NOELLE C.; DE SOUZA, ALANA G.; BARBOSA, RENNAN F. S.; ROSA, DERVAL S.; DA BARUD, HERNANE S.; MULINARI, DANIELLA R.. Effective oil spill cleaned up with environmentally friendly foams filled with eucalyptus charcoal residue. IRANIAN POLYMER JOURNAL, . (18/25512-8, 13/07793-6, 18/11277-7)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; ABOU KHALIL, ALAIN; CANIONI, LIONEL; DUSSAUZE, MARC; FARGIN, EVELYNE; CARDINAL, THIERRY; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Fluorine and sodium depletion followed by refractive index modification imprinted on fluorophosphate glass surface by thermal poling. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 601, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/12442-4)
JAGANNATH, G.; GADDAM, ANURAAG; RAO, S. VENUGOPAL; AGARKOV, D. A.; KORABLEVA, G. M.; GHOSH, MANASI; DEY, KRISHNA KISHOR; FERREIRA, JOSE M. F.; ALLU, AMARNATH R.. Tunable femtosecond nonlinear absorption and optical limiting thresholds of La2O3-B2O3 glasses by controlling the borate structural units. SCRIPTA MATERIALIA, v. 211, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6, 21/06370-0)
RAMIREZ ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA; RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; PEITL FILHO, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Further evidence against the alleged failure of the classical nucleation theory below the glass transition range. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 104, n. 9, p. 4537-4549, . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
ALENCAR, MARIA V. S.; BEZERRA, GLAUCO V. P.; SILVA, LAIS D.; SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; JESUS PASCUAL, M.; CABRAL, ALUISIO A.. Structure, Glass Stability and Crystallization Activation Energy of SrO-CaO-B2O3-SiO2 glasses doped with TiO2. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 554, . (13/07793-6)
CABRAL, THIAGO D.; FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; FUJIWARA, ERIC; NALIN, MARCELO; CORDEIRO, CRISTIANO M. B.. Magnetic Field Fiber Specklegram Sensors Based on Tb3+-Doped Magneto-Optical Glasses With High Verdet Constants. IEEE SENSORS JOURNAL, v. 23, n. 7, p. 8-pg., . (14/50632-6, 13/07793-6, 17/25666-2, 16/16900-9, 18/19272-4)
MARIN, CLAUDIA P.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Competent F18 bioglass-Biosilicate (R) bone graft scaffold substitutes. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 41, n. 15, p. 7910-7920, . (13/07793-6)
FUNKE, LENA MARIE; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Charge Compensation in Sodium Borophosphate Glasses Studied by B-11[Na-23] and P-31[Na-23] Rotational Echo Double Resonance Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, n. 6, p. 3196-3205, . (13/07793-6)
DA COSTA, R. C.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; CUNHA, T. R.; ESPINOSA, J. W. M.; PIZANI, P. S.. Raman scattering and phonon anharmonicity as a tool for assisting TiO2- based ceramics synthesis. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 43, n. 1, A, p. 116-120, . (13/07793-6)
VOLPI, V.; MONTESSO, M.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; VIALI, W. R.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; DONOSO, J. P.; NALIN, M.. Optical and structural properties of Mn2+ doped PbGeO3-SbPO4 glasses and glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 431, n. SI, p. 135-139, . (13/07793-6)
CROVACE, MURILO C.; SOUZA, MARINA T.; CHINAGLIA, CLEVER R.; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Biosilicate (R) - A multipurpose, highly bioactive glass-ceramic. In vitro, in vivo and clinical trials. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, n. A, p. 90-110, . (13/07793-6)
ALVES, R.; DONOSO, J. P.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; PAWLICKA, A.; SILVA, M. M.. Solid polymer electrolytes based on chitosan and europium triflate. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, n. B, p. 307-312, . (13/19297-3, 13/07793-6)
ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.. The effect of elastic stresses on the thermodynamic barrier for crystal nucleation. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 432, n. B, p. 325-333, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. A guided walk through Larry Hench's monumental discoveries. Journal of Materials Science, v. 52, n. 15, SI, p. 8695-8732, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
FUNKE, LENA MARIE; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Recoupling dipolar interactions with multiple I=1 quadrupolar nuclei: A B-11[(6)Lil and P-31[Li-6] rotational echo double resonance study of lithium. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 84, n. SI, p. 143-150, . (13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; FERNANDES, ROGER GOMES; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; DE OLIVEIRA JR, MARCOS; ECKERT, HELLMUT; NALIN, MARCELO. Structural Study of the Germanium-Aluminum-Borate Glasses by Solid State NMR and Raman Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 44, SI, p. 24460-24469, . (18/24735-3, 13/07793-6)
MORGUETTO, GABRIEL FELIPE; DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MARCOS; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Mixed Cs-Li-Sr Metaphosphate Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 8, SI, p. 4764-4776, . (13/07793-6, 19/12885-3)
ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; PICHON, BENOIT P.; MERTZ, DAMIEN; SARTORI, KEVIN; BEGIN-COLIN, SYLVIE; VIALI, WESLEY RENATO; LIMA RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J.; NALIN, MARCELO. Phosphate glasses containing monodisperse Fe3-delta O4@SiO2 stellate nanoparticles obtained by melt-quenching process. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 8, B, p. 12120-12127, . (19/19609-1, 13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Luminescent Copper(I) complexes as promising materials for the next generation of energy-saving OLED devices. ENERGY REPORTS, v. 6, n. 4, p. 37-45, . (16/17495-0, 16/07706-4, 13/07793-6)
ALMEIDA SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES; NIETO-MUNOZ, ADRIANA M.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structure and lithium-ion mobility in Li1.5M0.5Ge1.5(PO4)(3) (M = Ga, Sc, Y) NASICON glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 103, n. 7, SI, . (13/07793-6)
ANDRADE-FERREIRA, ANDRE; COSTA-MARRERO, YAILEN; AUTIE-CASTRO, GISELLE; FARIAS, TANIA; DUQUE-RODRIGUEZ, JULIO; FONSECA-COSTA, MARIA JOSE; ELLENA, JAVIER; PRIMERANO-MASCARENHAS, YVONNE. Study of secondary porosity by SAXS and N(2)adsorption in composite materials obtained from a Cuban natural clinoptilolite. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, . (13/07793-6, 16/14165-0)
KESAVULU, C. R.; ALMEIDA SILVA, ANIELLE CHRISTINE; DOUSTI, M. R.; DANTAS, NOELIO OLIVEIRA; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.; CATUNDA, TOMAZ. Concentration effect on the spectroscopic behavior of Tb3+ ions in zinc phosphate glasses. Journal of Luminescence, v. 165, p. 77-84, . (12/19338-9, 13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ZHANG, LONG; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Sol-gel preparation of mesoporous Al2O3-SiO2 glasses: structural evolution monitored by solid state NMR. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 70, n. 3, p. 482-490, . (13/07793-6)
BEHRENDS, FREDERIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Mixed Network Former Effects in Oxide Glasses: Spectroscopic Studies in the System (M2O)(1/3)[(Ge2O4)(x)(P2O5)(1-x)](2/3). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 118, n. 19, p. 10271-10283, . (13/07793-6)
SCHROEDER, CORNELIA; REN, JINJUN; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Glass-to-Crystal Transition in Li1+xAlxGe2-x(PO4)(3): Structural Aspects Studied by Solid State. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 118, n. 18, p. 9400-9411, . (13/07793-6)
ILIBI, MATURI; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO BRANQUINHO; REN, JINJUN; DE COLA, LUISA; STUCCHI DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Luminescent hybrid materials based on covalent attachment of Eu(III)-tris(bipyridinedicarboxylate) in the mesoporous silica host MCM-41. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 43, n. 22, p. 8318-8330, . (13/07793-6)
DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; LIMA, JOSE F.; NASCIMENTO, OTACIRO R.; BENAVENTE, EGLANTINA; MORENO, MABEL; GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Study of Copper-Ethylenediamine Complex Ion Intercalated in Bentonite. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 117, n. 45, p. 24042-24055, . (13/07793-6)
SINGH, SHIV PRAKASH; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; KUNDU, SWARUP; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA; GOMES DE MATTOS, PAULO PARREIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ROCHERULLE, JEAN; BENARD-ROCHERULLE, PATRICIA; LEBULLENGER, RONAN. Structure and ionic conductivity of nitrated lithium disilicate (LiSiON) glasses. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 211, p. 438-444, . (13/09093-1, 13/07793-6)
LORBEER, C.; BEHRENDS, F.; CYBINSKA, J.; ECKERT, H.; MUDRING, A. -V.. Charge compensation in RE3+ (RE = Eu, Gd) and M+ (M = Li, Na, K) co-doped alkaline earth nanofluorides obtained by microwave reaction with reactive ionic liquids leading to improved optical properties. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 2, n. 44, p. 9439-9450, . (13/07793-6)
RAJESH, D.; DOUSTI, M. REZA; AMJAD, RAJA J.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Quantum cutting and up-conversion investigations in Pr3+/Yb3+ co-doped oxyfluoro-tellurite glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 450, p. 149-155, . (15/10713-0, 15/08434-5, 13/07793-6)
REZA DOUSTI, M.; POIRIER, GAEL Y.; AMJAD, RAJA J.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Luminescence quenching versus enhancement in WO3-NaPO3 glasses doped with trivalent rare earth ions and containing silver nanoparticles. Optical Materials, v. 60, p. 331-340, . (13/24064-8, 15/08434-5, 13/07793-6)
PEREIRA, R. F. P.; DONOSO, J. P.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; CARDOSO, M. A.; GONCALVES, M. C.; SABADINI, R. C.; PAWLICKA, A.; DE ZEA BERMUDEZ, V.; SILVA, M. M.. Ion conducting and paramagnetic d-PCL(530)/siloxane-based biohybrids doped with Mn2+ ions. Electrochimica Acta, v. 211, p. 804-813, . (13/07793-6)
MECHERGUI, IMEN; FARES, HSSEN; MOHAMED, SHAIMAA A.; NALIN, MARCELO; ELHOUICHET, HABIB. Coupling between surface plasmon resonance and Sm3+ ions induced enhancement of luminescence properties in fluoro-tellurite glasses. Journal of Luminescence, v. 190, p. 518-524, . (16/16343-2, 13/07793-6)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO L.; MAURMANN, NATASHA; BURGUEZ, DANIELA; PEREIRA, DANIELA P.; RASTELLI, ALESSANDRA N. S.; PEITL, OSCAR; PRANKE, PATRICIA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Bioactive gel-glasses with distinctly different compositions: Bioactivity, viability of stem cells and antibiofilm effect against Streptococcus mutans. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 76, p. 233-241, . (13/07793-6)
ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; MAURO, JOHN C.. The glassy state of matter: Its definition and ultimate fate. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 471, p. 490-495, . (13/07793-6)
RAJESH, DAGUPATI; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Nd3+ doped new oxyfluoro tellurite glasses and glass ceramics containing NaYF4 nano crystals-1.06 mu m emission analysis. Journal of Luminescence, v. 207, p. 469-476, . (15/10713-0, 13/07793-6)
REZA DOUSTI, M.; MOLLA, ATIAR R.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Eu3+ and Ce3+ co-doped aluminosilicate glasses and transparent glass-ceramics containing gahnite nanocrystals. Optical Materials, v. 69, p. 372-377, . (13/24064-8, 13/07793-6)
FUENTEALBA, P.; PAREDES-GARCIA, V.; VENEGAS-YAZIGI, D.; SILVA, I. D. A.; MAGON, C. J.; DE SANTANA, R. COSTA; AUDEBRAND, N.; MANZUR, J.; SPODINE, E.. Magnetic properties of composites based on the intercalation of Zn-II and Cu-II bimetallic macrocyclic complexes in the MnPS3 phase. RSC ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 53, p. 33305-33313, . (13/07793-6)
BRAGATTO, CAIO BARCA; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA. Dissociation Equilibrium and Charge Carrier Formation in Agl-AgPO3 Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 121, n. 25, p. 13507-13514, . (11/10564-3, 13/07793-6)
PITALUGA, LUCAS HIDALGO; SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ROMERO, MARTIN EDUARDO SANTOCILDES; HATTON, PAUL V.. Electrospun F18 Bioactive Glass/PCL-Poly (epsilon-caprolactone)-Membrane for Guided Tissue Regeneration. MATERIALS, v. 11, n. 3, . (13/07793-6)
MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. X-ray Absorption Fine Structure (XAFS) Studies of Oxide GlassesA 45-Year Overview. MATERIALS, v. 11, n. 2, . (13/07793-6, 13/07296-2)
ZANOTTO, E. D.; TSUCHIDA, J. E.; SCHNEIDER, J. F.; ECKERT, H.. Thirty-year quest for structure-nucleation relationships in oxide glasses. INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS, v. 60, n. 7, p. 376-391, . (12/24802-6, 13/07793-6)
DOUSTI, M. R.; AMJAD, R. J.; SAHAR, M. R.; ZABIDI, Z. M.; ALIAS, A. N.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Er3+-doped zinc tellurite glasses revisited: Concentration dependent chemical durability, thermal stability and spectroscopic properties. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 429, p. 70-78, . (13/24064-8, 13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. DQ-DRENAR with back-to-back (BABA) excitation: Measuring homonuclear dipole-dipole interactions in multiple spin-1/2 systems. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 71, p. 11-18, . (13/07793-6)
REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Measurement of homonuclear magnetic dipole-dipole interactions in multiple 1/2-spin systems using constant-time DQ-DRENAR NMR. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 260, p. 46-53, . (13/07793-6)
AVILA, L. F.; PRADEL, A.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; MESSADDEQ, Y.; NALIN, M.. Laser irradiation and thermal treatment inducing selective crystallization in Sb2O3-Sb2S3 glassy films. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 458, p. 67-72, . (08/57857-2, 13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; WIEGAND, THOMAS; ELMER, LISA-MARIA; SAJID, MUHAMMAD; KEHR, GERALD; ERKER, GERHARD; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Solid-state EPR strategies for the structural characterization of paramagnetic NO adducts of frustrated Lewis pairs (FLPs). Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 142, n. 12, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; DONOSO GONZALEZ, JOSE PEDRO; LIMA, JOSE FERNANDO; ECKERT, HELLMUT; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; LUMEAU, JULIEN; GLEBOVA, LARISSA; GLEBOV, LEONID. Electron Paramagnetic Resonance (EPR) studies on the photo-thermo ionization process of photo-thermo-refractive glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 452, p. 320-324, . (13/07793-6)
SIQUEIRA, RENATO LUIZ; ALANO, JOSE HENRIQUE; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. GlassPanacea: A user-friendly free software tool for the formulation of glasses, glass-ceramics, and ceramics. American Ceramic Society Bulletin, v. 96, n. 1, p. 48-49, . (13/07793-6)
ALVES, RAQUEL; RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; PAWLICKA, AGNIESZKA; SILVA, MARIA MANUELA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Eco-Friendly Luminescent Hybrid Materials Based on Eu-III and Li-I Co-Doped Chitosan. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 26, n. 12, p. 2590-2597, . (13/07793-6, 13/24727-7)
MANZAN, RENATA S.; DONOSO, JOSE P.; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES A.; RUESSEL, CHRISTIAN; NALIN, MARCELO. Optical and Structural Studies of Mn2+ Doped SbPO4-ZnO-PbO Glasses. Journal of the Brazilian Chemical Society, v. 26, n. 12, p. 2607-2614, . (13/07793-6, 12/05087-4)
REN, JINJUN; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. High Surface Area Mesoporous GaPO4-SiO2 Sol-Gel Glasses: Structural Investigation by Advanced Solid-State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 120, n. 3, p. 1758-1769, . (13/07793-6)
REZA DOUSTI, M.; POIRIER, GAEL YVES; STUCCHI DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE. Structural and spectroscopic characteristics of Eu3+-doped tungsten phosphate glasses. Optical Materials, v. 45, p. 185-190, . (13/24064-8, 13/07793-6)
BESSE, VALENTIN; FORTIN, ALEXANDRE; BOUDEBS, GEORGES; VALLE, PAULA S.; NALIN, MARCELO; DE ARAUJO, CID B.. Picosecond nonlinearity of GeO2-Bi2O3-PbO-TiO2 glasses at 532 and 1,064 nm. APPLIED PHYSICS B-LASERS AND OPTICS, v. 117, n. 3, p. 891-895, . (13/07793-6)
NUERNBERG, RAFAEL B.; PRADEL, ANNIE; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.. A systematic study of glass stability, crystal structure and electrical properties of lithium ion-conducting glass-ceramics of the Li1+xCrx(GeyTi1-y)(2-x)(PO4)(3) system. Journal of Power Sources, v. 371, p. 167-177, . (13/07793-6)
FERNANDES, R. G.; FERREIRA, E. B.. The shape of diopside glass particles probed by the non-isothermal crystallization kinetics and Differential Scanning Calorimetry. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 497, p. 63-70, . (13/09234-4, 13/07793-6)
REVELO, RAUL J.; MENEGAZZO, ANA P.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.. Cathode-Ray Tube panel glass replaces frit in transparent glazes for ceramic tiles. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 12, p. 13790-13796, . (13/07793-6)
FARES, H.; SANTOS, S. N. C.; SANTOS, M. V.; FRANCO, D. F.; SOUZA, A. E.; MANZANI, D.; MENDONCA, C. R.; NALIN, M.. Highly luminescent silver nanocluster-doped fluorophosphate glasses for microfabrication of 3D waveguides. RSC ADVANCES, v. 7, n. 88, p. 55935-55944, . (16/16343-2, 16/11591-8, 13/07793-6)
CUNHA, T. R.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; RODRIGUES, J. E.; SAMPAIO, V, D.; MOULTON, B. J. A.; DA COSTA, R. C.; PIZANI, P. S.. Thermal expansion, compressibility and bulk modulus of ilmenite-type CoTiO3: X-ray diffraction at high pressures and temperatures. SOLID STATE SCIENCES, v. 88, p. 1-5, . (16/15962-0, 13/07793-6, 16/18567-5)
MUNHOZ, JOAO F. V. L.; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA; ECKERT, HELLMUT; NALIN, MARCELO. Glasses in the NaPO3-WO3-NaF ternary system: preparation, physical properties and structural studies. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 505, p. 379-389, . (15/22828-6, 13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
SENTANIN, F.; SABADINI, R. C.; BARROS, S. C.; CALIMAN, W. R.; CAVALHEIRO, C. C. S.; KANICKI, J.; DONOSO, J. P.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; SILVA, M. M.; et al. Study of ionically conducting nanocomposites for reflective electrochromic devices. Electrochimica Acta, v. 301, p. 174-182, . (13/07793-6)
FERNANDES, ROGER GOMES; VALLE, PAULA SQUINCA; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; NALIN, MARCELO. Crystallization kinetics study of silver-doped germanium glasses. Thermochimica Acta, v. 673, p. 40-52, . (13/07793-6)
SOARES, VIVIANE OLIVEIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Effect of P2O5 on the Nonisothermal Sinter-Crystallization Process of a Lithium Aluminum Silicate Glass. International Journal of Applied Ceramic Technology, v. 13, n. 5, p. 948-955, . (13/07793-6)
DA COSTA, R. C.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; PIZANI, P. S.. Phase mixture, solid solution or composite: Raman scattering analyses of NixPb1-xTiO3 and (NiTiO3)(x) + (PbTiO3)(1-x). Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 697, p. 68-71, . (13/07793-6)
RAJESH, DAGUPATI; AMJAD, RAJA J.; REZA DOUSTI, M.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Enhanced VIS and NIR emissions of Pr3+ ions in TZYN glasses containing silver ions and nanoparticles. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 695, p. 607-612, . (15/10713-0, 13/07793-6, 15/08434-5)
ZHANG, RUILI; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS; WANG, ZAIYANG; FERNANDES, ROGER GOMES; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; REN, JINJUN; ZHANG, LONG; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural Studies of Fluoroborate Laser Glasses by Solid State NMR and EPR Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 121, n. 1, p. 741-752, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3, 15/04063-2)
SILVA, LAIS D.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; PASCUAL, MARIA J.; DURAN, ALICIA; CABRAL, ALUISIO A.. Sintering and crystallization of SrO-CaO-B2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramics with different TiO2 contents. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 473, p. 33-40, . (13/07793-6)
FERREIRA, FABIO A. S.; AMARAL, THIAGO; ELGUERA YSNAGA, ORLANDO ARMANDO; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, MARCELO A.; LOPES, JOSE H.; LEWICKI, JAMES P.; WORSLEY, MARCUS A.; SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; TREMILIOSI-FILHO, GERMANO; RODRIGUES-FILHO, UBIRAJARA P.. Structure-property relationship of new polyimide-organically modified silicate-phosphotungstic acid hybrid material system. Journal of Materials Science, v. 51, n. 10, p. 4815-4824, . (13/07793-6)
BRAGATTO, C. B.; CASSAR, D. R.; PEITL, O.; SOUQUET, J. -L.; RODRIGUES, A. C. M.. Structural relaxation in AgPO3 glass followed by in situ ionic conductivity measurements. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 437, p. 43-47, . (13/07793-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. History and trends of bioactive glass-ceramics. Journal of Biomedical Materials Research Part A, v. 104, n. 5, p. 1231-1249, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
DE VRIES, WILKE; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; ZENG, ZHAOYANG; DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; NIEHAUS, OLIVER; POETTGEN, RAINER; STUDER, ARMIDO; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Synthesis and characterization of amorphous mesoporous silica using TEMPO-functionalized amphiphilic templates. Journal of Solid State Chemistry, v. 237, p. 93-98, . (13/07793-6, 13/23490-3)
UESBECK, TOBIAS; ECKERT, HELLMUT. The Structure of Borophosphosilicate Pure Network Former Glasses Studied by Multinuclear NMR Spectroscopy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 121, n. 3, p. 1838-1850, . (13/07793-6)
ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; CASSAR, DANIEL R.. The microscopic origin of the extreme glass-forming ability of Albite and B2O3. SCIENTIFIC REPORTS, v. 7, . (13/07793-6)
BARUD, H. S.; TERCJAK, A.; GUTIERREZ, J.; VIALI, W. R.; NUNES, E. S.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; JAFELLICI, M.; NALIN, M.; MARQUES, R. F. C.. Biocellulose-based flexible magnetic paper. Journal of Applied Physics, v. 117, n. 17, . (10/20546-0, 13/07793-6)
CORALLINI, SERENA; CERETTI, MONICA; SILLY, GILLES; PIOVANO, ANDREA; SINGH, SHUBRA; STERN, JOSEF; RITTER, CLEMENS; REN, JINJUN; ECKERT, HELLMUT; CONDER, KAZIMIRZ; et al. One-Dimensional Oxygen Diffusion Mechanism in Sr2ScGaO5 Electrolyte Explored by Neutron and Synchrotron Diffraction, O-17 NMR, and Density Functional Theory Calculations. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 119, n. 21, p. 11447-11458, . (13/07793-6)
LARINK, DIRK; RINKE, MATTHIAS T.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Mixed Network Former Effects in Tellurite Glass Systems: Structure/Property Correlations in the System (Na2O)(1/3)[(2TeO(2))(x)(P2O5)(1-x)](2/3). Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 119, n. 31, p. 17539-17551, . (13/07793-6)
CRUZ, R. P.; NALIN, M.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; MOLINA, C.. Photochromic dynamics of organic-inorganic hybrids supported on transparent and flexible recycled PET. Optical Materials, v. 66, p. 297-301, . (12/02708-8, 13/07793-6)
SANTOS, MOLIRIA V.; TERCJAK, AGNIESZKA; GUTIERREZ, JUNKAL; BARUD, HERNANE S.; NAPOLI, MARIANA; NALIN, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.. Optical sensor platform based on cellulose nanocrystals (CNC)-4'-(hexyloxy)-4-biphenylcarbonitrile (HOBC) bi-phase nematic liquid crystal composite films. Carbohydrate Polymers, v. 168, p. 346-355, . (14/12424-2, 13/07793-6, 12/05087-4)
SANTOS, GISELE G.; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Microstructure and mechanical properties of nucleant-free Li2O-CaO-SiO2 glass-ceramics. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 130, p. 347-360, . (13/07793-6)
MOLLA, ATIAR R.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; SINGH, SHIV PRAKASH; LANCELOTTI, RICARDO FELIPE; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; DOUSTI, MOHAMMAD REZA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; ALMEIDA SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES. Crystallization, mechanical, and optical properties of transparent, nanocrystalline gahnite glass-ceramics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 100, n. 5, p. 1963-1975, . (14/20865-9, 13/24064-8, 13/07793-6)
GALLO, LEONARDO SANT'ANA; CELARIE, FABRICE; AUDEBRAND, NATHALIE; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ROUXEL, TANGUY. In situ crystallization and elastic properties of transparent MgO-Al2O3-SiO2 glass-ceramic. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 100, n. 5, p. 2166-2175, . (13/07793-6, 14/03004-0)
LEONES, R.; REIS, P. M.; SABADINI, R. C.; RAVARO, L. P.; SILVA, I. D. A.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.; DONOSO, J. P.; MAGON, C. J.; ESPERANCA, J. M. S. S.; PAWLICKA, A.; et al. A luminescent europium ionic liquid to improve the performance of chitosan polymer electrolytes. Electrochimica Acta, v. 240, p. 474-485, . (13/07793-6)
LUZARDO, FLORENCIA; ALVAREZ, NATALIA; KREMER, CARLOS; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; GANCHEFF, JORGE S.. New complexes of Cu(II) with dipicolinate and pyridyl-based ligands: An experimental and DFT approach. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 183, p. 45-52, . (13/07793-6)
FERREIRA, FABIO A. S.; BATTIROLA, LILIANE C.; LEWICKI, JAMES P.; WORSLEY, MARCUS A.; PEREIRA-DA-SILVA, MARCELO A.; AMARAL, THIAGO; LEPIENSKI, CARLOS M.; RODRIGUES-FILHO, UBIRAJARA P.. Influence of thermal treatment time on structural and physical properties of polyimide films at beginning of carbonization. Polymer Degradation and Stability, v. 129, p. 399-407, . (13/07793-6)
BORGES, ROGER; SCHNEIDER, JOSE F.; MARCHI, JULIANA. Structural characterization of bioactive glasses containing rare earth elements (Gd and/or Yb). Journal of Materials Science, v. 54, n. 17, p. 11390-11399, . (14/19308-8, 13/07793-6, 11/19924-2)
RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; ROSA, WASHINGTON S.; FERRER, MATEUS M.; CUNHA, THIAGO R.; MORENO ZAPATA, MAXIMILIANO JESUS; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.; MARTINEZ, JOSE L.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; ALONSO, JOSE A.; HERNANDES, ANTONIO C.; et al. Spin-phonon coupling in uniaxial anisotropic spin-glass based on Fe2TiO5 pseudobrookite. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 799, p. 563-572, . (13/07793-6, 17/18716-3, 13/07296-2)
SOARES, VIVIANE O.; DAGUANO, JULIANA K. M. B.; LOMBELLO, CHRISTIANE B.; BIANCHIN, OLAVO S.; GONCALVES, LIVIA M. G.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. New sintered wollastonite glass-ceramic for biomedical applications. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 44, n. 16, p. 20019-20027, . (10/15635-3, 12/03072-0, 07/08179-9, 13/07793-6, 11/22936-2, 10/18947-6)
DE TOLEDO, THIAGO A.; BENTO, RICARDO R. F.; CUNHA, THIAGO R.; PIZANI, PAULO S.. High pressure and temperature effects on the molecular crystal 2-amino-5-methyl-1,3,4-thiadiazole. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 10, p. 1713-1721, . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA JR, MARCOS; AMJAD, RAJA JUNAID; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Network Former Mixing Effects in Heavy Metal Oxide Glasses: Structural Characterization of Lead Zinc Phosphotellurite Glasses Using NMR and EPR Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 122, n. 41, p. 23698-23711, . (13/07793-6, 15/08434-5, 13/23490-3)
DEILMANN, LEONIE; WINTER, OLIVER; CERRUTTI, BIANCA; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; HERZIG, CHRISTOPHER; LIMBECK, ANDREAS; LAHAYNE, OLAF; HELLMICH, CHRISTIAN; ECKERT, HELLMUT; EDER, DOMINIK. Effect of boron incorporation on the bioactivity, structure, and mechanical properties of ordered mesoporous bioactive glasses. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY B, v. 8, n. 7, p. 1456-1465, . (13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; DE OLIVEIRA BARUD, HELIDA G.; BARUD, HERNANE S.; OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, OSMIR B.; MENEGUIN, ANDREIA B.; DE OLIVEIRA, LUIZ FERNANDO C.; SILVA, MAURICIO A. P.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO. A review on polyphosphate coacervates-structural properties and bioapplications. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, v. 94, n. 3, . (13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; BAYER, PAULO S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Crystallization mechanism and kinetics of a Fe-diopside (25CaO center dot 25MgO center dot 50SiO(2)) glass-ceramic. Journal of Materials Science, v. 54, n. 13, p. 9313-9320, . (13/07793-6)
ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; VILELA, RAQUEL R. C.; SILVA, IGOR D. A.; MURAKAMI IHA, NEYDE Y.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Photophysical Properties of Ir(III) Complexes Immobilized in MCM-41 via Templated Synthesis. Inorganic Chemistry, v. 58, n. 8, p. 4962-4971, . (16/07706-4, 13/07793-6, 18/05152-7)
MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; SILVA, LAIS D.; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; LOZANO, HAROLD; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; PIZANI, PAULO S.. Speciation and polymerization in a barium silicate glass: Evidence from Si-29 NMR and Raman spectroscopies. CHEMICAL GEOLOGY, v. 586, . (13/07793-6, 17/06649-0, 16/18567-5)
BENTO, RICARDO; GADDAM, ANURAAG; OSKOEI, PARASTU; OLIVEIRA, HELENA; FERREIRA, JOSE M. F.. 3D Printing of Macro Porous Sol-Gel Derived Bioactive Glass Scaffolds and Assessment of Biological Response. MATERIALS, v. 14, n. 20, . (21/06370-0, 13/07793-6)
MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; ZARTO, HAROLD LOZANO; DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; ECKERT, HELLMUT; DEVIS, SINDY; BENAVENTE, EGLANTINA; VILLARROEL, ROBERTO; GONZALEZ, GUILLERMO. Photoinduced Paramagnetic Centers in Nanocomposites Formed by Titanium Dioxide and Myristic Acid. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 12, p. 6773-6786, . (19/02672-2, 13/07793-6)
NORTON, AMIE E.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; DOURGES, MARIE-ANNE; RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; ABDOLMALEKI, MAHMOOD K.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; TOUPANCE, THIERRY; CONNICK, WILLIAM B.; CHATTERJEE, SAYANDEV. Porosity induced rigidochromism in platinum(ii) terpyridyl luminophores immobilized at silica composites. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS CHEMISTRY C, v. 9, n. 19, . (18/05152-7, 16/07706-4, 13/07793-6)
MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; GOMES, EDUARDO O.; CUNHA, THIAGO R.; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; GRACIA, LOURDES; ECKERT, HELLMUT; ANDRES, JUAN; PIZANI, PAULO S.. A theoretical and experimental investigation of hetero- vs. homo-connectivity in barium silicates. AMERICAN MINERALOGIST, v. 107, n. 4, p. 13-pg., . (16/18567-5, 17/06649-0, 13/07793-6, 19/12383-8)
PICININ, BENJAMIN J. A.; PICININ, ADALBERTO; SILVA, LAIS D.; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; LOZANO, HAROLD D.; SAMPAIO, DAVID; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; DU, JINCHENG S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; PIZANI, PAULO S.. A critical evaluation of barium silicate glass network polymerization. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 583, p. 19-pg., . (16/18567-5, 17/06649-0, 13/07793-6, 16/15962-0)
DOS PASSOS, RODRIGO CARDOSO; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Crystallization and relaxation dynamics of glass-forming liquids at the Kauzmann temperature. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 10, p. 12-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/20978-1, 17/12491-0)
PENA, R. B.; DESCHAMPS, T.; AMATO, A.; LE FLOCH, S.; PIZANI, P. S.; MARTINET, C.. Normal to abnormal behavior of PbSiO3 glass: A vibrational spectroscopy investigation under high-pressure. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 589, p. 9-pg., . (19/11446-6, 13/07793-6, 17/11868-2)
DE BRITO, CAIQUE SERATI; RABAHI, CESAR RICARDO; TEODORO, MARCIO DALDIN; FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; NALIN, MARCELO; BARCELOS, INGRID D.; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO. Strain engineering of quantum confinement in WSe2 on nano-roughness glass substrates. Applied Physics Letters, v. 121, n. 7, p. 7-pg., . (19/23488-5, 16/16900-9, 19/14017-9, 18/19272-4, 13/07793-6)
MASTELINI, SAULO MARTIELLO; CASSAR, DANIEL R.; ALCOBACA, EDESIO; BOTARI, TIAGO; DE CARVALHO, ANDRE C. P. L. F.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Machine learning unveils composition-property relationships in chalcogenide glasses. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 240, p. 13-pg., . (18/14819-5, 13/07793-6, 17/12491-0, 18/07319-6, 17/06161-7, 13/07375-0)
ALMEIDA SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Solid-state NMR investigation of fast sodium ion-conducting glass-ceramics: The system Na3+3x-yRE1-xPySi3-yO9 (RE = Sc, Y). Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 105, n. 12, p. 20-pg., . (17/17800-0, 13/07793-6)
FUENTEALBA, PABLO; MORALES, JEANNETTE; AUDEBRAND, NATHALIE; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; ECKERT, HELLMUT; MANZUR, JORGE; SPODINE, EVGENIA. Manganese(ii) thiophosphate (MnPS3) intercalates with lanthanide (Pr-III and Nd-III) complexes: optical and magnetic properties. NEW JOURNAL OF CHEMISTRY, v. 46, n. 41, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; LODI, THIAGO A.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; JACOBSOHN, LUIZ G.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Photoluminescence and X-ray induced scintillation in Gd3+-modified fluorophosphate glasses doped with Ce3+. Optical Materials, v. 133, p. 6-pg., . (13/07296-2, 18/03931-9, 13/07793-6)
CASSAR, DANIEL R.; SANTOS, GISELE G.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Designing optical glasses by machine learning coupled with a genetic algorithm. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 8, p. 10555-10564, . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
CROVACE, MURILO C.; SOARES, VIVIANE O.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; PEITL, OSCAR; RAUCCI, LARISSA M. S. C.; DE OLIVEIRA, PAULO T.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Understanding the mixed alkali effect on the sinterability and in vitro performance of bioactive glasses. Journal of the European Ceramic Society, v. 41, n. 7, p. 4391-4405, . (08/11539-0, 13/07793-6, 13/07059-0)
DE PAIVA, JULIANA MORENO; DE OLIVEIRA BARUD, HELIDA GOMES; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; MENEGUIN, ANDREIA BAGLIOTTI; RIBEIRO, ANTONIO JOSE; BARUD, HERNANE S.; NALIN, MARCELO. The impact of P/Ca molar ratio on physicochemical and release properties of calcium polyphosphate coacervates. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 264, . (13/07793-6, 18/25512-8, 18/24735-3)
SANTOS, CAMILA PACHECO; MENDES SILVA, JULIA MELLER; DE OLIVEIRA, CAMILA MACHADO; JIUSTI, JEANINI; KLEGUES MONTEDO, OSCAR RUBEM; PETERSON, MICHAEL. Quartz quantification in porcelain stoneware tile formulations by differential scanning calorimetry. Thermochimica Acta, v. 705, . (13/07793-6, 17/02953-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; MAURO, JOHN C.. Model-driven design of bioactive glasses: from molecular dynamics through machine learning. INTERNATIONAL MATERIALS REVIEWS, v. 65, n. 5, . (15/13314-9, 13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; RINO, JOSE P.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Unveiling relaxation and crystal nucleation interplay in supercooled germanium liquid. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 220, . (13/07793-6, 17/08350-1)
ESTEVAO, BIANCA M.; VILELA, RAQUEL R. C.; GEREMIAS, ISABELLA P.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR. Mesoporous silica nanoparticles incorporated with Ir(III) complexes: From photophysics to photodynamic therapy. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, v. 40, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6, 20/05627-5, 20/00124-5, 17/22056-9, 16/07706-4)
LODI, THIAGO A.; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; MERIZIO, LEONNAM G.; JACOBSOHN, LUIZ G.; MASTELARO, VALMOR R.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S.. Tungsten gallium-phosphate glasses as promising intrinsic scintillators. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 603, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6, 18/03931-9, 19/21770-5)
FALEIRO, JOSE HENRIQUE; DANTAS, NOELIO O.; SILVA, ANIELLE C. A.; BARBOSA, HELLIOMAR P.; SILVA, BRUNO H. S. T. DA; LIMA, KARMEL DE O.; SILVA, GUILHERME DE FREITAS; GONSALVES, ROGERIA ROCHA; FALCI, RODRIGO; MESSADEQ, YOUNES; et al. Niobium incorporation into rare-earth doped aluminophosphate glasses: Structural characterization, optical properties, and luminescence. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 605, p. 11-pg., . (20/05319-9, 13/07793-6, 19/26399-3, 18/18213-4)
SANTOS, MOLIRIA V.; BARUD, HERNANE S.; ALENCAR, MONICA A. S.; NALIN, MARCELO; TOMA, SERGIO H.; ARAKI, KOITI; BENEDETTI, ASSIS V.; MACIEL, INDHIRA O.; FRAGNEAUD, BENJAMIN; LEGNANI, CRISTIANO; et al. Self-Supported Smart Bacterial Nanocellulose-Phosphotungstic Acid Nanocomposites for Photochromic Applications. FRONTIERS IN MATERIALS, v. 8, . (14/12424-2, 13/07793-6, 16/11591-8, 13/24725-4, 18/25512-8, 20/04509-9)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO F.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; SEN, SABYASACHI. Kinetics of physical aging of a silicate glass following temperature up- and down-jumps. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 160, n. 3, p. 10-pg., . (22/07679-8, 21/03374-5, 13/07793-6)
CASTRO, TARCIO; JUBERA, VERONIQUE; FARES, HSSEN; PETIT, YANNICK; FARGUES, ALEXANDRE; CARDINAL, THIERRY; NALIN, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY. Photoluminescence of Ag+ and Agmn+ in co-doped Pr3+/Yb3+ fluorophosphate glasses: tuning visible emission and energy transfer to Pr3+/Yb3+ ions through excitation in different silver species. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN ELECTRONICS, v. 30, n. 18, p. 8-pg., . (18/09296-3, 13/07793-6, 16/16343-2)
BESEGATO, JOAO FELIPE; DE MELO, PRISCILA BORGES GOBBO; BERNARDI, ADILSON CESAR ABREU; SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; BAGNATO, VANDERLEI SALVADOR; RASTELLI, ALESSANDRA NARA DE SOUZA. Using Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy with Ultrasound Devices and Bioactive Glasses as a Combined Approach for Treating Dentin Caries Lesions. PATHOGENS, v. 12, n. 8, p. 18-pg., . (13/07793-6, 13/07276-1)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; YEKTA, BIJAN EFTEKHARI; MARGHUSSIAN, VAHAK KASPARI; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Sol-gel synthesis, structure, sintering and properties of bioactive and inert nano-apatite-zirconia glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 41, n. 9, p. 22-pg., . (13/07793-6)
LOGRADO, MILLENA; INOUE, TOMIKI; NAKANE, SHINGO; KATO, YOSHINARI; YAMAZAKI, HIROKI; YAMADA, AKIHIRO; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Densification of Sodium Borosilicate Glasses at Ambient Temperature: Structural Investigations by Solid-State Nuclear Magnetic Resonance and Raman Scattering. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters, v. 14, n. 19, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6)
VOLPI, V.; MONTESSO, M.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; VIALI, W. R.; MAGON, C. J.; SILVA, I. D. A.; DONOSO, J. P.; NALIN, M.. Optical and structural properties of Mn2+ doped PbGeO3-SbPO4 glasses and glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 431, p. 5-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MELCHERS, S.; UESBECK, T.; WINTER, O.; ECKERT, H.; EDER, D.. Effect of Aluminum Ion Incorporation on the Bioactivity and Structure in Mesoporous Bioactive Glasses. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v. 28, n. 10, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6)
MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; SILVA, LAIS D.; SABINO, SIMONE R. F.; EVARISTO, LEONARDO L.; V. SAMPAIO, DAVID; BUCHNER, SILVIO; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Unusual crystallization pathways revealed in six barium disilicate (BaSi2O5) glasses. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 49, n. 7, p. 12-pg., . (16/18567-5, 13/07793-6)
DOMENEGUETTI, RAFAEL R.; SAKAI, VANESSA Y.; PEROTTI, GUSTAVO F.; SILVA, ISABEL C.; TERCJAK, AGNIESZKA; BARUD, HERNANE S.; PAVAN, FERNANDO; CONSTANTINO, VERA R. L.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J.. Structural and morphological properties of in-situ biosynthesis of biocompatible bacterial cellulose/Laponite nanocomposites. APPLIED CLAY SCIENCE, v. 234, p. 12-pg., . (18/25512-8, 13/07793-6, 14/50869-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; SILVA, MARIANA CAROLINA DE CASTRO; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; MANZANI, DANILO; POIRIER, GAEL YVES; NALIN, MARCELO. Monitoring Ag nanoparticles growth in undoped and Er3+-doped glasses by in-situ UV-Vis spectroscopy and its luminescent properties. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 609, p. 8-pg., . (20/01786-1, 13/07793-6)
HERR, KEVIN; HOEFLER, MARK, V; HEISE, HENRIKE; AUSSENAC, FABIEN; KORNEMANN, FELIX; ROSENBERGER, DAVID; BRODRECHT, MARTIN; DE OLIVEIRA JR., MARCOS; BUNTKOWSKY, GERD; GUTMANN, TORSTEN. Biradicals based on PROXYL containing building blocks for efficient dynamic nuclear polarization in biotolerant media. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE OPEN, v. 20, p. 11-pg., . (22/02974-1, 13/07793-6)
ALBINO, LEONARDO VIEIRA; DUSSAUZE, MARC; TOULEMONDE, OLIVIER; DUTTINE, MATHIEU; JUBERA, VERONIQUE; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; CARDINAL, THIERRY; NALIN, MARCELO. Paramagnetic borotungstate glasses with high terbium concentration for magneto-optical applications. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 627, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6)
GADDAM, ANURAAG; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; REIS, VITOR DE LIMA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural characterization of gallium fluoride phosphate glasses by advanced solid-state NMR methods and correlation with photophysical properties. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 107, n. 12, p. 14-pg., . (21/06370-0, 13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; RYLTSEV, ROMAN E.; CHTCHELKATCHEV, NIKOLAY M.; RAMPRAKASH, SHIDDHARTHA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Machine learning-assisted MD simulation of melting in superheated AlCu validates the Classical Nucleation Theory. JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR LIQUIDS, v. 387, p. 9-pg., . (22/05837-5, 13/07793-6)
GUSATTI, MARIVONE; SOUZA, DANIEL A. R.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO. An electrolyte-free electrochromic device using aluminum as counter electrode material. SOLAR ENERGY MATERIALS AND SOLAR CELLS, v. 260, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; FORD, PETER C.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; SO, F; ADACHI, C; KIM, JJ. Optical materials based on copper (I) complexes and CdTe quantum dots loaded in solid matrices. ORGANIC LIGHT EMITTING MATERIALS AND DEVICES XXI, v. 10362, p. 7-pg., . (13/07793-6, 14/02071-5, 16/17495-0)
DE OLIVEIRA, LUCAS N.; DO NASCIMENTO, ERIBERTO O.; ANDREETA, MARCELLO R. B.; ANTONIO, PATRICIA L.; CALDAS, LINDA V. E.. Characterization of lithium diborate, sodium diborate and commercial soda-lime glass exposed to gamma radiation via linearity analyses. Radiation Physics and Chemistry, v. 155, p. 5-pg., . (08/57863-2, 13/07793-6, 14/12732-9)
MAURO, JOHN C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Two Centuries of Glass Research: Historical Trends, Current Status, and Grand Challenges for the Future. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 5, n. 3, p. 15-pg., . (13/07793-6)
CAMPOS, JOAO, V; LAVAGNINI, ISABELA R.; ZALLOCCO, VINICIUS M.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.; PALLONE, ELIRIA M. J. A.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.. Flash sintering with concurrent crystallization of Li1.5Al0.5Ge1.5(PO4)3 glass. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 244, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/14677-9, 21/06509-9, 21/12412-8)
PENA, R. B.; SAMPAIO, D. V.; LANCELOTTI, R. F.; CUNHA, T. R.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; PIZANI, P. S.. In-situ Raman spectroscopy unveils metastable crystallization in lead metasilicate glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 546, . (19/12383-8, 16/15962-0, 13/07793-6, 17/11868-2)
DING, YIJUN; SONG, LIJIAN; WANG, ZHENG; YU, RUIQI; WANG, JUNQIANG; HU, LINA; YUE, YUANZHENG; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Unveiling the time-temperature dependence of metastability of supercooled liquid using nano-calorimetry. SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY, v. 67, n. 3, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO F.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; SEN, SABYASACHI. Atomistic origin of structural relaxation in lead metasilicate and lithium disilicate glasses. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 107, n. 11, p. 11-pg., . (22/07679-8, 21/03374-5, 13/07793-6)
COSTA, MARIA J. F.; GONCALVES, ALEXANDRE A. S.; RINALDI, ROBERTO; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.. Highly porous niobium-containing silica glasses applied to the microwave-assisted conversion of fructose into HMF. Catalysis Communications, v. 174, p. 10-pg., . (16/14165-0, 19/26399-3, 13/07793-6, 19/12884-7)
VALEZI, D. F.; MAEDA, J. T.; VICENTIN, B. L. S.; MANTOVANI, A. C. G.; SPADOTTO, J. C.; URBANO, A.; IVASHITA, F. F.; PAESANO, A.; MAGON, C. J.; DI MAURO, E.. Magnetic fluctuations of goethite (a-FeOOH) analyzed through Al substituted samples. PHYSICA B-CONDENSED MATTER, v. 650, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6)
FERREIRA, M. J.; SCHNEIDER, J. F.. Solid-state vitrification of LiPO3 through mechanical milling. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 328, p. 12-pg., . (22/05132-1, 19/12885-3, 13/07793-6)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; FERNANDES, ROGER GOMES; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; DE OLIVEIRA JR, MARCOS; ECKERT, HELLMUT; NALIN, MARCELO. Structural Study of the Germanium-Aluminum-Borate Glasses by Solid State NMR and Raman Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 44, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 18/24735-3)
GRUENER, MALTE C.; ARAI, MARYLYN SETSUKO; CARREIRA, MARIANA; INADA, NATALIA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Functionalizing the Mesoporous Silica Shell of Upconversion Nanoparticles To Enhance Bacterial Targeting and Killing via Photosensitizer-Induced Antimicrobial Photodynamic Therapy. ACS APPLIED BIO MATERIALS, v. 1, n. 4, p. 9-pg., . (15/24118-6, 13/07793-6)
DYAMANT, I.; ABYZOV, A. S.; FOKIN, V. M.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; LUMEAU, J.; GLEBOVA, L. N.; GLEBOV, L. B.. Crystal nucleation and growth kinetics of NaF in photo-thermo-refractive glass. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 378, p. 115-120, . (12/17417-9, 13/07793-6)
DAGUANO, JULIANA K. M. F.; ROGERO, SIZUE O.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; PEITL, OSCAR; STRECKER, KURT; DOS SANTOS, CLAUDINEI. Bioactivity and cytotoxicity of glass and glass-ceramics based on the 3CaO center dot P2O5-SiO2-MgO system. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS SCIENCE-MATERIALS IN MEDICINE, v. 24, n. 9, p. 2171-2180, . (07/50510-4, 13/07793-6)
SOUZA, MARINA T.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; SCHROEDER, CORNELIA; ECKERT, HELLMUT; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Effect of magnesium ion incorporation on the thermal stability, dissolution behavior and bioactivity in Bioglass-derived glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 382, p. 57-65, . (13/07793-6)
DE ASSIS, RENAN GABRIEL; DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MARCOS; ESCOTE, MARCIA TSUYAMA; PINHEIRO, CARLOS BASILIO; ACUNA, JOSE JAVIER SAEZ; FERREIRA, FABIO FURLAN; PEDROZA, LUANA SUCUPIRA; BROCHSZTAIN, SERGIO; DE QUEIROZ, THIAGO BRANQUINHO. Preparation and Characterization of a Disilylated Naphthalenediimide Molecular Crystal: Perspectives for Organosilica Mesoporous Materials. ACS APPLIED ENGINEERING MATERIALS, v. 2, n. 7, p. 11-pg., . (23/01502-1, 21/07694-4, 13/07793-6, 17/10292-0, 23/08771-8, 22/02974-1, 20/13466-1)
SILVA, LAIS D.; SOARES, VIVIANE O.; PEITL FILHO, OSCAR; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; RAMPF, MARKUS; RITZBERGER, CHRISTIAN; DITTMER, MARC; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Exploring new machinable, strong lithium metasilicate-based glass-ceramics for dental applications. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 50, n. 17, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
LANCELOTTI, RICARDO FELIPE; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA MARTINS; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Structural relaxation dynamics of a silicate glass probed by refractive index and ionic conductivity. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 106, n. 10, p. 8-pg., . (21/03374-5, 13/07793-6)
CASSAR, DANIEL R.; SERRA, ANDRE H.; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Critical assessment of the alleged failure of the Classical Nucleation Theory at low temperatures. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 547, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 17/12491-0)
ORIVES, JULIANE RESGES; VIALI, WESLEY RENATO; DESTRO, FABRICIO BENEDITO; DA SILVA, SEBASTIAO W.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO. Embedding CoPt magnetic nanoparticles within a phosphate glass matrix. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 848, p. 8-pg., . (19/19609-1, 13/07793-6, 18/07727-7)
RAVARO, LEANDRO P.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Luminescent Copper(I) complexes as promising materials for the next generation of energy-saving OLED devices. ENERGY REPORTS, v. 6, p. 9-pg., . (16/07706-4, 13/07793-6, 16/17495-0)
FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; MANZANI, DANILO; CARVAJAL, EDUAR E.; PRANDO, GABRIELA AUGUSTA; DONOSO, JOSE PEDRO; MAGON, CLAUDIO J.; ANTONIO, SELMA G.; GOBATO, YARA GALVAO; NALIN, MARCELO. Optical and EPR studies of zinc phosphate glasses containing Mn2+ ions. Journal of Materials Science, v. 55, n. 23, p. 14-pg., . (16/16900-9, 18/16126-7, 13/07793-6, 16/10668-7)
FUNKE, LENA MARIE; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Recoupling dipolar interactions with multiple I=1 quadrupolar nuclei: A B-11{(6)Lil and P-31{Li-6} rotational echo double resonance study of lithium. SOLID STATE NUCLEAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE, v. 84, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6)
PINTADO-PALOMINO, KAREN; PEITL FILHO, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; TIRAPELLI, CAMILA. A clinical, randomized, controlled study on the use of desensitizing agents during tooth bleaching (vol 43, pg 1099, 201). Journal of Dentistry, v. 62, p. 1-pg., . (11/07039-4, 13/07793-6, 11/19567-5, 12/08312-9, 10/12032-6)
MONTAZERIAN, MAZIAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Bibliometrics in glass and other sciences: A Plea for reason. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 8, n. 3, p. 8-pg., . (13/07793-6, 15/13314-9)
MARCONDES, L. M.; SANTAGNELI, S. H.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; CAIUT, J. M. A.; MISOGUTI, L.; NALIN, M.. Structural and optical characterization of tungsten phosphate glasses containing silver and erbium. Optical Materials, v. 132, p. 7-pg., . (20/01786-1, 08/53680-0, 13/07793-6)
DE TOLEDO, T. A.; BENTO, R. R. F.; DA COSTA, R. C.; AL-MAQTARI, H. M.; JAMALIS, J.; PIZANI, P. S.. On the structural and spectroscopic properties of the thienyl chalcone derivative: 3-(5-Bromo-2-thienyl)-1-(4-nitrophenyl)-prop-2-en-1-one. VIBRATIONAL SPECTROSCOPY, v. 99, p. 73-79, . (13/07793-6)
MANZANI, DANILO; FRANCO, DOUGLAS F.; AFONSO, CONRADO R. M.; SANT'ANA, ANTONIO C.; NALIN, MARCELO; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.. A new SERS substrate based on niobium lead-pyrophosphate glasses obtained by Ag+/Na+ ion exchange. SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL, v. 277, p. 347-352, . (13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
STEGEMANN, FRANK; BLOCK, THERESA; KLENNER, STEFFEN; ZHANG, YUEMEI; FOKWA, BONIFACE P. T.; DOERENKAMP, CARSTEN; ECKERT, HELLMUT; JANKA, OLIVER. Structural, Physical, Theoretical and Spectroscopic Investigations of Mixed-Valent Eu2Ni8Si3 and Its Structural Anti-Type Sr2Pt3Al8. European Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, v. 2021, n. 37, . (13/07793-6, 17/06649-0)
ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; SCHMELZER, JUERN W. P.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Crystallization of Supercooled Liquids: Self-Consistency Correction of the Steady-State Nucleation Rate. Entropy, v. 22, n. 5, . (19/02396-5, 13/07793-6)
PINTO, IAGO CARVALHO; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; JACOBSOHN, LUIZ GUSTAVO; LEDEMI, YANNICK; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES; STUCCHI DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE. Fluorophosphate glasses doped with Eu3+ and Dy3+ for X-ray radiography. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 863, . (18/03931-9, 13/07793-6)
MARCONDES, LIA MARA; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; MANZANI, DANILO; CASSANJES, FABIA CASTRO; BATISTA, GISLENE; MENDOZA, VALENTINA GACHA; DA CUNHA, CRISTIANO RAMOS; POIRIER, GAEL YVES; NALIN, MARCELO. High tantalum oxide content in Eu3+-doped phosphate glass and glass-ceramics for photonic applications. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 842, . (13/07793-6, 18/16126-7)
MACENA, GUILHERME S.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.. Off-stoichiometry effects on crystal nucleation and growth kinetics in soda-lime-silicate glasses. The combeite (Na2O center dot 2CaO center dot 3SiO(2)) - devitrite (Na2O center dot 3CaO center dot 6SiO(2)) joint. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 196, p. 191-199, . (19/02396-5, 13/07793-6)
FERNANDES, ROGER GOMES; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; MASTELARO, VALMOR ROBERTO; CARDINAL, THIERRY; TOULEMONDE, OLIVIER; NALIN, MARCELO. Thermal and structural modification in transparent and magnetic germanoborate glasses induced by Gd2O3. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 46, n. 14, p. 22079-22089, . (19/01223-0, 13/07793-6)
EVARISTO, LEONARDO; SILVEIRA, RAFAEL; TISSOT, MATHEUS; HIPPLER, GISELE; MOULTON, BENJAMIN; BUCHNER, SILVIO. Effect of high pressure in barium disilicate glass investigated by DTA and Raman spectroscopy. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. N/A, p. 7-pg., . (16/18567-5, 13/07793-6)
GIL, YOLIMAR; DE SANTANA, RICARDO COSTA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA SIMONE STUCCHI; MERIZIO, LEONNAM GOTARDO; CARRENO, PATRICIA FARIAS; FUENTEALBA, PABLO; MANZUR, JORGE; SPODINE, EVGENIA. Dual visible and near-infrared luminescence in mononuclear macrocyclic erbium((III)) complexes( )via( )ligand and metal centred excitation. DALTON TRANSACTIONS, v. 52, n. 10, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/21770-5)
MONTEIRO, ANDREIA S.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA; CARCEL, CAROLE; GUTMANN, TORSTEN; BUNTKOWSKY, GERD; MAN, MICHEL WONG CHI; BARUD, HERNANE S.; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.. Modification of Bacterial Cellulose Membrane with 1,4-Bis(triethoxysilyl)benzene: A Thorough Physical-Chemical Characterization Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 8, p. 11-pg., . (13/07793-6, 18/25512-8, 15/12908-2, 17/21005-1)
MORGUETTO, GABRIEL FELIPE; DE OLIVEIRA JUNIOR, MARCOS; SCHNEIDER, JOSE FABIAN; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Mixed Cs-Li-Sr Metaphosphate Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 125, n. 8, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/12885-3)
ANDRADE-FERREIRA, ANDRE; COSTA-MARRERO, YAILEN; AUTIE-CASTRO, GISELLE; FARIAS, TANIA; DUQUE-RODRIGUEZ, JULIO; FONSECA-COSTA, MARIA JOSE; ELLENA, JAVIER; PRIMERANO-MASCARENHAS, YVONNE. Study of secondary porosity by SAXS and N2 adsorption in composite materials obtained from a Cuban natural clinoptilolite. SURFACE AND INTERFACE ANALYSIS, v. 52, n. 11, p. 7-pg., . (16/14165-0, 13/07793-6)
MATURI, FERNANDO E. E.; GADDAM, ANURAAG; BRITES, CARLOS D. S.; SOUZA, JOACILIA M. M.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; CARLOS, LUIÏS D.; MANZANI, DANILO. Extending the Palette of Luminescent Primary Thermometers: Yb3+/Pr3+ Co-Doped Fluoride Phosphate Glasses. CHEMISTRY OF MATERIALS, v. 35, n. 17, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 21/06370-0)
ARAI, MARYLYN SETSUKO; KIM, HYUNHO; PASCAVIS, MADELEINE; CHA, BAEKDONG; BRAMBILLA, GABRIEL; CHO, YOUNG KWAN; PARK, JINHO; VILELA, RAQUEL R. C.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; CASTRO, CESAR M.; et al. Upconverting Nanoparticle-based Enhanced Luminescence Lateral-Flow Assay for Urinary Biomarker Monitoring. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 16, n. 29, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6, 21/01170-3, 19/12588-9, 21/11531-3)
GOMES, YARA HELLEN FIRMO; LOGRADO, MILLENA; INOUE, TOMIKI; NAKANE, SHINGO; KATO, YOSHINARI; YAMAZAKI, HIROKI; YAMADA, AKIHIRO; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural Aspects of Ambient-Temperature Densification of Highly Crack-Resistant Borosilicate and Aluminoborosilicate Glasses: Two Case Studies Examined by Solid-State NMR. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, v. 128, n. 14, p. 13-pg., . (21/08871-7, 13/07793-6)
PENA, R. B.; DESCHAMPS, T.; LE FLOCH, S.; BERTHELOT, A.; ROMEO, E.; CUNHA, T. R.; PEITL, O.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; MARTINET, C.; PIZANI, P. S.. Cold- and hot-densification of a depolymerized glass: A multiscale vibrational investigation of PbSiO3. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 646, p. 7-pg., . (19/11446-6, 13/07793-6, 17/11868-2, 19/12383-8, 21/13974-0)
DE OLIVEIRA JR, MARCOS; DAMASCENO, HUGO; SALMON, PHILIP S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Analysis and information content of quadrupolar NMR in glasses: 25Mg NMR in vitreous MgSiO3 and CaMgSi2O6. JOURNAL OF MAGNETIC RESONANCE OPEN, v. 12-13, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
JACINTO, GISLAINE S.; DIAS, LEONARDO F. G.; TSUKAMOTO, JUNKO; LISBOA-FILHO, PAULO N.; SOUZA, MARINA T.; DE MORAES, ANA PAULA; ARNS, CLARICE W.. Insight into the role of copper-based materials against the coronaviruses MHV-3, a model for SARS-CoV-2, during the COVID-19 pandemic. BIOMETALS, v. 37, n. 4, p. 19-pg., . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, RAFAEL B.; ANDREETA, MARCELLO R. B.; DE SOUZA, DULCINA M. P. F.; RODRIGUES, JOAO E. F. S.; PIZANI, PAULO S.. Innovative Design for the Enhancement of Lithium Lanthanum Titanate Electrolytes. Crystal Growth & Design, v. 19, n. 9, p. 4897-4901, . (13/17071-8, 13/07793-6)
GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; FARES, HSSEN; SANTAGNELI, SILVIA HELENA; NALIN, MARCELO; ECKERT, HELLMUT. BiF3 Incorporation in Na/Ba Mixed Network Modifier Fluoride-Phosphate Glasses: Structural Studies by Solid-State NMR and Raman Spectroscopies. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 46, p. 25578-25587, . (18/24735-3, 13/07793-6, 18/03931-9, 15/22828-6)
LAMARCA, RAFAELA SILVA; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; NALIN, MARCELO; FEITOSA DE LIMA GOMES, PAULO CLAIRMONT; MESSADDEQ, YOUNES. Label-Free Ultrasensitive and Environment-Friendly Immunosensor Based on a Silica Optical Fiber for the Determination of Ciprofloxacin in Wastewater Samples. Analytical Chemistry, v. 92, n. 21, p. 14415-14422, . (13/07793-6, 16/16900-9, 18/19272-4, 18/22393-8)
ALCOBACA, EDESIO; MASTELINI, SAULO MARTIELLO; BOTARI, TIAGO; PIMENTEL, BRUNO ALMEIDA; CASSAR, DANIEL ROBERTO; DE LEON FERREIRA DE CARVALHO, ANDRE CARLOS PONCE; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. Explainable Machine Learning Algorithms For Predicting Glass Transition Temperatures. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 188, p. 92-100, . (17/12491-0, 13/07375-0, 18/07319-6, 17/06161-7, 17/20265-0, 13/07793-6, 18/14819-5)
MARINA CARMINATTI; FRANCINE BENETTI; RENATO LUIZ SIQUEIRA; EDGAR DUTRA ZANOTTO; ANDRÉ LUIZ FRAGA BRISO; ANTÔNIO HERNANDES CHAVES-NETO; LUCIANO TAVARES ANGELO CINTRA. Experimental gel containing bioactive glass-ceramic to minimize the pulp damage caused by dental bleaching in rats. Journal of Applied Oral Science, v. 28, . (15/22996-6, 13/07793-6)
ORTIZ-MOSQUERA, JAIRO F.; NIETO-MUNOZ, ADRIANA M.; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; ECKERT, HELLMUT; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.. Isothermal evolution of phase composition, structural parameters, and ionic conductivity in Na1+xAlxGe2-x(PO4)(3) glass-ceramics. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 533, . (13/07793-6)
IANHEZ-PEREIRA, CAMILA; ONOFRE, YINA JULIETH; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; RODRIGUES, ARIANO DE GIOVANNI; DE GODOY, MARCIO PERON FRANCO. The interplay between Mn valence and the optical response of ZnMnO thin films. APPLIED PHYSICS A-MATERIALS SCIENCE & PROCESSING, v. 126, n. 5, . (16/10973-4, 13/07793-6)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; VILLAS-BOAS, MARIANA CARLOS; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structural aspects of the glass-to-crystal transition in sodium-calcium silicate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 535, . (13/07793-6)
FARES, HSSEN; CASTRO, TARCIO; FRANCO, DOUGLAS FAZA; FUCIKOVA, ANNA; DA SILVA, ROBSON R.; VALENTA, JAN; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO. Tuning multicolor emission in AgNCs/Tm3+/Mn2+-doped fluorophosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 535, . (16/16343-2, 13/07793-6, 16/16900-9)
RODRIGUES, JOAO ELIAS F. S.; COSTA, RENILTON C.; PIZANI, PAULO S.; HERNANDES, ANTONIO C.; ALONSO, JOSE A.. Combining Raman spectroscopy and synchrotron X-ray diffraction to unveil the order types in A(3)CaNb(2)O(9) (A = Ba, Sr) complex perovskites. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. N/A, p. 9-pg., . (13/07793-6)
PICCIRILLO, ISABELA NETO; AMARAL, DANIEL CAPALDO; DE OLIVEIRA, MAICON GOUVEIA; FERREIRA, EDUARDO BELLINI. Digital roadmapping in the pandemic: lessons from collaboration in the glass industry. TECHNOLOGY ANALYSIS & STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT, v. N/A, p. 15-pg., . (13/07793-6)
KESHRI, SHWETA R.; MANDAL, INDRAJEET; GANISETTI, SUDHEER; KASIMUTHUMANIYAN, S.; KUMAR, RAJESH; GADDAM, ANURAAG; SHELKE, ANKITA; AJITHKUMAR, THALASSERIL G.; GOSVAMI, NITYA NAND; KRISHNAN, N. M. ANOOP; et al. Elucidating the influence of structure and Ag+ -Na+ ion-exchange on crack-resistance and ionic conductivity of Na3Al1.8Si1.65 P-1.8 O-12 glass electrolyte. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 227, p. 12-pg., . (13/07793-6, 21/06370-0)
LODI, THIAGO A.; DOS SANTOS, JESSICA F. M.; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; JACOBSOHN, LUIZ G.; CATUNDA, TOMAZ; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Promising Tb3+-doped gallium tungsten-phosphate glass scintillator: Spectroscopy, energy transfer and UV/X-ray sensing. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 904, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6, 18/03931-9)
RAMIREZ ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA; RODRIGUES, RAPHAEL LORENA; GUARIN CASTRO, EDGAR DAVID; DUTRA ZANOTTO, EDGAR. Assessing glass-ceramic homogeneity and nucleation self-correlation by crystallization statistics. Journal of the American Ceramic Society, v. 104, n. 9, p. 4459-4470, . (13/07793-6)
TIPEEV, AZAT O.; RINO, JOSE P.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Direct determination of Lennard-Jones crystal surface free energy by a computational cleavage method. Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 155, n. 9, . (13/07793-6, 17/08350-1)
GRUNER, MALTE C.; LEITE, ILAIALI S.; INADA, NATALIA M.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S.. Photosensitizing nanoclays for efficient cell uptake and in vitro photodynamic therapy. Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy, v. 35, . (13/07793-6, 13/07276-1, 15/24118-6, 09/54035-4)
ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; PEREZ-DEL-REY, DANIEL; DREESSEN, CHRIS; ANGELES HERNANDEZ-FENOLLOSA, MA; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; SESSOLO, MICHELE; BOIX, PABLO P.; BOLINK, HENK J.. Use of Hydrogen Molybdenum Bronze in Vacuum-Deposited Perovskite Solar Cells. ENERGY TECHNOLOGY, v. 8, n. 4, p. 4-pg., . (13/07793-6, 18/05152-7)
DAGUANO, JULIANA K. M. B.; DANTAS, LAIS; SOARES, VIVIANE O.; ALVES, MANUEL F. R. P.; DOS SANTOS, CLAUDINEI; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Optimizing the microstructure of a new machinable bioactive glass-ceramic. JOURNAL OF THE MECHANICAL BEHAVIOR OF BIOMEDICAL MATERIALS, v. 122, . (13/07793-6)
GAMMOND, LAWRENCE V. D.; AUER, HENRY; DA SILVA, RITA MENDES; ZEIDLER, ANITA; ORTIZ-MOSQUERA, JAIRO F.; NIETO-MUNOZ, ADRIANA M.; RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA M.; ALMEIDA SILVA, IGOR D'ANCIAES; ECKERT, HELLMUT; BENMORE, CHRIS J.; et al. Structure of crystalline and amorphous materials in the NASICON system Na1+xAlxGe2-x(PO4)(3). Journal of Chemical Physics, v. 155, n. 7, . (17/17800-0, 13/07793-6)
VILELA, RAQUEL R. C.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; DE OLIVEIRA, MARCOS; DE VICENTE, FABIO S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Structural and photophysical characterization of highly luminescent organosilicate xerogel doped with Ir(III) complex. Journal of Sol-Gel Science and Technology, . (13/07793-6)
SOARES, VIVIANE O.; SERBENA, FRANCISCO C.; MATHIAS, IVAN; CROVACE, MURILO C.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. New, tough and strong lithium metasilicate dental glass-ceramic. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 2, p. 2793-2801, . (13/07793-6)
PASSOS, TATHIANE FERRONI; SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; DE SOUZA, CLOVIS WESLEY OLIVEIRA. Bactericidal activity and biofilm inhibition of F18 bioactive glass against Staphylococcus aureus. Materials Science & Engineering C-Materials for Biological Applications, v. 118, . (13/07276-1, 13/07793-6)
CASTRO, JEYNE PRICYLLA; GALLO, LEONARDO SANT'ANA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; PEREIRA-FILHO, EDENIR RODRIGUES. Glass and glass-ceramic homogeneity evaluation using laser ablation inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (LA-ICP-MS). BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF ANALYTICAL CHEMISTRY, v. 4, n. 15, p. 8-18, . (16/17221-8, 13/07793-6, 14/22408-4, 13/00457-0)
ESPINDOLA, A.; GONCALVES, N. S.; NALIN, M.; RIBEIRO, S. J. L.; BARUD, H. S.; MOLINA, C.. Casting and inkjet printable photochromic films based on polymethylmethacrylate - Phosphotungstic acid. Optical Materials, v. 96, . (13/07793-6, 12/02708-8)
ACOSTA, MARIA HELENA RAMIREZ; RODRIGUES, LORENA RAPHAEL; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. The best diffusivity proxy for crystal nucleation in stoichiometric oxide glasses. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 48, n. 9, p. 10-pg., . (13/07793-6)
SANTANA, GEOVANA L.; CROVACE, MURILO C.; MAZON, ERNESTO E.; DE OLIVEIRA, ADILSON J. A.; PAVAN, THEO Z.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Smart Bone Graft Composite for Cancer Therapy Using Magnetic Hyperthermia. MATERIALS, v. 15, n. 9, p. 22-pg., . (13/07296-2, 13/07793-6)
FOKIN, VLADIMIR M.; ABYZOV, ALEXANDER S.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON M.; POMPERMAYER, ROGERIO Z.; MACENA, GUILHERME S.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.; FERREIRA, EDUARDO B.. Effect of non-stoichiometry on the crystal nucleation and growth in oxide glasses. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 180, p. 317-328, . (19/02396-5, 13/07793-6)
GOMES, EDUARDO O.; MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; CUNHA, THIAGO R.; GRACIA, LOURDES; PIZANI, PAULO S.; ANDRES, JUAN. Identifying and explaining vibrational modes of sanbornite (low-BaSi2O5) and Ba5Si8O21: A joint experimental and theoretical study. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 248, . (19/12383-8, 16/18567-5, 13/07793-6)
RICCO, PAMELA; RAMOS, NATHALIA DE CARVALHO; CAMPOS, TIAGO MOREIRA BASTOS; SOARES, VIVIANE OLIVEIRA; BOAS, MARIANA DE OLIVEIRA CARLOS VILLAS; MELO, RENATA MARQUES DE. The roles of microstructure and surface energy on subcritical crack growth in glass-ceramics. CERAMICS INTERNATIONAL, v. 47, n. 5, p. 6827-6833, . (13/07793-6)
BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; GADDAM, ANURAAG; ECKERT, HELLMUT; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Structural rearrangements during sub- T g relaxation and nucleation in lithium disilicate glass revealed by a solid-state NMR and MD strategy. ACTA MATERIALIA, v. 240, p. 13-pg., . (13/07793-6, 19/26399-3, 21/06370-0)
SOUZA, MARINA TREVELIN; PEITL, OSCAR; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA; BOCCACCINI, ALDO R.. Novel Double-Layered Conduit Containing Highly Bioactive Glass Fibers for Potential Nerve Guide Application. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 7, n. 2, p. 183-194, . (14/01726-8, 13/07793-6)
CARVALHO, IURE DA S.; BARBOSA, AMANDA I. DOS S.; SILVA, ARIOSVALDO J. S.; NASCIMENTO, PATRESIO A. M.; ANDRADE, ADRIANO B.; SAMPAIO, DAVID V.; JUNOT, DANILO O.; DA CUNHA, THIAGO R.; JESUS, LILIAN M.; SILVA, RONALDO S.; et al. Structural and photoluminescence properties of Eu3+-doped (Y2.99-xGdx)Al5O12 phosphors under vacuum ultraviolet and ultraviolet excitation. Materials Chemistry and Physics, v. 228, p. 9-14, . (16/15962-0, 13/07793-6)
GALLO, LEONARDO SANT'ANA; VILLAS BOAS, MARIANA O. C.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; MELO, FRANCISCO C. L.; ZANOTTO, EDGAR D.. Transparent glass-ceramics for ballistic protection: materials and challenges. JOURNAL OF MATERIALS RESEARCH AND TECHNOLOGY-JMR&T, v. 8, n. 3, p. 3357-3372, . (13/07793-6, 14/03004-0)
DE CASTRO, TARCIO; FARES, HSSEN; ABOU KHALIL, ALAIN; LABERDESQUE, ROMAIN; PETIT, YANNICK; STRUTINSKI, CLEMENT; DANTO, SYLVAIN; JUBERA, VERONIQUE; RIBEIRO, SIDNEY J. L.; NALIN, MARCELO; et al. Femtosecond laser micro-patterning of optical properties and functionalities in novel photosensitive silver-containing fluorophosphate glasses. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 517, p. 51-56, . (18/09296-3, 16/16343-2, 13/07793-6)
DOUSTI, M. R.; POIRIER, G. Y.; DE CAMARGO, A. S. S.. Tungsten sodium phosphate glasses doped with trivalent rare earth ions (Eu3+, Tb3+, Nd3+ and Er3+) for visible and near-infrared applications. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 530, . (13/24064-8, 13/07793-6)
GUIDINI, PRISCILA; GALLEANI, GUSTAVO; FARIA, WALTER; SILVA, IGOR D. A.; ECKERT, HELLMUT; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Structural and spectroscopic properties of phosphate-tungsten glasses doped with Nd3+ and Tb3+. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 529, . (18/03931-9, 13/07793-6)
NUERNBERG, R. B.; BELLO, T. S.; FOKIN, V. M.; ZANOTTO, E. D.; RODRIGUES, A. C. M.. Non-stoichiometric crystallization of Li2SiO3-CaSiO3 glasses: Residual glass composition from ionic conductivity. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 510, p. 158-165, . (13/07793-6)
PINTADO-PALOMINO, KAREN; VASCONCELOS BARROS DE ALMEIDA, CECILIA VILELA; GONCALVES DA MOTTA, RAPHAEL JURCA; PARISE FORTES, JOAO HENRIQUE; TIRAPELLI, CAMILA. Clinical, double blind, randomized controlled trial of experimental adhesive protocols in caries-affected dentin. CLINICAL ORAL INVESTIGATIONS, v. 23, n. 4, p. 1855-1864, . (13/07793-6, 10/12032-6)
NASCIMENTO, MARCIO LUIS FERREIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. On the first patents, key inventions and research manuscripts about glass science & technology. WORLD PATENT INFORMATION, v. 47, p. 54-66, . (13/07793-6)
DA COSTA, R. C.; RODRIGUES, J. E.; GUALDI, A. J.; CUNHA, T. R.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; MARQUES, P. W.; HERNANDES, A. C.; PIZANI, P. S.. Dielectric and Magnetic Properties of NixPb1-xTiO3 Solid Solution and Composite: Coexistence of Ferroelectric and Antiferromagnetic Order. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, v. 739, p. 600-606, . (13/07793-6, 09/54082-2)
DE TOLEDO, T. A.; DA COSTA, R. C.; BENTO, R. R. F.; PIZANI, P. S.. Hydrostatic pressure and temperature effect on the Raman spectra of the molecular crystal 2-amine-1,3,4-thiadiazole. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1156, p. 127-135, . (13/07793-6)
DE TOLEDO, T. A.; DA COSTA, R. C.; BENTO, R. R. F.; AL-MAQTARI, H. M.; JAMALIS, J.; PIZANI, P. S.. Studies on structural, optical, thermal and vibrational properties of thienyl chalcone derivative: 1-(4-Nitropheny1)-3-(2-thienyl)prop-2en-1-one. Journal of Molecular Structure, v. 1155, p. 634-645, . (13/07793-6)
RODRIGUEZ CHIALANZA, MAURICIO; KEUCHKERIAN, ROMINA; GONCALVES, TASSIA S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; FORNARO, LAURA. The effect of cation modifier on improving the luminescent properties of borate glasses doped with Yb3+ and Er3+. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 483, p. 79-85, . (13/07793-6)
MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; RODRIGUES, ALISSON MENDES; PIZANI, PAULO SERGIO; SAMPAIO, DAVID VIEIRA; ZANOTTO, EDGAR DUTRA. A Raman investigation of the structural evolution of supercooled liquid barium disilicate during crystallization. INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF APPLIED GLASS SCIENCE, v. 9, n. 4, p. 510-517, . (16/18567-5, 16/15962-0, 13/07793-6)
GRUNER, MALTE C.; ZANONI, KASSIO P. S.; BORGOGNONI, CAMILA F.; MELO, CRISTIANE C.; ZUCOLOTTO, VALTENCIR; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.. Reaching Biocompatibility with Nanoclays: Eliminating the Cytotoxicity of Ir(III) Complexes. ACS APPLIED MATERIALS & INTERFACES, v. 10, n. 32, p. 26830-26834, . (13/07793-6, 16/07706-4, 15/24118-6)
SAMPAIO, V, D.; PICININ, A.; MOULTON, BENJAMIN J. A.; RINO, J. P.; PIZANI, P. S.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. Raman scattering and molecular dynamics investigation of lead metasilicate glass and supercooled liquid structures. Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, v. 499, p. 300-308, . (16/18567-5, 16/15962-0, 13/07793-6)
CUNHA, T. R.; RODRIGUES, A. D.; RODRIGUES, J. E.; DA COSTA, R. C.; TOLEDO, T. A.; PIZANI, P. S.. Combining XRD and Raman spectroscopy techniques to probe the solid solution and composite forms of Pb1-xCoxTiO3 systems. Materials Research Bulletin, v. 107, p. 462-467, . (13/07793-6)
DE OLIVEIRA, JR., MARCOS; GONCALVES, TASSIA S.; FERRARI, CYNTHIA; MAGON, CLAUDIO JOSE; PIZANI, PAULO S.; DE CAMARGO, ANDREA S. S.; ECKERT, HELLMUT. Structure-Property Relations in Fluorophosphate Glasses: An Integrated Spectroscopic Strategy. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 121, n. 5, p. 2968-2986, . (13/23490-3, 13/07793-6, 15/04063-2)
NUERNBERG, RAFAEL BIANCHINI; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA. A new NASICON lithium ion-conducting glass-ceramic of the Li1+xCrx(GeyTi1 (-) (y))(2) (-) (x)(PO4)(3) system. Solid State Ionics, v. 301, p. 1-9, . (13/07793-6)
ECKERT, HELLMUT; MARTINS RODRIGUES, ANA CANDIDA. Ion-conducting glass-ceramics for energy-storage applications. MRS BULLETIN, v. 42, n. 3, p. 206-212, . (13/07793-6)
SOUZA, M. T.; RENNO, A. C. M.; PEITL, O.; ZANOTTO, E. D.. New highly bioactive crystallization-resistant glass for tissue engineering applications. TRANSLATIONAL MATERIALS RESEARCH, v. 4, n. 1, . (13/07793-6, 11/22937-9)
NUERNBERG, RAFAEL B.; RODRIGUES, ANA C. M.; RIBES, MICHEL; PRADEL, ANNIE. Electrochemical properties of NASICON-structured glass-ceramics of the Li1+xCrx(GeyTi1-y)(2-x)(PO4)(3) system. Electrochimica Acta, v. 283, p. 1835-1844, . (13/07793-6)
FERRER, MATEUS M.; RODRIGUES, JOAO ELIAS F. S.; ALMEIDA, MARCIO A. P.; MOURA, FRANCISCO; LONGO, ELSON; PIZANI, PAULO S.; SAMBRANO, JULIO R.. Theoretical methods for calculations of optical phonons in BiOBr: Analysis and correction of propagated errors. Journal of Raman Spectroscopy, v. 49, n. 8, p. 1356-1363, . (16/07476-9, 13/19289-0, 13/07793-6)
DE TOLEDO, T. A.; DA COSTA, R. C.; AL-MAQTARI, H. M.; JAMALIS, J.; PIZANI, P. S.. Temperature dependence of the Raman spectrum of 1-(4-chlorophenyl)-3-(2-thienyl)prop-2-en-1-one. SPECTROCHIMICA ACTA PART A-MOLECULAR AND BIOMOLECULAR SPECTROSCOPY, v. 180, p. 9-17, . (13/07793-6)
STONE-WEISS, NICHOLAS; BRADTMUELLER, HENRIK; FORTINO, MARIAGRAZIA; BERTANI, MARCO; YOUNGMAN, RANDALL E.; PEDONE, ALFONSO; ECKERT, HELLMUT; GOEL, ASHUTOSH. Combined Experimental and Computational Approach toward the Structural Design of Borosilicate-Based Bioactive Glasses. Journal of Physical Chemistry C, v. 124, n. 32, p. 17655-17674, . (13/07793-6)

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COMPÓSITOS BIOMIMÉTICOS COMPREENDENDO ALTO TEOR DE CARGA À BASE DE QUITOSANA E BIOCERÂMICA, PROCESSO PARA PREPARAÇÃO DOS DITOS COMPÓSITOS E SEU USO EM ENGENHARIA DE TECIDOS BR1020160022240 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR) ; Universidade Federal do ABC (UFABC) . Oscar Peitl Filho ; Edgar Dutra Zanotto ; Renato Luiz Siqueira ; Juliana Kelmy Macário Barboza Daguano ; Sônia Maria Malmonge ; Lucas Rodrigues Dos Santos - 01 de fevereiro de 2016

MATERIAIS CONDUTORES POR ÍON SÓDIO, ROTA DE PREPARAÇÃO E BATERIA DE ÍON SÓDIO BR1020160086833 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR) . Ana Candida Martins Rodrigues ; Adriana Marcela Nieto Munõz ; Jairo Felipe Ortiz Mosquera - 19 de abril de 2016


PROCESSO DE OBTENÇÃO DE ENXERTOS ÓSSEOS BIOATIVOS POR IMPRESSÃO 3D E PRODUTOS OBTIDOS BR1020180720465 - Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCAR) . Edgar Dutra Zanotto / Ana Candida Martins Rodrigues / OSCAR PEITL FILHO / MURILO CAMURI CROVACE / MARINA TREVELIN SOUZA / Carlos Alberto Fortulan - 25 de outubro de 2018


PROCESSO DE PREPARAÇÃO DE ENXERTOS ÓSSEOS E ENXERTOS ÓSSEOS OBTIDOS PCT/BR2021/050372 - Fundação Universidade Federal de São Carlos (UFSCar) ; Vetra Pesquisa e Desenvolvimento de Produtos Ceramicos de Alta Tecnologia LTDA. . CLAUDIA PATRICIA MARIN ABADIA (UFSCar) ; MURILO CAMURI CROVACE (UFSCar) ; EDGAR DUTRA ZANOTTO (UFSCar) ; MARINA TREVELIN SOUZA (UFSCar) e CLEVER RICARDO CHINAGLIA (UFSCar). - 31 de agosto de 2021